The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,336 Arrangements before leaving

Go to the planet Cybertron to perform an infiltration mission, and the time is set 27 years later.

At that time, the wizard civilization will use special secret channels to send Thane to the flank of the Gallente Federation.

Penetrating from the front is too dangerous and the success rate is extremely low.

Therefore, only by inserting from the side, there is a certain chance.

We are leaving in 27 years, which is quite a rush.

But considering that the war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation is imminent, it is normal for Thane to leave as soon as possible.

And Thane went to the Cybertron planet in the middle of the Gallente Federation to perform a mission, which did not mean that he was driving a space fortress or that there was a ready-made long-range inter-star teleportation array for him to use.

As the top civilization of the Gallente Federation, even if there is a gap in the size of the star field between the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization, it will not be too exaggerated.

Moving forward in the vast sea of ​​stars is not an easy task.

Taking into account factors such as the need to hide his whereabouts during the journey and avoid detection by the Gallente Federation, it is already very good that Thane can successfully reach the planet Cybertron within 200 to 300 years after carrying out his mission.

This is also the time limit given to Thain by Klopp and other senior leaders of the Wizarding World.

If this time is exceeded, the variables are too large.

By then, it remains to be seen whether Thain can successfully complete the mission, and the dangers he faces will also increase dramatically.

After receiving relevant mission information from Knight Klopp, Thain signed a confidentiality contract before leaving the Sky City.

Arriving at the City in the Sky this time, Thain didn't have much interest in browsing those large libraries.

After looking at the towering buildings in the distance, Thane turned and flew towards the Holy Tower of Ashes in the south.

This time he went to the Gallente Federation to perform an infiltration mission. Thain did not plan to bring many accompanying people.

At this stage of Thain, there are fewer and fewer people who can help him.

The little fox girl Ai Jieli is very good at taking care of Thain's life, but her personal fighting ability is very average.

Although there is already a third-level magic pet, the strength of the third-level creatures is not worth mentioning to Thain.

Constructor Yuri should be the only entourage that Thain will bring. Yuri's current strength can already play a certain role in helping Thain.

Moreover, the construction mysteries derived from the Nether civilization, after being combined with the mechanics of the wizard civilization, are somewhat similar to the technological mysteries developed by the Gallente Federation.

Going to the Gallente Federation this time, Yuli might also be able to exert unexpected effects. At the same time, this will also be a test for Yuli herself.

Due to the confidentiality treaty, Thain did not tell others that he was about to leave the wizarding world and go on a mission outside the territory.

But through the many instructions that Thain issued in the Holy Tower in recent times, as well as some of the words he told himself in his spare time, Dean Meili was the first to discover the clues.

However, Dean Meili did not make the matter clear. She has such a character, always waiting for Thain to take the initiative.

If Thain didn't say anything, she wouldn't ask more questions and would just do her own thing.

Thain's wife, Natalya, still looked carefree and didn't seem to notice anything unusual.

On the other hand, Lenna, who had just established a relationship with Sean, seemed to feel something rough and subtle.

This time he left the wizarding world to perform a mission, and it would take hundreds of years. In addition to arranging the affairs of the Holy Tower, Thain still had many other things to do.

For Lenna, Thane completely melted the Hercules artifact obtained from Faerûn, the Ax of Power, and reshaped it into Lenna's hammer-type weapon.

A precious Hercules godhead was embedded in the center of this heavy hammer by Thane. With Lenna's physique and strength, she could barely exert the power of this artifact.

Of course, Thain was not stingy with Natalya. He still had a lot of body parts of the Fire Cricket God of Faerûn, including the high-level magic materials he had just obtained in the world of worms.

Using obsidian metal, which is a specialty of the purgatory space, and supplemented by many high-quality god-level materials, Thain rebuilt two two-handed heavy swords for Natalya.

These two black heavy swords can be combined into one during battle, which is very consistent with Natalya's usual fighting style.

Natalya actually had objections to this.

"Why does Lenna's weapon have a godhead embedded in it, but mine has nothing on it?"

"Is there a new person and the old one has been forgotten?" Natalya asked, poking at Thane's magic robe.

Thain almost laughed angrily at this silly woman.

"If you had Lenna's powerful physique and power control ability, I would also build you a weapon inlaid with godhead."

"If you don't have that power, just go and train me!"

"Don't disturb my experiment here!" Thain slapped Natalya's elastic buttocks and pointed to the gravity training room.

Thain's slap was quite strong. Natalya rubbed her butt and left Thain's laboratory in three steps.

Not only Natalya and Lenna, but also the people around Thain, including Xia Ya, Selena, Erin, Mellie and members of the Grant family. Thain has recently dedicated time to create magic props for them. Or refining some medium and low-end potions.

The Grant family has been developing faster and faster in recent years. Although it is not as good as his Holy Tower of Ashes, but based on the background of a knight family, the growth rate of the Grant family with the backing of Thain has exceeded that of other knight families. ten times!

When Thain first returned to the wizarding world in his early years, he modified and improved the family's fighting qi skills for the Grant family.

This time, he did not make a fuss about the exercises, but spent a certain amount of energy to develop a more scientific and effective exercise plan for the knights of the Grant family.

And in a private name, he funded a batch of fire-attribute resources from the world of worms to the knights of the Grant family.

Thain does not expect that the Grant family will emerge with a fourth-level knight or above in the future. As a knight family with a certain blood bond with himself, Thain can do this very well.

"Unexpectedly, I also have a gift." Natalya's grandniece Hong Phosphorus, who has been staying in the Land of Ashes, looked back and forth at her gift in surprise - a full-body armor made of the scales of the God of Fire Cricket, all red. color.

How many times have we been a romantic couple?

Ignoring the other party's hidden wink at him, Thane nodded to Xia Ya and flew in the direction of the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

"Teacher, have you finished the golden apple potion you made?" Thain asked before setting off from the Wizarding World to the Holy Tower of the Origin of Jade.

"It's basically finished, but it's best to let me test it for a while longer. What's wrong?" Lu Lianman asked curiously.

"Can you give me one first? I may need it next." Thain said.

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