The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,333 Lina Retreats

Thain did not contact Lina this time.

Since being promoted to level four, the contact between Thane and Lina has actually become much easier.

Especially the Spider Queen, who was in the Black Realm, promised to help Thane take care of Lina a little.

From this point of view, Thane believes that the Spider Queen is at least more reliable than Lina's mentor, the Cangskeleton Tower Master.

Unable to contact Lina, Thain frowned slightly.

However, he was not too worried about Lina's safety, because Lina did not leave any danger warning for him.

The reason why she couldn't be contacted was probably because Lina was in an important experiment or in retreat at this time.

Lina's talent is the highest among the women Thain has come into contact with.

When she was in the Knight Continent trial area, her talents and abilities were not much inferior to those of Green and Angele at that time.

Now that Green and Angele have been promoted to the fourth level, and have also won the honor of participating in the Wizards Alliance Conference, Lina, as a Thane woman, should not be too far behind.

It's just that the situation of black magicians in the Black Realm is much more difficult than that of normal magicians in the wizarding world.

For example, the peak level demigod black magician in the Black Realm cannot be broken through just because you want to.

Thane had never thought of this before, but with his close contact with Rose, the Spider Queen of the Black Territory, and the fact that the Land of Ashes has been dealing with the strong men of the Black Territory all year round, Thain discovered a consensus that can be called a consensus. The implicit constraint - that is, the number of strong people above level four in the black domain has always been stable at a threshold.

Too many black magicians or black knights above level four will definitely cause trouble within a certain area of ​​the wizarding world.

It is difficult for the high-level wizard civilization to control the low-level black magicians and black knights that continue to emerge every year, but the high-level wizard civilization can directly control all black domain creatures above level four.

These black domain experts will then designate a set of rules within the black domain from top to bottom.

This has allowed the wizarding world to remain in a peaceful and stable state, without causing any serious losses to itself due to the unrest caused by black magicians or black knights.

Then, Thane bypassed Lina and took the initiative to contact the Spider Queen to ask what happened.

At the Spider Queen, Thane indeed got the answer he wanted.

"Your little girlfriend has good qualifications. Not long after she was promoted to Demigod, she actually started trying to reach the fourth level."

"I lent her a black volcano under my jurisdiction."

"If she can really advance to level four, she will be of great use to me." Spider Queen Rose said.

The black volcano that can be lent out by Rose to break through the secret realm must also be a plane node with a strong atmosphere of rules.

When Thane expressed his gratitude to Rose, Rose said, "She was also lucky enough to break through Level 4 before the Civilization War."

"If we push it forward another ten or twenty thousand years, even if it is me, it will be very difficult to get her a breakthrough spot." Rose added.

Thain couldn't help but continue to ask, "Does Lina have a chance to build a black tower in the black realm?"

Promoting to level four and building a black tower are two different concepts.

Some level four black magicians, Xianyun Yehe, don't want to waste their time and energy building a black tower, while others want to build a black tower but can't.

The Black Tower is equivalent to the Holy Tower in the normal areas of the Wizarding World.

Although working under Spider Queen Rose would not be too bad, if Lina wants to develop better in the future, it is best to build a holy tower of her own.

"It's hard to say. Last time, didn't you bring a fourth-level black magician to Atlanta Prison?"

"As soon as that guy was taken away, his black tower was taken over by an old guy from another area."

"Building a black tower in the black domain is a troublesome thing."

"However, if you perform well, I might consider helping you," Rose said.

In the Black Territory, it is more reliable to ask Rose for help than to find some fifth or sixth level black magicians and black knights.

Regarding the "performance" mentioned by Rose, Thain couldn't help but vaguely remind the other party, "In recent years, the transaction volume in the Land of Ashes has become larger and larger. I am worried that it will attract the attention of the Wizards Alliance."

"Hmph, do you think those things ended up in my hands?"

"I can't eat that much by myself, especially when it comes to the craftsmanship of space fortresses and some war instruments."

"Don't worry, in the end, no matter what, it won't involve you."

"There will be other old guys and higher-level beings who will help you block it." Rose said to Thane.

The old guy in Rose's mouth was at least a sixth-level black magician on the same level as her.

As for the higher-level existence, Thain has no interest in understanding it at all!

Knowing too much is not a good thing.

Rose's words made Thain relax a little. It was obviously best not to involve him.

Later, Thane asked Rose to pass on some rare materials he obtained in the world of worms to Lina.

Natalya and other women have benefited greatly from this plane war, and it is naturally impossible for Thane to forget Lina.

Rose was amazed by the many special materials from the world of worms.

Of course, it was impossible for her to take a fancy to this thing. Rose just sighed at Thain's rapid growth.

"Last time at the alliance meeting, you proposed a chance for the black magicians to reform, but you showed your face in the black domain."

"Perhaps without my help this time, your little girlfriend can also get a quota for Level 4 Impact." Rose suddenly said.

"Really? I thought I would attract many black magicians. After all, if this proposal is really implemented, many low-level black magicians will be lost." Thain said casually.

"Haha, how can those black magicians of level four or above care about the life, death or loss of black magicians at the bottom?"

"And how can the black magician and the black knight be completely eliminated?"

"As long as darkness and evil still exist in this world, there will never be a need to worry about new forces."

"But you are right. It is true that most black magicians above level 4 have a certain favorable impression of you, because your proposal may increase their voice in the Wizards Alliance."

"But there are also some black magicians who hate you. It may be because you were too prominent at the alliance meeting, which aroused the resentment of some black magicians. It may also be that some black magicians simply hate you for dictating affairs in the black domain."

"In short, the black magicians are not easy to deal with, and you don't have to expect that they will thank you for speaking out for the black magicians." Rose said.

"I didn't expect anything, and I don't have much to do with most of the black magicians in the Black Realm." Thain sighed and said.

"I just spoke out during the alliance meeting for one person or a few people." Thain said with emotion.

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