The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,327 The War of the Flame Insect World (8)

The second level four creature in the world of Yan Chong fell in the seventh year of the war. The one who fell was Demon Slayer Yan Emperor.

This fourth-level creature, which came from the same insect genus as Emperor Xutunyan, could not withstand the siege of Green and the King of Chimera.

In fact, this guy could have died a long time ago, but Green, like Thane, is trying to improve in the fight.

In the end, he refused the help of Knight Mg and others, and only fought side by side with the King of Chimera.

It was also in the second year after the fall of Emperor Demon Slayer Yan that the biggest mistake of this plane war occurred.

There was actually a Level 4 Emperor Yan who escaped!

The escaped Emperor Yan was Emperor Gu Phosphorus.

Because this guy was not in the Flame Insect World before, he entered the battle late and suffered relatively little damage in the early stage. 🄼🄼

What really allowed the Bone Phosphorus Yan Emperor to escape was the method it mastered to use its soul energy to directly tear open space cracks and perform short-to-medium distance cross-space jumps.

Relying on soul means to tear apart space, this ability is also what the Ghost Crow clan is good at.

It's a pity that this time, among the ghost crow clan, there is only one ghost crow king for creatures above level 4.

Why not bring other fourth- and fifth-level ghost crows to join the battlefield?

It's because if they come, Thain and others will also have to pay...

The existence of the Wizards Alliance rules requires Thane and others to protect the basic rights and interests of the gods who are members of the alliance.

"It seems that this Skull Phosphorus Emperor has already arranged a space beacon in another dimension in advance, otherwise it would not have escaped so fast."

"According to the intelligence we collected, the corresponding point of the space landmark set by the other party should be in another low-level world called the Snowfield Plane." Thain, who came after hearing the news, sighed.

Nowadays, the conquest of the Yanchong World by the Wizard Civilization Legion is limited to the occupation of the Yanchong's own plane. Although other affiliated planes of the Yanchong World have also sent legions to infiltrate, the intensity is always not great.

With Bone Phosphate Emperor's method, after escaping to the snowy world, it can completely escape by performing a second space jump.

Thain and others must be running out of time now. In the vast star world, there is little hope of catching such a fourth-level creature.

This is also the reason why Thain and others have always tended to fight steadily in the process of conquering the world of Yanchong, gathering superior forces to encircle and suppress the enemy's effective forces.

Taking a deep breath, Angele waved his right arm forward with some annoyance, and the scene of a large area of ​​ground shaking and rocks collapsing appeared before his eyes.

By observing Angelet's right arm, it can be seen that his arm now has obvious gray traces of injury. This is the mark left by Emperor Bone Phosphate Yan to Angelet.

In fact, Angele also left a mark on Emperor Gu Lingyan, and the trauma he caused to Emperor Gu Lingyan was even more serious.

But this guy just ran away from him, which made Angelet feel a tight feeling in his chest that he couldn't vent.

After venting, Angelet's bad mood finally eased.

Gradually regaining his sanity like a poisonous snake, he raised his head and asked Thane, "Where is Emperor Xutunyan? How is that guy doing now? How long will it take for you to end the battle?"

"It should be soon. That guy is now retreating to the Boiling Sea. I think it can last for another two years at most." Thain replied.


No matter how smart a magician is, he will make a mistake one day.

After Angele made the mistake of letting Emperor Gu Phosphorus Yan go, Thain also miscalculated how long Emperor Xu Tun Yan would last.

Emperor Xu Tunyan not only persisted for another two years, to be precise, under the crushing force of the absolute strength of the wizard civilization, Emperor Xu Tunyan endured for a total of fourteen years before he fell sadly.

It took a full five years longer than Sain's originally expected time, which was really a tough nut to crack.

Of course, the fact that Xu Tun Yan Emperor can sustain for such a long time is also related to the fact that Thain and others intend to protect the current rules and environment of the Yan Insect World and not cause too much damage to the ecological environment of this world.

If the will of Yan Chong World had entered a weak state earlier, Emperor Xu Tun Yan, who had lost the blessing of the power of the plane, would not have been able to last for such a long time.

When Emperor Xutunyan fell, Thain was not far from the scene.

Black fire rain filled the sky, scattering from directly above the boiling sea of ​​the Flame Insect World.

These black rains of fire contain some of the power of Emperor Xutunyan's laws. Some lucky low-level knights and magicians on the edge of the battlefield have also collected a little of this special flame. It is not known whether they can use it on themselves. .

Thain, Green, and Vlady are all fire elemental masters, and Angelet has also achieved certain achievements in the field of fire magic elements. The benefits of war in this low-level plane are the most beneficial to them.

It was a gluttonous feast, and several people were even eager to distribute the spoils.


After several major Yan Emperors in the Yan Chong World died or fled, the last Qinglian Yan Emperor was finally captured alive under the joint pressure of Thain and others.

With a power gap of more than ten times, Emperor Qinglian Yan, who was only at the initial level of fourth level, was unable to produce any decent resistance at all.

The suggestion to capture Emperor Qinglianyan alive was made by Thain.

Because he felt that the value of this fourth-level plant with special attributes while alive was far greater than its value after death.

Otherwise, this fourth-level Yan Emperor, with the lowest strength, should be the first to fall.

The battle for creatures above level four has come to an end, but it does not mean that the war in the world of Yanchong will end.

The major Yan countries in this world still need to be completely conquered, and all the thorns must be removed. Those low-level and micro-planes that belong to the Yan insect world also need to be sent out to receive combat legions one after another.

And in order to make the world of Yanworm a high-quality slave creature production plane for Thain and others in the future, Thain and the others also need to support agents in this low-level plane.

One or several new Yan Kingdoms will be established with the help of Thane and others.

The low-level creatures in the world of worms will gradually forget the painful and desperate memories that the war has brought to them.

Because the life span and memory of lower-level creatures are always short.

Perhaps one day in the future, when the bottom creatures of the Yanchong World fight to the front lines of the alien battlefield for Thane and other powerful wizards in the Wizarding World, they will not realize that these magicians of the Wizarding World were once their invaders.

Ignorance is also a kind of happiness.


"How do you plan to distribute the profits from war in this world?" After handing over the command of the underlying battlefields to the command rooms of the major battlefields, Green and others gathered together to discuss.

War is just a process, not a result.

The ultimate goal of Thain and others is to carve up the massive benefits contained in the world of the Flame Insect and its affiliated planes.

Several powerful people in the wizarding world are a little shy, or rather humble.

Thain glanced at everyone in the conference room and stood up first and said, "The tens of millions of magic coins paid to the King of Ghost Crows, Wolf of the Ancient Moon and King of Chimera have been deducted from the total proceeds of the war in advance. "

"My request is that I must be given a copy of the fire of the original laws of the four Yan Emperors."

"I don't need their cores, but in return, I hope that Emperor Qinglian Yan who was captured alive can be handed over to me."

"Also, I want 30% of the export of slave creatures in this world." Thain said.

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