The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,326 The War of the Flame Insect World (7)

A huge pit appeared in the center of an ancient plain.

The strong energy flow even distorts the plain terrain here into a basin.

In the center of the deep pit basin with a diameter of nearly 10,000 meters, a slowly burning purple flame is particularly eye-catching.

As the first alien god to be killed by the Wizard Civilization Expeditionary Corps, he turned out to be Emperor Zi Can Yan, whose strength was second only to Emperor Xutun Yan among several Yan Emperors in the Yan Chong World. 🄲

There are three powerful wizards and civilizations participating in this siege, namely the fourth-level magician Freddy, the fourth-level knight Muge, and the fifth-level alliance creature Ancient Moon Wolf.

The fifth-level alliance creature, the Ancient Moon Wolf, has brown-gray fur and maintains a body size of about 500 meters in its normal form. It is a powerful fifth-level creature with a waning moon vaguely engraved on its forehead.

The Ancient Moon Wolf has not been a member of the Wizards Alliance for a long time, and has only participated in two Wizards Alliance conferences.

Although he obviously has a higher level of life, it can be seen that the Ancient Moon Wolf is very respectful to Freddy and Muge, who are at the fourth level.

The plane where the Ancient Moon Wolf is located is one of the rare low-level planes that proactively requests to join the Wizards Alliance.

Because after joining the Wizards Alliance, he has always had a good attitude and is interested in making friends with level 4 and above powerful people in the wizarding world, so the Ancient Moon Wolf has good popularity in the wizarding civilization.

Invited by the fifth-level knight Markas this time, the Ancient Moon Wolf hardly hesitated for a moment before leading hundreds of thousands of giant wolf legions to participate in the war of conquest of this low-level plane.

As a fifth-level creature whose main promotion system is passive evolution, the power of the Ancient Moon Wolf's original laws actually involves very strange mysticism.

In the process of surrounding and killing Emperor Zi Canyan, the Ancient Moon Wolf relied on its own special ability to first locate and imprison Emperor Zi Canyan for a moment, and then created the opportunity to kill this late-level fourth-level creature. .

Although the final killers were the three powerful men Vladi, Muge and Ancient Moon Wolf, the value of Emperor Zi Canyan should not be monopolized by these three.

Prior to this, Green, Angelet and others were also in the line, and had injured many Zi Canyan Emperors.

Regarding the settlement of all income, it is necessary to wait for the end of this plane war before making a unified distribution.

However, as the final killer, Vladdy and others can still get some benefits in advance, and Thain and others will not say anything more.

Vladi took away an eyeball and a sharp claw from Emperor Zi Canyan. The secrets of the rules of fire contained in the other's eyes made Vladi, who was also a fire elemental master, very interested.

Muge received half a ton of Emperor Zi Canyan's divine blood. Perhaps due to the influence of the law, Emperor Zi Canyan's blood was also purple, and when it flowed to the ground, there was a faint shadow of flame emerging.

The Ancient Moon Wolf originally didn't want anything, so the 3 million magic coins were its reward.

But at the invitation of Knight Mung and the acquiescence of Magician Vladi, the Ancient Moon Wolf devoured half of Emperor Zi Canyan's hind legs that had been blown to pieces.

The flesh and blood of this fourth-level creature is definitely a great tonic. In the process of killing Emperor Zi Canyan just now, the Ancient Moon Wolf was also the absolute main force. It received this extra reward, which can be regarded as agreeing with the wizard civilization. Advocate the principle of equivalent transactions.

The purple Flame Law shadow of Emperor Zi Canyan, who was completely dead, gradually dissipated, and was replaced by a hideous and ugly insect corpse.

After collecting its somewhat mutilated body, the fourth-level magician Vladi said tiredly, "It's really a tough prey. Let's go help others."

Because one's own level four creatures have fallen, the nearby Flame Insect World Legion, which is already under great pressure, will inevitably face a situation where their faith collapses.

The situation on the nearby battlefield will undoubtedly continue to tilt towards the Wizard Civilized Legion.

But if it can be controlled, the wizard world army will try to reduce the killing in the area near the worm world.

Because those bottom-level creatures of the Insect World with excellent combat capabilities are likely to be their best cannon fodder in the future.


When Emperor Zi Canyan fell, battles were also taking place in other areas of this low-level plane.

In fact, this war has come to an end since Thain and others successfully broke into the world of worms.

The only chance for native creatures such as Emperor Xutunyan to turn around was to destroy the passage before the space vortex was completely formed, but unfortunately they missed it.

At this time, there were also three strong men participating in the siege of Emperor Xutunyan, namely the King of Ghost Crows, Knight Markas and Thain.

Thain joined this battle in order to accumulate more practical combat experience with fifth-level creatures, and to be more proficient in using the power of his own laws in the battle, in the hope of improving his understanding of the Law of Fire.

Facts have proved that seeking breakthroughs in battle is more suitable for knights to do so. Thain also gained some, but not much.

However, the several special flame sources collected in the world of worms gave Thain a strong desire to explore. If the power of these flames is integrated into the Ash Law he masters, it is possible that Thain's original power will be improved. .

At this time, in the sky above a huge sea of ​​lava, the King of Ghost Crows unfolded his true body of nearly a kilometer of law.

This time I accepted Thain's invitation to come to the Yanchong World to help, but the mere five million cost was really not noticed by the King of Ghost Crows.

In fact, the King of Ghost Crows is not short of money. The tens of millions of magic coins it received from the Wizards Alliance have not been spent yet.

This meeting was mainly because I suffered too much shock during the Wizards Alliance Conference.

The King of Ghost Crows is currently most familiar with Thain in the wizarding world. Faced with Thain's request for help, the King of Ghost Crows accepted this red mission without even a moment's hesitation.

Moreover, the Ghost Crow clan itself is a race that tends to plunder and kill. They eat the souls of other creatures as their main food.

This time, the millions of ghost crow legions brought by the King of Ghost Crows were all eaten up in the world of worms.

Just the souls they digested were enough for the Ghost Crow Legion to make back their money.

The scorching fire storm spread in all directions with Thain as the center.

Countless creatures at the bottom of the Burning Insect World were swept away and suffered unreasonable disasters.

The law of wind is not the power of law that Thain is good at, but with the help of the White Sand Fan magic tool, Thain has gained a deeper understanding of magic in this field in recent years.

This can be regarded as another gain that Thain gained in the Ghost Crow World Battlefield.

The powerful fire storm finally condensed into wings and appeared behind Thane.

With the blessing of these special wings filled with scorching flame energy, Thane's flying speed also experienced a rapid increase.

Rather than saying that this is a battle, it is better to say that Thain and others are taking reasonable precautions to prevent Emperor Xutunyan from escaping or dying.

The chance of survival became increasingly slim for Emperor Xu Tunyan.

After sensing the death of Emperor Zi Canyan, Emperor Xu Tunyan, whose compound eye was stabbed by the Knight of Markas, fell into deep despair.

"Due to some matters, the remaining two chapters today will be updated before evening~"

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