The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,328 Division of War Proceeds

How much you pay in the war will be how much you gain in the end.

Thane's contribution to the World War of Flame Insects was even greater than that of the Knight of Markarth, who had level five strength.

Because the Ash Fortress belongs to him, and the Ghost Crow King was invited by Thane, including Thain's performance in every battle, which is not inferior to anyone else.

The Ashes Holy Tower Legion under Thain's command has enough demigod-level creatures to contribute, and Yuri, a "pseudo-level 4" strongman who drives a silver-armored golem, performs well among the low-level legions. Quite eye-catching.

All in all, Thain's request was not excessive.

He hasn't even talked about the distribution of various resources and minerals contained in the Yanchong World.

In this war, it is only a conservative estimate that the average personal magic coin income of the four magicians and two knights will not be less than 10 million.

Everyone has different demands, and everyone’s requests are in different directions, so we need to raise them and discuss them with each other.

Thain did not mention the allocation of magic coins and other resources, and mainly wanted to leave more "leeway".

This war is definitely not the last cooperation between Thane, Green, Angelet and others.

After the first time, there will be a second time, and even more!

Including the fifth-level knight Marcus, Thain also made special contact with him and established a good relationship with him in private.

Because of their experience of fighting side by side, Knight Marcus also had a great liking for Thane, a young fourth-level magician.

Of course, being able to speak during the Wizards Alliance Conference, befriending the Level 6 Ghost Crow King, and owning an Ember Fortress vehicle with outstanding performance, Thane's strength is worthy of Knight Markarth's efforts to befriend him.

Marcus Knight feels that he is not old yet and he still has the energy to work for a few more years.

The civilized war that is about to break out this time is the best stage for Markas to perform.

He thought that he was not sure, and he still had a chance to climb to the level of a sixth-level knight.

In the end, it didn’t take a few people too long to discuss the distribution of proceeds from the Yan Chong World War.

Thain and other young magicians don't care much about the benefits brought by this plane war. These young guys are looking at the long term.

The experienced Markarth Knight also made careful distribution of every war profit.

The seriousness and rigor with which he did this was even worse than that of a magician.

This shows that knights are not all rough and tumble, there are still some mature and steady knights like the Knights of Marcus.

The fourth-level Qinglian Yan Emperor became Thain's biggest gain in this plane war.

The lotus heart that this guy had dug out was something that Thain didn't originally want.

But in the end, due to the insistence of Marcus Knight and others, it was returned to Thain's hands.

In addition, Thain also obtained approximately one eyeball of Emperor Xutunyan, a section of tail belly of Emperor Zicanyan, an elytra of Emperor Demon Slayer Yan, and other high-grade materials.

It is worth mentioning that the relatively valuable fifth-level Void Tun Yan Emperor's core was eventually placed in the hands of the Markarth Knights.

The original law attribute that the old knight mastered was not fire, but he stated that he needed this level five core.

Green and others did not embarrass the Marcus Knight, and after other exchanges of interests, they agreed to the Marcus Knight's request.

Not only these high-quality trophies, but also other subsequent war gains about the Yanchong World and its affiliated planes will also be liquidated one by one.

However, those data are more complicated and troublesome, and they cannot be completely calculated for a while.

Moreover, many of the resources abundant in the Flame Insect World are not needed by Thane and others. Next, they need to package the resources plundered from this world and sell them to the Wizards Alliance, and then divide their position from the Wizards Alliance. The total magic coin income obtained from the war.

In short, the subsequent disposal and development of these worlds are quite cumbersome.

It can also be seen from here that the role of the Wizards Alliance is not only to harvest the alliance plane and enhance its own strength.

It also allows the wizard civilization's overall resource utilization and power aggregation capabilities to be developed to the extreme.

As Thane advanced to level four, his understanding of the Wizards' Union became more profound.

When the War of the Flame Insect World was basically coming to an end, Thain did not continue to spend too much attention on the battlefield, and he was not interested in going to the Snow World and other affiliated planes of the Insect World to see it.

Someone will look over and check his trophies for Thain. He has other things he is more interested in doing now.

——For example, study the five different attribute law flames found in the world of Yanchong, and find ways to integrate them into your own Ashes Law.

Including the living Qinglian Yan Emperor, Thain also wanted to dissect it for study.

Thain has always been active in exploring the mysteries of truth.

However, when Thain returned to the Ashes Fortress that day, he had just entered the exclusive room in the center of the fortress and was caught off guard when he looked at the two girls Natalya and Lenna in front of him.

More than ten years of war experience in the Yanchong World have made Lenna's figure look much better again.

However, in these years, Thain did not pay too much attention to Lenna's body training plan, which shows that Lenna lost weight through exercise on her own.

This is really a strange thing.

Thain believed in how hard Lenna worked during training, but he did not expect that Lenna could resist the desire to eat.

Today, Lenna was only wearing a thin white underwear that was empty.

This fat woman must have never worn such sexy and revealing clothes, so she looked very coy.

It is inappropriate to call Lenna a "fat woman" at this time, because her figure has returned to its most perfect state, and her skin is as white as milk, making her overall appearance even more fair and attractive.

Natalya has been with Thain for so many years, and she is really more skilled than other women in grasping some of Thain's dark psychology.

Lenna's outfit was definitely lent to her by Natalya.

Thain usually has physical intimacy with Selena and Erin, but in most cases they are more traditional. Only when he is with Natalya, who has an outstanding physique, will he have more fun.

Sometimes in plain and boring life, we do need some exciting color mixing activities.

Unlike Lenna who wore all white, today Natalya mainly wore "black".

The clothes she was wearing at this time were almost the same style as Lenna's, except that the color was black.

Both women have proud figures and curves. When they stood side by side on Thain's experimental table and posed at Thain, Thain couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, including the lower body of his magic robe. By quite a bit.

"Is this really okay?" Lenna, who was following her best friend and doing some weird seductive moves, had a blush on her cheeks.

When she was fighting with a sledgehammer on the battlefield, her heartbeat and blood pressure were not as high as they are now.

"Why is it bad? Look at him, he can hardly hold himself back." Nataya blew gently into Lenna's ear.

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