The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,325 The War of the Flame Insect World (6)

When choosing a suitable fourth-level foreign aid, the first thing that came to mind was Dragon Turtle Tourmaline, followed by his mentor Lu Lianman and others.

But unfortunately, when calling Tourmaline, Thain failed to contact his good friend.

After the Wizards Alliance conference that year, Dragon Turtle Tourmaline left the conference site with her sister Bai Xing and others.

And since the end of the Wizards Alliance Conference, Bixi has never returned to the Holy Tower of Ashes. I don’t know what she has been busy with in recent years.

As for contacting Lu Lianman and others... After meeting with Markas and several other level four and above powerhouses, Thain reluctantly gave up this idea.

Like Thane, Marcus, Freddy and others also attach great importance to the benefits of the war in the Insect World.

With such an extremely rich low-level plane, and the benefits of multiple vassal planes waiting to be harvested, attracting other knights and magicians above level 4 in the wizarding world to join this war will undoubtedly take away too many benefits. 🄼

Marcus, Freddy and others all hope to recruit level four or above creatures who are members of the Wizards' Alliance to participate in assisting in this war.

Because the members of the Wizarding Alliance generally have a low status in front of the powerful people in the wizarding world, and the generally barren status of the Alliance plane also makes it easy for these alien gods to be "dismissed".

The fifth-level knight Marcus is indeed an old knight, and his connections in the Wizards Alliance are not bad.

Freddy, Mung and others may not be able to find a suitable alien god to help for a while, but Knight Markarth just sent the news back, and three alien gods quickly responded - two level four, one Level five.

And these alien gods have stated that they will bring no less than 500,000 combat legions to help.

These alien creatures that come to Yanchong World to participate in the exhibition will not directly share the profits from the war in Yanchong World.

The two parties had already made it clear before the formal cooperation.

The three alien gods and two fourth-level creatures invited by the Markarth Knights all received a one-time price of 1.5 million magic coins after the war.

Another level five creature gets a little more, three million.

This price is considered the "going price" in the Wizards League.

Thanks to the huge profits from the war in the Yanchong World, this low-level plane has enough creatures above level 4. If it were a low-level plane with only one or two level 4 creatures, Thain and others would not be willing to spend the money. Ask other alliance creatures for help.

The help of the three alliance alien gods will undoubtedly greatly speed up the pace of the war between Thane and others.

But if we want to end the war within thirty years, it is better to be more prudent.

In response to this, Thane took out a jet black feather while he was pondering.

"Quack, Master Thain, what do you want from me?" The black feather burned slowly. During the burning process, a black curtain appeared, and the voice of the King of Ghost Crows came from it.

"I have a business to discuss with you," Thain said.

When the war in the Yan Chong World entered its fifth year, almost all creatures in the Yan Chong World felt great pressure.

The originally crimson sky was completely shrouded in black smoke from unknown days.

The sweet and delicious smell of sulfur in the air also disappeared, replaced by other inexplicable and unknown foreign substances.

——The emergence of too many alien creatures in a short period of time will indeed have a great impact on the rules and environment of this plane.

Every creature in the Yanchong world that understands the inside story of this war and the strength of the enemy is full of pessimism about the future.

On this day, a severely wounded demigod-level fire insect roared past in the sky.

However, before it could fly far, the sound of "Hulala!" wings trembling came from the sky.

I saw a dense swarm of ghost crows like black mist coming from the clouds. It seemed that they were chasing this huge demigod-level fire insect.

"Quack, quack, hurry up, don't let it escape!" the ghost crows chattered.

As a kind of social creature, the ghost crows have indeed shown great talents after joining the Yanchong World Battlefield.

When thousands or tens of thousands of low-level ghost crows gather together, even if they encounter powerful fire insects whose life levels are generally one or two levels higher than them, they have to take a detour obediently.

The King of Ghost Crows gave Thain some face this time. In addition to coming in his own body, he also brought nearly one million Ghost Crow Legions.

These Ghost Crow Legions are the Guards Corps of the Ghost Crow King. It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of the Ghost Crow King and his family alone is enough to take over the Yanchong World.

As the most powerful helper in this plane war, the Ghost Crow King only required Thain and others' hiring fee of 5 million magic coins.

Such a low and affordable price made Marcus and others a little unbelievable when they first heard about it.

During the pursuit of the ghost crows, there was a loud roar of hybrid beasts, and they finally missed them.

A semi-god-level three-headed chimera intercepted the prey of the ghost crows.

This is a huge creature with the head of a dragon, a lion and a sheep. When its wings are fully extended, its wingspan can be close to fifty meters.

Chimeras are the main beasts of the elves, and most of them are two-headed chimeras. Only the best among them can transform and evolve to the level of three-headed chimeras.

Among the gods from other worlds who supported the world of worms this time, there was a Chimera King whose life level reached level four. This was a strong man invited by the Knight of Markarth.

Judging from the vassal relationship between the Chimera clan and the elves, it seems that the Markarth Knights also have a considerable relationship with the elves in the Wizards Alliance.

The prey that he and others had been tracking for a long time was intercepted by others, and many ghost crows were dissatisfied and cursed.

These low-level ghost crows don't care how powerful the demigod-level three-headed chimera is.

Anyway, in the eyes of these low-level ghost crows, there is no one in the entire Yanchong World battlefield who can compare to their great ghost crow king.

Their ghost crow clan is the strongest!

The noise of the ghost crows around made the three-headed chimera, which was enjoying its prey quietly, impatiently emit a series of lightning chains on its body.

The three-headed chimera is a special life form that is born with the energy elements of three different lineages. The power lineages that this semi-god-level three-headed chimera is good at are wind, fire and thunder.

With their powerful talents and special mixed attack methods, even the famous dragon and phoenix creatures in the star world don't pay much attention to the Chimera species.

They do have the capital to be proud of.

Although, in the research of magicians in the wizarding world, it was discovered that the Chimera species actually contains a certain amount of dragon blood factor in the body.

The extra dragon head they have after evolution is the most obvious proof.

But the proud Chimeras never admit that they are dragon creatures.

They are Chimeras, not other creatures.

The performance of the three-headed chimera in protecting food made the ghost crows curse even more fiercely.

However, despite the scolding, none of these ghost crows dared to cross the line and take action, and the three-headed chimera did not hurt the ghost crows.

These ghost crows and alliance creatures all abide by the rules and bottom lines.

Those who disobey and undermine unity don't need the help of powerful people in the wizarding world. The King of Ghost Crows and the King of Chimera can make them look good.

The demigod-level fire insect regarded as "prey" by both sides is not dead now. Although its spine has been torn off by the strong bite force of the three-headed chimeras, there is still a godless light in its eyes.

Suddenly, a violent shock and terrifying power impact came from the northeast.

The three-headed chimera couldn't help but give up enjoying the prey for the time being, and looked up to the northeast.

Many ghost crows with higher life levels were also chirping and looking in that direction.

Some of the more shrewd little ghost crows took advantage of Chimera's lack of attention and quickly jumped on the fire insect, biting and stealing a few bites.

Flesh, bones, leather armor...these ghost crows will eat everything.

Of course, what they like most is the soul of living organisms.

The more powerful the soul of a creature, the more enjoyable it is.

In the process of absorbing these souls, they will also evolve.

"It seems that a certain god has fallen." The sheep head on the left side of the three-headed chimera suddenly said.

Before anyone could echo it, an angry lion roar came from the right.

"How dare you steal it!" The angry roar of the three-headed chimera echoed in this land of molten ruins.

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