The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,324 The War of the Flame Insect World (5)

The dispatch of more slave biological legions is basically no big deal to the few strong men above level 4 participating in the war in Yanchong World.

Including Thain, there are actually reserve cannon fodder corps ready to participate in the war.

The only one who might have some difficulties is probably Green.

His Holy Tower of Annihilation has just been established, so he really can't ask for too much.

Green's many performances in this plane war have also proven his ability and value, so there is no need to be demanding.

As for those who need more biological combat power of level four or above to join, several powerful people in the wizarding world know that there should be a certain limit.

You can't invite too many people because it will affect their overall war profits.

Qingze Flame Swamp in the southwest of the Flame Insect World.

This is a harsh environment full of flammable gases, and explosions occur from time to time in various areas of this flame swamp. 🄼

And in this flaming swamp, there are actually a large number of special burning insects that feed on solid soluble fuel.

Yuri, who was driving the golem, appeared directly above the flaming swamp.

This time, Yuri only piloted one golem - the silver golem.

This special demon, modified by Old Man Piton and undergoing many adaptive adjustments, was finally successfully test-driven by Yuli not long ago.

In order to control this silver-clad golem, Yuli also suffered a lot.

With her current mental strength, piloting a silver-armored golem is already the limit, and it is not enough to support her in controlling other golems at the same time.

Although the number of piloted golems has decreased, Yuli's overall strength has increased by more than one margin!

When the silver-armored golem exerts its full combat power, the power level it explodes is not inferior to that of any fourth-level creature.

At this time, Yuli, who had arrived directly above Qingze Marsh, stretched forward her mechanical arms that were constructed as golems.

Two large beehive-like ammunition slots appeared on the shoulders of Yuli's robotic arm. Soon, the sound of "Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" rocket launches and ammunition screams echoed around the Qingze swamp.

There are a large number of special fire bugs living in Qingze Swamp. At the same time, there is also a demigod-level fire bug here that is very annoying.

Yuli's mission for this trip is to kill the demigod-level fire insect and clear the obstacles of the wizard civilization army on this road.

When Yuri took action in the Yanchong World, the other legions under Thane did not rest either.

Speaking of which, the number of legions that Thain put into the world of Yanchong was not large, but they were better than the others.

In addition to Yuri, a powerful constructor who can be used as half a fourth-level creature, Thain has a lot of other semi-god-level combat powers at hand.

The demigod-level centaur Maya was the first subordinate to respond to Thain's order and enter the battlefield of the Insect World.

After Thane's second conscription order was issued, Maya sent her granddaughter Luna back and raised another group of Minotaur legions.

In addition to Maya, the Dark Elf Queen given to Thane by Spider Queen Rose also performed well in this war.

For this dark elf queen, according to the wishes of Spider Queen Rose, Thain can ask for whatever she wants.

But Thain was not interested in this charming female elf. After arriving under Thain's staff, Thain only took a little of her blood for research.

The longevity of the elves is extremely famous throughout the Wizarding Alliance.

Even ordinary elves whose life levels are less than one level can live for hundreds or thousands of years, which is really unimaginable for many creatures at the bottom of the world.

In the Wizarding Alliance market, several of the best-selling life-extending potions suitable for low-level life forms are all products based on the power of the elven bloodline.

Of course, Thain does not need to extend his life. His research on the power of the elven bloodline is just normal curiosity.

In this war of the Insect World, the Dark Elf Queen also recruited a demigod-level dark creature and several third-level demi-humans for Thain in the underground world of the Land of Ashes.

The other party also asked Thain if he wanted to apply for assistance from the Spider Queen.

With the Spider Queen's background, it shouldn't be a problem to lend Thane a powerful combat legion for use in the Insect World War.

But Thane finally rejected the Dark Elf Queen's suggestion.

In front of outsiders, Thane did not want to expose his close relationship with Rose.

"Bang!" Lenna, who was wielding an eight-edged hammer, smashed the head of a level three fire insect in front of her, causing the brains to fly in all directions.

"Boom!" With a sound, Lenna's body like a mountain of meat suddenly sat on a hillside, breathing heavily.

The surface temperature of the Flame Insect World is generally high. At this time, there is always some white vapor that smells of sulfur rising from the cracks in the ground on the surrounding battlefields.

But Lenna couldn't feel the burning and stinging sensation from her butt at all. Her ability to resist blows had already reached a level that would put most demigod knights to shame.

Under Thane's hellish training and perverted experimental research, Lenna's strength has already surpassed that of a demigod.

If Thain hadn't been too busy recently, he might have started to make a training plan for Lenna to reach level four.

This is the benefit of having the help of a powerful and knowledgeable magician.

The knights and magicians of the wizard civilization are complementary to each other.

Without Thain's help, Lenna would still be very strong at the same level based on her talent, but she would never be able to grow as fast as she is today.

Not only Lenna, Xia Ya, the cheap mother-in-law who has reached the realm of demigods, also took advantage of her frivolous son-in-law.

On the other hand, as Thain's "real wife", Natalya's growth has stagnated in recent years.

Like her, Selena and Irene are also growing into a slow state.

Thain had previously taken the blood essence of the Dark Elf Queen for research, partly out of consideration for the girls.

"How are you thinking about what I told you last time?" After the battle, Natalya, who was carrying a heavy sword and still maintaining the appearance of the Bato demon, walked up to Lenna and asked.

"Isn't this... bad?" Lenna, who had a chubby face, said hesitantly.

Due to Thain's neglect of her during this period, Lenna's size rebounded again.

This fat woman has been like this for hundreds of years.

Jumping repeatedly between fat and thin, beautiful and bloated.

In short, when Thain stared at her, her various indicators and physical fitness were very satisfactory.

However, once Thain relaxed his attention to her, this fat woman with poor self-control would return to a life of eating and drinking.

In fact, Lenna is quite good in all aspects. She has a kind-hearted personality, fair skin, and is more loyal.

The only flaw is that I can't control my mouth - it's so delicious!

"What's the point? I don't believe you don't have feelings for him. We have been together for so many years. I have seen him strip you naked in the laboratory more than once." Natalya said carelessly.

Lenna fell into silence at this time, or was in a state of confusion.

"Then... wait until I lose weight again?" Lenna asked.

"Well, let's give him a surprise before this plane war ends!" Natalya winked at her best friend.

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