The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,306 Declaration of War

The style of the great commander of the blood river in the underworld undoubtedly expresses the characteristics of a cruel, bloodthirsty, and indifferent underworld creature to the extreme.

And it is not best if the two underworld creatures are dead. The wizard civilization can pry open the mouths of the two underworld creatures and obtain some useful information for itself in reverse.

However, they are just two level four or five underworld creatures. If they die, they will die. No one will feel pity for them.

Ms. Bev, the true spirit level magician who is the host of this alliance conference, has no intention of blaming Nevelink.

After witnessing the Lord of Blood River chewing up two underworld creatures and swallowing them into his belly, Ms. Bev smiled and looked at the Vice President of the Norman Federation on the other side, "Mr. Penk, you don't need to worry. Our wizarding civilization trusts your loyalty to the Alliance." .”

"The 'accident' that occurred this time can only prove that there is something wrong with a small group of people. Our wizard civilization will work with the Norman Federation to eliminate these unstable voices." Ms. Bev said to Nou, who looked extremely sad. Commonwealth representatives said.

Vice President Penke wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and nodded and bowed his head to say yes to Magician Bev.

This guy can be regarded as one of the small group of people who stand at the peak of the power of the Norman Federation, but at this time, he was frightened to the point of making some moves. 🄼🄳

In the corner of the venue, Thane looked at the lady in the sky who stood as the leader of wizard civilization with a little admiration in his eyes.

Use the gentlest expression to do the cruelest thing.

Whether it is leading the civilized war with the Gallente Federation or the subsequent bloody storm that may occur in the Norman Federation, they are all handled with ease under the hands of this powerful true spirit magician.

Thain suddenly felt that the things he did in the Land of Ashes were still too "young".

The wizarding civilization still has a bigger stage to perform on, and it also needs to grow faster.

The war of civilization is the stage of the times where heroes, heroes, ghosts, and bears frequently emerge in large numbers.

In the past few hundred years, a large number of new level-4 and above creatures have rapidly emerged in the wizarding world, which is preparation for the outbreak of civilized war.

It is not yet known how long this war of civilization will take to end.

At the same time, it is also unclear how many of the participants in this Alliance Conference will be alive after the top civilized war with the Gallente Federation is over.

After hundreds of creatures with ulterior motives were "cleaned up", Ms. Bev said directly: "The 25th Wizards Alliance Conference begins now!"

Ms. Bev's voice, in the form of soul vibration, conveys its majesty throughout the entire demiplane of the Howling Stone, in the souls of every creature from different worlds.

"The first item of the conference content is to announce that all alliance members led by the wizard civilization, covering 374 medium-sized and above star fields and a total of 316,427 planes, will do a good job in fighting against the hostile top civilization Gallente Federation in the next thousand years. Prepare for war!”

This is the first time that the Wizarding Civilization has openly proposed to enter a state of war with the Gallente Federation and regards it as a hostile civilization.

"All alliance planes, including native level four and above creatures in the wizarding world, will stop the process of conquering alien planes that are planned or in ongoing wars in the next three hundred years."

"All alien gods of the fourth level and above in the alliance, masters of holy towers, and masters of knight halls must raise a war legion of no less than 500,000 after the end of this alliance conference and be ready to obey the alliance's dispatch at any time."

"The Gallente Federation is an evil and insatiable technological civilization. All the star fields conquered and controlled by the Gallente Federation have been hollowed out one by one due to their bottomless demands and resource plunder. Either it will become a garbage planet, or it will be directly occupied by Gallente Federation immigrants."

"Twenty thousand years ago, the Gallente Federation openly invaded the civilization of the Rose Dynasty, a close strategic partner of our Wizards Alliance."

"With the help of the Rose Dynasty civilization, our Wizards Alliance will officially impose sanctions on the Gallente Federation that disrupts the balance of the surrounding star fields and poses a great threat to the security of the alliance!"

Ms. Bev’s voice echoed throughout the conference.

The main reason why the 25th Wizards Alliance Conference started early was the war with the Gallente Federation.

The first item of the conference was to get straight to the point, erasing the unrealistic illusions of some weak creatures in the plane world.

Next, they must try their best to prepare for the war of civilization.

In a war involving two top civilizations, let alone those small and medium-sized worlds, even a large world with a dominant creature sitting in the middle will not be easy.

Smart people are not just the sea king shark, a level six creature in the world of submersible blue waves. Many creatures have seen the hidden danger behind this.

But what can they do.

Of course, there are indeed many alien gods and certain alliance planes who regard this civilized war as an opportunity.

If we can survive this battle safely, the wizarding civilization will gain broader development prospects, and the strength of the civilization will also enter a new platform. These alliance planes will also be able to drink the richest broth.

But the premise is that they have to survive until the end of the war.

And I have to pray that it was the wizard civilization that took away the final fruits of victory.

Ms. Bev, the true spirit-level magician in the wizarding world, should be a light elementalist, but she is really eloquent and has the ability to inspire people.

There was no time to wonder whether the other party had used any special soul methods. Under a series of introductions and calls from the other party, Thain showed his hatred of the Gallente Federation and his confidence that the wizarding world would win the war.

But magicians are magicians after all. These casters, including Thain, can gradually calm down later, but those alliance gods and the large number of wizard world knights are obviously aroused to the enthusiasm for this war. .

In order to prove the "justice" of the wizarding civilization and contrast the "evil" and "despicable" of the Gallente Federation, this alliance conference actually invited a reader from the Rose Dynasty civilization.

The opponent is also a dominant creature, and the second proposal of this Wizards Alliance conference is to discuss the Rose Dynasty civilization joining the Wizards Alliance!

As a participant in the conference, Thain naturally had the full power to vote.

In the second voting session of the conference, the Rose Dynasty Civilization’s joining the Wizards Alliance was almost unanimously approved!

Thain observed the dominator of the Rose Dynasty civilization. His speech at the opening of the conference was impassioned.

However, although this was also a woman, the power and coercion displayed by the other party was far less than that of Ms. Bev standing next to her, and it was also not as good as the Titan system master Hela that Thain had seen before.

"Could it be that the war with the Gallente Federation caused some damage to her?" Thane touched his chin and couldn't help but think about it.

It's a pity that the Dominator-level creatures are too far away from him. Thain can only make reasonable guesses, and it is impossible for him to obtain physical objects for research.

There was an impressive point in the voting session of the second item of the conference.

Even those third-level creatures from the Alliance Micro Plane have the right to vote during the Wizards Alliance Conference. Only such a group of people seem out of place at the Wizards Alliance Conference.

It was a group of indifferent magicians and knights who generally wore black tones - black magicians and black knights.

There are quite a lot of black magicians of level four or above participating in the alliance conference this time, nearly two hundred.

The number of black knights above level four is nearly 400.

Based on the normal proportion of knights and magicians in the wizarding world, the number of black knights should not be only this small.

The reason why this is the case can only mean that many black knights who are simple-minded and have their own way of doing things do not like to participate in this kind of wizard alliance conference.

On the contrary, the black magicians, because they have higher wisdom and more flexible minds, must keep up with current events and unearth information that is beneficial to themselves from every clause of the alliance conference.

Thain didn't see Lina's mentor, the Canggu Black Tower Master, because those black magicians were too closed-minded.

Even if there was no phase mask for data analysis, in such a complex and chaotic scene, it would be difficult for Thain to accurately locate a fifth-level black magician who deliberately concealed his identity.

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