The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,307 General Assembly Proposal

The first seven articles and bills of the conference are all based on the war of civilizations that will break out in the next thousand years.

The same goes for the voting involved.

For example, in the third item of the conference, the wizard civilization decided to allocate resources and increase the number of troops stationed in many alliance star fields, including the underworld star field.

In the fifth item of the conference, it was mentioned that the Wizarding World will reduce the prices of large war platforms such as Space Fortress and Prism Fortress for Alliance members.

Everything is to serve the war, everything is to align with the war of civilization.

The power that the entire wizard civilization exploded at this moment was reflected in the alliance conference.

Not to mention anything else, the Underworld Star Domain, as one of the main warring star domains, received an initial subsidy of at least 700 million magic coins from this alliance conference.

This is only the benefit that the underworld can get in the early stages of the war.

It is conceivable that as the war continues, the investment of wizard civilization in the underworld star field will become larger and larger.

Of course, this will also be a catastrophe for the native species in the underworld star field.

It was not until the eighth item of the conference that the Wizarding Civilization temporarily ended the discussion on the layout of the Civilization War and turned to certain construction issues within the alliance.

The Wizards Alliance is a large group, and there are countless internal affairs and things that need to be dealt with within the alliance.

What can be discussed during the Wizards Alliance Conference is basically the top priority.

For example, the eighth issue raised the question of whether to continue to tilt resources towards the Purple Flame Soul World and allocate part of the elemental planes of the Purple Flame Soul World to the Burner World of Thanoras.

The interest relationships within the Wizards Alliance are very complicated. Sometimes these conference resolutions do not talk about the gains and losses of those alliance planes, but are likely to involve high-level games within the Wizarding Civilization.

The wizarding world is not monolithic.

When it comes to major matters such as civilized war, we are naturally united in dealing with the outside world.

But when it comes to its own interests and the gains and losses of its subordinate forces, there will also be disputes within the wizarding civilization.

Thain didn't know if there was anything fishy behind the resource tilt in the Purple Flame Soul World.

He also didn't know what role the Burner World of Thanoras played in this.

Through Ms. Bev's brief introduction, Thane learned that the Purple Flame Soul World was a large-scale alliance world. As early as more than 100,000 years ago, the phenomenon of dominance had broken down.

Generally speaking, this kind of plane world that loses its seventh-level creatures will slowly undergo rule changes in the long process of development and migration, and it is very likely to fall to the level of a large world.

In the star realm, the development of the plane world is often closely related to the native creatures.

The more prosperous the native creatures are, the more prosperous the plane itself will be.

As the native creatures gradually wither, the plane will gradually lose its vitality until it dies.

This mutually reinforcing relationship is the true portrayal of the relationship between the mother plane and the individual.

Those who don't care about the mother plane issues, or even watch the death of the world's will indifferently, are generally those technological civilizations.

They should be called the worms of the plane planet, they only know how to take but don't know how to repay.

Often after plundering the resources of one plane world, they turn around to develop another world, abandoning the original world.

This fits Lady Bev's definition of "evil" for the Gallente Federation.

What is very unfortunate is that most of the Gallente Federation and its vassals are technological civilizations.

Although there are also cultivating civilizations and self-evolving civilizations as supporters of each other, they do not account for a large proportion of the total.

Federation creatures have always believed in so-called "science". At a certain point, Gallente Federation scientists and magicians in the wizarding world have reached a high degree of consensus.

That is, the Gallente Federation does not believe that there are "gods" in this world. The so-called fourth-level creatures are just special individuals that have evolved to a higher level.

The Gallente Federation also relies on its own technological warships to capture and hunt the so-called fourth-level and above creatures in the star world. When it comes to exploring "gods", the Gallente Federation is as enthusiastic as the Wizarding World.

I don’t know if this is the consensus of top civilizations.

On the eighth coalition bill, Thain abstained from voting twice.

There were only a very small number of people who abstained from voting like him, and together they accounted for less than 5% of the total number of people.

The vast majority of the participating creatures actually had their own opinions.

For example, Angele next to Thain voted "no" on the former issue, and voted "yes" on the latter issue.

"The vast majority of alliance creatures do not want the public resources of the Wizards Alliance to be wasted on others."

"But some planes that have developed to a certain level are worried that they will end up in the same fate in the future, so they hope that the Wizards Alliance can uphold the principle of helping the weak."

"Our Komoyin Serpent Warlock family happened to be visited by a level five Sanoras Burner not long ago." Angele made a gesture to Thain, and Thain understood instantly.

In the end, affected by the votes of this alliance conference, although the Wizards Alliance did not stop the resource tilt towards the Purple Flame Soul World, it lowered the original tilt to 47%.

In addition, the twenty-three rule-complete planes originally belonging to the elemental creatures in the Purple Flame Soul World were allocated to the Burner World of Sanoras.

After the verdict was announced, no one raised any objections at the entire conference.

The Purple Flame Soul World seems to have really declined. As a large fire element world, this world only sent three level six fire element kings and less than fifty level four element kings.

Among them was an elemental king with purple flames all over his body, who should be the leader.

After the result of the motion was announced, the personified expression of the other party revealed endless helplessness and despair.

Ms. Bev also observed the other party's emotions. At the same time, she may also want to cheer up the hearts of other alliance members. After announcing the results, she made an additional suggestion: "If the Purple Flame Soul World performs well in the next civilized war, , the alliance can consider resuming support for the Purple Flame Soul World, or even improving on the original basis."

But the premise is that the Purple Flame Soul World must make enough contributions.

For the kindness from Ms. Bev and the Wizards Alliance, the sixth-level Purple Flame Elemental King bowed his head respectfully to express his gratitude.

After talking about the benefits and losses of the Purple Flame Soul World and the Thanoras Burner World, the ninth item of the conference dealt with the issue of the Magic Coin of the Wizards Alliance, which has continued to depreciate in the past tens of thousands of years.

Currency control is a very macro issue. The Wizards Union has developed to this point. Although the Wizarding World has the power to produce and issue massive amounts of magic coins, it cannot mess around with it.

The problem of depreciation of magic coins also did not only start to appear in the last ten or twenty thousand years.

To be precise, since the currency value of magic coins reached a peak one hundred and seventeen thousand six hundred and forty-one years ago, the magic coins have been in a state of chronic depreciation for the next hundred thousand years.

The difference between the value of money one hundred thousand years ago and now is at least 15 times!

What an exaggeration.

The devaluation of magic coins brings many crises, but it also marks that wizard civilization has been in a stage of rapid expansion and continuous development.

Many knights and magicians at the bottom of the wizarding world may not be aware of the troubles that currency depreciation has brought to them.

But the vast majority of alien gods in the alliance have deep feelings about this matter.

Because they feel that it is getting harder and harder to make money, and the magic coins they hold in their hands are becoming less and less valuable.

At the same time as this happened, the resources in their plane were being reduced on a large scale.

The wizarding world supports nearly 100,000 level 4 and above creatures with the power of one plane. Where do these resources come from?

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