The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,305 Clearing the Place

The powerful wizards in the wizarding world and the wizarding alliance creatures who attended the meeting should not be the full strength of the wizarding civilization.

Because in the Wizarding World and the Wizarding Alliance, there must be many powerful people above Level 4 like Thain who have just been promoted to Level 4, or who are unable to attend the Alliance Conference due to other reasons.

For example, the fourth-level and above creatures in the star field under the King of Ghost Crows were not able to attend the Wizards Alliance Conference this time.

But as part of the Wizards Alliance, they will also represent the wizard civilization and participate in the civilized war against the Gallente Federation.

In addition, as an advanced and powerful civilization, it is impossible for the wizarding world to shrink back all its power.

On the front line of the confrontation with the Gallente Federation, there are also a large number of war legions and creatures above level four sitting there.

Naturally, these powerful men from the wizarding world who are on the front lines or have other important matters cannot appear here.

The same principle can be applied to alliance masters. 🄼

Perhaps, the number of dominant creatures in the wizarding civilization is not just the forty-one tyrannical beings appearing in the venue!

Now that everyone is here, there is no need to delay the meeting any longer.

Amid everyone's attention, a beautiful woman in a white dress quietly appeared in the sky in the center of the conference.

This is a powerful woman who is full of holiness and inviolability. Her every smile and every move affects the future destiny of the entire wizarding civilization and trillions of creatures in the Wizarding Alliance at this moment.

After the woman appeared in the sky, she smiled softly and said: "Many people should know me. I am Bev, the true spirit magician of the Wizards Alliance. I presided over the Wizards Alliance conference 30,000 years ago."

"Today, this is the fifth time that I have presided over the Wizards Alliance Conference. At the same time, this Wizards Alliance Conference also leads and affects the destiny of our civilization and all alliance planes."

"Before the conference officially begins, I think we should get rid of some uninvited little guys." Ms. Bev smiled.

A white-gold magic wand appeared in Ms. Bev's hand. As her right hand moved forward slightly, circles of white-gold concussive ripples appeared all over the conference site.

Affected by these concussive ripples, the creatures' faces and expressions changed dramatically, and their bodies flew into the air uncontrollably.

There are quite a lot of these singled out creatures, close to a hundred of them.

One of them actually came from the area where Thain and others were, and the other person was a demigod-level magician.

However, the areas that were singled out in larger numbers came from the Norman Federation, a large technological world that joined the Wizards Alliance.

The Norman Federation is the only large-scale alliance plane civilization that has embarked on the path of technological development. Since these Norman Federation creatures entered the venue, Thain has also observed them for a long time.

Technological civilization Thane has not had much contact with it so far.

He only came into contact with some products of technological civilization during the Wild Orangutan World War.

Thain did not underestimate technological civilization. Since the Gallente Federation could develop to the top level of civilization and compete tit-for-tat with the wizarding civilization, there must be a reason for its existence.

The Norman Federation is a technological world that has developed to the level of a large-scale plane world. Researching this large-scale technological plane will also facilitate Thane's future confrontation with the more powerful Gallente Federation.

In fact, many high-level magicians in the wizarding civilization have indeed been studying the Norman Federation in recent years to find the weaknesses of the Gallente Federation.

At this time, there were thirty Norman Federation creatures selected by Ms. Bev.

There are only seven people who can be called "people", and their physiques are extremely weak. Even though they are wearing special protective clothing, their quality of life may not be as good as those third-level creatures in the alliance's micro-plane.

This made Thain a little disappointed.

However, the other twenty or so "people" made Thain look at them differently.

The other twenty-three people who were singled out were robots, and the Norman Federation creatures preferred to call them "artificial beings."

Artificial human technology is one of the most sophisticated technologies mastered by the Norman Federation as a large-scale alliance.

Although the Norman Federation also has its own fleet group for which it is famous, as well as a large number and variety of other technological weapons, the artificial man, one of the two major products of the Federation, has always been the pride of the Norman Federation.

These artificial humans can easily achieve powerful combat power comparable to level four or even level five creatures.

Moreover, they are not afraid of pain and have sophisticated computing systems. In desperate situations, they can quickly activate self-destruction devices, which is very tricky.

In some fields, these artificial humans with level 4 or above combat power are more troublesome than real level 4 or above creatures.

Of course, compared with real creatures above level four, these artificial products still have some flaws.

In one breath, seven federal personnel and twenty-seven artificial beings were found to be suspected of rebellion. The plenipotentiary representative of the Norman Federation participating in the alliance conference this time was said to be the current vice president of the federation. At this time, his expression was very bad.

The total number of people sent by the Norman Federation to attend the alliance conference this time was only more than 300 people. In other words, nearly one-tenth of the people under the vice president were "corrupted."

This is a quite exaggerated number!

The wizarding civilization can even doubt the loyalty of the Norman Federation to the Wizarding Alliance.

Considering all the consequences, the face of the vice president, whose real life energy level was forcibly raised to level four by the potion, suddenly turned pale.

Compared with a creature that has truly cultivated itself to the fourth level, the vice president is actually a "parallel import".

Fortunately, the wizarding civilization does not seem to blame the Norman Federation for this.

Under the premise that there are already thousands of detection rays to verify the identity, there are still about a hundred people with ulterior motives sneaking into the Alliance Conference. It can only be said that the enemies of the wizard civilization are quite strong.

And these enemies... are not necessarily all from the Gallente Federation.

"Master Bev, how do you plan to deal with these 'betrayers'?" Nevinrink, the Lord of the Underworld who had always been extremely low-key in the venue, suddenly asked.

His blood-red eyes glanced coldly at the two underworld creatures beside him that were also floating in the air by the special shock force.

These two underworld creatures, one is level four and the other is level five.

Under Nevelink's cold gaze, his whole body trembled.

One of the underworld creatures with a sheep's head couldn't stop sweating.

"Oh? Commander of the Blood River, do you have any suggestions?" Ms. Bev asked.

Another name for the Lord of the Underworld is the "Great Commander of the Blood River". His temple is located in the place where the blood rivers of the underworld boil, which is also the confluence of the three major rivers of the underworld.

Faced with the rhetorical question from Bev, the True Spirit Mage of the Wizarding World, the Commander-in-Chief of Blood River expressed his suggestion with his own actions.

The huge Underworld Blue Halberd directly pierced the two underworld creatures.

The underworld Japanese mole with the fourth level of life died on the spot. In front of the master's blow, this guy had no chance of surviving.

The other level 5 sheep-headed monster whose chest was penetrated and whose claws were firmly holding on to the giant trident did not die immediately.

Its four narrow eyes still retain its attachment to life.

However, Nevelink did not intend to let it go and directly tore its body in half.

Nevelink threw it into his mouth and chewed it slowly.

Dots of flesh foam and fishy black blood spilled from the corners of the mouth of the Lord of the Underworld.

The actions of the Lord of the Underworld not only frightened many members of the Wizards Alliance, but also made many creatures above Level 4 in the Wizarding World frown slightly.

"There will be another chapter in the afternoon~"

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