The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,304 Forty-one!

In addition to the above-mentioned masters, Thane was still looking at the other masters arriving at the venue.

Maybe the heavyweights will appear last.

The Elf God of the Great Elf World and the Mountain Titan of the Great Purple Crystal World are relatively recent alliance masters.

The power of the Elf World in the Wizards Alliance is second only to the Titan World.

No wonder the Spider Queen has always liked to "poach" in the Elf World. It is really a large and rich plane with too much money to be fished out.

Although the total number of elves and gods present this time has not exceeded a thousand, the total number is close to 800, and Thane saw the half-elf god Cenarius among them.

Also after arriving at the venue, even Thane could clearly see that the dominator-level creatures that had arrived in advance were approaching the Elf God one after another, and seemed to be whispering something.

The always mysterious God of Elves, Thane also saw clearly the appearance of the other party. 🄼🄲

This is an almost perfect "woman".

It is said that elves are the most beautiful species in the Wizarding Alliance. This supreme master of billions of elves obviously interprets this sentence to the extreme.

Not only this elven god, but almost all other elven gods are handsome men and beautiful women.

This special group, which is very in line with the aesthetic concept of the wizarding world, has attracted the attention of many knights and even magicians in the wizarding world since entering the conference.

The Mountain Titan is a master of the earth element with an astonishing physique.

Perhaps it can be said that there is probably no one with a more exaggerated physique in the entire Wizarding Alliance.

Unlike the Elf God who maintains a female body in human form, the Mountain God has appeared as an earth-yellow mountain shadow since arriving at the venue.

It's not that the mountain giant god Tuoda is unwilling to expose his body here.

But given the repeated reinforcement conditions of this venue, it is really not suitable for the mountain giant to reveal his true body here.

The number of elemental kings above level 4 under the Mountain Titan does not seem to be too many, only about two hundred.

Most of them are earth element kings. The body colors of these earth element kings are mostly khaki and amethyst.

However, most of the elemental planes and elemental creatures of level four or above in the alliance seem to follow the lead of this mountain giant.

Surrounded by many elemental kings of the Purple Diamond World, there are also a large number of elemental creatures with different attributes such as fire, water, and wind.

The God of Beastmen arrived at the venue earlier than the two mentioned above.

The leader of the alliance brought a total of nearly 300 beast gods to participate in this alliance conference.

Unlike the first two who had many fans, the orc god seemed extremely low-key, or rather withdrawn, after arriving at the venue.

This also shows that its popularity in the Wizards Union may not be very good.

Thain also saw the Orc God Eugene, but he was too far away and the two did not say hello.

Like the orc god Campas, among the masters of the Wizards Alliance, the one who is relatively low-key is the master of the underworld who has half a broken horn on his forehead and is holding the Underworld Halberd - Nevin Erink .

The time he arrived was neither early nor late.

He was also the only one among the participating masters who showed no scruples and took out his weapon.

In the underworld, among the many member planes of the Wizards Alliance, its brutal attributes can be ranked number one.

Creatures from the underworld have always been symbols of bloodthirst and low intelligence.

Creatures in many worlds don't like to deal with the underworld.

However, the underworld and its surrounding star fields do produce many extremely rare and rare resources within the Wizards Alliance.

And Thane, who had done a lot of homework in advance, also knew that in the star field bordering the Gallente Federation, the underworld is one of the closest alliance star fields to the Gallente Federation.

In other words, it may become one of the main battlefields between the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation.

In addition to these alliance masters, Thane is also very interested in a master who has arrived from the world of the dead.

It was a picture of a skeletal king with an icy appearance. In the Wizards Alliance, he was revered as the "Lord of the Undead".

Nearly five hundred undead creatures of level four or above with various ferocious shapes appeared beside it, but Thain did not see the figure of the bone dragon Sanchez among them.

But what caught Thain's attention even more was the precious crown the undead lord was wearing on his forehead.

On the crown, three crystal stones of different colors are inlaid, which are beautiful against the backdrop of a flame-type master next to it.

This aura of equal emphasis on majesty and beauty makes people feel the aura of a king.

However, the kingly aura of the ruler of the undead world could not be greater than that of the last alliance ruler to appear at the venue - the Titan God King, the absolute leader of the Titan world with the title of "God of Gods", God King Odin.

Wearing a suit of silver armor, Odin slowly descended from high in the sky to the center of the conference.

Thane tried to see Odin's appearance clearly, but the tyrannical power of thunder and the terrifying pressure of his position made it difficult for Thane to see through him even with his Formless Mask.

This seems to be a man who carries out "brave" and "powerful".


Twenty years before the official start of the alliance conference, there were almost no other people walking around inside and outside the venue.

A total of 300,000 creatures of different levels participated in this alliance conference.

Some of them are creatures of level four or above, some are the masters of a plane, and even the masters come to the scene in person.

Among these 300,000 creatures, there are only less than 100,000 local strong men belonging to the wizarding world.

The other 200,000 participating creatures are all representatives of the member planes of the Wizards Alliance.

There are more than 100,000 of these alliance plane creatures that have reached life level four or above.

There are also tens of thousands of creatures from the alliance plane, which come from the micro plane, and their life levels are generally only level three.

This shows that in the huge collective of the Wizards Alliance, there are also a large number of micro-plane members.

Although the fourth-level biological realm, the total volume of the wizard alliance's member planes has exceeded the wizard world.

But in the field of dominant creatures that Thain saw, the wizarding world still occupies a leading position!

This may be the reason why the Wizarding World has always dominated the Wizarding World.

In this alliance conference, Thane saw a total of forty-one Dominator-level creatures as far as he could see!

Among them, seventeen masters of different shapes are all from the major worlds in the alliance, or they are star realm powerhouses who have been deliberately attracted by the wizard civilization.

The number of local masters in the wizarding world has reached a terrifying twenty-four!

The camp of more than forty masters and hundreds of thousands of "god-level" creatures is the size of a powerful top civilization.

When Thain was studying in the Sky City, he saw from books more than once that the wizard civilization boasted that it was at the peak of the middle stage of the development of the top civilization and was about to enter the later stage.

In fact, this so-called "mid-term" actually refers to the wizarding world itself, and does not bring the overall strength of the Wizards Alliance into it.

The tyrannical strength and exaggerated number of Dominator-level creatures make Thane, a magician who has only been promoted to the fourth level for many years, full of confidence in the upcoming civilized war with the Gallente Federation.


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