The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1000 Marking Plane Nodes

After Thane left Blackwater City, he flew directly to the west of the mainland.

Based on the information obtained from the Church of the Bones in Blackwater City and many files, Thane determined that the Blackwater City where he was located was probably on the southern coast of the entire Faerûn continent.

Speaking of which, this world is quite strange.

In the process of Thane's cognition and truth exploration, generally speaking, all worlds and planes are round.

Many technological civilizations name their worlds "planets".

It is because technologically civilized creatures have discovered that the world they live in is a sphere.

But Faerûn is different.

This strange large plane does not seem to be a sphere, but a flat and three-dimensional shape.

Just this, ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ is enough to amaze Thain.

You know, in fact, the wizarding world including him is also a sphere.

In the wizarding world, keep walking towards the east and eventually come back from the west.

But in Faerûn, there seems to be a strict boundary between east and west.

What exactly happened, Thain still doesn't know the situation yet.

Is it possible that this world is really flat?

I don’t know what form this world looks like when looking down from the starry sky outside Faerun.

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Thane couldn't help but look up at the sky.

Unfortunately, the deep and blue sky did not give Thain the answer.

In his current state, it is indeed not suitable to fly outside the plane barrier to take a look.

Unless he wants to be discovered faster by the native creatures of this world and become a heretic that everyone shouts about.

The final destination of Thain's trip is purgatory in the far west.

Maybe by going there, Thain can find some answers.

"It is said that the kingdom of gods of this world is above the sky."

"If you rush up to the height of the plane barrier, you may not be discovered by the gods in advance."

"In the recorded information of the Church of Bones, that high-altitude area seems to be also called the 'Battlefield of Gods'?" Thain said to himself, and finally shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

During the journey to the Far West, Thane did not forget the mission given to him by the Spider Queen Lolth. In his early years, before the Greenleaf World War, Thain had performed the task of labeling plane nodes.

Although it is now a large world like Faerun, some things are essentially close.

In addition to relying on his own past experience, Rose, the Spider Queen in the wizarding world, also gave Thane another layer of help through the Silver Spider Ring, helping him find and record the plane nodes of Faerûn more conveniently.

It was a special piece of equipment similar to a wrist guard. There was a black mirror on the surface of the wrist guard, like a radar.

The Spider Queen reached him directly through the Silver Spider Ring.

This wristband can help him explore where the plane nodes are nearby, and it also has storage and recording functions.

When Thane asked about the operating principle of this bracer, the Spider Queen did not hide her secrets and answered directly: "This bracer is created by triggering the rules of nearby plane nodes‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎ ‏​‏‏‏The sound works.”

Whether it is this special piece of wrist protection equipment or the other assistance provided to him by the Spider Queen, it is a sign that the Spider Queen is indeed full of desire to conquer the continent of Faerûn.

Also while traveling westward through many areas of Faerun, Thane discovered a pattern that could not be considered a secret - it seemed that all temples were built on the plane nodes of this world.

Including Blackwater City, where Thane was when he first came to this world, there is a smaller plane node, so a total of three temples were built there.

It was not entirely because of the relatively large population of Blackwater City that the three temples were attracted to be located there.

When Thane asked the Spider Queen about this rule and questions about plane nodes.

The answer given by the Spider Queen was: "The major holy towers and knight halls in the wizarding world are also built on relatively important plane nodes."

"This will help the cultivation of strong people above level four, and the concentration of elements near the plane nodes is generally higher, the development of species is relatively prosperous, or the resources and minerals are relatively abundant."

"Even if there is no holy tower or temple built, the nearby area will be more prosperous due to the natural instinct of low-level creatures to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages." Spider Queen replied.

The Spider Queen's explanation made Thain suddenly enlightened.

In fact, these knowledge involving plane nodes and rule fields are relatively high-end knowledge categories.

Even in the Sky City, it is difficult to find relevant content without sufficient arcanist level support.

If Thain was in the wizarding world at this time, after returning to the Holy Tower of Blue Origin, his mentor Lu Lianman would gradually transfer these relatively high-end and rule-level knowledge to Thain step by step.

In fact, the best time to start dabbling in this part of knowledge is when Thane is promoted to the demigod realm.

However, Thain has now been promoted to level three, so there is no problem if he gets the relevant information in advance.

In addition to issues related to plane nodes, Thane sometimes consults the Spider Queen for profound information on the legal level.

I don’t know if it’s because the Spider Queen can’t communicate with him across borders for a long time. The Spider Queen rarely gives him answers to questions that have nothing to do with completing the mission.

In particular, Thain is involved in relatively in-depth knowledge about fire and light, and the Spider Queen never talks nonsense.

On the other hand, Thane inquired about a lot of knowledge about death and darkness elements through the Spider Queen, and the Spider Queen didn't mind giving him a few casual reminders.

This kind of cross-border knowledge transfer has also given Thain a lot.

Putting aside the things the Spider Queen used and ordered him to do, from the perspective of knowledge acquisition, this Spider Queen also deserves to be called his "mentor".

The Spider Queen also expressed great agreement with Thane's journey to the west, with his final destination being Purgatory.

Not only is Thane extremely curious about the demon clan that appears in Faerûn, but the Spider Queen also seems to have other ideas about these demons.

Unlike the dragons in the wizarding world and the dragons in Faerûn, which are most likely two species, the bloodline of the demon family is not as extensive as the dragon bloodline.

Why are the demon information recorded in the Bone Temple murals and special files so similar to the demon species that the wizard civilization has come into contact with?

This question can only be answered after Thain goes to the far west.

Also after getting in touch with Spider Queen Rose, Thane gradually became more relaxed about his safety in this world.

Spider Queen Rose was reluctant to let Thane die. What was important was that the gray slate was still lying in his silver spider ring.

(ps: Due to the particularity of the continent of Faerûn and the particularity of the Stone of Destiny, it is difficult for the Spider Queen to take back the fragments of the stone in Thane's Silver Spider Ring directly across borders.

At present, the stone slab can only be taken out after Thane returns to the wizarding world. )

According to the instructions given by the Spider Queen, he only needs to mark 200 node coordinates in this world, and he can almost go back.

The Spider Queen will use her magical spider silk to pull Thane safely back to the wizarding world.


(It’s a thousand chapters, so I’ll leave it as a souvenir.)

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