The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1001 Transformation Experiment

In addition to continuing to move westward and marking plane nodes along the way, Thane did not give up observing and studying everything in this world.

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This is a large world. The prosperity of species and the nature of the environment are far beyond those alien planes that Thane has visited before.

During this process, his space equipment has accumulated a large amount of materials and biological specimens unique to this plane.

Including his strength, he also completely recovered one month after arriving in Faerun.

Also restored was Thain's right to use his various equipment.

His caring female slave constructor Yuli can already be summoned from the manned space equipment by Thain.

After Yuri's strength has been strengthened by Sky City, she is no longer inferior to any third-level creature.

The two masters and servants working together can fight even demigod-level creatures.

It’s also a credit to ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏The Thain family has a strong foundation. In addition to having strong helpers like Yuri, he also has low, medium and high-grade magic materials on hand. Quite a few, and there is no shortage of experimental equipment.

Otherwise, Thain would definitely not have a comfortable life when he came to this alien plane shirtless.

Thane's habit of hoarding things was probably developed in the city of Mensobra during his apprenticeship.

There is no way, I was too poor when I was a child.

So much so that now, no matter what time, I am used to preparing a way out for myself and preparing everything in advance.

Of course, Thain can achieve this level except that as an alchemist, he can create a large number of space equipment.

More importantly, the space conch that Tourmaline gave him back then was big enough.

More than 70% of Thain's family wealth exists in it.

Whenever he takes something from the space conch, Thain can't help but think of tourmaline.

Apart from his family members who are closely related to him, the one that Thane misses the most is the dragon turtle.

Strangely enough, when traveling in the wizarding world before, Mingming had very little contact with his family, Bixi and the others.

At that time, I didn’t feel much missed.

Now that he has come to the continent of Faerûn, which is extremely far away from the wizarding civilization in time and space, his subjective consciousness has only been a few months. Why do he keep thinking about the people and things in the wizarding world.

Human beings are, after all, complex creatures.

A magician takes it as his duty to explore the mysteries of truth. Thain has delved into a lot of elemental knowledge, but he actually does not have a thorough study of people themselves.

Thain also asked whether he encountered a dragon turtle after the Spider Queen kicked herself into the alien passage connected by the stone slab that day over the west coast of the wizarding world.

The Spider Queen shook her head.

She did not see the dragon turtle mentioned by Thane.

As for meeting the Guardian of Spring, the Spider Queen naturally didn't need to say anything to this little third-level creature, Thane.

The Spider Queen's answer caused Thane to sigh again.

In the third month after arriving in Faerûn, in a dense and green primeval forest, Thane began to conduct experimental operations on the body of the half-undead girl Luo.

Thain is a principled magician. In addition to completing tasks for the Spider Queen, he has not neglected his own study and research in this world.

The Spider Queen may have gotten to know Thain's character over hundreds of years, so she didn't interfere too much with Thain in this regard.

As long as Thane can complete the tasks assigned by her on time, the Spider Queen doesn't bother to care about him.

Being able to make the spider take such a step back, if Thane's deeds were reported back to the wizarding world, the group of black magicians in the Black Realm would definitely worship him.

In particular, Thain had let the Spider Queen down several times. This kind of exaggerated behavior was simply beyond the imagination of the group of black magicians or corpse-training synthetic beasts in the deepest part of the Black Realm who were suffering deeply.

Regarding dealing with the body of the half-undead girl Luo, Thain also asked the Spider Queen for suggestions and asked a few questions humbly.

The Spider Queen seems to have seen many semi-undead creatures. Special experimental subjects like the girl Luo are novel in the eyes of Thane, but in the eyes of the Spider Queen, it is just that.

"I have dissected several undead magicians. Even undead creatures above level four have not been studied."

"Just go ahead and do it. Even if you fail, the worst thing you can do is turn her into an undead creature." The Spider Queen said directly to Thain.

Unlike the Spider Queen's relaxed tone, Thane still took this experiment on the girl very seriously.

The freedom to switch between flesh and blood and elemental bodies is an ability only possessed by magicians of level two or above in the wizarding world.

Since the girl is a special individual between the living and the undead, Thain wants to remove the flower of death behind her head while retaining her ability, and even allowing her to use this power freely.

This is no small project.

Thain has never conducted similar experimental research. This process of touching the truth and deciphering the truth makes Thain full of excitement and motivation.

In fact, after coming to this world, Thane rarely thought about and delved into the secrets of his own fire elements. Instead, he focused most of his energy on the research of the dark and death elements.

Who knows that there is such a portable teacher as the Spider Queen now? Moreover, as a third-level great magician, Thane should have extensively absorbed the knowledge of elements from various genealogies.

He already has a certain affinity in the fields of darkness and death elements, and he also taught himself and had a certain foundation in his early years.

It’s not too late to start delving into this knowledge now!

Furthermore, there is no distinction between knowledge and knowledge.

Who said that the mysteries of the element of fire must be more valuable than the mysteries of the elements of death and darkness?

No matter which elemental mysteries, it is not easy to go deep.

Thanks to the fact that Thain has just been promoted to level three, he still has a lot of time to spend in the future to expand his knowledge of elements from other lineages, which is nothing to him.

As for his excessive in-depth knowledge of other lineage elements, his research progress in the field of fire elements has slowed down, especially his research on the power of law.

‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏This kind of thing is not within the scope of Thain's consideration at all.

It's not like he has to rush to become a demigod.

He values ​​knowledge more than level.

It was also Thain's extremely correct concept of truth exploration that made him inadvertently surpass more than 90% of the magicians in the wizarding world.

How many magicians can ignore the improvement of level and focus on the truth?

Thain was valued by Lu Lianman and accepted as a disciple. It was not entirely because of his status as the first place in the regional college war, but Lu Lianman also inquired about some of his deeds back then.

Those beings in the wizarding world who succeed and rise to higher levels do have a certain element of chance in their growth.

But besides chance, there is also necessity.

Thain conducted the body modification experiment on the girl Luo for a week.

Under the guidance of the Spider Queen, Thane did not directly remove the flower of death from the back of the girl's head.

But through special techniques, the flower of death is completely integrated with the girl, instead of being independent of each other.

This flower of death is also called the "Flower of the Other Side" in Faerûn.

Indeed, as Thain had judged before, this flower was specially planted on girls by the Church of Bones.

This is a special resource suitable for the cultivation of powerful people in the extraordinary realm, including the girl's brother. It was also transformed and promoted by the group of people from the White Bone Church.

The Church of Bones is originally one of the dark alliances that acts more evilly and has no scruples.

Their reputation in Faerun is equivalent to that of black magicians in the wizarding world.

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