The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 999: Erase

Blackwater City at night has a rather blurry night view.

There were many faint lights everywhere, illuminating the streets.

As for the prosperous area, it is even more crowded and lively.

After all, it is the same plane that gave birth to elemental users.

The magicians of Faerûn, in addition to using their spells for combat, also use some of their spells to serve their lives well.

For example, the faint lights on the main streets of Blackwater City come from the power of elements.

A lighting spell that the lowest level mage can cast can maintain these lights for at least a month of nighttime needs.

There are four places in the most prosperous and bright areas of Blackwater City.

Except for one of them, which is the largest commercial street in Blackwater City and sells gold caves, the other three are exactly the construction sites of the three major temples in Blackwater City.

They are: Bone Church, Storm Temple, and Hidden Temple.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏The lighting in the Church of the Bones is gray, which makes it easy for people to feel the bone-chilling cold.

Some devout believers, even at night, respectfully prostrate themselves outside the temple and pray.

The color of the Storm Temple is bluish, while the color of the Hidden Temple is actually black.

I don’t know if these thieves are in love with darkness.

In the middle of the night, the lights were still on, which was really weird.

The goal of Thain's trip is the Bone Church in Blackwater City.

Not only to complete the information collection task of the Spider Queen, but also because Thane is extremely interested in this world.

Thain has not yet provoked other temples, but the Church of Bones has already had substantial contact with Thain.

The God of Bones was definitely here to take Thain's life before, so who else would he do?

In addition, the information obtained from the minds of those five professionals (ps: or adventurers) also made Thane most familiar with the Bone Church in Blackwater City.

The strongest person in this church is just a second-level creature.

Including some secret scrolls recorded by this church, it seems that they are also hidden in a basement deep in the church.

The scale of the Bone Church in Blackwater City is not large.

After all, this is just a small town, not the main church of the Temple of Bones, nor even a branch church.

This morning, the oracle suddenly descended on all the Bone Temples across the continent, causing most of the power of this temple to be mobilized.

Although low-level creatures didn't know what was happening, most high-level creatures smelled something unusual.

The Bone Church in Blackwater City is also busy at this time.

Except for those believers who don't know why and are still in a state of prayer.

Other professionals with certain combat capabilities have been mobilized by the church.

Thanks to the Spider Queen erasing all information about Thane, the God of Bones does not know Thain's appearance and physical characteristics. He can't even figure out where exactly it happened. He can only roughly judge that it was in Blackwater City. , Crescent Bay, and areas near Giant Wood Castle.

A large part of the power of the Bone Church in Blackwater City has now begun to spread out to explore special events in nearby areas.

Fortunately, the five adventurers killed by Thain had only been on their mission for a few days, and the Bone Church of Blackwater City had not yet thought of what might happen to Mora Village.

Otherwise, the opponent will gather the power of the entire Bone Temple to quickly surround and suppress him.

Even if Thane were to return to his heyday, he would be in a lot of trouble.

Spider Queen Rose couldn't show up every time to solve his troubles.

After staying in the sky above Blackwater City until midnight, until most of the power of the Church of Bones had dispersed, Thane took action.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏The half-undead girl Erluo was placed in a corner of the roof of a residential house by Thain.

Under the isolation barrier of Thain, the little girl slept peacefully.

Several green seeds, driven by Thain's elemental power, rose from the ground around the church and grew into plant giants nearly ten meters tall.

These plant giants all have the first level of strength. If Thain's strength hadn't been fully restored, he wouldn't have needed these extra boosts at all.

The sudden appearance of the giant plant monster completely stunned the believers of the God of Bones who were originally praying outside the temple.

These believers are basically ordinary people who have no power to spare. Many of them were trampled to pulp by these plant monsters that could walk upright because they were unable to dodge.

The response of the Church of Bones was not slow.

The opponent is obviously coming for them.

A special layer of divine power barrier appeared on the outside of the building of the Bone Church, and the whole body was pale golden.

After all, it is a large-scale plane that has developed the god system to an extremely high level. The skills displayed by the Bone Church are much more experienced than the indigenous creatures of other planes that Thain has participated in before.

This layer of divine power barrier seems to be condensed with the power of faith as its source.

Unfortunately, the Bone Church in Blackwater City is only a small church.

In Thain's view, this layer of divine power barrier can only provide short-term resistance to secondary biological bombardment.

Accompanied by a cold snort, an obscure and lengthy spell chanting came from Thain in mid-air.

It can make Thane chant a curse, and the magic he releases next is definitely not ordinary.

"Who is it?! Dare to invade the Bone Church!" An angry shout came from deep within the temple.

It was the legendary strongman who was in charge of the Bone Temple who appeared.

The same thing as the gray-robed man killed by Thane, this guy was also an element user.

It's just that in Thain's eyes, it's just not something to talk about.

"Let me show you what real magic is." Thain sneered, and as he waved his magic wand forward, huge and dense burning meteorites fell from the sky, heading straight towards the building of the Bone Church. The group smashed them away.

This is indeed beyond the imagination of the magicians in Faerûn.

Because many people have never seen this kind of large-scale, range-based killing spell.

In particular, these meteorites are burning with heart-stopping gray flames. Just by looking at them, one can think of how terrible power they contain.

"Rumble!" A magical feast began to take place in the night sky of Blackwater City.

Thain's performance in Blackwater City lasted less than an hour.

After all, his purpose is to find the information he is interested in in the Church of Bones, not to be a head-on enemy of the temple in this world.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏After easily killing the legendary strongman in the Bone Temple and taking away a large amount of dossier information in this temple, Thane quickly ran away.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, and a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

The method he used to kill this legendary strongman was to rely on the "Brilliant Heart" beam of light released by the best magic wand in his hand.

This smooth-type spell stored in the magic wand was strengthened after Thain was promoted to the third level in the Holy Tower of Dark Fire, and it was enough to severely damage any third-level creature.

Using it to bully a legendary creature that can only rely on the gift of divine power to release very few second-level spells is simply overkill.

It is worth mentioning that Thain made half the sky red outside the Bone Temple and burned down many temple buildings and innocent people's homes. But what is strange is that the other two temples in Blackwater City didn't even fart.

Thain could feel that the other two second-level creatures in the city were also hiding in the dark and observing him.

But perhaps because they noticed the huge disparity in strength between the two sides, the two local second-level creatures didn't show up on their own initiative to feel uncomfortable.

More importantly, the three temples in Blackwater City originally cooperated with each other and had a competitive relationship.

As long as Thane doesn't take the initiative to cause trouble for them, the people in the Storm Temple and the Hidden Temple will be happy to see the Bone Temple suffer misfortune.

Until Thain stepped on a fire lotus under his feet and quickly left the city.

Almost all the indigenous residents of Blackwater City did not understand what exactly happened.

But it is conceivable that what happened here will soon spread throughout the entire Dark Alliance, including the Justice League, who should also receive the news.

The continent of Faerûn has been peaceful and peaceful for hundreds or thousands of years. At least with the vision and life span of low-level creatures, they have not experienced this kind of direct erasure of a certain temple in a city for too long.

Could it be that the War of Gods, the struggle between gods, is about to begin again?

For a time, undercurrents surged across the continent.

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