The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 248: : The Appointment of the Peak (6)

Li Tianlan stood there, squinting his eyes.

The countless Qin Weibai surrounding him did not decrease, but more and more. Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, countless identical figures occupy every place in the field of vision, in front of him, in the distance, and beside him, Behind him, in heaven.

Qin Weibai was everywhere.

Clear and fuzzy.

Darkness floats quietly around him, like the night of the world. Everything seems to be no different from an ordinary night. Countless Qin Weibai is half-concealed in the darkness in the distance, forming an extremely stunning but still The ultimate horror picture.

The world is dead, there is no sound, only darkness and eternity.

This is a realm beyond the pinnacle of invincibility.

Not to mention other people in the dark world, even Li Tianlan himself encountered such an opponent for the first time.

His invincible confidence has never wavered, but now he really hasn't seen the direction of this martial arts clearly.

This can't even be said to be martial arts.

In terms of combat power and destructive power, Jiang Shangyu is not the strongest, but the extreme changes in the field after crossing the peak invincibility has made Jiang Shangyu the most difficult character to be killed.

The dark realm in front of him is extremely clear but extremely tranced around him.

This is an indescribable feeling.

The opponent's domain is right in front of him.

He can see, but he can't feel it, let alone destroy it.

In the dark realm, everything is divorced from reality, but it has substance. To some extent, they may also be a kind of reality, which only belongs to the reality of Jiangshangyu.

For example, the image of giants that penetrated the sky before, such as the endless shadows of people now.

Weird, changeable, and unbelievable, Jiang Shangyu is almost invincible in his field.

"Hid your head and show your tail, is this the battle in your heart?"

Li Tianlan spoke slowly, his voice was calm, without any wavering or other emotions.

"I'm right in front of you."

Jiang Shangyu smiled faintly: "The world you see is all me."

The boundless crowds in front of them began to change.

Each and every Qin Weibai's figure was continuously distorted, turning into different people after another, men and women, old people and children, countless people, completely different people.


Li Tianlan's heart beat violently.

The sound of the heartbeat seemed to drive a tremendous force, and the darkness in front of him suddenly twisted for a moment.

Layers upon layers seem to be endless sword intent surging in the dark realm once again.

Jiangshangyu's cold voice resounded through the entire field: "Are you going to work hard? If you don't break my field, you will fall here tonight."

Countless sword qi in the darkness kept rising.

Li Tianlan glanced at the crowd in front of him.

The crowd is still changing, and the number seems to be increasing.

Everything in front of me, except for the darkness, was left with a figure in the darkness.

"I can't break it."

He said lightly and closed his eyes little by little.

The figure in front of him disappeared.

Only darkness exists.

The only difference between opening eyes and closing eyes is the absence of countless figures in front of them.

Jiang Shangyu's remnant laughter suddenly disappeared.

The corners of Li Tianlan's mouth slightly twitched.

There were a few signs of damage to his clothes, with obvious wrinkles. In the dark, he stepped on the ground with bare feet, eyes closed, and motionless.

But at this moment Li Tianlan gave Jiang Shangyu an extremely fatal danger.

If you don't see it, then don't see it.

This is Li Tianlan's choice.

A gust of wind appeared in the dark realm.

Countless footsteps suddenly moved.

The sound of footsteps is getting faster and faster, oppressing from every corner in all directions.


In the dull voice, the clenched fist slammed into Li Tianlan's face.

This seems to be just the beginning.

In the next second, an overwhelming attack rushed to Li Tianlan in an instant.

The boundless crowd rushed towards Li Tianlan.

Weak, small, but extremely dense.

Everyone's attack strength is not as good as that of ordinary people, but there are too many people, and everyone seems to be desperately trying to cause harm to Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan took a step forward slightly.

The dazzling sword light suddenly shone in the darkness, and the sword light cut into the crowd without hesitation. In the blink of an eye, there was already an empty space in front of Li Tianlan.

There was no blood, no corpse, and Jianguang passed all the way, and all the nearby figures disappeared. In the next second, the figure behind filled the gap and rushed towards Li Tianlan again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A huge heartbeat sounded in the crowd, and the sound became louder and louder, seeming to resonate with the whole world, and the entire dark field was trembling slightly.

The ubiquitous sword energy in the domain began to rotate, and the speed was getting faster and faster. In the darkness, the extremely bright sword light lit up in every corner of the domain.

The crowds all over the field disappeared in pieces and turned into nothingness, only the sword light became more and more bright.


There seemed to be a sudden sound of thunder in the ear.

The dazzling electric light lit up in the dark.

Several silhouettes burned with a dark blue arc directly hitting the sword energy in front of Li Tianlan.

One after another.

Each figure resembled a full blow of a thunder-thundering master, without pause or interval, the dense figures crazily approached Li Tianlan, and then dissipated under the sword light.

There are fewer and fewer people in the field, but the strength is getting stronger.

The silhouette of the thundering realm began to appear.

Then there is the Peak of Thunder Realm.

Then half a step invincible.

One after another emptiness figure with genuine power, almost blew up in front of Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan kept moving forward, unwavering in a certain direction in the dark.

The figure of the thundering realm disappeared.


The dark realm has become extremely empty, a handful of figures are still appearing, all of them are half-step invincible!

Suicide attacks continue one after another.

The sword energy in front of Li Tianlan finally began to dissipate a little bit.

From beginning to end, Li Tianlan did not open his eyes.

The half-step invincible master disappeared.

The figure in the huge dark realm has almost completely disappeared.

Amid the heavy footsteps, the few remaining figures slowly approached.

There is no communication.


The majestic power suddenly exploded around Li Tianlan.

In all directions, in different directions, the crazy offensive brought a torrent of strength after another.

There is no realm, no sword energy, but this is indeed a force that belongs to the invincible state.

The power of digital invincibility!

In the dark world, Li Tianlan opened his hands.

His whole person seems to have once again become a dazzling weapon.

The violent sword aura suddenly broke through the surrounding obstacles centered on him, completely lighting up the entire field in an instant.

Several violent currents of power were completely torn apart, and several invincible figures in the domain were directly shredded into nothingness at the moment the sword light broke out.

"I understand."

Li Tianlan stood still, his voice was slight.

Jiang Shangyu did not speak, there was deathly silence in the dark realm.

"This is your field?"

Li Tianlan laughed.

It wasn't until this moment that he understood Jiang Shangyu's so-called domain, and understood the extreme changes in the domain above the peak invincibility.

In his own field, Jiang Shangyu is almost omnipotent.

As long as his physical strength and strength are sufficient, he can do anything. Giants surpassing reality and densely packed figures can change as they please. No matter how they change, the essence of this change is power.

It is the power of rain on the river.

If he wants, he can even use his power in his domain to make dragons, ghosts, and even missile fighters...

Fancy things.

He can do whatever he wants.

But no matter what he makes, the power that he makes has its limits.

Where is Jiang Shangyu's limit, everything he makes in the domain will be one level lower than his limit.

This is the domain after the pinnacle of invincibility.

An extremely real illusion.

The realm in front of him can be said to be the world of rain on the river, which belongs only to his own world.

Li Tianlan stood quietly on the spot, keeping his hands open.

It rained suddenly in the dark world.

The raindrops condensed to the extreme fell from the sky, and every drop of rain carried an extremely pure sword energy.

Li Tianlan's figure flickered in every drop of rain.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, covering the whole area.

Li Tianlan's smile became more obvious. He opened his eyes and muttered to himself: "I saw you."

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