The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 247: : The Appointment of the Peak (5)

The whole picture seemed to be completely separated from reality for an instant, becoming extremely weird.

The dark figure is very deep and solid under the shining of the sword light, with an exaggerated height of more than 20 meters, sturdy limbs, and absolute power in silence.

The frantic surging darkness converged towards the giant black shadow.

The giant's body moved.

In the next second, a violent whistling sound suddenly sounded between heaven and earth.

The giant more than twenty meters tall raised his arm and slammed Li Tianlan with a punch.

A strange field that has never been seen before, an incredible fighting style, and a nightmare fighting style.

This is the field.

Beyond the peak and invincible realm.

No one can think of such a change in the field above the peak invincibility.

Li Tianlan frowned.

The huge fist almost blocked all vision of the wind above his head.

The giant's upper body was leaning, knees bent, like a real fist shattering the space, as his whole body sank, the surging darkness crazily gathered on his fist.

His body is getting smaller and smaller and more illusory, but his black fist keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Li Tianlan's figure flickered slightly, swiftly a hundred meters.


In the huge roar, the black fist directly hit the green grass.

The turf of hundreds of meters nearby was suddenly lifted into the sky, and the soil was flying. The huge cracks continued to spread around Li Tianlan's original position. Li Tianlan's body was suspended in the air, and the hideous cracks carried great strength from He quickly spread out under his feet, and countless cracks crisscrossed in the area nearly a thousand meters around, like a hideous and ugly spider web.

Li Tianlan narrowed his eyes and suddenly laughed.

"how about it?"

Jiang Shangyu's voice echoed in the darkness.

"You are kind of interesting now."

Li Tianlan was smiling, his eyes were bright and focused, with a little bit of rising temperature, he became hot and excited.

He is not an absolute martial idiot, but standing at his height is indeed a bit lonely.

No one can exactly understand what kind of path he found in the two years of desert. Lin Fengting had some guesses. After talking with him, the saints also had some guesses, but their thoughts and thoughts were not completely accurate. .

Li Tianlan can be sure that he is the strongest person in the dark world today.

Except for Wang Tianzong in the Moormans period, no one is his opponent.

Including Lin Fengting.

Including Li Kuangtu.

That's why the Eastern Palace thinks that the old era has completely passed and a new dawn is coming.

Then Li Tianlan encountered Jiang Shangyu.

For hundreds of years, since the dark world had invincibility, the first opponent to break through the limit of the peak invincibility from the direction of the domain.

Li Tianlan's confidence never wavered, but such an opponent did make him very interesting.


The giant on the ground slowly stood up.

The darkness completely condensed his body.

The sword light illuminates his higher and higher body, and his expression is not visible. The giant's face is dark, with no facial features, only pitch black.

Jiang Shangyu did not speak.

In the silence, the giant's hands were raised again.

The boundless realm kept shrinking.

The space twisted without warning, the giant's hands clenched into fists, and he smashed over without hesitation.

He and Li Tianlan are separated by hundreds of meters.

Those two sturdy arms stretched continuously in the dark, blasting hundreds of meters away in an instant, and came directly to Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan's figure intertwined slightly in the sword light and darkness, avoiding the huge fist just right.

A powerful shock wave surging unscrupulously inside the Eastern Palace, the entire Eastern Palace was shaking, and the arms that seemed to be able to easily smash everything suddenly moved horizontally at the moment Li Tianlan dodged. Amidst the dense sound, a neat forest behind Li Tianlan completely After being swept away, countless trees were flying around, fallen leaves were rising, light and darkness were constantly intertwined, Li Tianlan's footsteps kept on, and as he stepped down, an identical shadow appeared beside him.

The two Li Tianlan moved in opposite directions at the same time.

So two Li Tianlan became four.

The four identical shadows moved again.

Under the giant's iron fist, there are eight Li Tianlan who are exactly the same but have completely different actions.


Without any hesitation, the giant swung his arms frantically. When huge power surged from the left and right, the pressure above suddenly increased, and two arms appeared on both sides of the giant's body again, and then two more.

Unbelievable picture.

Shocking power.

The six dark arms spread wildly, like a windmill, smashing down without interruption following Li Tianlan's shadow.


Eight shadows are moving.

Li Tianlan's body shuttles freely in the shadows. This is the shadow word tactic he learned from Jie. In Li Tianlan's eyes, this is almost the most remarkable genius in the dark world in the past 100 years. It is in his hands at this moment. Almost has been played to the extreme.

The sky is full of shadows of fists. From Li Tianlan's perspective, the huge shadow of fists is like a beast that only rushes and kills in the dark sky. His body moved, and the eighth shadow remained in place.

The sword light shone, and the figure of the eight sword qi condensed became more and more fierce.

Li Tianlan stepped forward slowly in the shadow of the sky full of fists.

The ninth and last shadow appeared on the spot.

Suddenly, Li Tianlan stood on top of the giant's head.

The nine shadows still maintained Li Tianlan's appearance.

But Li Tianlan turned into a sword of light in an instant.

A silent step, a smokeless step.

His bare feet stepped on the giant's head, and in the darkness, he became the most dazzling and blazing front.


The sword light in the sky never broke out, but quickly gathered towards Li Tianlan's body, condensing to the extreme.

Countless sword light and monstrous sword aura completely illuminated the entire night at this moment.

The light shrank along Li Tianlan's body.

The nine shadows disappeared one by one.

Li Tianlan's body is getting brighter and brighter and more dazzling.

The giant's six arms madly grabbed his head.

Li Tianlan stomped lightly.

Not ruthless.


His whole person is like the sharpest soldier in the world, and like the most dazzling brilliance of the world, piercing the darkness in an instant.

The endless light tore the giant's body in the darkness and fell downward.

The figure of the giant was slightly smiled by Jianguang.

The giant disappeared.

Li Tianlan stood on the ground, looked at the surging darkness, and narrowed his eyes.

"What are you looking for?"

A soft, low, but very strange voice rang in Li Tianlan's ears.

There seemed to be chaos around the Eastern Palace, but Li Tianlan never heard any sound in his perception.

Only a clear footstep sounded slowly in front of him.

Jiang Shangyu's figure walked out of the darkness.

Li Tianlan looked at Jiang Shangyu with no expression on his face, and did not mean to speak at all.

Jiang Shangyu stood at a distance of 20 meters from Li Tianlan.

His figure stopped, but the footsteps did not disappear, but became clearer and denser.

It seemed that hundreds of people walked into this darkness, and then walked over from this darkness.


Came out.

A figure walked through the darkness.

Another one.

There are more and more figures in the dark.

All are rain on the river.

Every one is rain on the river.

One hundred, three hundred, five hundred, one thousand.

Dense, countless Jiang Shangyu completely surrounded Li Tianlan.

"I'm here."

All Jiang Shangyu spoke at the same time, bringing up a roaring sound: "What are you looking for?"

Countless Jiang Shangyu did the same action.

They pressed their faces.

In a flash, the hundreds of rains on the river all turned into Li Tianlan's appearance.

Li Tianlan stood in the middle, surrounded by countless selves.

The voice in the darkness laughed, and even the voice seemed to be exactly the same as Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan looked at the countless strange and weird smiles on his face around him, his face turned a little bit cold.

"Are you looking for me?"

The darkness is still surging.

All Jiang Shangyu became Qin Weibai.

"Are you looking for me?"

His voice was a little pitying and mocking: "Poor lied, can you still find me?"

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