The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 249: : The Appointment of the Peak (7)

The rain water condensed by the sword qi continued to fall, from gentle to dense, becoming rapid and violent.

There was a fierce roar in the dark realm, and the sword rain was like a waterfall, as if to overwhelm the entire world.

Li Tianlan's figure appeared in every drop of rain, and every drop of rain was his eye, even his body.

The rain spread from the top of Li Tianlan's head and spread all over the area.

In the next second, Li Tianlan's figure disappeared.

The strong sword light was like a shooting star, condensed to a point in an instant, piercing straight into a piece of nothingness in the darkness.

Light and darkness intertwined abruptly.

After the sword light passed, the darkness of nothingness completely boiled, and the violent power stubbornly withstood the dazzling sword light. In the next moment, the figure of Li Tianlan and Jiang Shangyu drew closer.


The crazily roaring dragon roar was extremely high in an instant. At such a close distance, there was almost no room to escape between the two sides. Li Tianlan's body seemed to be pulled over by his own strength, full of absolutely explosive dragon fist. It hit Jiang Shangyu's chest directly.

Jiang Shangyu has completely merged with the darkness. His body is gloomy, and the whole person seems to have no weight. The fist that hits him drives his body to float backward for half a meter. When he avoids the attack, Jiang Shangyu is whole. It's completely changed.

Strong, cold, crazy, weird.

Jiang Shangyu’s white eyes were completely occupied by black eyeballs. In the darkness, his pitch-black pupils reflected every movement of Li Tianlan, his will was absolutely focused, and his storm-like attacks were non-stop. Jiang Shangyu could always advance by half a second or even Flashed away in a few tenths of a second.

The darkness and sword light continued to blend and collide, and the two figures seemed to have completely turned into two ghosts that flickered back and forth.

Dodge, attack, counterattack.

Jiang Shangyu’s movements are not as fast as Li Tianlan’s movements, but his perception seems to be more sensitive than Li Tianlan’s. He can always predict Li Tianlan’s movements one step ahead of time. Most of the time he is avoiding, but every counterattack carries a deadly sternness. Danger.

The dragon roar became louder and louder.

Li Tianlan was completely arbitrarily combining the 72-style dragon fist, the overwhelming dragon shadow with majestic power madly blasted everything in front of him.

Blood splashed out in the darkness.

In an instant, there were several more scars on both of them.

Jiang Shangyu's eyes were completely condensed, and the dark eyes became more and more terrifying. The moment the blood fell on the ground along the wound, his whole body suddenly stopped.

Li Tianlan stepped forward.

This time, he didn't use ruthlessness in the appointment at the pinnacle, and he didn't even have a sword in his hand, but at this moment, his whole body was full of sharp sword light, and the sword light was like a wave, completely locking Jiang Shangyu.


In the faint sneer, Jiang Shangyu is steep

Then he retreated, and his retreating motion continued to accelerate. Jian Guang flew around him wantonly, blood flying, he directly used his body to bear countless swords light, and once again got rid of Li Tianlan's blockade.

The dark realm surged wildly.

Heavy rains poured down in the field and fell crazily.

Li Tianlan frowned slightly, he couldn't find where Jiang Shangyu was.

The masters who have come to this step from the domain direction are undoubtedly the most troublesome. In their domain, they are almost equivalent to omniscience and omnipotence. Their ability to fight in close combat may be average, but they are hidden in their own domain and are not affected If found, it is enough to kill most opponents.

As if the actual darkness was constantly distorting, Li Tianlan had not yet sensed the location of the rain on the river during the heavy rain. The countless darkness had already condensed and changed shape.

The boundless darkness has condensed into one after another looking extremely hideous machine, huge and incredible barrels stick out from the machine, one by one, two more and more, densely packed.

Without any hesitation, all the barrels fired at the same time.

The cannonballs condensed by the darkness suddenly flew out, overwhelming the sky, exploding frantically around Li Tianlan, the world seemed to be completely overturned, and the violent vibrations and strong shock waves tore Li Tianlan's body, extremely real.

At this moment, Li Tianlan seemed to be in a tragic battlefield, with artillery fire and explosions all around. Although there was no smoke and fire, its power was almost the same.

The artillery fire covers the limit, countless cannonballs exploded in every place in the field, there are more and more ferocious black forts, and the firepower is getting more and more violent.

Without any hesitation, Li Tianlan went straight forward, swept his arms, and the dazzling sword light brought an arc of light up to 100 meters in front of him.

The sharp edge tore the huge turret in front of him, and the dark turret disintegrated in the air, and then became one after another similar to armored vehicles and tanks. The artillery fire became denser, and a large number of tanks were directed towards Li Tianlan’s face. Roll over.

The darkness is still surging.

Silently, a huge shadow flew from the air, the shape of a fighter plane, but the fuselage was densely packed with cannon tubes, and countless cannons shimmered silently in darkness, all aimed at Li Tianlan.

This is destined to be an eye-opening day for everyone in the dark world.

Don't talk about others, even Li Tianlan has gained knowledge.

This is the real field.

Within the domain, this is Jiang Shangyu's own world. As long as he has enough power and as long as his will can continue to fight, everything he imagined can be condensed in his own domain with his own power, endless.

If Li Tianlan can't find a way to break the game, his physical strength will be exhausted little by little, and he will eventually fall here.

This kind of

The combat method may take a long time, but the possibility is real.

The gunfire poured silently.

Main battle tanks, armored vehicles, fighter planes, machine guns, bazookas, grenades, all imaginable modern weapons have been revealed by weapons in this martial arts field.

The pressure is increasing.

Li Tianlan couldn't move a single inch.

So he stopped.

The endless sword light surrounded him, turning into a nearly substantial cocoon.

Crazy artillery fire hit the cocoon beside him, causing ripples after another.

Li Tianlan's eyes were cold.

A touch of impatient emotion gradually appeared on his face.

With a somewhat impatient expression, he calmly said: "You have played enough, then..."

Li Tianlan's breath plummeted to the bottom in an instant.

"It's over."

His fluttering voice rang from every corner of the domain.

Li Tianlan raised his palm.

The breath that had fallen to the bottom began to rise as he raised his hand.

The imperial state, the ice mirror, the burning fire state, the thundering state, the peak of the thundering state.

The breath that surpassed the pinnacle invincibility completely disappeared.

At this moment, Li Tianlan's strength is at the peak of the thunder-thundering realm.

The blue dazzling arc lit up on the tips of his fingers, with sword light, sword intent, and sword aura.

Li Tianlan's face paled for a moment, and under the bombardment of countless artillery fire in the darkness, he lightly flicked his fingers.


In the faint sound, the faint blue arc gleamed in the darkness.

In the next instant, the entire field was filled with dark blue electric lights.

The electric light flickered and dimmed, completely distorted, exploded, and spread in the most extreme way, covering everything with the purest destruction.

The endless gunfire disappeared instantly.

All the turrets and weapons were crushed into powder by the extremely distorted blue lightning.


There was only a small sound crackling, with an incredible frequency, faster and faster.

The entire field was completely occupied by Lei Guang.


Jiang Shangyu's incredible voice rang: "This is..."

His words are not finished yet.

Everything is gone.

The artillery fire, weapons, including Li Tianlan, all completely disappeared.

Standing in the darkness, Jiang Shangyu kept sinking.

He glanced around vigilantly, his eyes becoming more solemn.

In the deserted field, Li Tianlan's voice rang beside him: "What are you looking for?"

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