The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 954: : I am heaven and earth

It can be said that this is the first time for Xibai and Dongcheng, and they are also the first people to experience the mobility of memory authority.

There is no confusion in vision or perception, and there is no stimulation of high-speed movement.

The drop of water raised by Xi Bai seemed to be still in the air, and there seemed to be no change around them. Their bodies had already appeared in Tiannan in the most natural way.

And it appeared directly in Li Tianlan's bedroom.

The overall feeling didn't feel like they had moved across a long distance. It felt like they were supposed to be here.

Li Tianlan was lying on the bed, breathing long and sleeping deeply.

Dongcheng's eyes were immediately attracted.

Her mind and character have always been simple, even simple.

It’s really incredible to come from Youzhou to Tiannan in an instant.

How did you get here, why did you come so fast, what kind of method is this...

She also had similar doubts in her heart, but these doubts were no longer important the moment she saw Li Tianlan. She was too lazy to ask, didn't think about it, it didn't matter...

The important thing is that Li Tianlan is here.

Dongcheng walked over like this, his steps brisk.

She sat down next to Li Tianlan, as if she didn't know how to express her inner joy. She stretched out her hand to touch his face carefully. After touching it twice, she saw that Li Tianlan didn't respond. She stopped again, just like that. looked at him.

After a full minute, Dongcheng looked at Xibai like this, but stopped talking, as if he wanted to ask Li Tianlan why he didn't wake up.

Xibai didn't notice her gaze, he just lowered his head and condensed a dew of life between himself again, remaining silent.

She was recalling her overall feeling of suddenly appearing here from Youzhou.

Compared with Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai who were recovering, Xibai knew a little more, even though it was only a little bit insignificant.

But this bit of information is of no use at all.

First of all, she knew the memory permissions, but she didn't know who had the memory permissions.

Then he knew that the memory permissions were originally discussed by Huang Xi and Xi Bai.

To be precise, they were discussing the camp, the camp of nothingness.

As for what kind of authority is suitable for the direction of nothingness, Huang Xi and Xi Bai were not clear about this at the beginning, let alone starting from the aspect of memory.

Present, future, past...

Time and space are not static in the eyes of the Supreme. They may not be omniscient in the true sense, but standing in a certain time and space, they can directly see things that have happened in the past and future that have a huge impact on themselves.

Huang Xi should have been able to see the current time and space, and even the more distant future.

The future he sees will change differently due to changes in fate, but he has enough ability to influence and even directly choose the one that is most beneficial to the neutral camp.

With the emergence of memory authority, Xibai couldn't be sure whether Li Tianlan deduced the process based on the results, but she was certain of at least one thing.

That is the function of a certain divine form of Li Tianlan.

The so-called divine form, which can also be called a divine weapon, is a weapon that is most suitable for oneself after reaching the eighth level Shura with martial arts authority.

In the process of the eighth-level Shura being promoted to the ninth-level Killing God, every time he takes a small step forward, Shura needs to forge his own divine form.

To describe it in terms of digitization, in the process of sprinting towards the height of the God of Death, Shura needs to cast a divine form every time he increases his level of authority. This can be said to be the basic condition for promotion.

Everyone has a bias towards the concept of martial arts, so every divine form can be said to be unique.

The divine form contains Shura's personal martial arts philosophy. It is Shura's life, and it can also be Shura's weapon. Because it is unique, each divine form has different characteristics.

Li Tianlan initially used martial arts authority to lie at the supreme level of authority, and forged nine divine forms at the eighth level of authority. In the end, the nine divine forms merged into one, and finally transformed, becoming the first person in the neutral camp who claimed to have the power to open the sky. God of death.

Among Li Tianlan's nine divine forms, one is the most special.

Godform: The End.

This was not Li Tianlan's first divine form, nor was it his last, but at that time, he was in a special state and inadvertently created a divine form that even he himself could not copy.

The terror of the end lies not in the complex data analyzed by technological authorities, but in its single-target lethality.

The single-target lethality ranks first, which even the current God of War cannot surpass.

This is a single-target skill of Li Tianlan.

Its most special place...

It lies in being able to tear apart the true mark.

In other words, the peak powerhouse, even the supreme, can return even if he falls and dies, because of the existence of the true mark.

But the end can tear apart the mark of truth...

This means that Li Tianlan initiated the end at his peak, and with one blow, a peak powerhouse who could return countless times did not even have a chance to return.

He is the only one who can directly kill the ninth-level authority alone, while other supremes can only let them return when faced with the ninth-level authority.

There is no way this terrifying and somewhat eerie feature can go wrong.

Although Xibai has forgotten who the person who has the memory authority is now, she knows one thing. No matter who that person is, he died in the end...

In other words, the person who now controls the memory authority has had his true brand torn apart by the end. He should have been like an ordinary person, with no possibility of returning after his death. Instead, as the basic particles reorganized, Randomly transforms into something else.

It's just that Xibai had already mastered the authority of life to a certain extent.

So after Li Tianlan ended the other party, he used his life authority to stabilize the other party's broken true mark.

The part of the memory about memory permissions was also the discussion between Huang Xi and Xi Bai after they rescued each other.

There are some things that Xi Bai can no longer remember now, but now she is life, and it was the power of life that saved the person whose true mark was broken...

Although Xibai couldn't remember the other party, he could vaguely feel the real imprint of the other party's strange state by relying on the sealed authority, and could even further understand the other party's authority.

So when Qin Weibai teased her about her lack of mobility, she directly called that person out.

She didn't know who that person was, but she knew that the other person was definitely there.


Xibai looked at the dew of life on his hand, suddenly smiled and said.

Now that the other party has arrived in the City of Miracles, they can communicate directly no matter where they are.

A drop of water, a wisp of wind, a blade of grass, a speck of dust, a building, a car...

Even a grain of rice, a drop of vinegar...

Or pure air.

Anything is fine.

As long as the other party wants to, anything can become his clone, allowing him to descend instantly.

There was no response from the room.

The dew of life on Xi Bai's hand did not change at all.

Xibai looked around.

There is nothing around.

She was sure that there was really nothing this time.

Qin Weibai, whose authority has not been sealed, cannot feel the other party's presence, even if the other party stands in front of her, she cannot see it.

But Xi Bai, whose authority was sealed, could feel the other party's true imprint.

As long as the other party appears, Xi Bai can see it at a glance.

Now the other party is not here...

Xibai smiled and spoke again: "Memory..."

After thinking about it, she felt that what she said was wrong and changed her words again: "Incorrect..."

Incorrect is a title of authority.

The other party obviously has the power.

Memory permissions, memory is the core.

This means that even if Xibai forgets who the other party is, as long as he knows the other party's authority, says it in his mouth, or thinks of the authority in his mind, no matter where the other party is, even on the other side of the starry sky, he will instantly Feel something.

The dew of life in Xibai's hand suddenly fluctuated with her voice.

Xibai continued to laugh, reaching out to poke the boiled water on the ground: "Come out, let's talk, come out, come out, come out..."

"The time has come..."

A vague voice suddenly appeared in Xi Bai's ear, just four words.

Xi Bai was stunned for a moment and didn't speak for a while.

Because of this voice.

This voice is not very pleasant or unpleasant.

But in these four simple words, Xi Bai only heard the content, but not anything else.

There was not even a slight fluctuation in tone, nor any emotion.

Smooth, stable, with the ultimate indifference, as if ignoring everything, that kind of indifference without any mercy or cruelty, without any joy, anger, sorrow, or anything else, just like the sound of heaven.

Nothing at all...

Xi Bai felt an inexplicable chill in his heart.

This sound of nothingness, the so-called nothingness, actually represents something.


Does this mean that the other party's current state is already approaching order?

"You are not in the right state..."

Xi Bai took a deep breath and his voice became serious.

She knew that it was unreliable to judge something based on sound alone, but the state of losing all emotions and feelings had to make her think more.

"It doesn't matter..."

The soundless voice continued to echo: "I'm trying... to recover..."

"what do you?"

All Xi Bai's thoughts calmed down and he said coldly.

The ethereal voice was silent for a while, and then responded in a voice without any emotion: "I... am heaven and earth."

Silently, the dew of life on Xi Bai's fingertips completely shattered and turned into a wisp of water vapor.

Xi Bai pursed her red lips tightly and looked at Li Tianlan, who was still sleeping. A trace of visible worry flashed in her eyes.

She thought for a while and said directly in her mind: "Now is not the time for fighting. Come to me first. If something happens..."

"What's up?"

In his mind, Qin Weibai asked angrily.

"Hard to say."

Xibai hesitated for a moment: "You come first, maybe that person needs your control... His condition is very bad."

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