The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 955: :Gamble

As Xi Bai let go of his consciousness, almost at the same time, Qin Weibai's figure appeared beside Xi Bai out of thin air.

She first looked at Dongcheng Rusui beside her.

The latter was obviously immersed in his own world, just looking at Li Tianlan, motionless and silent.

Among Li Tianlan's women, as long as she doesn't take the initiative to chat with Dongcheng Rusuo, she will be the quietest in most situations. What happens in the outside world doesn't matter to her at all.

Qin Weibai withdrew his gaze, looked at Xibai, gritted his teeth, and snorted.

"There's something wrong with that person's condition..."

Xibai ignored Qin Weibai's dissatisfaction and asked directly.


Qin Weibai frowned.

"The one none of us can remember."

Xi Bai's tone was full of certainty.

Qin Weibai was stunned for a moment and froze in place. She suddenly remembered that before she went to Beihai and Youzhou, she originally planned to go to the laboratory on the third underground floor. But just when she was about to take action, she encountered the projection of the God of War. Block the road...

And then...and more.

She naturally forgot all this and descended directly to Beihai.

Unable to remember memory permissions...

Qin Weibai has an almost instinctive fear in his heart. Among all the supreme beings, Qin Weibai is the one who has the deepest fear of memory authority, because memory is strictly speaking a kind of spirit, and there are two kinds of authority: spirit and memory. Qin Weibai mastered the former, but did not understand the latter. When the news about memory permissions became complete in the future, Qin Weibai instinctively felt that the two permissions might conflict with each other...

"What could be wrong with him?"

Qin Weibai asked with some confusion.

"Do you have any memories of the Void Camp?"

Xibai said suddenly.

The corners of Qin Weibai's mouth moved, but he hesitated to speak. At this moment, the two of them released their shields on each other and checked the other's memory at the same time.

Regarding the memory of the Void Camp, both of them have it, and they are very consistent, that is, they know the name of the Void Camp, they know the memory permissions, and there is nothing else.

At the same time, because the two sides were not blocking each other, Qin Weibai also directly saw Xibai's brief and direct conversation with the memory authority just now.

"what do you?"

"I... am heaven and earth."

Qin Weibai's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

There is actually no standard answer to this question, but there are problems with the other party's answer. The flavor of order is too strong.

what do you...

This question can be answered in any way, but it should not be an answer similar to heaven, earth, world, etc.

In the decisive battles between neutrality and order, when the technological authority, which represents the strongest authority, officially sets foot on the battlefield, declarations of the end of technological authority can be heard in countless star fields.

That is the clarion call for the final battle: I am the world.

Heaven and earth are very similar in concept to the world.

That is no emotion.

No distinction between good and evil, no question of right and wrong, no right or wrong, no appeasement of anger...

They will always exist, but this existence is just a state and nothing else will exist.

The so-called heaven and earth will never punish a person because he has done many evil things, nor will he help a person because he is selfless. This is absolute justice and absolute indifference.

Humans are like heaven and earth, what kind of state will that be?


Qin Weibai murmured to himself.

"The Supreme Being will never die, but just because he won't die doesn't mean he won't be ordered."

Xi Bai said calmly.

"Have you ever seen the Supreme Being who was ordered?"

Qin Weibai couldn't help but sneered.

Theoretically, after reaching the ninth level of authority and the supreme level, they can live as long as the world. Fall and death are two concepts to them. As long as the world is still alive, they can return countless times, but this They can't really sit back and relax.

Order is a threat to everyone.

Whether it is a peak powerhouse with ninth-level authority or a supreme being, it is theoretically possible to be assimilated by order and become a creature of order.

But this is only theoretical.

From the period of the Yu clan to the period of the human race, the two worlds changed. There was only one similar example in Qin Weibai's memory. It was not the Supreme, but a certain peak powerhouse with ninth-level authority who was assimilated by the Order and became the Order. Biology, as for the reason, it should be related to the other party's luck, that is a very long time ago.

"I have never seen a supreme being who has been ordered."

Xi Bai's voice was calm, and his eyes looking at Qin Weibai were also calm: "But I have seen the Supreme being eroded by chaos. Is there an essential difference between order and chaos for us?"

Qin Weibai's eyes froze for a moment and became a little cold.

The so-called supreme being eroded by chaos...

They have really seen it.

That was during the Yu Clan period, and they, or in other words, were Xi Bai's teachers...

A supreme being who stood at the apex of the neutral camp failed to withstand the influence of chaos and completely turned into an incomprehensible chaotic creature in an instant...

And their teacher was killed by Xi Bai himself.

"I don't want to dwell on the past."

Xi Bai's exquisite and perfect face revealed a kind of indifference: "I just want to know how the void camp, or the memory authority, carries the will of the world... If, I mean if, the memory authority is really ordered. If you change, you know what the consequences will be..."

Qin Weibai didn't speak. The two of them had let go of each other's minds. Xibai now knew very well that there was no similar information in Qin Weibai's memory.

Different authorities have different ways to carry the will of the world.

For example, the power of martial arts is to suppress the will of the world.

For example, lying about authority is deceiving the will of the world.

Destiny authority is to seal the will of the world.

After each life chooses different permissions, it will carry the will of the world when the fourth-level permission breaks through the fifth-level permission. This stage is the nirvana of the life level and the transformation from human to inhuman. If you want to obtain far more than the fourth-level permission, The combat effectiveness of the authority and the will of the world are the key, and can even be said to be the only factor.

Keeping one's consciousness awake under the impact of the world's will is a life and death test that everyone must face.

After passing this level, the level of life and combat power will undergo qualitative changes. After successfully accommodating the will of the world, the fifth-level authority is equivalent to the incarnation of the world that can guarantee self-awareness.

Starting from the fifth level of authority, with each subtle promotion, as the person becomes stronger, the will of the world will continue to increase in the body of the breakthroughr. Finally, a qualitative change will occur when the sixth level of authority breaks through the seventh level of authority, which is another life and death barrier. Breaking through is an ascension to the level of life, contact with the physical form, and theoretically unlimited combat power.

And every promotion after the seventh-level authority, even the promotion to the first-level authority, is equivalent to a life and death test, and the difficulty will become more and more difficult. If you are lucky enough to reach the eighth-level authority, the breakthroughr will enter a peak of combat power. It will also be the most dangerous stage.

At the stage of eighth-level authority, the world's will contained in itself is already massive, and it needs to be resisted all the time and continue to move forward little by little.

Countless top princes in history died at this point. Even if they didn't die, they would still have some problems with their bodies or hearts.

Those who can rely on themselves to reach the peak of eighth-level authority step by step, and who can accommodate a massive amount of world will and still ensure that there are no problems for themselves, are the top talents...

Such people will begin to absorb Qi Luck and use Qi Luck to assist them to suppress and balance the world's will in the body, preparing for the impact of the ninth level authority.

Qin Weibai and Xibai both knew similar processes.

Although they don't understand the memory authority, they must follow this process, but what they don't know is how the memory authority carries the will of the world...

It wouldn’t be suppression, it wouldn’t be deception, it wouldn’t be a seal, what else could it be?

This is the key reason why the other party is in such a bad state now...

As the Supreme, he is now facing the crisis of being ordered. This is undoubtedly because there is a problem with the will of the world in his body. Is there a problem with his luck? Or is there something wrong with the way the world's will is carried?

"The void camp is taking the opposite path to neutrality..."

Qin Weibai spoke slowly.

"Neutrality is touching reality step by step, while emptiness is touching nothingness step by step."

Xi Bai raised his eyebrows.

"So from the perspective of the degree of danger, the memory authority, from the very beginning, is far more dangerous than any authority in the neutral camp..."

Qin Weibai said slowly.

"But that doesn't make sense..."

Xibai frowned: "Tianlan should have been able to see this scene at that time, and there would be no way to leave it behind, but now, why can't we remember anything?

Could the things Tianlan felt she had forgotten but could never remember have something to do with this? "

Qin Weibai took a deep breath, rubbed his brows, and said helplessly: "Who knows what he did in the past? Before he died, he was mysterious many times, and I didn't know what he was doing. What..."

"So now, we can only wait for him to wake up and then ask about the situation?"

Xi Bai narrowed his eyes.

"I'm afraid it's useless to ask...the timing is a bit coincidental."

Qin Weibai sighed. He rang the laboratory again, thinking of the God of War, memory permissions, and Li Tianlan's anomaly...

She could probably understand what Xi Bai meant.

With Huang Xi's strength, he could definitely see the situation today, but in many cases, being able to see it does not mean that he can solve it.

Qin Weibai instinctively felt that what was happening now should be Huang Xi playing a big game with the future Supreme in the past.

The big, big kind.

In other words, all this right now should be a gamble, a big gamble...

As for the outcome, Huang Xi should not be sure, and could only see how the situation would develop next.

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