The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 953: : Wake up (Part 2)

As long as they enter Tiannan and the East Palace, and Xibai wakes up Dongcheng, it will be considered a reality.

You can say whatever you want about credit.

A woman who has a supreme level and can be called your majesty, but has never minded being called your majesty for a long time, does not care at all whether she will be regarded as a vassal of Li Tianlan. In fact, she is. , she has strength and level, anyway, she is Li Tianlan's woman, and as for the rest, it doesn't matter.

Qin Weibai had just brought back a younger sister, and before he could make a high profile, Xibai immediately came to the door with another younger sister.

As long as the fight between women doesn't go too far, Li Tianlan won't interfere, let alone care. For him, every one of these is a good thing and a real surprise.

"We...go to Tiannan?"

Dongcheng responded blankly, stretched out his hand to grab the feather again, and asked curiously: "Where is this?"

As her words fell, she clearly noticed that the soft and incredible feathers in her hands moved slightly.

Dongcheng was startled and subconsciously raised his palms.

She found that the entire space around her was moving, shrinking or stretching a little bit, changing silently, and finally turned into wings, which appeared behind Xi Bai.

Dots of sacred and pure light continued to escape in mid-air. Some feathers began to become translucent after being separated from the wings, and then turned into beautiful streams of light.

The layers of wings continued to gather behind Xi Bai, and the hazy and holy light illuminated Xi Bai's entire body, making it look like nothing in the world.

Really... an angel...

Dongcheng Ru looked at this scene with some envy, as if she wanted to say wow, but because this scene was too supernatural and severely challenged her three views, although her mouth opened, no sound came out.

So just now... I was staying in the space where this sister's wings were folded?

There are countless pairs of wings gathering behind Xi Bai's back, gradually shrinking.

In an instant, a halo of light that was so dazzling that it was difficult to look directly erupted with Xi Bai as the center.

At the same time as the halo erupted, Xi Bai's figure had disappeared. In a daze, Dongcheng seemed to see a pair of wings that were so huge that they could cover the sky and the sun, and it was impossible to describe their situation.

"Let's go up first."

Xi Bai's figure was re-outlined in the slowly dissipating light.

The complicated and gorgeous wings on her back disappeared.

The platinum windless and automatic hair has also regained its black beauty.

The life symbol between the eyebrows also returned to peace.

She waved her hand, and a neatly folded set of long dresses, shoes, coats, and hairpins suitable for spring flew over nearby.

"Put your clothes on first."

Xibai smiled.

Get dressed first?

Dongcheng was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to cover his body, but when he lowered his head, he realized that he was wearing a layer of clothes woven from the hazy light curtain. Although the fabric was very small, it could indeed be regarded as clothes, and it was easy to wear. Very comfortable.

Naturally, she wears no clothes in the hibernation cabin. Her body is covered with a large amount of foam, and there is no need to worry about being exposed. Under normal circumstances, if she has been in this state for such a long time, the experience of putting on clothes will be very uncomfortable. Feeling uncomfortable, Xibai first used his life force to knit a piece for her, and then put it on real clothes. This feeling naturally disappeared.

"The clothes you are wearing are essentially life force, and life force has no secrets in front of me, so..."

Xi Bai raised his eyebrows, and suddenly asked curiously: "Why don't you have any fur?"

Dongcheng suddenly blushed, looked at Xibai angrily, and subconsciously hugged the long skirt that flew in front of her. After a long while, she suppressed a sentence: "Tianlan said you don't have it either."

"I could have it, but you really don't have it."

Xibai smiled. As a life, for her, this kind of problem really means that she can have it if she wants it, and she can't have it if she doesn't want it. In fact, it is not just life authority, any authority can do this after the life reaches the ascension level.

Life level ascension is a seventh-level authority.

The most important and core symbol of the so-called ascension is the release of the physical form.

For any creature under the seventh-level authority, its own body can be said to be the strongest body and armor, but it is also a limitation.

At the seventh level of authority, the physical form is completely released. There is no limit. In theory, it means that there is no upper limit to the power that one can withstand and the power that can be exerted. Genes can be reorganized, so what does hair count?

Dongcheng Ru was a little angry, so he put on his clothes silently and decided not to talk to this sister for the time being.

Xibai waved his hand.

The life energy that had not escaped in the air began to gather again, and then was restored by Xibai into strands of pure white mist.

The mist filled the laboratory, drifting little by little toward another dormant chamber in the laboratory.

Dongcheng walked over curiously and took a look.

In his sight was a man whose whole body was covered with a large amount of foam. He was thin and pale, with his eyes closed tightly. He seemed to be very weak, but the moment his eyes looked at him, Dongcheng Rusu felt an inexplicable feeling. An extremely cold and sharp aura of coldness.

Wisps of life mist were absorbed bit by bit by his body, and he lay quietly, motionless.


Xibai came to Dongcheng Rusui and asked casually.

"Sighing the calamity of the city."

Dongcheng nodded: "Everyone says that he is the most powerful assassin in the City of Sighs and even in the entire dark world."

“The evaluation is quite fair.”

Xi Bai thought for a while and nodded seriously: "But the reason why he is an assassin means that his body is still too weak. He has extremely strong explosive power in a short period of time, but his essence is fragile. Such a person..."

She was silent for a moment.

Assassins, or that group of people who are extremely explosive in a short period of time, but whose body is fragile, are not ignored in the starry sky.

The so-called neutral camp is also divided into stages.

This era has entered the end period. When the final end comes, all the supreme beings and the peak powerhouses will fall and then return again.

Judging from the current situation, there will be no problem for her and Li Tianlan to return to their peak state before the end of the era. Li Tianlan can even take advantage of this time to advance to reality.

If it fails, say nothing.

If Li Tianlan succeeds and becomes the real him, regardless of whether there are other arrangements, she and Li Tianlan, the last couple to return in this era, will become the earliest to return in the new era.

But this so-called earliest does not mean that they can appear at the beginning of the new era.

What will the new era look like?

Everything is like a cycle.

Life will appear in countless seemingly coincidental but destined processes.

Different races, different civilizations, different beginnings, different developments.

Starting from primitive society, tribalism, slavery, and feudalism, it then developed into the industrial age, the technological age, and the information age.

The surface civilization will master the first star in its own area and eventually officially move towards the starry sky.

Explore, accumulate, and develop until you encounter other races, other lives, and other civilizations.

Then came the war.

The never-ending war.

All civilizations will develop rapidly in this process and will either be completely destroyed or suffer technological explosions.

The initial surface civilization will become a galaxy-level civilization, or even a star cluster-level civilization. In this process, life begins to quickly master various powers. Chaotic systems continue to appear, but there will always be someone who has the correct authority and continues to be promoted. , there will be lucky ones who reach the eighth level of authority. Among countless civilizations, a very few chosen ones will condense the true brand to attract the attention of the order.

All civilizations will encounter the invasion of order while at war with each other.

The breath of order authority leads to the return of neutral authority.

She and Xibai will appear first, then the God of War, the Human Emperor, Xuanyuan, Taihao...

The supreme power will conquer all civilizations in the shortest possible time.

The attack distance of a single line when the Supreme bursts out with all his strength...

A range of tens of billions of light years.

Under such power, no one can resist.

The civilization of the new era accepts the Supreme, and the Supreme accepts all life. Various forces continue to integrate with each other, fight against the order, and unite little by little. The integrated forces that are finally formed are called...the neutral camp.

As for an assassin like Situ Wanjie, even if his authority reaches level eight in the future, if his physical shortcomings are not compensated, he will only be popular in the early to mid-term of the new era.

The so-called early and mid-term is when various civilizations fight against each other and various conspiracies and intrigues occur frequently. But unfortunately, once one accepts the protection of the Supreme, such early and mid-term has almost nothing to do with tribulation.

As for the middle and late era, that is when the neutral camp is completely stable and various civilizations begin to unite together.

In such a situation, it would be a large-scale confrontation with the order camp.

Although a little crispy man with strong explosive power, but very fragile body, on such a battlefield...

That's totally a death sentence.

I can’t say it’s useless at all, but it’s not of much use anyway.

So at least in Xi Bai's eyes, Situ Wanjie can't wake up yet.

Although she can't greatly improve Situ Wanjie's potential as she holds the power over life, she can at least make up for his shortcomings. A non-flaky martial arts authority is the real martial arts authority. Without shortcomings, Zed will no longer be an assassin, but he can go further in the future.

Xi Bai glanced at Situ Wanjie again and waved his hand to condense more life mist.

It wasn't until the laboratory was completely white that she chuckled: "That woman is coming to kill me."

Dongcheng Ru was subconsciously nervous, and she didn't know why.

"You shameless bitch..."

Qin Weibai was furious and kept yelling in his mind: "You can't leave. After being sealed, you have no mobility. Let me see where you go!"

"I don't have mobility right now, but someone does."

Xi Bai suddenly laughed.

"What do you mean?"

Qin Weibai's tone paused.

"Did you forget something?"

Xibai said quietly: "When that person was talking about that, you had a communication about it...Have you forgotten where you communicated, and what was the reason for the completeness of that matter?

When you did that thing in the first place, you took advantage of the authority of life. Have you forgotten? "

She couldn't speak clearly because Xibai himself had forgotten what happened.

But no matter what, there was someone in her consciousness that she couldn't remember.

It doesn't matter who that person is, what's important is that the opponent's mobility is definitely very strong.

Xi Bai condensed a drop of life water in the air, raised the water drop into the air and said: "Go to Tiannan."

In an instant, she and Dongcheng Ruzhi disappeared.

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