The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 952: : Wake up (medium)

The memory seems to remain at the last moment when consciousness dissipates.

The snowy country under the polar night is dark, the cold wind is biting, and the heaven and earth are chilling.

Hundreds or even more elite people are surging in all directions, gathering with a clear purpose.

She held her sword, and a thin trickle of sweat soaked the hilt. The invincible sword intent rushed into her limbs and bones along with the arm holding the sword, sharp and cold.

The body was completely destroyed almost in that instant.

The vitality dissipates, and what comes in exchange for death is the strength that can almost reach the peak.

The crowd is getting closer.

She remembered that she seemed to have said something.

The long sword in his hand was thrown out of its scabbard, shining like a shooting star.

The name of the sword is Silence.

The moment it was unsheathed, it was a commotion, bloodshed, and **** on earth.

The consciousness was completely plunged into darkness at the moment when the sword light shone brightest.

Time, space, soul, everything has lost its meaning, as if eternal darkness exists in an indescribable state.

Until the light comes on again.

The subtle consciousness began to recover with difficulty in the surging light.

With light, darkness has meaning.

The light began to grow warm.

So the cold has meaning.

In this process, cognition is pieced together slowly and bit by bit.

The glimmer of light became brighter and brighter, driving warm air currents and tearing the darkness apart bit by bit.

Her understanding began to become complete bit by bit.

Indescribable warmth enveloped his consciousness with great gentle power.

In a state of complete cognition, she began to feel, hear, and touch.

She felt that she was lying down, and there was a subtle sound of bubbles in her ears.

A gentle wind-like force surrounded her.

There was a pair of eyes that seemed to be watching him from a high place, silently.

Every corner of the laboratory has been completely filled with white light.

Xibai lowered his head and looked at Dongcheng who was lying in the dormant cabin.

Her whole body shape began to change, gradually showing a different appearance from Qin Weibai.

Li Tianlan's hair, which was often pressed down, began to fly silently.

The color of the black hair is changing little by little. The beautiful black color begins to disappear from the tips of Xi Bai's hair, and silvery white appears little by little, and then turns into a softer platinum color in just a few seconds.

The center of her eyebrows began to shine brightly.

With her breathing, her blinking, and her every move, soft but unimaginably majestic life force continued to flow out of her body.

Her long platinum hair was flying behind her head, looking beautiful and dreamy.

The layers of wings gathered by life force continued to emerge behind Xi Bai, becoming more and more numerous and getting bigger.

The dormant warehouse where Dongcheng Ru was located was like a whirlpool, absorbing life force faster and faster.

With a slight breaking sound, the glass of the dormant chamber began to shatter, and the shards of glass also turned into pure life force at this moment.

The wings on Xi Bai's back flapped slightly, then closed up little by little, layer upon layer, lifting Dong Cheng's body up.

Xi Bai slowly stretched out his hand.

A fainter wave of light began to flicker at his fingertips.

Her fingers slowly touched Dongcheng Rushi's forehead.

This is obviously not the normal procedure for awakening Dongcheng Rushi.

Xibai didn't know what kind of mentality she had. Maybe she was trying to compensate the Moon God and Xuannv, or maybe she was trying to win over this good sister. In the process of awakening Dongcheng Rusu, she took the initiative to give Dongcheng Rusu the blessing of order. .

In other words, it is a blessing of life.

This is an ability that is enough to make everyone except the supreme and peak experts covet it.

This is a blessing that has a certain effect on the most powerful people.

Life blessings can enhance the life level of the person being blessed.

That's not even the most important thing.

The most important thing is that this is the blessing of life from Xibai...

Xibai holds the power of life, she is life.

But now that she gave Dongcheng Rushi's life blessing, it was like connecting Dongcheng Rushi and Xibai together.

This effect seems to be meaningless now.

But when the Xi Dynasty expands outwards in the future, when the opponents faced by Dongcheng in the future have higher and higher authority, the effect of this blessing is completely unparalleled.

As long as this blessing is there, any harm done to Dongcheng by peak experts, those below the ninth level, will be directly transferred to Xi Bai.

Xibai has the authority over life, even if it is sealed now, the authority is her life form.

She is life, and she is immortal. Attacks of any kind will turn into life force the moment they get close to her.

She is almost invulnerable to injury, and Dongcheng is like this, and with Xibai bearing the injury for her, he will naturally not be injured.

This is the true treatment of a good sister.

The blessing of life is a special ability derived from her authority, which Qin Weibai obviously does not have.

Xi Bai had already begun to imagine what Qin Weibai's expression would be like when he knew about this situation.

I have a good sister, do you have one?

you also have? Who, pull it out and take a look... Oh, Yuetong is your good sister... Yuetong, does your child want the blessing of life? Call me, call me sister!

Hehe, what can you do to fight with me, a man who is playing mental games?

A smile gradually appeared on Xi Bai's lips.

Her fingers fell on Dongcheng Rushi's forehead, and at the same time, Dongcheng Rusu suddenly opened his eyes.

The first time he opened his eyes, Dongcheng Rusu found himself in a very strange space...

All around are soft, patchwork, feather-like substances...

Soft divine light surged and shimmered in every corner.

A woman with shining eyebrows, platinum-blond hair, and a divine aura all over her body was standing in front of her. Perhaps her aura was so sacred that her overall image was not even the same in Dongcheng. A concrete impression is formed in the consciousness.

"woke up?"

Seeing Dongcheng so lost in thought, Xibai chuckled and said, "You slept for a long time."


Dongcheng shook her head subconsciously. Her voice sounded a little slow, which was the natural change of the human body after a long period of coma: " not...dead?"

She suddenly opened her eyes and saw this picture in front of her...

To be honest, she thought she had seen the angel who took her soul...

"Tian Lan is reluctant to let you die."

Xibai smiled and said: "I saw that you slept for so long, and I felt that you should have had enough sleep, so I woke you up. You can play with me from now on."


Dongcheng Ru was obviously not recovered. She blinked and blinked, and the light in her eyes gradually changed from blank to clear: " is he?"

"He's good too and this is our time now."

Xibai touched Dongcheng Rushi's hair.

Dongcheng Ruzhi's head tilted according to the strength of her palm, as if he was thinking about something and did not speak.

Xibai didn't mind and waited quietly.


Dongcheng thought for a long time and didn't know what to say. Her palms unconsciously grasped the soft and warm feathers under her body, looking a little dazed.

Before she fell asleep, she faced the scene of Li Tianlan who was seriously injured in the attack by Beihai Wang's elite.

That night forward, she had just become Li Tianlan's woman.

Li Tianlan also pretended to be confused and asked her why she didn't have Maomao...

She remembered that she was still angry and ignored him...

Further forward...

No, that's not right...should not go forward.

Our time...

How long has it been since the chaos in Snow Country?

Dongcheng raised her head and looked at Xibai. This time she finally saw Xibai's face clearly: "Sister Qin Weibai? You... no, how long have I been asleep?"

"Less than three years."

Xibai smiled: "It's been a long time, and the outside world has changed a lot. I know you have a lot to ask, but instead of asking me, it's better for you to find out for yourself. After all, our perspectives are different. I can tell you What’s more, Tianlan is very good, and so is the Dongcheng family.”

Tianlan is very good, the Dongcheng family is very good...

Dongcheng breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, looked at Xibai, blinked and said, "Sister, how did you become like this..."

"Introduce yourself."

Xi Bai raised his eyebrows: "My name is Xi Bai, not Qin Weibai. The woman you mentioned is currently being blocked by me outside Youzhou. That woman was very vicious. She killed her rashly back then. You have a different personality. Now that I see you awake, I don’t know what you will do. We have to avoid her..."

She didn't hide this from Qin Weibai at all.

Qin Weibai also knew that Dongcheng had woken up like this, and when she heard Xibai sow discord, she screamed directly in her consciousness: "You are shameless, it was you who killed that personality in the Snow Country!!"

Xi Bai pretended not to hear it. She was still the Lord of Samsara Palace at the beginning, but now, she is not the one who has the spiritual authority anyway.

Dongcheng Ru was still a little confused, dumbfounded, and didn't speak.

Xibai sighed.

Strictly speaking, Li Yueshen's personality should be the consciousness born under the influence of part of the Moon God's aura.

Dongcheng Ruzhi has the two auras of Xuannv and Moon God.

Xuannv's aura blended well with Dongcheng's, but Yueshen's aura happened unexpectedly for some unknown reason. Of course, it could also be a human error made by a master in the spiritual field, which is why Li Yueshen's personality emerged.

But whatever the truth was, it no longer mattered.

The Li family is already a thing of the past.

Li Honghe, Li Kuangtu...

Xibai thought for a while, then suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch Dongcheng Rusu's little face, and said with a smile: "That vicious woman is anxious, and I can't stop her for too long. Since you're awake, let's go straight to find her." Tianlan, okay? Give him a surprise."

Mother and daughter Wang Yuetong were Qin Weibai's surprise to Li Tianlan.

The Dongcheng in front of him was a surprise given to Li Tianlan by Xibai.

If possible... before Li Tianlan wakes up, Xibai also wants to draw Wang Yuetong into her camp. From now on, she will prepare two surprises for Li Tianlan.

As for Qin Weibai?

Who? I don’t know him, I haven’t seen him, I don’t know.

Do you still dare to mention it?

Roll, roll, roll.

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