The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 951: : Wake up (Part 1)

Strictly speaking, today's Dongcheng is actually different from the old friend in Xibai's memory. To be more precise, they are not even the same person.

This is the saddest thing about intelligent life.

Billions of elementary particles make up the body, cells, and neurons of intelligent life, constructing consciousness and thinking.

The wise men who strategized, the beauties with unparalleled beauty, the sages who left their names in history, all the seemingly beautiful things are just a glimmer of light in a world of thousands.

Without the mark of truth, there is no escape from death.

Xi Bai looked at Dong Cheng Rusu who was still sleeping in a daze, his eyes a little complicated.

There is a contradictory fact that no one can deny in those early days.

Huang Xi is a veritable tyrant, but he is not a strong emperor.

His cruelty, tyranny, and coldness were all directed towards the outside world. When facing Xi Bai, although Huang Xi was not henpecked at the time, he doted on him very much. In some cases, it could even be said that he was completely indifferent to him. Accommodation of the bottom line.

During that period, Xibai could be said to be truly magnificent and dazzled all living beings, but life was destined to be like this. No matter which field he was in, no matter how brilliant he was, Xibai could not completely suppress all the brilliance of others.

As that period of time continued to pass, other women appeared around Huang Xi.

At that time, they did not compete with Xi Bai for favor, but they could still bloom their own colors in Xi Bai's dazzling light.

Yes, they are.

In addition to Xi Bai, there were two women who were with Huang Xi.

One is called Xuannv and the other is called Moon God.

Huang Xi and Xi Bai in the original era had the supreme level, but when the world was born, it would take time for the authority of the old world to regain its luster in the new world. Therefore, their actual combat power was only level nine, and their development in the starry sky was not smooth.

Luna is a seer at the peak of eighth level authority.

Xuan Nu is a Shura with the peak authority of the eighth level.

The two of them could be regarded as the absolute main force around Huang Xi.

Xi Bai suddenly laughed to himself.

She has no way to evaluate some of her behaviors now. She was immature, too persistent, jealous, and could say anything. She can no longer remember her original psychological activities clearly, but her behavior was extremely clear.

When Xuannv and Yueshen were getting closer and closer to Huang Xi, Xi Bai, who couldn't bear it, finally drove Xuannv and Yueshen out of the imperial palace that belonged to her and Huang Xi when Huang Xi was away.

Xi Bai could confirm that he really just wanted to drive them away, and there was no conspiracy.

But the fact was such a coincidence that not long after they left, they encountered a surprise attack from the Order camp not far from the Imperial Palace.

Moon God and Xuannv died after that battle.

Although Huang Xi and Xi Bai got the news and rushed over, they were still a step too late.

That was in Xi Bai's memory, but in the first era, or in the time between the old and new worlds, Huang Xi was furious at her for the first time with a livid face.

Both Moon God and Xuannv are at the peak of their eighth-level authority.

The peak level of authority is the eighth level, which is the level of the top princes, but at the same time, this level also means that they have no way to condense the true brand.

In other words, their fall means they have fallen without a trace and cannot return.

The corpses of Moon God and Xuannv were decomposed into the most basic particles in the strong annihilation cannon. Some of them would turn into wind, some would turn into mountains, rivers and trees, or become part of the stars. Without the real imprint, they had no trace at all. Hope that can be reunited.

This matter has become a taboo topic between Huang Xi and Xi Bai since then. As time passed, no one mentioned it anymore, until both of them died.

Now that Xibai's power has just recovered, she has even forgotten about this matter, or in other words, she hasn't had time to speak out yet.

But when she saw Dongcheng like this, all kinds of past events began to surge in her mind.

She sensed the aura of Moon God from Dongcheng Rusu's body, and she also sensed the aura of Xuannv...

Different from her and Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan is Huang Xi, and today's Xibai and Qin Weibai are also Xibai in the past.

But now Dongcheng is like this, but it is no longer the Moon God and Xuannv.

She only has a small part of the aura of Moon God and Xuannv...

In other words, the basic particles that originally constituted the two peaks of the eighth-level authority collapsed again and flowed unconsciously in endless space and time. They may have formed a certain part of the mountain, a certain drop of water, or a piece of stone. , formed a planet.

Mountains collapsed, seas withered and rocks rotted, planets died, and they turned into elementary particles and flowed again. Finally, at some unknown time, a few elementary particles in the two of them began to meet. Without any real imprint, the elementary particles combined with each other.

The elementary particles of Xuannv and Luna were combined again together with other elementary particles to form what is now Dongcheng.

The past is gone, and there is no longer any connection.

If Dongcheng cannot break through the ninth level of authority and cannot get shelter, she will also die at the end of the era, and the basic particles that make up her will float with the end of the world, eventually turning into something else.

Xuannv, Moon Goddess...

Xi Bai quietly recalled the past.

Dongcheng Ruzhi is different from Situ Wanjie.

Situ Wanjie's potential continues to increase in his sleep, which is entirely due to his own changes.

And Dongcheng Rusi's potential is constantly increasing while sleeping, because in an environment where authority is about to be revived, the particles belonging to the Moon God and Xuannv begin to become active little by little, which drives Dongcheng Rusi's potential as a whole to continue to increase.

It's a pity that Dongcheng Rushi has too few particles belonging to Xuannv and Moon God. At least for now, it is impossible for Dongcheng Rushi to return to the peak of Moon God and Xuannv. These particles are transforming Dongcheng Rushi. Her qualifications should allow her to leap to the level of ascension. What happens after that can only depend on her own efforts.

And as the auras of Xuannv and Moon God became more and more obvious, Xibai even felt an inexplicable echo.

This feeling was like there was another person who also merged part of the aura of Moon God and Xuannv. As the aura on Dongcheng Ruzhi's body increased, the aura on the other person's body also began to slowly and unconsciously change.

Xibai felt the other party's position.

The last time I felt the other person, the other person was still in Dongshan, but this time I felt it again...

The other party has already appeared in Tiannan.


Xi Bai pursed his lips and didn't say anything else. He just waited quietly for the two auras to reach perfection on Dongcheng Rushi's body.

This process actually started a long time ago, but it has only recently become apparent.

Both breaths are completely unconscious.

Dongcheng is also unconscious now.

Only in this way can mutual integration, promotion and transformation be the most thorough.

Xibai was waiting for that moment.

As long as that moment comes, Dongcheng's injury is just a matter of waving his hands for Xibai now.

The aura belonging to the Moon God and Xuannv became more and more obvious on Dongcheng Rushi.

There are probably a few more minutes, maybe ten minutes, no more than an hour at most...

Xibai felt the state of his other self.

The other self was obviously very anxious and wanted to get closer, but since Xibai wouldn't let her come, she had no choice but to put pressure on Xuanyuan Wushang and let him take out the aircraft.

Fatty Xuanyuan took out the aircraft, but he didn't dare to start it under Xi Bai's threat.

Both sides were asking him if he wanted to die. He was completely stupid and stayed where he was with the aircraft, looking funny like a clown.

Qin Weibai directly hypnotized Xuanyuan Wushang without saying anything, and then his consciousness invaded, trying to temporarily control Xuanyuan Wushang's body and start the aircraft.

Then at the moment when the invasion of consciousness was successful, Xibai directly controlled Xuanyuan Wushang's life force. His life force instantly dropped to the lowest point, and then with a bang...

Fatty's whole head exploded immediately.

His head rolled crazily along the road like a kicked ball. His chubby face still retained the stunned expression before the head exploded, and then the whole head fell out of it as it rolled. A large number of parts such as screws, springs, chips, etc.

Xuanyuan Wushang was covered in smoke, and he was waving his limbs wildly to chase his head. As a result, he ran directly into a telephone pole on the side after just two steps. He lost his direction for a while and was running around in a hurry. He was really headless. Like flies.

Qin Weibai helped him grab his head back and reinstall it, and then his consciousness invaded again. This time Xibai simply blocked the vitality of Xuanyuan Wushang's core center. In this way, what Qin Weibai's consciousness invaded was just a pile of scrap metal. Without the core center, it is useless.

Xibai began to use Xuanyuan Wushang's vitality to fight against Qin Weibai's spirit.

And the two of them control each other's authority at the same time.

So in an instant, the two people's power turned the battlefield upside down with Xuanyuan Wushang. Xuanyuan Wushang's limbs kept twitching, sometimes slapping his face, sometimes gouging his eyes, sometimes his body twitched, and sometimes his limbs twisted. .

The two seemed to be worried about damaging Xuanyuan Wushang, as the power of the two authorities disappeared at the same time.

The fat man was completely confused.

Now he was no longer numb, he just kept crying. He suddenly found that his sister-in-law was not kind at all, and she was not as gentle and virtuous as she was in the original era. He began to regret it and cried to find his mother.

And in the biological laboratory underground in Sanyi Hutong.

As Dongcheng Rusu's aura began to completely merge and stabilize, Xibai's mind came back from the confrontation with Qin Weibai, shook his head and said, "That's all I have to offer..."

He keeps calling her sister-in-law's brother or something, it doesn't really doesn't matter.

Or my sister who is about to wake up is more fragrant.

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