The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 950: :Old Friend (Second Update)

As for Xuanyuan Wushang coming to be Li Tianlan's guide...

To be honest, Xi Bai always felt that this fat man was a bit out of his mind.

There is one thing that is not a secret to the entire camp, and that is that whenever Huang Xi returns, Xi Bai will definitely be with him.

The true imprints of the two are entangled with each other. Time, space, and nothing can completely separate them.

Under such circumstances, Xuanyuan Wushang could still come to the City of Miracles to be the guide. Isn't this unimaginable?

The two Qin Weibai are no secret to the Time and Space Corridor.

Even at the very beginning, the Space-Time Corridor didn't know that one of the two Qin Weibais was controlling and the other was life, but these two individuals did exist.

They begin to return, and the time and space corridor must send a guide.

Xi Bai still doesn't know what happened at that time, but if you think about it, you can tell that there were definitely not many people who were willing to come to this seemingly easy and enjoyable feat.

Because Li Tianlan is too important to the entire camp, he is destined to be watched by countless eyes since his return. It is also because of his important identity and his deep connection with most of the big figures in the neutral camp today. So many times, what he gets is not just looks, but maybe other substantive actions.

One Li Tianlan, two Qin Weibai, plus the infamous Feng Qingwu...

There is also Taihao.

God of War, Emperor of Humanity...

Any movement of these people may form a vortex that is huge enough to swallow everything.

No one who acts as the guide can completely avoid these whirlpools, and one can imagine what the consequences will be.

In the end, Xuanyuan Wushang still came, and he was very happy.

Ever since he regained his power, Xi Bai had suspected that Xuanyuan Wushang had been tricked when he came here, but his IQ was clearly fine. If he could also be tricked, how clever would this trick be?

Xuanyuan Wushang seems to be very brave, or it could be that his admiration for Li Tianlan overwhelms his reason. Miraculously, he does not think about his own crisis, so he has stepped on the thunder since Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai regained their power.

The life of provoking Feng Qingwu and being punished was just the beginning, followed by the death torture of two Qin Weibais. Fatty's next life is destined to be exciting. Xibai even felt that when Tianlan returns in the future, if Fatty is not dead yet If so, then his psychological shadow area can probably cover a large star field.

She and Qin Weibai asked Fatty the exact same question.

During the perception, Xuanyuan Wushang's face was almost pale and without any blood. He took out the aircraft. Xibai asked him if he wanted to die. If he didn't start the aircraft, Qin Weibai asked him if he wanted to die.

Xuanyuan Wushang's entire thinking center began to become confused. With an idea, he tried to escape, but was caught back by Qin Weibai.

Two Qin Weibai were confronting each other.

Xuanyuan Wushang was caught in the middle and was forced to confront the two sisters-in-law. Within a moment, his eyes were completely dull, and he was even more numb than when he just walked out of the space passage.

Xibai laughed. She didn't think there was anything worthy of pity for this brave fat man. Whatever responsibility he chose, there would be an end. What others don't want to do, you are rushing to come here. , isn’t this a worthy death?

She simply stopped paying attention to the situation over there, but lowered her head and observed the good sister she had chosen who was qualified to fight against Wang Yuetong.

The place where she is now is the underground space of Sanyi Hutong.

Ever since Li Tianlan moved here, the council has built an underground laboratory as quickly as possible.

All the equipment was shipped from Tiannan, supported by the parliament, and provided by the Wang family of Beihai. All aspects of instruments and equipment can be said to have truly reached the world's cutting-edge level.

Various medicinal materials are shipped from various places.

Nalan Shiying, who was brought over from Beihai by Li Tianlan, is still the person in charge of the East Palace Biological Laboratory. Her daily job is to take care of the two most important injured people in the laboratory.

Dongcheng, who has been sleeping since the chaos in Snow Country, is like this, as is Situ Wanjie.

Xibai now holds the power over life.

With her ability, it would be easy to instantly recover from the injuries of Dongcheng Rusu and Situ Wanjie.

But from beginning to end, she took no action.

Because I don’t know since when, both Dongcheng Ruzhi and Situ Wanjie seemed to have entered a very strange state.

Xuanyuan Wushang was the first to discover this phenomenon, but even he didn't know when this phenomenon appeared.

To put it simply, after being seriously injured and falling into a deep sleep, the concentration of super-power genes in the two people's bodies is constantly increasing, and their potential is increasing almost every moment in the sleeping state.

This is a rare opportunity for everyone, so Xuanyuan Wushang directly delayed their recovery time.

In this deep sleep, Situ Wanjie's potential has increased at least dozens of times. If he wakes up now, if there are no accidents, he will barely have the potential to reach the seventh level of authority.

Just potential, but only potential.

The seventh level of authority means the ascent of the life level. Any authority that reaches this stage will be released from the physical form and have a theoretically unlimited lifespan. This level may not seem like much to Li Tianlan, but when placed in the neutral camp, it can be called anything. You have to be a master.

And more importantly, Situ Wanjie has not yet awakened, and his potential is still increasing. Although the speed is much slower than before, it has never stopped. According to Xi Bai's judgment, Situ Wanjie's super power is still increasing. The concentration of energy genes can at least give him the potential of mid-seventh level...

If the dynasty gives him resources and his own opportunities in the future, he is very likely to enter the eighth level. This kind of wild talent, even if it is far inferior to Xia Zhi, can be said to be rare.

And Dongcheng is like this...

The situation in Dongcheng is more complicated.

Strictly speaking, her potential is stronger than Situ Wanjie. For Xi Bai, this is the most surprising discovery.

But as her power is reviving, there are more and more memories in her mind...

Then she began to feel that Dongcheng Ru looked more and more familiar.

That sense of familiarity seemed to trigger some of her memories, making some pictures become clearer and clearer. Picture after picture formed a story in her mind.

Then Xi Bai suddenly discovered that Dong Cheng Ru's potential was even greater than that of Situ Wanjie. This was not a surprise at all.

Because the Dongcheng in front of me is like this...

She has known Huang Xi for a long, long, long time... before she died.

This good sister is actually an old friend to a certain extent.

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