The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 949: : Do you want to die?

Qin Weibai, who was supposed to appear in the central area of ​​Youzhou, inexplicably appeared in the wasteland outside Youzhou City...

This looks like another Advent error caused by interference from 'incorrect' authority.

But Qin Weibai knew very well that this was not true at all.

First of all, the supreme person with the memory authority is not so boring. When he is not targeting Feng Qingwu, his rash attack is tantamount to provocation.

The key is...

When she was about to arrive in the center of Youzhou, she suddenly felt an extremely resistant emotion. Under this emotion, she instinctively avoided the scheduled place of arrival and appeared outside Youzhou City.

To put it simply, it's like Qin Weibai was driving a car through an intersection. Her destination was to turn left, but when she was about to turn, she suddenly had a strong feeling that she didn't want to turn left. So I stepped on the accelerator and changed to go straight.

Qin Weibai frowned: "What the **** are you doing?"

There was no response in consciousness.

Qin Weibai snorted softly. She knew very well where the source of that emotion was. It could be said to be her own emotions, but equally, it could also be said to be from Xibai's emotions.

It was Xibai who didn't want her to land directly in Sanyi Hutong.

As their current status becomes more and more stable, the two powers of control and life have gradually become entangled. This phenomenon is similar to the fusion of Li Tianlan's multiple powers.

During Li Tianlan's peak period, the three kinds of authority, which were still called 'rebellious' freedom authority, truth authority, and if authority, could influence each other and temporarily merge in a certain part.

Huang Xi is known as the strongest person in the neutral camp throughout the ages, not because he has the authority to lie, but because of the influence and linkage of multiple authorities.

Among all permissions, technology permission is undoubtedly the strongest permission, and only technology permission can be called the strongest title.

The lie authority has never been so known. At most, the neutral camp only regards the lie authority as a perfect authority that can rival the four major authorities of the Order.

The reason why Li Tianlan can be called the most powerful person is at least 95% because of the terrifying effect caused by the mutual influence of the three powers.

Such as speed.

Speed ​​can be said to be the top attribute of the God of War. This is recognized as the true first person.

The God of War holds ultimate power, and his speed can reach the speed of thought.

This ability has completely ignored space. No matter where he is, no matter where he wants to go, no matter how far away, wherever his mind thinks, his true body can go.

The martial arts power that Li Tianlan holds is freedom.

The speed of freedom is not as good as the limit, and it can even be said to be far inferior to the limit. What makes it stronger than the limit is the ability to get out of trouble.

If Li Tianlan only used his free power to compete with the God of War, within six lanes of the neutral camp, from one end to the other, the God of War would be able to keep away from Li Tianlan by at least two lanes, and he would not even be able to see the tail lights.

But Li Tianlan also holds the power of the truth.

He can extend time on the level of authority.

Then use free authority to keep pace with the God of War in the time stretched by the truth.

The God of War can cross six paths in one second.

Li Tianlan needs five seconds.

But his five seconds are stretched by his one second...

This is the chemical reaction that occurs when multiple authorities merge with each other.

Qin Weibai and Xibai have also begun to enter this state now.

The power of **** begins to have the energy of life, and the power of life is mixed with the will of domination.

Under such circumstances, Xibai, as a living being, can already use some powers with spiritual authority, and Qin Weibai can also use some abilities with life authority.

But because it was the initial integration, the extent to which they could use each other's authority was very limited.

This is limited and can even be said to be unusable if placed outside.

It can be used on yourself, but it is very effective.

Xibai has been able to use her spiritual power to influence Qin Weibai to a certain extent, causing her to appear outside Youzhou City at the moment of her arrival.

And Qin Weibai can also use the power of life to force Xibai to come to his aunt.

As for using the other party's authority to influence others outside, this is not possible for the time being.

The two of them can only use each other's authority to fight against each other, but this is at least a good start.

And because of this beginning, the two of them can now forcibly block each other's thinking.

Their perceptions and thoughts are still synchronized, but as long as one of them wants to, the other will not know what the other is going through in this shielding.

When Qin Weibai received Wang Yuetong's call, Xibai already knew about it, but because Qin Weibai blocked Xibai, Xibai didn't know where Wang Yuetong was now, nor did he know Li Chaoxi.

And now Qin Weibai was standing outside Youzhou City, also confused as to what Xibai Shen was doing mysteriously.

"What are you doing secretly?"

There was still no response in his mind, so Qin Weibai couldn't help but ask again.

Xibai still ignored her.

Qin Weibai's delicate face showed an annoyed look, as if he was angry with himself: "Do you think there is nothing I can do if you don't let me come? Do you want a fight?"

"Hit me, if you dare to beat me, I will spank you when brother...when Tianlan wakes up."

Xi Bai responded lazily.

"Wouldn't it hurt you if I was beaten?"

Qin Weibai snorted coldly. Thoughts and sight could be blocked, but feelings could not be blocked.

"It's you who gets beaten anyway."

Xibai held on, but his tone was obviously a little guilty. He seemed to remember the last time he was beaten. The feeling was indescribable. Because the occasion was special and the feelings were complicated, Xibai couldn't even tell whether it was painful or comfortable.

She believed that Qin Weibai couldn't tell the difference either.

"Childish or not?"

Qin Weibai said angrily, his figure became illusory, and he was about to come to Xibai again.

As a result, another wave of resistance rose from her heart, her figure flickered, and she stood still without moving.

Qin Weibai finally realized something was wrong: "What on earth are you doing?"

"You went to pick up your good sister, so I also want to find a good sister to fight against you. Isn't this unreasonable?"

Xibai groaned and then blocked Qin Weibai's voice.

Qin Weibai frowned.

Good sister is a title, but the same title has different meanings and can also have different weights.

Among Li Tianlan's women currently, she and Xibai are undoubtedly at the top of the food chain. As for the rest...

Huangfu Qiushui and Han Xinyan are also good sisters.

But this time she found Wang Yuetong...

Qin Weibai did not comment or speculate on Li Tianlan's thoughts, but even Han Xinyan and Huangfu Qiushui themselves probably would not think that they could fight against Wang Yuetong.

Qin Weibai found a good sister.

Xibai also needs to find someone to fight against...

Then you have to find an equal.

Can Qin Weibai and Xibai be equal...

Who is equal to Wang Yuetong?

Who else... who else...

Now Wang Yuetong has given birth to a daughter for Li Tianlan, but Xibai's good sister has the blessing of her parents...

Qin Weibai tensed up her face and almost broke her guard for a moment. Without saying a word, her figure flickered again.

Then another wave of resistance came over, holding her firmly in place.

Qin Weibai tried several times in succession, but Xibai guarded her tightly and refused to let her pass.

"If you don't follow martial ethics, you are shameless!"

Qin Weibai became more and more angry.

"Oh, yes, you are right, I, Qin Weibai, am indeed shameless."

Xi Bai responded slowly and blocked her voice again.

Qin Weibai stamped his feet bitterly and walked to a place with more vehicles, imagining that a taxi was passing by.

Within a few seconds, a taxi with an empty sign on it stopped next to Qin Weibai.

Qin Weibai opened the door and got in. The next step was for the taxi to drive around in Youzhou City.

Even though Xi Bai couldn't use his mental power on anyone except Qin Weibai, it was still too easy to control a taxi driver.

The taxi did not proceed more than two kilometers before the driver got out of the car more than ten times.

Qin Weibai, who was disgusted by Xi Bai, simply got out of the car, hypnotized a passing private car, and drove to Youzhou by himself.

Then, as soon as the vehicle started moving, under the power of life, Qin Weibai began to feel dizzy, unable to see the road clearly, and then began to become weak, high blood pressure, hypoglycemia, rapid heart rate, and all kinds of symptoms came to her. The car swayed and twisted into an S shape on the road as if it had been drunk.

Qin Weibai felt so frustrated that he wanted to cry. He parked the car aside angrily and warned: "She still has some physical problems for the time being. It's not a good thing to wake up now. I'm warning you, if you..."

"Otherwise, what do you think I'm waiting for?"

Xi Bai smiled and said, "You also said it's temporary. I've been keeping an eye on the progress. Anyway, you can't even think of showing up here until my good sister wakes up."

Qin Weibai gritted her teeth. She didn't know what she was arguing with Xibai, but when facing her other self, she always had an inexplicable desire to win. She attracted Wang Yuetong, and she originally felt that she would win in the future. It was possible to suppress Xi Bai, but Xi Bai turned out to be good, and he wanted to wake Dongcheng up with his backhand...

It's not impossible to scream, but why is it you...

You go away, let me do it...

Mental power surged again.

Qin Weibai fantasizes about Xuanyuan Wushang appearing next to him.

The next second, the fat man, who had returned to Youzhou with dull eyes and lost his mind as to what he was thinking, was forcibly summoned by Qin Weibai.

"sister in law..."

Xuanyuan Wushang was powerless. Although most of his mental trauma had been healed, Qin Weibai did not have the memory authority and could not delete Xuanyuan Wushang's memories. As soon as the fat man recalled what he had experienced, he would feel angry for a while. I am hopeless and want to show off.

"Get one of your aircrafts out and send me to Trinity Alley."

Qin Weibai said directly.

Xuanyuan Wushang didn't think much, nodded and said, "Okay."

"Fat man."

A cold voice suddenly rang in Xuanyuan Wushang's ears.

Xuanyuan Wushang was stunned and looked at Qin Weibai.

Qin Weibai was also looking at him, and said in a calm voice: "What are you doing standing still? Where is the aircraft?"

Xuanyuan Wushang's arms froze.

The voice that sounded exactly like Qin Weibai's sounded in his ear again: "Fat man, let me ask you a question..."

Her voice was cold and gentle.

Qin Weibai stood in front of Xuanyuan Wushang, still waiting.

Xuanyuan Wushang suddenly broke out in a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

He understood the situation of the two Qin Weibais.

So what is the situation now?

" ask."

Xuanyuan Wushang felt that he had just escaped from the tiger's claws and turned around and entered the wolf pack again, his scalp felt numb.


Xi Bai hummed with satisfaction and said, "I don't want your sister-in-law to come back now. How dare you lend her the aircraft..."

She asked her question: "Do you want to die?"


Xuanyuan Wushang's chubby face kept twisting, and he looked like he was about to cry.

"Fat man?"

Qin Weibai watched Xuanyuan Wushang's expression change and became a little angry: "What are you waiting for?"

"Well...sister-in-law...I suddenly remembered that my aircraft, um, seems to be out of fuel..."

Xuanyuan Wushang stammered, time was running out, and he could only come up with a nonsensical reason that could no longer be bullshit.

No oil...

Doesn't your aircraft use energy?

Qin Weibai seemed to realize something, narrowed his eyes, looked at Xuanyuan Wushang and said, "Do you want to die?"

Fatty Xuanyuan: "..."

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