The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 948: : Fatty’s information

Xuanyuan Wushang's expression was very calm, his mood was very stable, his clothes were neat, and his breath was not weak. Everything seemed normal.

The only abnormal thing...

Probably there is no light in the eyes.

So those eyes that had lost their brightness, combined with his excessive calmness, turned into an indescribable stiffness and numbness.

Qin Weibai's voice stopped and his eyes fell on Xuanyuan Wushang: "What did she do to you?"

Xuanyuan Wushang had completely left the space passage. Facing Qin Weibai's inquiry, he seemed to have not heard it at all and continued walking forward.

Standing in front of him was Wang Shengxiao.

But the fat man seemed to have lost his ability to think, and just walked over.

"What did Feng Qingwu do to you?"

Qin Weibai frowned and repeated it again.

Xuanyuan Wushang's body suddenly trembled. The words "Feng Qingwu" seemed to trigger some kind of switch in him, falling into his ears, causing him to reflexively raise his hands and start waving wildly, shouting. Author: "His Royal Highness, the Palace Master, is of unparalleled splendor, overwhelming the country, the beauty of the sky, the fragrance of the sky, the starry sky, eternal immortality and invincibility for eternity..."

A string of extremely complimentary adjectives were sprayed out of Xuanyuan Wushang's mouth like a machine gun, without even punctuation marks.

Qin Weibai: "..."

Wang Shengxiao: "..."

Xia Zhi moved unnaturally, pursed her lips, and said nothing.

So, what did that guy who looked like just a little baby do to you...

Wang Shengxiao covered his face and felt Xuanyuan Wushang's violent mood swings. At the same time, his heart was also beating wildly.

But in the next moment, Wang Shengxiao's mood calmed down.

Xuanyuan Wushang, who was still shouting slogans and even shouted to the point of crushing the stars, suddenly became calm, or in other words, became sluggish.

Mental power flowed around Xuanyuan Wushang like water, and he was temporarily hypnotized by Qin Weibai.

Although Qin Weibai was unable to read the intuitive memory of the hypnotized target, he could feel Xuanyuan Wushang's emotions most directly.

Confusion, depression, helplessness, panic, flattery, fear, desolation, northern division, despair.

All the emotions kept surging in Xuanyuan Wushang's consciousness, and finally combined together and turned into numbness.

In Xuanyuan Wushang's consciousness space, Qin Weibai directly saw a shadow as dark as ink.

That shadow was composed of Xuanyuan Wushang's various conscious thoughts, and pieced together bit by bit, it formed a giant image that towered into the sky and even penetrated the starry sky.

The giant was wearing a dress that seemed to be white, but was stained with various stains, and almost the whole body was black. Her hair was flying, boundless, like life-threatening ropes in the dark void, one by one. The hair pierced one planet after another.

Wherever her hair passed, stars one after another were extinguished and shattered, and countless energies with the color of blood and fire continued to surround her.

The giant was holding a chainsaw-like object in one hand, and a mask made of various faces in the other hand. A cold and evil smile echoed in the void, and blood filled the void like a patch of red. Heavy fog.

The giant lowered her head and looked down at the entire world. Wherever her eyes passed, everything was clear and clear, and there was nothing that could be hidden.

That giant...

It's the gentle breeze.

And such a gentle dance...

It is the image of Feng Qingwu in Xuanyuan Wushang's space.

In other words, this is what Feng Qingwu looks like now in Xuanyuan Wushang's heart. She has turned into a physical psychological shadow, completely covering Xuanyuan Wushang's consciousness.

This... feels a bit too much.

The corners of Qin Weibai's mouth twitched slightly, and his spiritual power silently soothed Xuanyuan Wushang's emotions.

Xuanyuan Wushang's violently fluctuating emotions returned to a calm, peaceful and rational state as quickly as possible.

And as his emotions returned to normal, the shadow in his consciousness began to shrink, getting smaller and smaller.

After the shadow shrank to one-tenth of its original size, Xuanyuan Wushang automatically emerged from the hypnotic state.

Qin Weibai was startled, she knew exactly what this meant.

This means that Feng Qingwu has caused a psychological shadow on Fatty over a long period of time, which has accumulated over time, so that her normal hypnosis cannot dispel the psychological shadow.

Unless she deeply hypnotizes Xuanyuan Wushang...

What has that **** girl been doing in the stars for so many years?

Qin Weibai had a headache. She felt that she needed to find some time to learn about her children's story after she and Li Tianlan died.

"sister in law..."

Xuanyuan Wushang's voice rang out.

He had fully regained consciousness, but the tone of his sister-in-law's voice was so complicated that even Qin Weibai, who had mastered the spiritual power, could not fully analyze it for a while.

Qin Weibai nodded: "I've wronged you..."

After all, whether she did it intentionally or not, the facts are before her.

The fact is that Xuanyuan Wushang brought her mission to provoke Feng Qingwu, and the mission was completed very well, and Feng Qingwu successfully took the bait.

However, as a fisherman, Qin Weibai did not catch the hooked fish, but instead let the fish take away the bait.

Xuanyuan Wushang burst into tears.

Not an adjective.

But at this moment he really burst into tears.

The tears came without warning, and as Qin Weibai's voice fell, the fat man's eyes had already flowed to the corners of his mouth.

Qin Weibai was also a little embarrassed and could only say: "When you catch that girl, I will help you teach her a lesson and let her apologize to you."

"Her Royal Highness the Princess is kind-hearted, upright, and loved by everyone. What's wrong with her?"

Xuanyuan Wushang shed tears and retorted loudly: "So don't apologize...I don't need it, I really don't need it."

Qin Weibai took a deep breath and decided not to talk about this topic: "Then let's end this matter for now. Let's go back first."


Xuanyuan Wushang nodded, wiped his eyes with his sleeve, and sniffed.

His eyes suddenly fell on Xia Zhi, who was a little unnatural. He paused and suddenly said: "There is one more thing..."


Qin Weibai raised his eyebrows slightly.

"The problem with the summer solstice..."

Xuanyuan Wushang sniffed and said, "Her Royal Highness the Princess asked me to tell my sister-in-law something... She said... She said you should stop fighting about the Summer Solstice, she is determined."


Qin Weibai laughed angrily: "Does she still know who she is talking to?"

"I have asked similar questions."

Xuanyuan Wushang whispered.

"Then what did she say?"

Qin Weibai asked expressionlessly.

"She said...she said she knew, but there was nothing she could do. Her wings were stiff..."

Xuanyuan Wushang whispered.


The wings are hard...

Are the wings stiff? !

Qin Weibai gritted his teeth. After returning to this time and space, she had not given birth yet but she was indeed a mother. She was really angry at this moment.

"And she also said that the elder brother agreed to this matter. When the elder brother wakes up this time, he should get some information. The specific information, they did not tell me..."

Xuanyuan Wushang spoke again.

Tianlan agreed?

Agree to hand over a future **** of death to Feng Qingwu?

No, that's not right... they...

So, if there really is a void camp in the future...then there will be one more killing **** in the void camp?

"who are they?"

Qin Weibai was thoughtful.

"It's Her Royal Highness the Princess and...and...and..."

Xuanyuan Wushang paused for a moment, with a somewhat painful expression on his face: "I forgot..."

Memory permissions again.

All suspicions were confirmed.

That dead girl abducted Xia Zhi not for Taihao, but for the memory permission that no one can remember yet.

Qin Weibai simply said no more.

If Li Tianlan will get some news after waking up this time, then the mystery of the other party should also be lifted.

As for the summer solstice...

Although it is important, if what Feng Qingwu said is true and Li Tianlan really agrees with Xia Zhi to follow Feng Qingwu, there is no point in Qin Weibai's argument.

She is the supreme leader of the order camp.

The Supreme is qualified to carry a large force on his own.

But even if all the supreme beings in the neutral camp were killed, the neutral camp would not dare to let Qin Weibai create a force.

Therefore, Qin Weibai has always been addressed as His Highness within the camp, rather than as His Majesty.

Qin Weibai has long been accustomed to this positioning, and he likes it very much.

She fought for the summer solstice and did other things for the benefit of Li Tianlan.

If Li Tianlan thinks it is reasonable to let go of Xia Zhi, then he will definitely gain other gains in other aspects.

Qin Weibai was silent for a few seconds, nodded and said, "I understand, is there anything else you haven't said?"

Xuanyuan Wushang thought for a while, and instinctively wanted to shake his head, but as if something suddenly occurred to him, he suddenly raised his arms and said loudly: "Her Royal Highness, the majesty of the country and the city, is unparalleled in the world..."

Qin Weibai suddenly raised his hand and forcibly dominated this embarrassing brother-in-law, and said angrily: "Go back to Youzhou yourself, and you are flattering me when no one is here. It's so embarrassing..."


The sound of mechanical buzzing sounded from Xuanyuan Wushang's body, and the next moment, his body suddenly turned into countless blue data streams, fluttering and disappearing quickly.

Qin Weibai put down his palm, looked at Xia Zhi, and sighed.

"It looks like I don't have to make a choice anymore, right?"

Xia Zhi smiled and asked slowly.

"You didn't even plan to choose."

Qin Weibai said lightly.

Xia Zhi was noncommittal. She had to admit that the conditions offered to him by Xuanyuan Wushang and even Qin Weibai on behalf of the Xi Dynasty were very exciting.

Xuanyuan Wushang, in particular, listed a lot of advantages of joining the Xi Dynasty and disadvantages of joining other forces.

But from beginning to end, Xuanyuan Wushang never mentioned the disadvantages of Xia Zhi joining the Xi Dynasty.

And this...

Feng Qingwu made it clear to her at the beginning.

If she joins other forces, she will be listed as a key education target by Feng Qingwu in the next extremely long life.

In the entire starry sky, there are only a few people who can enjoy this treatment.

After seeing Xuanyuan Wushang's fate, Xia Zhi roughly understood what this key education meant.

Qin Weibai snorted softly, and she said no more, and her figure began to disappear quickly.

The next second, outside Youzhou City.

Qin Weibai, who originally imagined that he appeared in Sanyi Hutong, Youzhou, opened his eyes, but found that he had inexplicably appeared in a wasteland outside Youzhou City.

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