The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 922: : Be reasonable (Part 1)


Wang Shengxiao, who was forcibly brought back from Beihai by Xuanyuan Wushang, was pacing back and forth restlessly.

His eyes kept flashing with a subtle, electric-like light as he walked, trying to observe his mother's condition through the Internet and various facilities in Beihai Prison.

But all such actions were in vain. In his field of vision, not to mention Xia Zhi, even the entire Beihai Prison seemed to have completely disappeared.

He searched again and again, but found nothing.

"Stop shaking, it's making me dizzy."

Xuanyuan Wushang put down the phone in his hand and said angrily: "What are you worried about? I told you, she has no ill intentions, and your mother will naturally not be in danger."

"what is going on?"

Wang Shengxiao suddenly stopped and looked into Xuanyuan Wushang's eyes seriously and asked.

Xuanyuan Wushang thought for a while and said, "For the Wang family of Beihai, should it be considered a good thing?"

"Can you be more specific?"

Xuanyuan Wushang asked immediately.

Xuanyuan Wushang clicked his tongue, as if he didn't want to talk any more, and picked up the phone again.

It was rare that she was not playing games. On the screen of her mobile phone was a picture of a large live broadcast platform in Zhongzhou. A young lady in a black stocking skirt was posing, and her palms were pulling back and forth on the hem of her skirt intentionally or unintentionally.

Xuanyuan Wushang moved his fingers and selected the most expensive gift on the platform, Diandian.

The screen-full of special effects burst out along with the young lady's scream of surprise, followed by a wave of thanks that made me want to kneel down and lick my lips.

Xuanyuan Wushang nodded with satisfaction, looking at the young lady on the screen who said she wanted to perform a dance for him, a smile flashed in his narrowed eyes.

In the City of Miracles, he is not Li Tianlan, so the only way is to appreciate the beauty of the opposite **** through his mobile phone and computer.

Most people who know him think that this fat man is not good with women, but in fact, as a normal man, how can he not be good with women?

He just doesn't see it in normal life.

To put it more directly, what kind of role is Qin Weibai? But before the power was restored, from Xuanyuan Wushang's perspective, he didn't even know what Qin Weibai looked like.

The improvement of life level also brings about the transformation of vision.

Every promotion of authority will also lead to a leap in the level of life. This process is to gradually transform a life into a higher life. It is most intuitive to obtain blessings in various abilities and combat power. On the other hand, As the level of life continues to improve, intelligent life will gradually eliminate dirt and impurities from its own body in the process.

Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai are no exception in this regard.

When Xuanyuan Wushang first came to Tiannan and met Qin Weibai for the first time, he praised her for her beauty. He was really telling lies with his eyes closed without conscience. In fact, Qin Weibai at that time was in Xuanyuan Wushang's field of vision. It was completely dirty, covered in dirt, and you couldn't even see your face clearly.

In this case, only when the authority reaches level five and crosses the boundary between human and non-human, all the dirt, impurities, and bacteria inside the human body will be eliminated.

At this point, the needs for eating, sleeping, and excretion basically no longer exist. Of course, you can still fall asleep if you want to, and you can eat if you want to, but what you eat will be converted into energy in an instant. These so-called needs do not exist, they are just no longer needed.

For Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai, they changed their perspective as soon as their power was restored. In this way, they could not see impurities and dirt when looking at ordinary people, but Xuanyuan Wushang simply does not have this ability now. .

This situation seems very cruel: there are dirty people around. If you want to see beautiful women, you can only go online. Through a layer of screen, all he sees is the image displayed on the screen, not Real people are naturally clean and pleasing to the eye.

"Why do not you speak?"

Wang Shengxiao watched Xuanyuan Wushang reward a female anchor and clicked on another window, and the muscles in his forehead began to twitch continuously.

Xuanyuan Wushang has stopped asking Qin Weibai for money recently, because all he spent was the Wang family's money in Beihai.

"what can I say?"

Xuanyuan Wushang glared at him: "Shut up. After you talk too much, you won't remember anything in the end. Do you believe it?"

Wang Shengxiao was obviously stunned for a moment.

If you talk too much, you won’t remember anything?

This sentence...

Does this mean that if you speak too much, you will be targeted?


Wang Shengxiao hesitated: "The world?"

"It's the one you've already met."

Xuanyuan Wushang gritted his teeth, slapped his thigh suddenly, and was speechless: "This time, I was tricked..."

Wang Shengxiao looked confused.

Xuanyuan Wushang glanced at him and simply stopped hiding it: "Your mother has great potential and very good talent. No, she is very, very, very good... If I insist on giving an example, consider the Summer Solstice. Cheng is a member of your Beihai Wang family. Since the Beihai Wang family, Xia Zhi's talent can be ranked in the top five.

Your ancestors, Lingxi, Liuli, and Wang Jinxiu, should be your mother in the future.

It's hard for me to give you a vivid comparison of this kind of talent. You just need to know one thing. Even if she is placed in the entire neutral camp, her talent potential is the top one, and she can reach the peak of a certain authority. People of this species, let’s put it this way, can you understand? "

The pinnacle of authority...

After being transformed by Xuanyuan Wushang, Wang Shengxiao naturally understood what this meant.

He subconsciously widened his eyes, as if in disbelief: "You mean, level nine authority?!"


Xuanyuan Wushang nodded firmly.

Level nine authority is known as the pinnacle of power.

Such a person, no matter in which era, will be the real pinnacle figure.

The difficulty and danger of advancing to the ninth level of authority destined that there would not be too many such people no matter how much the world changed.

Now that Taihao has become the Supreme, there are only nine ninth-level authorities in the neutral camp.

After the end of the world and the restart, a new era will come, and then the new era will reach its end. There will probably be two or three more. Then the era will change again, and the nine-level authority will increase at an extremely slow rate.

In this way, it seems that there will be more and more level nine permissions, but in fact, the world will not always end and restart.

The world will also die.

When the world moves from order to disorder, chaos will truly dominate everything. At that time, it will be the end of the world and the last glory of intelligent life.

That will be the peak period of the human race.

But even at that time, there were only twenty or thirty levels of authority at the ninth level.

This is not twenty or thirty people among billions of people in a civilization.

But the entire neutral camp, the Six Paths, twenty or thirty people in hundreds of millions, billions of civilizations within a range of more than 90 billion light-years.

What is this concept?

Strictly speaking, an advanced civilization that can spread across the starry sky may not be able to produce a peak powerhouse with ninth-level authority from the beginning to the end.

It is precisely because of this that strong men and even supreme human beings continue to appear, and they are now the masters of the neutral camp.

In terms of Xia Zhi's potential, there is basically no chance for her to become the God of Death at the end of the current era. But if she lays a good foundation now and survives the end to the next era under the protection of Feng Qingwu and Taihao...

There is no doubt that Xia Zhi will become a seed-level figure that the entire neutral camp pays great attention to.

Just like Li Dongcheng now...

During the period before and after the end of the new era, she was very likely to become the new God of Death.

Once the true mark is condensed, it means that Xia Zhi can protect a considerable number of people through the end of the world on her own. These people she protects are the foundation of the human race and her own power.

If such a person is placed in the Corridor of Time and Space, it is most basic to be crowned a king. If placed in the God of War Realm, the Human Palace, or Taihao's new force, there is no doubt that he is a female monarch.

Feng Qingwu can see the potential of Xia Zhi.

Xuanyuan Wushang has been here for so long, how could he not see it?

Under normal circumstances, when he discovered Xia Zhi's potential, he should have told Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai immediately, or directly told the Time and Space Corridor.

But what about the facts?

In fact he did see the potential of Summer Solstice.

But from beginning to end, he did nothing.

Even before today, Xuanyuan Wushang didn't realize there was anything wrong with this matter.

What does this mean?

Xuanyuan Wushang is not a rookie, and he has a very clear understanding of various permissions.

This shows that as soon as he discovered the potential of Xia Zhi, all his thoughts about Xia Zhi's ownership and all similar issues were collected by Feng Qingwu quietly.

So much so that he didn't even realize anything was wrong.

The potential in Xia Zhi has completely overflowed.

It is almost certain that she will become the God of Death.

As for her limit after entering the ninth level, no one knows yet.

But even judging from the worst result, even if Xia Zhi enters the ninth level of authority and has no more deposits, there will be no problem.

It is still a long, long time before the death of the world, and there will be at least several new eras.

If Xia Zhi can become the God of Killing in the next era, even if her potential is exhausted, she can also choose other permissions in the next era.

She can choose permission once for each new era.

The ninth-level martial arts authority, combined with other authority such as fate, lies, life, and elements, even if these authority are not high, combined together, it is quite a terrifying thing.

And it is such a talent...

I clearly saw it.

But the ideas were completely collected.

Xuanyuan Wushang was really aggrieved. He was so aggrieved that he didn't want to say more.

He looked at Wang Shengxiao, whose expression was constantly changing, took a deep breath, and stood up suddenly: "No..."

He murmured to himself: "I still need to talk to that person for some reason..."

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