The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 921: :whereabouts

Time seemed to have passed for a long time, but it also seemed like only a few minutes had passed.

There is no clock in the central 'cell' of Beihai Prison, and people cannot feel the passage of time when they are in a daze.

Children's energy is limited.

The little tide in her arms only started to play with Xia Zhi for a short time, and soon she yawned a little and looked drowsy. Then she lay in Xia Zhi's arms, and her little hands subconsciously grabbed the collar. His body moved and moved, and he began to become quieter and quieter, and his breathing became more and more even. Finally, he closed his eyes and fell asleep quietly.

Xia Zhi stared blankly at the little girl's rosy face, with various thoughts flashing uncontrollably in her mind.

Regarding Wang Yuetong and Li Chaoxi, I thought about what kind of life they lived after leaving Beihai.

There is still Feng Qingwu's soul in this little body, but although the soul is Feng Qingwu's, it doesn't mean anything.

Just judging from the clothes on Xiao Chao Xi's body, we can probably tell that the life of Wang Yuetong and his daughter is not bad.

In this era, some infant and toddler clothes can even be sold for many times more than adult clothes. Some brands are simply not affordable for ordinary people.

Xia Zhi didn't understand this at first, but the problem was that Song Ci also gave birth to Wang Shengxiao's child. Xia Zhi, who looked like a young woman, was already old enough to be a grandmother, so she naturally gained a lot of knowledge in this area.

Then she started to think about Feng Qingwu and the battle that Feng Qingwu participated in.

Think neutral camp and order camp.

Thinking about the Xi Dynasty and the future of the Beihai Wang family in the Xi Dynasty.

There is also his so-called talent of being able to move the Supreme and even cause friction.

The more she thought, the more confused her thoughts became, and the confusion in her eyes began to become more and more intense.

Until a cold voice suddenly appeared in her ear: "What are you thinking about?"

Xia Zhi suddenly came out of his sluggish state, subconsciously lowered his head and looked at Li Chaoxi in his arms.

The little guy was still asleep, with his eyes closed, and his little mouth would occasionally move, unconsciously making sounds that no one could understand.

"I'm here."

The sound of wind dancing sounded again.

This time she didn't use the childish voice of a little girl, but her own voice, which was cold, mature, and with a hint of arrogance.

Xia Zhi slowly raised his head.

A shadow with long and graceful hair appeared on the wall in front of her.

This shadow was constantly merging with the shadow of the small tide, and the sound she heard was the shadow talking.


Xia Zhi couldn't help but said: "I mean, the way you look, um, isn't it convenient? This... feels weird."

Feng Qingwu appeared in front of her, either in the shape of a small tide or simply a shadow. What she looked like herself, Xia Zhi had no idea about. Whether she was facing the little Li Chao Xi or the shadow, this This feeling is so strange.

"As long as it doesn't affect communication."

Feng Qingwu said softly: "This is a real environment. It's not that I can't appear, but I don't want to. This will bring a lot of burden to my sister, which is not a good thing for me. I am paying attention to this deliberately and saving up You will see me if necessary."

Xia Zhi immediately stopped talking.

Although she couldn't understand what Feng Qingwu said, she could still grasp the core meaning, that is, if Feng Qingwu appeared in front of her in her original form, it would bring a great burden to Xiao Tide.

"That's good, too."

Xia Zhi changed his words abruptly and asked: "How's it going? I mean, between your brother and the Human Emperor..."

"No one loses, no one wins."

Feng Qing Wu Yun Dan Feng Qing said.

That's really what she was thinking.

Feng Qingwu has no burden for cheating her own father and brother. The current situation is obvious: the Human Emperor wants to accept Xia Zhi as a student and let him join the Human Palace in the future. Unfortunately, Taihao He also valued Xia Zhi's talent and wanted to invite Xia Zhi to join his new force through Feng Qingwu.

Neither of the two supreme beings was convinced by the other, so they had a fierce fight at the intersection of order and neutrality.

And because of Feng Qingwu's assist, she succeeded in making this matter a big deal, so the two neutral supremes directly attacked the depths of the order.

The authority of order, suspected of disaster, began to attack the neutral area.

Under such circumstances, the battle between the Human Emperor and Taihao would naturally stop.

The area where they fought was the core area that Taihao chose for himself as the new force in the future.

In the face of disaster, Taihao will take it no matter what.

This also means that for a long...long...long...long period of time in the future, Taihao will not be able to distract himself from other things.

And the Human Emperor...

He and Taihao both valued the summer solstice.

But now that Tai Haoming has to deal with Order and has no room for action, and their battle is not over yet, the Human Emperor obviously cannot take this opportunity to absorb Xia Zhi.

If the Human Emperor wants to take action, he must wait until Taihao solves the threat of disaster and fight with him.

This is the rule, otherwise you would be taking advantage of others.

Originally, if the Human Emperor really wanted to take advantage of someone's danger in a fight, it would be tantamount to offending Taihao and Taihao's forces to death. There was no need at all.

so now...

Taihao couldn't take his hand out, and the Human Emperor wouldn't move either.

It seems that neither Human Emperor nor Taihao has won or lost in Xia Zhi's problem, but in fact, Feng Qingwu has won Ma.

She could imagine her brother's expectations for this good sister of hers when he was fighting against disasters in the wilderness...

For this she could only say sorry.

You guys fight back and forth, but the biggest treasure in this era is mine...

The biggest treasure is not just the summer solstice...

Don't forget, Xia Zhi also has a teacher chosen by Taihao for him...

So besides Xia Zhi, there is also Lin Jiu...

Feng Qingwu was really a little numb now. She didn't dare to think about how her brother would chase her after he found out the truth. After all, when Taihao was looking for Li Dongcheng, she also secretly watched...

The sword **** of another city of miracles, the most dazzling Shura in the entire God of War world, was beaten terribly by the Supreme. When he found out that he had tricked him, he would probably have a bad look towards him for at least an era... .

She was thinking about random things in her mind, but she quickly threw them all away.

Regardless of whether the boat between siblings will capsize in the future, at least the two big babies are in his hands now.

"You don't need to think about the outcome of their fight."

Feng Qingwu looked at Xia Zhi, her shadow seemed a little erratic in front of Xia Zhi: "That is an issue I should consider. You just need to know one thing. From now on, we, you, me, plus your teacher, our position is Consistent.”

"my teacher?"

Xia Zhi was a little confused.

Feng Qingwu also fell silent for a moment.

The reason why some people's existence makes people fearful is not because of their strength at all, but because of their character.

When Lin Jiu disappeared in front of everyone, he was just a peak Shura, that is, the eighth level of martial arts authority.

This strength is nothing in Feng Qingwu's eyes, but his character is enough to give everyone a headache.

There is no doubt about his talent. It is only a matter of time before he becomes a **** of death. And for such a person to become a **** of death is a terrible thing in itself.

"your teacher..."

Feng Qingwu's mind flashed with countless adjectives, but in the end she found that nothing was suitable.

Her only certain assessment is consistent with that of most people: Lin Jiu is a lunatic.

Other than that, it's indescribable.

“He can’t show up yet, but he’s not needed for your early teaching.

When the time is right, I will introduce him to you. "

Xia Zhi glanced at Feng Qingwu strangely, nodded, and said nothing more.

"I will give you the knowledge of the later stage of martial arts authority. Your talent is very good, but due to the injury, your current martial arts level has not yet reached the limit of the real environment..."

Feng Qingwu waved her hand.

A piece of flowing light and shadow appeared silently in front of Xia Zhi.

The light and shadow slowly split in front of her and turned into two parts.

"Eat it and your injuries will be completely healed. Wang Tianzong can eat the other portion and he can leave here."

Feng Qingwu said softly: "This is a gift for you."

"What about the Beihai Wang family?"

Xia Zhi's thoughts were extremely complicated, with surprise and worry appearing on her face at the same time.

Feng Qingwu wanted to say something, but when the words reached her lips, she took them back.

Under normal circumstances, Xia Zhi and Wang Tianzong, who were following Feng Qingwu, strictly speaking, at least on the surface, already belonged to Taihao's power. From this point of view, the Beihai Wang family had no relationship with the Xi Dynasty.

They can survive within the Xi Dynasty's sphere of influence, but they will not be affected by the Xi Dynasty. Their status can be said to be extremely transcendent.

But the current Beihai Wang family obviously cannot do this. Not to mention their relationship with the Imperial Palace, they are Wang Shengxiao and Xuanyuan Wushang, so that Li Chaoxi and Li Tianlan, Wang Yuetong and Li Tianlan...

All these things mixed together will make Beihai Wang's position very unclear, and the matters involved are worthy of many people's careful explanation.

"Wang of Beihai, let everything continue as usual."

Feng Qingwu said slowly: "Let's press this issue for now and talk about it later."

Xia Zhi looked at the ball of light floating in front of him, and hesitantly stretched out his hand, letting them fall into his palm.

She was a little excited in her heart, looked at Feng Qingwu, and said softly: "Thank you."

These two groups of light were the hope that she and Wang Tianzong would be completely healed and could even stay together for their endless lives.

After all the ups and downs, today, the Beihai Wang family seems to have finally achieved a relatively satisfactory result.

She took a deep breath, looked at Feng Qingwu, and said with some anticipation: "Then... Yuetong..."

Feng Qingwu was silent for a moment and said softly: "Mom is in Qindao Second Hospital now... You go and pick her up. If you move quickly... it may still be too late."

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