The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 923: : Be reasonable (Part 2)

He said he wanted to be reasonable, but in reality Xuanyuan Wushang had no confidence at all.

Who dares to mess with a bully? Can't afford to offend, not at all.

Almost all the outstanding women in the neutral camp have received "care" from Feng Qingwu, but not all of them who have received her key education are women. There are also many strong men who have been beaten by Feng Qingwu every now and then.

In an environment like that under the stars, Feng Qingwu's bad character is not something worth caring about at all. Putting this aside, her existence has no shortcomings at all.

My dad is supreme.

My mother is also supreme.

Coincidentally, my brother is still the Supreme.

Feng Qingwu herself is not a supreme master, but a peak master who can use the power of authority for a short period of time...

Under the Supreme Being, there is almost no one in the entire camp who can compete with him.

Reasoning with people like this...

What is truth?

But there are some things that you can’t just stop doing if you don’t have the confidence to do them.

The fact is that he represented the time and space corridor and guided the return of Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai, while Feng Qingwu poached a future **** of murder under his nose...

Mistake? unintended mistake? A moment of carelessness?

These are not reasons.

As a strong man with three levels of authority at the peak of the eighth level, even if he is restricted in a real environment, he will not be able to discover worthy talents.

Xia Zhi was poached by Feng Qingwu and did not join the Time and Space Corridor, let alone the Xi Dynasty.

This is Xuanyuan Wushang's responsibility.

I was wronged for being suppressed by Feng Qingwu's authority, and hiding my thoughts by lies and authority. These things can be used as reasons, but responsibility is responsibility, and you can't get rid of it.

If Xuanyuan Wushang wants to shirk the blame, he must face Feng Qingwu. At least on the surface, he still has to show off his attitude of competing. If he can't compete, he means he is inferior to others. Even if he has responsibility, he will be much lighter. .


"Feng Qingwu... Feng Qingwu... Feng Qingwu..."

Xuanyuan Wushang's expression was a little distorted, and he kept chanting Feng Qingwu's name, sometimes gritting his teeth, sometimes feeling bitter and numb, and sometimes looking dull.

Even if Tai Hao became the Supreme, Xuanyuan Wushang would still dare to tease him. After all, he and Tai Hao were uncles and nephews to each other. But facing the bully Feng Qingwu, he didn't dare to tease him in his heart because he was afraid of being criticized by Feng Qingwu. Collect to discover what's on his mind.

"Are you calling me?"

A childish voice suddenly rang in Xuanyuan Wushang's ears.

Xuanyuan Wushang, who was still chanting Feng Qingwu's name a second ago, trembled visibly, and the fat on his body that was not very obvious trembled violently.

Fatty Xuanyuan didn't have any thoughts at this moment. To be precise, at this moment, his body was completely faster than his mind.

He didn't even have time to look up at the location where the voice appeared. He instinctively bent down and shouted loudly: "I've seen the eldest princess!"

"I heard you calling my name."

On the sofa in front of Xuanyuan Wushang, a little girl's little body was curled up on it. She looked cute and cute, but her voice was indifferent and lazy: "What's the matter?"

", I mean...your behavior...that, Xia Zhi, so this..."

Xuanyuan Wushang's words were incoherent.


The little girl made a nasal sound.

Different tones of the word "um" have different meanings. It can express affirmation, doubt, doubt, and sometimes it can even express a threat.

Feng Qingwu's "hmm" is undoubtedly the latter.

Xuanyuan Wushang's incoherent voice stopped suddenly, and then his voice began to become fluent: "It's okay."

You have to give in when it’s time to give in.

This bully is used to being domineering in the starry sky. He has strong connections, strong strength, and brains. What can Xuanyuan Wushang do? He's really desperate too, right?

His last bit of courage to fight for Xia Zhi turned into ashes at Feng Qingwu's fluttering words, and he felt so aggrieved that he wanted to cry.

"I will go and talk to your father."

The little girl looked at Xuanyuan Wushang and said lightly.

Xuanyuan Wushang was still in shock. He was still thinking about some of Feng Qingwu's deeds spread in the starry sky. Hearing these words, he nodded subconsciously and said, "Okay, thank you, Your Highness."

The little girl raised her delicate eyebrows: "Huh?"


Xuanyuan Wushang's scalp suddenly became numb again. He didn't know whether it was because the sudden sense of crisis was so strong that it made him smarter, or for other reasons. This time, he completely understood Feng Qingwu's meaning, and then said He said something basically the same as Feng Qingwu: "I will go and talk to your father."


Feng Qingwu nodded with satisfaction.

A killing **** is too important. Feng Qingwu has temporarily dealt with Taihao and the Human Emperor, and can also clear the corridor of space and time. So for Li Tianlan, she plans to rely on Xuanyuan Wushang.

Let Xuanyuan Wushang deceive his father and mother, so that his pressure will become less.

"It's just this matter..."

Xuanyuan Wushang sighed: "From the perspective of prospects, Your Highness, Xia Zhi may not be the best choice by your side."

Feng Qingwu herself has the authority to lie, and Taihao also has the authority to lie.

The summer solstice is most suitable for martial arts authority.

Where is the top martial arts authority and the top killing **** today?

In the world of God of War.

Even though the God of War has fallen, the martial arts concept of the God of War has always existed. Even within the entire camp, the martial arts authority of the God of War is the strongest.

Because of Li Dongcheng, the God of War Realm will not take action against Xia Zhi. So if you settle for the next best thing, Xia Zhi's best choice is actually the Human Palace or the Xi Dynasty.

Even if the Human Emperor controls the power of destiny, he is also the top killing god.

And Li Tianlan also holds the power of martial arts.

The Human Emperor and Li Tianlan are the most suitable to teach Xia Zhi.

How can there be similar talents around Feng Qingwu and Taihao?

With the current situation of the brother and sister, it would be difficult for them to find the best teacher for Xia Zhi.

It will take a long time for the new supreme forces to stabilize. During this process, the major forces will provide resource support. But if they want to develop completely, they must make full use of all these resources to support them. , cultivate a certain civilization, or many civilizations that you value.

This requires a long period of time that ordinary people cannot imagine, tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years, before it is possible to see some results.

And Xia Zhi's talent is so outstanding, the sooner she starts, the better. It is impossible for her to have her own martial arts teacher after tens or millions of years.

If she didn't break through the seventh-level authority, she wouldn't be able to last that long. Even if she could wait, the teacher Feng Qingwu would find for her by then would not be better than the Human Emperor and Li Tianlan. From this point of view, Feng Qingwu Even though he grabbed Xia Zhi, he didn't have the resources to cultivate her.

"I have found Lin Jiu to be her teacher."

Feng Qingwu said calmly.

Xuanyuan Wushang was stunned for a moment, his mind went blank for a moment, and then he came back to his senses: "Who?"

"Lin Jiu."

Feng Qingwu said it again.

Lin Jiu...Lin Jiu..

Xuanyuan Wushang seemed a little unsure: "The one from the God of War Realm?"

"if not?"

Feng Qingwu asked back.

Xuanyuan Wushang didn't speak for a long time.

Lin Jiu, to be precise, is the Ninth Prince of the God of War Realm...

Xuanyuan Wushang himself is the Ninth Prince of the Space-Time Corridor.

It seemed that because they were both Lao Jiu and the two of them had drank several times before, Xuanyuan Wushang was deeply impressed by him.

Lin Jiu is a Shura at the eighth level of martial arts authority.

His martial arts can be said to be the true inheritance of the God of War world. In terms of Xia Zhi's acceptance level, the difference between Lin Jiu teaching Xia Zhi and the God of War teaching Xia Zhi himself is not too big. It's not that the God of War is not better than Lin Jiu, but Xia Zhi's acceptance level is Set it there.


Why is it Lin Jiu?

Xuanyuan Wushang knew Lin Jiu, but he didn't know how to describe Lin Jiu.

If Feng Qingwu was just a bully from the neutral camp, then Lin Jiu was a pure madman.

To put it more accurately, or to use the words of the great emperor in the Space-Time Corridor, Xuanyuan Wushang’s father...

Lin Jiu is a naturally neutral creature.

These are the original words of the great emperor.

What is neutrality?

Neutrality between order and chaos means accepting a certain degree of order, but also tolerating a certain degree of chaos.

This is the core concept of the entire camp.

But once intelligent beings have thoughts, hierarchies, and various ideas, they will always be more or less biased toward order when they gather together.

But what about Lin Jiu...

The emperor said that Lin Jiu was a purely neutral creature.

Such people will not accept chaos in their hearts, not even a little bit.

But such people will not accept order in their hearts, nor can they accept it at all.

To express it concretely, it is an extreme form of freedom.

He doesn't care what is right or wrong.

Right and wrong, good and evil, are completely meaningless in his eyes.

It makes no sense at all.

What he does is always what he wants to do. As for whether what he wants to do is right or wrong...

He won't think about it, let alone care.

He likes you, and even if you are heinous, he will still treat you with all his heart.

If he doesn't like you, even if he just passes you by, he will kill you without any regard.

As for cause and effect and grudges, there is no need for these.

Only he thinks, or doesn't want to.

Such people have no reason or concept in their hearts.

Everything in the world, in his eyes, is always only what he wants to do and what he doesn't want to do.

Values ​​simply don't exist in his eyes.

That's why he made a mistake and was blocked by the God of War himself with his sword energy.

Such a person...

Are you going to be Lin Jiu's teacher?

Xuanyuan Wushang's scalp felt numb inexplicably.

"Did you release Lin Jiu?"

he asked in a low voice.

"Not yet, but soon."

Feng Qingwu said casually.


Xuanyuan Wushang's whole body was numb, and the impression of Lin Jiu in his mind became clearer.

He is not afraid of Lin Jiu's strength, but whenever he thinks of his character...

Such a person, even if he has no strength, will make people feel uncomfortable, but now, Feng Qingwu wants to release Lin Jiu...

"What have you done..."

Xuanyuan Wushang murmured to himself.

At this moment, he put all the truth back into his stomach and said without hesitation: "I will not interfere in this matter, and I will not interfere again."

The biggest truth is not to reason with crazy people.

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