The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 920: : mind’s eye

Light and shadow twinkle in the starry sky.

Following the chain of logic, in just a moment, Lingxi and Liuli had returned to the Human Emperor's Palace under the protection of the Human Emperor.

The imperial capital of the Human Palace is so vast that it seems to have no boundaries.

Stars are surrounding each other in different directions in the sky, connected to each other to form rainbow bridges that emit light. Cast from various materials, the incredibly huge and majestic city encompasses the entire small galaxy nearby. Tens of thousands of stars provide energy for the operation of this city.

The misty clouds exuded endless brilliance and appeared directly in the city, floating repeatedly among the stars.

The Human Emperor took his two wives directly back to the center of the Imperial Palace of the Human Emperor.

This place is almost a replica of Imperial Arms Mountain, an Imperial Arms Mountain that is countless times larger than the Miracle City.

Peaks whose height can be measured in light years pierce straight into the sky above the city. A large number of civilizations living on the peaks are shining with incomparable brilliance. The dark ocean flows quietly between the mountains, countless Star battleships and even motherships take off and land from different directions in the city.

The wormhole connecting the two ends of time and space appears and disappears silently.

The teleportation array established by Lie's authority is constantly fluctuating, driving an extremely fine mist.

The Human Emperor looked up at the sky.

High in the sky are stars that are very close together, as if they will fall down at any time. The densely packed stars are arranged and combined in a wonderful logic, looking like a huge chessboard.

There is a vast aura in the city that is connected to the stars above, constantly moving the positions of each star. As the stars change, the various arrangements of the entire city are also constantly changing.

The city and the starry sky seem to be completely connected into a whole invisibly.

This is the imperial capital of the Human Palace.

The Human Emperor has established his foundation here at the supreme level, and with this place as the center, there are multiple territories in all directions, all of which are the domain of the Human Emperor Palace.

This city known as the Imperial Capital, built in the void, was built bit by bit by the Human Imperial Palace over a long period of time to its current scale.

A city with an area of ​​over 60,000 light-years!

From the perspective of the City of Miracles, just this city, this imperial capital, is equivalent to the area of ​​more than half of the Milky Way.

Putting the City of Miracles and even the solar system in this city would only be about the size of a glass ball, not even an eye-catching object.

The Human Emperor's will enveloped the entire city silently, and he instantly got the information he wanted.

He had only left the Imperial Capital for a while and had a fight with Taihao, but nearly a year had passed in the Imperial Capital.

During this period, everything was smooth and normal, without any unexpected events.

The Human Emperor felt relieved, and reached out to hold Lingxi and Liuli's palms. His voice was gentle: "Go and rest, I still have to deal with some things."

"Aren't you going to fight?"

Lingxi's somewhat cold voice was filled with doubts and sounded dull.

"How to fight? Where to fight? There will be no results."

The Human Emperor laughed.

As for trump cards, he had them, but Taihao was not unprepared.

If Tai Hao had not beaten Li Dongcheng and had not obtained the sword energy of free authority, the Human Emperor would have been able to defeat Tai Hao by relying on the fact that the opponent did not dare to use the collection on him, and just relying on the formation and the characters in the story. The rat scurried away with its head in its hands.

And if Jinxiu Linglong did not side with Taihao, even if Taihao had the sword energy of free authority, he would not be able to play with such a toy with just a lie.

Wang Jinxiu himself is the **** of death, and the sword energy that barely drives the free authority can be said to have broken the balance of this battle. It is meaningless to continue fighting under such circumstances. The final result is probably that the foundation of the Human Imperial Palace will be destroyed. The background of fighting against the world of gods.

The breath of free authority destroys his trump card.

He and Taihao were duel in the most normal situation.

The Human Emperor believed that he would not lose, but together with Lingxi Liuli, he could not suffer any loss in the face of Feng Qingwu.

But an idle Linglong represents too many variables.

Moreover, the Supreme Leader of the Order camp personally took action. Faced with the overwhelming will of the world, even if the Human Emperor was not afraid, he did not want to start a so-called decisive battle with the Order camp over there.

And once the battlefield is no longer there, you can't fight on the territory of the neutral camp.

How terrifying is the battle of the Supreme?

Even in the starry sky, the battle between the Supremes is a legend.

Under normal circumstances, not counting small fights, the Supreme Lord will really take action only once or twice in an era. Most of the time, it will only be once, that is, when a Supreme Lord enters the end of the world and ends the world. , other supreme auxiliary cooperation.

Most of the time, the Supreme was silent, confronting the authority of the Order camp.

It is precisely because of this that the ninth-level authority is known as the pinnacle of power, and the supreme is the source.

Because most of the time, what really intimidates everyone looking down at the entire starry sky is the ninth level authority.

And when the Supreme Lord comes down in person and fights one **** battle after another, it can only mean one thing, that is, the world will be completely silent.

No matter how important the Summer Solstice is, it is impossible for the Human Emperor and Taihao to fight in the neutral camp area, so this battle is finally over.

The Emperor did not catch the summer solstice.

But surprisingly, his mood was not filled with annoyance or disappointment, but rather with an extremely profound sense of amusement and thoughtfulness.

"Oh, then I'm going to eat."

Lingxi nodded beside the Human Emperor and suddenly looked at Liuli: "Do you want to eat? I can give you a portion. I originally planned to give it to Jinxiu, but I don't want to give it to her now."

The boat between mother and daughter quickly capsized.

Liuli hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "I'll go to your place later."

She has teased Lingxi many times, saying that she was born in the zodiac of a squirrel. Even if she becomes a **** of murder, she will instinctively hide food. The food that can be hidden by her is the most precious resource. It is hard to say how useful it is. But the taste is absolutely outstanding, and this is a temptation that even Liuli cannot resist.

"Then let's go find Feng Qingwu for a fight after eating."

Lingxi said seriously.

"You'll get beaten if you go now."

The Human Emperor sighed: "Even if we don't talk about Jinxiu, Linglong will not let you ruin the honeymoon period between the brother and sister and the God of War...Lin Jiu..."

His voice paused and he shook his head silently.

"Taihao really dares to let that little guy go?"

Liuli frowned: "I hugged him when he was little. Who knew he would become like that..."

Her tone couldn't be called disgust, but it definitely couldn't be called liking.

Lin Jiu's character had problems, and there were big problems. God of War couldn't even correct his character problems, so he made a big mistake later.

But aside from personality issues, he and Lin Shiyi can be regarded as the two most outstanding children of the God of War.

Lin Shiyi has now fallen into the hands of Li Tianlan.

There is only one Lin Jiu left. Once he comes out, he will undoubtedly attract the attention of the entire neutral camp.

At the end of this era, there are only a few people who are likely to break through the ninth level of authority. Currently, there are three people to be precise.

Wang Fuyu from the Imperial Palace.

Li Dongcheng of the God of War Realm.

Although there is a chance for both, the chance is not great and will probably have to wait until the next era.

Apart from these two people, the one who is most likely to be promoted is Lin Jiu, and his chances are even much greater than the first two.

During the brief hesitation, Lingxi and Liuli showed a hint of unnatural fear at the same time.

But for Jinxiu Linglong, Lin Jiu is one of their favorite children.

Xiao Liu, Xiao Jiu, Xiao Eleven.

These three children bear almost all of Jinxiu Linglong's love. Some of them are Jinxiu's children and some are Linglong's children, but to them, there is no difference at all.

Lin Jiu may be a lunatic in everyone's eyes, but in their eyes, he is their child.

"They really want to..."

"Don't talk about this."

The Human Emperor suddenly spoke and said calmly: "That is a matter of the God of War Realm, or even a family matter. It is useless to say more."

Lingxi Liuli fell silent at the same time.

"Taihao will release Lin Jiu. He has the courage, but he probably won't have time to do it in the near future."

The thoughtful look in the Emperor's eyes became more and more intense. The Supreme Order was attacking the borderlands of the neutral camp, and that borderland was what Taihao planned to use to establish his own power. In the process, he would directly confront The person from the order camp belongs to the supreme authority of science and technology.

This means that Taihao basically has no energy to deal with anything in the future, and he will be firmly involved in the frontier to fight against the order camp.

If he felt right, the supreme leader of the order camp who had just taken action in the border area should be a disaster.

One of the three major powers of science and technology authority.

I don’t know how long this confrontation will last.

The reason for this was that his battle with Taihao directly entered the traditional territory of the order camp.

But why did he and Taihao fight deep into the order camp?

Because Taihao is running away...

So why did Taihao run away?


Because Feng Qingwu collected the Human Emperor's martial arts strength, the Human Emperor reached his true peak state.

As a ninth-level peak master who can barely use the power of authority...

Why did Feng Qingwu use collection at that time?

Did she help him accidentally, or did she do it on purpose?

Cannot use Collection on the Human Emperor...

The Human Emperor didn't believe that Feng Qingwu didn't know this.

Feng Qingwu must have known, but she still used the collection, and then let the battle spread to the Order camp, attracting Disaster's attention, and Taihao was also restrained there.

The result of all this, to put it simply, started with Feng Qingwu's collection.

So the current result is what Feng Qingwu wants to see, or even the result she deliberately created?

The corner of the Human Emperor's mouth twitched.

This battle has ended, but the battle that started because of the summer solstice seems to have been transferred to another direction under some guidance.

The ownership of the summer solstice has not yet been determined.

The Human Emperor didn't win this time, but he definitely didn't lose either.

So what does Feng Qingwu want to do to create such a result?

This pair of siblings...

If Taihao inherited Li Tianlan's potential and talent, then Feng Qingwu seemed to have inherited Qin Weibai's brain.

She cheated her own father and cheated her own brother. What was she planning?

The Human Emperor took a deep breath and suddenly sneered: "They are obviously brothers and sisters, but they have eight hundred hearts for each other. Huang Xi's children are all talented..."

He stopped talking again and was silent for a while before continuing: "The show seems to have just begun..."

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