The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 919: :Nine

There's no sense of betrayal, and therefore not much anger.

For the Human Emperor, the current scene was more about incomprehension due to an emotion called absurdity.

The beauty of the God of War world.

After the fall of the God of War, the two can be said to be the two mistresses with the highest status and the strongest strength in the God of War world.

A **** of death and destiny.

Wang Jinxiu is the biological daughter of the Human Emperor, and the only one among all his descendants so far who has broken through the ninth level of authority and condensed the true brand.

Turns out she married the **** of war.

There is no need to say more about the topic of winning badly and losing badly.

The sentence "water thrown away by a married daughter" has been proven too many times in the past long time because Wang Jinxiu's elbows turned outward, so many times that the emperor became numb.


Why is it Taihao?

If it were the God of War who was going tit-for-tat with him today, and Wang Jinxiu stood beside her husband against his biological father, the Human Emperor might be angry and ridiculed, but now the person who is going tit-for-tat with him is Tai Hao...

As a result, Linglong Jinxiu from the God of War Realm actually stood beside Taihao?

What happened?

Not to mention the relationship between the Human Emperor and Wang Jinxiu's biological father and daughter, Linglong Jinxiu's current position is enough to make even the Supreme Human Emperor incomprehensible.

The two Linglong Jinxiu...

The relationship between Feng Qingwu and Feng Qingwu is truly incompatible.

In fact, it is because of luck.

After condensing the true brand and reaching the peak, luck suppresses the true brand contained by the peak powerhouse, making the peak powerhouse's humanity stronger, and at the same time making their personal emotions more public and fierce.

It is natural for women to be jealous. If some old grudges from the past are added to the equation, once they hold grudges, they can really go to great lengths.

This also directly led to the fact that most of the women at the top level in the neutral camp did not have a harmonious relationship with each other.

Linglong Jinxiu has a very good relationship with each other, not only because they have the same husband, but also because they are real cousins.

The relationship between them is the best.

In addition, even the relationship between Lingxi and Liuli in the Human Imperial Palace is not harmonious. Although they do not fight with each other, they often struggle in other aspects.

As for Feng Qingwu...

As the eldest princess of the Time Corridor and the strongest woman in the neutral camp, she has no good relationship with other women of the same level.

Qin Weibai doesn't count. Not to mention that she is her biological mother, she herself cannot be regarded as the supreme being of the neutral camp. She can only be said to be a creature of order who stands in the neutral camp.

Except for Qin Weibai, there are really not many other named women who have not been educated by Feng Qingwu.

So her relationship with Linglong Jinxiu was very bad, so his relationship with Lingxi Liuli was also very bad, and his relationship with Xuanyuan Wushang's fiancée was also very bad.

Not to mention these five women who are at the peak level, even below the peak level, individual women with eighth-level authority and peak eighth-level authority have also been educated by Feng Qingwu.

Why individual?

Because women who can be promoted to the eighth level authority, or even the peak of the eighth level authority, their existence is inherently individual.

In other words, looking at the entire neutral camp, there are no exceptions for women with names and surnames. Regardless of whether you are an eighth-level authority or a ninth-level authority, every one of them has been educated by Feng Qingwu.

As the daughter of Huang Xi and Qin Weibai, with the protection of the supreme bloodline and the aura of order and authority, she can accommodate more of the will of the world, has a lighter burden than others, and requires less luck than others, which means Even at the same level, she is one of the few people with the strongest fighting ability.

Linglong Jinxiu, Lingxi Liuli, these peak experts who have broken through the ninth level and are still sprinting towards the middle of the ninth level, are already infinitely close to the peak of the ninth level. To be more specific, Feng Qingwu, who is already infinitely close to the ninth level, looks at them. , it’s really just a child, the kind that doesn’t require any effort at all to educate.

Feng Qingwu is Feng Qingwu with strong combat power, excellent bloodline, brilliant talent, cold temperament and flamboyant behavior.

She was pampered by her parents when she was a child, and after her parents died, she was pampered by her elder brother and even the emperor. She is not a flower in the greenhouse, but she has been in a unique environment for a long time, which makes her character become extremely bad at certain times. What she was exposed to was the most deceptive lie authority...

Because of their strength, talent, status, and inheritance of their mother’s appearance, countless strong men would instinctively ignore her bad character and regard her as a goddess. But for the same sex, Feng Qingwu’s existence is completely The shadow, even the nightmare, in the hearts of all strong women.

The Human Emperor and the God of War were originally from the Space-Time Corridor.

They left the City of Miracles to join the Time and Space Corridor, rose from the humble beginnings, served as princes and kings of the Time and Space Corridor, and finally became supreme. As usual, they opened up the Human Emperor Palace and the God of War in the most remote area of ​​the Time and Space Corridor. boundary.

And before they became supreme, no matter they were the prince or the king of the Time Corridor, Lingxi Liuli, Jinxiu Linglong were all bullied miserably by the bully Feng Qingwu.

Countless resistances were easily suppressed, those who were bullied gritted their teeth, and those who bullied others were enthusiastic.

Therefore, after Lingxi Liuli and Linglong Jinxiu both broke through the ninth level of authority at a very similar time, they didn't even have time to stabilize their true brands. The four of them immediately formed a group and went to the time and space corridor to challenge Feng Qingwu in a duel.

Four people singled her out.

As a result, the bully who had bullied them for a long time simply turned around and ran away.

Of course there is no sense of satisfaction in revenge.

After the four of them returned to the Human Palace and the God of War Realm in anger and helplessness, Feng Qingwu seized the opportunity of being alone and knocked on their door without saying a word.

Time has completely become a toy in her hands. In one second, Feng Qingwu can bully Wang Jinxiu or Linglong countless times in different ways.

For example, the cognitive collection of a dog is given back to Wang Jinxiu and she is asked to bark and bark when she opens her mouth.

Or simply collect Wang Jinxiu's identity and let Wang Jinxiu's children call her mother. Wang Jinxiu, who has lost her identity, can only be helpless and furious, but no one can find out.


Every time after committing evil, the satisfied Feng Qingwu would swagger away. When the four of them got together again to look for her, Feng Qingwu still dared to run. The key was that after running away, while they were alone, she How dare you come.

This kind of bully with a bad record, disgusting abilities and no face, during a certain period of time, tormented the four now superior women to tears countless times.

As the Supreme, the Human Emperor and the God of War would not pay attention to these trivial matters and could not care about them. The four of them were also stubborn and never complained to their husbands. Instead, they kept secretly plotting behind closed doors, trying to regain their place on their own.

Because complaining is useless.

After the God of War and the Human Emperor became Supremes, they naturally would not mess around with Feng Qingwu. Before they became Supremes, they also suffered a lot of losses. This was purely due to Feng Qingwu's bullying of their wives.

The collection of lies permissions, from a disgusting perspective, can be said to be the well-deserved number one among all permissions.

This ability has reached the ninth level of authority and the supreme level. When it comes to the concept stage, it can play many tricks.

Feng Qingwu had collected the identities of Wang Jinxiu and the others, so that was nothing.

Before the Human Emperor and the God of War became the Supreme, Feng Qingwu even collected their identities.

What happens if your identity is collected?

To put it in the most straightforward terms, if Feng Qingwu collects the identity of the Human Emperor, then in the eyes of everyone, Feng Qingwu becomes the Human Emperor in their perception, and the real Human Emperor is collected because of his identity. , before breaking Feng Qingwu's collection, even if he stood in front of everyone, no one would see him or treat him as a stranger.

With Feng Qingwu's bad character, after she collected the identity of the Human Emperor, it was self-evident what she had done in front of Lingxi and Liuli while focusing on the Human Emperor's name. Because she was a woman, the God of War and the Human Emperor didn't think anything of it. So, but this kind of thing is a complete nightmare for Lingxi Liuli and Jinxiu Linglong.

As the target of Feng Qingwu's key education, the strength of the four of them can be said to have grown rapidly. From this point of view, the four of them can become the gods of death, so much so that the peak of the entire neutral camp has appeared. A trend in which yin rises and yang declines. Feng Qingwu can be said to be the main contributor and plays an extremely critical role.

The most important thing is that as the villain in the lives of the goddesses, Feng Qingwu is still as strong as ever, which also encourages the goddesses to continue to improve, almost risking their lives to improve their own strength.

After reaching the ninth level of authority, every improvement is not an exaggeration in terms of eras.

However, the four women in the God of War Realm and the Human Imperial Palace managed to reach the ninth level in one era, and each of them has strong stamina and is constantly sprinting towards the middle of the ninth level.

At the beginning, Feng Qingwu could easily suppress four of them by herself, but later it became more and more difficult. If it continues to this day, Lingxi Liuli or Jinxiu Linglong, as long as the two of them are together, Feng Qingwu no longer dares to act rashly.

This also directly shifted their battlefield to another area most of the time. Every time they met, they would sarcastically and sarcastically interact with each other. It can be said that they have really mastered their skills in this area.

In this field, Feng Qingwu obviously had no chance of winning against four.

Every time she appears in the Human Emperor's Palace or the God of War Realm, it's just like the big BOSS entering the main city. She has a clear and exquisite glazed embroidery, and she comes even faster than the Human Emperor and the God of War. Her taunting attribute allows her to go wherever she goes. They were all filled with hatred and were surrounded by four women.

Under such circumstances, if the four of them are together again, no matter whether it is strength or ridicule, they can suppress Feng Qingwu and fight. Every time Feng Qingwu gets angry, she has to find a way to get back, hurt each other, and the vicious cycle is here. Today, the relationship between them is beyond words even for the Supreme Being.

So what is the situation now?

The Human Emperor couldn't help but look at Feng Qingwu.

Feng Qingwu stood motionless in the void, her expression calm and calm.

Under normal circumstances, Linglong Jinxiu should have consciously joined forces with Lingxi Liuli.

But now...

They stood beside Taihao, followed Feng Qingwu, and faced Lingxi Liuli?


Because he felt it was too ridiculous, the Emperor fell silent for a while.

But beside him, the auras of Lingxi and Liuli showed obvious fluctuations.

In the hazy light group, some of the vague figures began to become clear, and the sword energy that was constantly gathering began to become chaotic.

At this moment, at least in Lingxi Liuli's eyes, Taihao was no longer important.

The gentle dance of the wind is the key.

The bully was standing there.

You would actually choose to stand by her side?

Are you still a good sister...oh, no, are you still a good daughter or niece?

Liuli may be feeling better, but Lingxi is somewhat annoyed.

Wang Jinxiu, that is her biological daughter.

"What are you doing?"

In the blur of light and shadow, Lingxi took the initiative to speak. Her voice was clear and cold, with a hint of doubt.

Wang Jinxiu was also surrounded by sword energy, and the wisps of sword energy turned into hazy sword light. Her figure was shrouded in sword light, and no one could see her expression clearly.

"Isn't it obvious?"

Feng Qingwu spoke directly before Wang Jinxiu spoke, with a teasing tone: "They can see the situation more clearly than you. It seems that in the future, there will be less visits to the God of War Realm, and we should visit the Human Palace more often."

These words are equivalent to telling Lingxi Liuli clearly that from now on, sister, I will put down the two from the God of War Realm, and I will go to the Human Palace to bully you when I have time.

Lingxi ignored her at all and just looked silently in the direction of her daughter. After a long while, she stretched out her hand and said to her daughter: "Come here..."

"There's no way she's going to get there."

Feng Qingwu became a prominent figure, controlling the rhythm of the conversation: "Their appearance here can already explain the problem. This is their choice."

"I do not believe."

Lingxi's voice was obviously unhappy.

"How naive."

Feng Qingwu showed a standard bully and villain smile. Having inherited most of Qin Weibai's advantages, she may not be as perfect as her mother, but her facial features are more enchanting and charming. She can also realize this, so she usually She looks even colder than her mother, and in this scene, her smile is really a bit confusing to all living beings. In the eyes of Lingxi and Liuli, it is even more evil and dazzling.

"You seem to be like this all the time."

Feng Qingwu looked at Lingxi and said with some emotion: "I liked to bully you the most from the beginning. You seemed to be indifferent to the world. When you were bullied, you didn't say a word and just kept eating. After eating, I can bully you again and be the bully. Same..."


A sharp and crisp sword cry suddenly sounded, but it did not come from Lingxi, but from Jinxiu beside Feng Qingwu.

The sword energy that gathered around her suddenly condensed, but in the end it was extremely restrained and slowly relaxed.

Feng Qingwu, who had completed the double murder of mother and daughter in one sentence, was satisfied and said no more.


The Human Emperor finally spoke. He looked in the direction of Wang Jinxiu and calmly asked for an explanation. An explanation that would allow her and Jinxiu to stand beside Taihao to deal with their biological father.

"Feel sorry."

Wang Jinxiu's voice was low but firm: "I'm sorry, father..."

This ‘explanation’ is obviously not what the Emperor wants.

He took a deep look at his daughter. In front of him, the dense formation began to turbulence.

He was still standing there, but at this moment he seemed to have turned into a ball of wool.

Chains of logic were released from him.

The breath of destiny and martial arts is overwhelming.

Beside the Human Emperor, Liuli and Lingxi suddenly straightened their bodies, allowing countless logical chains to pass through their bodies. The aura on their bodies began to rise rapidly, and after the Human Emperor's logical chains penetrated their bodies, they belonged to martial arts. The fluctuations begin to decrease, and the power of destiny begins to increase.

This is also a formation.

Through the formation, the Human Emperor can temporarily separate the interference of martial arts authority on himself to the greatest extent, and let Lingxi and Liuli take the responsibility for him.

The Human Emperor himself is the top killing god. Even if only a part of the martial arts aura he exudes falls on Lingxi and Liuli, it is enough to temporarily allow them to have a strength infinitely close to the middle level of ninth level authority.

As the martial arts strength decreases, the Human Emperor can also exert more power that belongs to the authority of fate.

The threads passed through Lingxi and Liuli's bodies and landed on the formations floating in front of the Human Emperor.

Lines cut through the void, like one stroke after another.

One figure after another was clearly outlined on the formation.

Taihao has been watching quietly.

He saw another one of himself appearing on one of the formations, saw Feng Qingwu appearing on the other formations, saw the God of War, saw another pair of Linglong Jinxiu and Lingxi Liuli, saw another Human Emperor, and saw When Emperor Xuanyuan arrived, even Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai appeared on the formation.

This is the image painted by the Human Emperor.

Every image carries part of the original body's strength.

Destiny authority has the ability to weave reality into stories, and naturally also has the ability to turn stories into reality.

The figures in front of you are the 'stories' drawn by the Human Emperor. The stories have appeared in reality, and all the people on them have come to life.

Taihao watched quietly, indifferent to this.

"Do you think it's enough to just call them over?"

The Human Emperor said calmly: "Is this your trump card?"

"That's not all."

Taihao smiled: "The ability of a calligrapher with the authority of destiny has reached its peak stage. He can turn the things he draws into reality, but his weaknesses are also fatal."

Every figure drawn by the Human Emperor will have part of its own strength.

He drew a Taihao.

How strong is the Supreme part?

At least he is a peak level strongman.

But the Human Emperor not only drew one Taihao, he also drew all of his own supreme beings, and at the same time, he also drew all the peak powerhouses.

From this perspective, with this lineup, the Human Emperor's strength has more than doubled.

At the supreme stage, calligraphers and painters have completely invincible abilities.

Yes, the surface is invincible and the surface is the strongest.

Such a method is naturally extremely powerful and can easily form an extremely scary power on paper. However, for such a powerful ability, its advantages and disadvantages are extremely obvious. It is powerful, but it is also easy to be targeted.

At least in Taihao's eyes, every picture in front of him was full of weaknesses.

The Human Emperor did not deny this, but calmly said: "Do you dare to collect it?"

As the Supreme, Taihao can collect all the characters he drew, but the Human Emperor can also adjust his destiny and force Taihao's collection to change the target. Through the interference of fate, Taihao can collect these people. It's time to hide his martial arts authority, so that he will become pure again and can directly crush Taihao's destiny authority.

The ability to collect lies is a deeply painful ability for all authorities, but the Human Emperor's current state of conflicting authority has just restrained the collection of lies, and it is a perfect restraint.

Taihao could not collect the figures drawn by the Emperor.

In theory, martial arts authority can also cut off the connection between these characters and reality and turn them into stories again.

But that would require the God of War to come in person, and Jinxiu, who was on Taihao's side, couldn't do that.

Although Linglong is destiny, it can only cause slight interference to the Human Emperor and cannot turn the tables.

Taking advantage of his special status, the Human Emperor completely created a situation that made him invincible.

Taihao and Feng Qingwu did not dare to use the ability to collect.

There was nothing Linglong Jinxiu could do about it.

Next, one after another the supreme and peak powerful people were drawn by the Human Emperor, and used the power of the Human Emperor's Palace to beat each of them in groups.

"What other means are there?"

The Human Emperor's voice was cold: "If you don't show it, you can prepare to return next time."

Taihao's eyes fell on Jinxiu and said in a calm voice: "Since senior said so, why don't you show it to him?"

Wang Jinxiu continued to remain silent.

But the next second, an extremely vast aura swept across the entire battlefield in an instant.

Two slender and delicate sword lights appeared silently beside Linglong, dancing lightly, agile and dazzling.

Those were two phantoms, but at the same time as the phantoms appeared, all the characters drawn by him in the formation in front of the Human Emperor showed two different states.

One is rejection, the other is excitement.

Linglong stretched out her hands and grasped the two phantoms in front of her.

The shadows continued to gather in her hands, becoming increasingly clear.

Those are the shadows of two long swords.

Huge fluctuations continued to surge in the shadows of the two long swords, easily suppressing all the aura of Jinxiu.

"So, as a parent, sometimes it's not good to be too partial."

Taihao smiled and said: "I beat my brother and snatched two sword energy from him. It seems that it comes in handy now."

His voice seemed satisfied, but if you listened carefully, you could find that there was still some regret in his tone.

He originally wanted to bring the real guy over. In that case, the Human Emperor's expression would definitely be more exciting than it is now.

But Li Dongcheng also has a temper. When faced with his elder brother's fist, he would not give in even if he couldn't beat him. It might be because the beating was too painful, or he was disgusted by the lies. In short, when he was angry, he simply threw the truth The guy returned, leaving Taihao to intercept only two sword energy.

Taihao's younger brother...

Li Dongcheng.

The Human Emperor suddenly understood.

So Taihao beat Li Dongcheng?

The context of the whole thing seems to have become clearer, at least the various messy fragments have been pieced together into an appearance that is difficult to look at.

He couldn't help but glance at the two long swords in Linglong's hands.

That is one of the three major powers in martial arts, and it is the power and freedom that has recently been transformed through the hands of the God of War.

Although it was just two free sword energies, the Human Emperor's own condition was not good. These two sword energies were enough to solve the current problem.

Contained in free authority is the freest will.

Under the influence of authority, there will be two solutions to the characters drawn by the Emperor. One is that Wang Jinxiu uses the power of freedom in a positive way, so that all the characters drawn by the Emperor are out of the control of the Emperor and given them freedom. The result is that all of them will be besieged by these completely free people until they disappear.

The second type is the reverse use of free authority, completely imprisoning all the characters drawn by the emperor, and turning them into stories again.

No matter how Wang Jinxiu uses it, the people he draws now have no deterrent effect.

As for using the background of the Imperial Palace to attack Taihao again?

That was only based on the fact that Taihao did not have his own power. Now that Linglong Jinxiu appears here, it means that Taihao can use the foundation of the God of War world to fight back, and everything is meaningless.

When things have reached this point, it is actually beyond control.

The Human Emperor was silent for a while, then suddenly looked at his daughter and asked, "What benefits did he give you?"

Wang Jinxiu held the phantom of freedom and authority, his eyes lowered. After a long while, he said softly: "He found a good martial arts teacher for Xia Zhi."

The Emperor didn't understand, but it was obvious that this teacher was the main reason why Linglong Jinxiu chose to stand beside Taihao: "Who is the teacher...?"

Wang Jinxiu's voice was a little unnatural: "It's... Xiaojiu."

The Human Emperor was stunned for a moment before he remembered who this so-called Xiao Jiu was: "Lin Jiu?!"

His eyes subconsciously looked at Linglong, who had remained silent.

"Yes, uncle."

Linglong responded with a soft voice.

The Human Emperor looked at Tai Hao strangely and couldn't help but said: "So in the new era, you still plan to fight Lin Xuanyuan? Pay such a high price..."

He didn't know what to say.

For the sake of Xia Zhi, Taihao is here to fight with him, and in the new era, there will definitely be another battle between him and Lin Xuanyuan.

It's because of Lin Jiu.

Lin Jiu is the ninth child and son of the God of War.

The God of War has a total of eleven children, but not counting Lin Shiyi, who is in a special condition, only three of the children of the God of War are still alive at this time.

Most of the rest either died in battle over a long period of time, or failed to advance in authority and turned into ashes. Neutrality fought against order. This was only one of the prices paid by neutrality, and it was not even an important price.

Among the three children of the God of War who are still alive today, one is the third. He has chosen the technology authority and is currently in the middle of the eighth level authority.

One is the sixth child, who is currently following Li Dongcheng and has chosen the fate authority. She is Wang Jinxiu's child and is currently close to the high level of the eighth level authority.

The other one is Lin Jiu.

Linglong's child has martial arts authority and is an eighth-level peak Shura.

Wang Jinxiu gave birth to three children for the God of War.

The earliest child had died in battle a long time ago. It was precisely because of the death of that child that the God of War splashed blood in the starry sky and killed the Doomsday with the power of the God of Death, which established his title as the number one martial artist.

The second child is Xiaoliu, also known as the Sixth Princess.

The last child is Lin Shiyi.

Lin Jiu is the only child of God of War and Jinxiu.

Jinxiu Linglong has an extremely close relationship, which also means that their children have had a great relationship since they were young.

Xiao Liu, Xiao Jiu, and Xiao Eleven were almost inseparable, so that many times, when Wang Jinxiu and Linglong looked at the three of them, they couldn't tell who was their child.

Later, as they grew up, Lin Jiu made a big mistake because of Lin Shiyi's affairs. He was suppressed by the God of War himself and imprisoned in the supreme level of extreme sword energy.

For the Human Emperor, this matter probably happened tens of thousands of years ago.

For the God of War world, no one knows how long this matter has passed.

Since then, Linglong and Ares have directly entered a state of cold war.

If the God of War doesn't let go, no one will dare to release Lin Jiu, and nothing can be done.

But Taihao...

As long as he touches Lin Jiu, it will be tantamount to interfering in the God of War's family affairs.

There is no need to think about what the result is.

The Human Emperor was silent for a moment and said slowly: "You..."

As soon as he said a word, his head suddenly turned around.

At the same time, Taihao also shifted his gaze.

Feng Qingwu was slightly behind for a second.

Exquisite and beautiful, Liuli Lingxi is one second behind Feng Qingwu.

Everyone looked at the Order camp area at the same time.

In the majestic starry sky, a somewhat illusory blue light was quietly lighting up.

The moment the light appeared, the swarms of planets, stars, planets, and even galaxies silently turned into data that was too huge to be counted.

Countless amounts of data were flying, advancing directly towards the neutral area in an unstoppable manner.

The authority of reincarnation, the authority of lies, the authority of freedom.

The breath of one peak power after another...

This battle occurred at the junction of order and neutrality, and the violent aura finally attracted the attention of the order camp.

The order camp took action, and after a brief silence, it also dispatched supreme power.


It is the supreme authority of science and technology!

The Human Emperor and Taihao looked at each other. The next moment, without any hesitation, the two of them grabbed the people around them and disappeared in an instant.

Only Feng Qingwu remained where she was, looking at the brighter and brighter light of data in the distant starry sky.

She watched quietly, and an inexplicable smile suddenly flashed in her eyes.

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