The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 858: :Xi Dynasty

Li Tianlan immediately noticed Li Huacheng's gaze.

This kind of sight is completely different from usual, with a kind of penetrating power.

"Teacher, what is this?"

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I loaded him with a personal terminal."

Xuanyuan Wushang smiled, his voice a bit joking: "What did you see?"


Li Huacheng was speechless and remained silent for a while before saying, "Everything is a question mark."

Xuanyuan Wushang chuckled.

No matter how wrong Li Tianlan's current situation is, he is still the supreme one who holds the authority. A personal terminal, or system, that can analyze the supreme being must at least be customized by a doomsday-level existence, or the supreme one takes the initiative to release part of the information, otherwise Anyone who looks at it will see it as a question mark, and it is also a gloomy and depressing dead gray question mark.

In the personal terminal created by Xuanyuan Wushang, death gray represents the highest degree of danger. He also borrowed this from the games in Miracle City.

Underneath the dead gray is pink, under that pink is crimson, then bright red, then orange.

And then there's yellow.

If the detected target is displayed in yellow, it means that the target is close to your own strength and the threat level is average.

There is green below yellow, which means that the opponent's overall strength is not as good as yours and the threat level is weak.

Dark blue underneath green means the threat level is weak.

The lowest level is white, representing the ant level.

Such a personal terminal, or system, is actually very rough, but Xuanyuan Wushang's personal background is here, so the color display can be said to be very accurate.

Personal terminals will be issued to everyone in Central Continent, and then the threat level of all other targets will be displayed based on their own strength.

Under normal circumstances, yellow targets mean that the opponent's strength is about the same as that of the observer, green means that the opponent is weaker, but there is hope for a comeback, orange means that the opponent is stronger, but you also have a chance to counterattack, and orange goes up. , are absolutely high risk, and from green to downwards, are all weak. At this level, the chance of a comeback cannot be said to be absolutely nonexistent, but it is almost a theoretical probability.

Everyone's strength is different, and the colors analyzed by personal terminals will also be different.

Li Huacheng is now in a special situation.

He stands at the top of the fourth-level authority and masters the characteristics of the fifth-level authority. This kind of strength is basically equivalent to the ceiling level in the City of Miracles, and this height, one step further, is the boundary between humans and non-humans. .

So at this level, if Li Huacheng uses a personal terminal to analyze the threat level, basically the colors he can see are yellow, green, dark blue, or pale.

As for the yellow upwards...

The so-called orange, bright red, crimson, and pink do not exist.

At the pinnacle level of the fourth level of authority, anyone whose strength is higher than Li Huacheng's will see the dead gray color with the highest degree of threat.

The huge gap between level 4 and level 5 authority is so outrageous. For Li Huacheng, an ordinary level 5 authority now poses the same threat to him as a supreme authority. They both represent a fatal threat without any hope of struggle. .

The only difference may be the number of question marks.

"Personal terminal..."

Li Tianlan pondered for a moment and hesitated.

"Brother, what worries do you have?"

Xuanyuan Wushang asked.

"I plan to completely cancel the technology tree of Central Continent, this personal terminal..."

Li Tianlan narrowed his eyes.

Whether it is called a personal terminal or a system, these all belong to the category of technology.

What Li Tianlan needs to guard against now is order.

The so-called order here not only means camps and order creatures, but also means the strongest authority. If order really comes, even if he can use his authority to block the Miracle City for a second time, he doesn't think Xuanyuan Wushang can stop it. Keep order.

As a result, personal terminals may cause great trouble.

Order can completely use its power to influence Xuanyuan Wushang, and even bypass Xuanyuan Wushang and directly issue a large number of messy tasks, such as making everyone kill each other, or sabotaging important affairs.

Once Order takes over the personal terminal made by Xuanyuan Wushang, Zhongzhou has no choice at all. This thing is in Xuanyuan Wushang's hands. Zhongzhou still has the power not to accept the task, but in the hands of Order, refusing to accept the task is incompatible. Li Tianlan cannot afford the consequences of directly eradicating order.

However, personal terminals are very useful things. The way of survival in Zhongzhou will change in the future. A personal terminal can allow Zhongzhou people to adapt to the new world faster. Li Tianlan is a little reluctant to give up like this.

Xuanyuan Wushang's eyes flickered, but before he could speak, Li Huacheng asked, "What does it mean to cancel the technology tree of Central Continent?"

Li Tianlan glanced at Xuanyuan Wushang.

"That's it, all current scientific research processes in Zhongzhou will be completely interrupted, all science-related knowledge will be deleted, and any science-related matters will be abandoned. From the most basic basic science to the current cutting-edge fields, everything will be canceled and will no longer be used. "

Xuanyuan Wushang took the initiative to explain.

Li Huacheng's expression suddenly changed. He looked at Li Tianlan: "This...Tianlan, are you trying to make Central Continent regress to ancient times?"

The Supreme Being cannot be questioned.

Li Huacheng has this concept in his mind, but it will take time to achieve this. Li Tianlan has not yet become a true tyrant, and Xuanyuan Wushang is just letting them cultivate a tacit understanding with each other.

Maybe Li Huacheng shouldn't say this after a long time, but at least now, he doesn't feel burdened to say it.

No one can imagine the consequences of completely canceling the technology tree, not even Li Huacheng.

What would the world look like if there was no technology in modern society that relies too much on technology?

The technological age has disappeared, and furthermore, the industrial age will also disappear. Will Central Continent continue to degenerate and become the purest feudal era?

Li Huacheng would be extremely uncomfortable just thinking about such a scene.

Such a reality...

In the huge Zhongzhou, he issued an order to Nanyun in Youzhou. Without technology, would he have to send someone on a fast horse to send the order from Youzhou to Nanyun non-stop, spanning thousands of kilometers?

How long does it take to go?

Li Huacheng had no idea about this at all. Maybe it would take several months for Nanyun to receive an order he issued in Zhongzhou, which was too outrageous.

The impact of canceling the technology tree can be said to be in all aspects, the two most important of which are transportation and network.

The former represents the mobility of Middle-earth, and the latter represents the speed of information transmission.

In addition, there are also the problems of low productivity caused by the absence of technology trees, and the problems of education without technology trees. If technology is eliminated, what will students learn now?

math? physics? Chemical? What else do these things do?

Even if Li Huacheng comes, he will not be able to analyze the various impacts in a short time without careful consideration. Li Tianlan will immediately make a decision to cancel the technology tree...

"Have you thought about the consequences?"

Li Huacheng couldn't help but ask.

“There will be something that will replace science and it will be more convenient.”

Li Tianlan responded calmly.

He was telling the truth. Some of the current scientific theories in the City of Miracles are actually quite advanced, but they are only limited to theory. Basic science in many fields has just begun, and the same is true for applications.

In the final analysis, technology is just a permission. If it can do it, other permissions can also do it in other aspects. Compared with the foundation here in Miracle City, the technology mastered by Li Tianlan can be said to be at the top. The gap is too big to be ignored. Imagine that even if Li Tianlan is not familiar with permissions now, as long as he starts to do it, it will be more convenient than now.

For example, transportation.

Isn't a simple and accurate teleportation array much more convenient than an airplane or a train?

Ignore the distance, reach instantly and accurately, what kind of transportation can do this?

"This decision is too radical."

Li Huacheng said slowly.

"It will come little by little."

Li Tianlan said that he can now tell the reason for replacing the technology tree without worrying about being maliciously targeted by the world. After all, Li Huacheng is also a creature with authority standing on the edge of nirvana in the life level. If he wants to say, authority, authority, the world's As long as he knew the truth, he could tell Li Huacheng, including the authority of the order that he was worried about.


It's very troublesome, so he might as well not say it. He only needs to say his decision.

"How is the research on big brother's teleportation array? If it replaces the technology tree, this is the core point."

Xuanyuan Wushang asked, using other permissions to replace the effects that technology can achieve, which is also a method he is familiar with.

The star field currently ruled by the Time and Space Corridor is vast and boundless, and the main structure of the Time and Space Corridor basically cannot see the shadow of technological authority. Lie authority and destiny authority are the main structures of the Space and Time Corridor. The former is mainly responsible for transportation, and the latter is mainly responsible for the network. , in other fields they overlap and coexist with each other, and scientific and technological authority only plays a supporting role in many places and has nothing to do with the overall situation.

"Still researching. Some simple teleportation arrays are not difficult. With the basic framework in place, the details still need to be re-planned."

Li Tianlan frowned.

"In this case... I suggest using my personal terminal to replace the current network first. I can add some functions to it, such as communication, entertainment, search, and news. These are all no problem.

When brother, you are completely familiar with lie permissions, you can completely use lie permissions to change the core of your personal terminal and completely replace technology in the network.

Brother, I just want to focus on the teleportation array first. If this problem can be solved in a short time, we will study the network. If the problem of the teleportation array cannot be solved in a short time, my personal terminal can at least be used after the end of the world. a period of time. "

Li Tianlan was silent for a while, nodded and said, "That's okay."

He looked at Xuanyuan Wushang: "How is the physical examination report on that list?"

Xuanyuan Wushang's face stiffened and he coughed dryly: "I haven't had time to do this yet. The energy utilization rate here is too low. I have been working on a personal terminal."

"pay close attention."

Li Tianlan said expressionlessly: "Zhongzhou must have a new order in less than a month. Those people must be arranged as soon as possible. You must cooperate well with the teacher."


Xuanyuan Wushang nodded: "The report will have results tonight."

"The next step is to work hard, Teacher."

Li Tianlan softened his tone: "Those people on the list are all arranged according to the concentration of super genes. They are all capable people, so they only look at the concentration of genes, not seniority, age, or connections. , I only have one request, to put them all in the most appropriate position."

This time he did not take the opportunity to liquidate anything. For example, the Prince Group. A considerable number of people on the list were from the Prince Group. But as long as this physical examination can detect that the super gene concentration of these people reaches the standard, even if they are from the Prince Group, Arrange it if you can.

Li Tianlan now needs the stability of the entire Central Continent.

He will use the authority of truth to protect the entire Central Continent and avoid the turmoil in Central Continent to the greatest extent when the end comes. In this way, there are three authorities, one to seal life, one to seal the city of miracles, and one to protect Central Continent. The three authorities will be in different areas. As a result, Li Tianlan's strength will be reduced, and he will be in a state where he has authority but cannot use the power of authority.

In this way, in the real environment, he is suppressed and restricted at the same time, and his strength is greatly reduced.

The authority of truth is the only authority that allows him to break through limitations.

This is the most direct protection for Middle-earth.

With the integration of the Eastern Palace and Zhongzhou, the new order gradually stabilizes. Under the apocalypse, the more Zhongzhou recognizes Li Tianlan, the smaller the burden of the truth will be.

The neutral camp's positive emotions such as belief, worship, and admiration for the Supreme will turn into something extremely special.

Li Tianlan calls this kind of luck.

The huge luck can not only help the Supreme against the will of the world, but under the current situation, the luck can also make Central Continent more stable.

When the recognition of Li Tianlan by the people of Zhongzhou forms luck, and when there is enough luck, these lucks can use the truth as a carrier to protect Zhongzhou independently. At that time, the power of the truth will be equal to liberation, then within the territory of Zhongzhou, at least in In terms of lying authority, he can be in a state of being suppressed but unrestricted.

All this takes time.

Therefore, for Li Tianlan, the sooner he takes control of Central Continent, the better.

The existence of luck will also be of great benefit to him in integrating into the real environment in the future. This matter can be said to be the most important thing at the moment.

"I'll handle this matter."

Li Huacheng nodded. The list in Li Tianlan's hand was provided by all the major groups. When the physical examination results come out, the major groups will discuss it internally and then have a meeting together to decide on the candidates and give it to Li Tianlan to take a look. , the new system will basically be operational.

"One more thing."

Li Huacheng suddenly spoke, his voice hesitant: "Zhongzhou, do you want to change your name next? Still call it Zhongzhou? Or, call it Donghuang Palace?"

This matter is actually very important.

Dong Huang, Sage, Insight, Divine Edge, Apocalypse...

The unfamiliar names, coupled with the new system, are destined to be turbulent in the next period of time in Zhongzhou. With the emergence of new systems, it seems a little inappropriate to call it Zhongzhou, and it looks like a waste of effort.

But if we call it Donghuang Palace...

The East Palace is a force in the dark world, but it is rooted in Tiannan. To a certain extent, it is no secret. If it is called the East Palace in the future...

Zhongzhou seems to have no face.


"Should we use a new name to represent the integration of the Eastern Palace and Central Continent?"

Li Huacheng asked.

The corners of Xuanyuan Wushang's lips moved, and he looked at Li Tianlan, but hesitated to speak.

Li Tianlan was also stunned.

"New title..."

He muttered to himself.

A new era, a new pattern, a new world, and a new destiny after return...

Li Tianlan was a little lost.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of his younger son Li Dongcheng, and the meeting in Lin'an after crossing the time and space barrier.

Sword Dynasty...

"New title."

Li Tianlan was silent for a moment and said calmly: "It's called the Xi Dynasty."

Xi Dynasty·Huang Xi.

Just right.

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