The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 857: :tyrant

Even from Xuanyuan Wushang's perspective, Li Huacheng is a truly rare talent.

Xuanyuan Wushang was doing nothing all day long, looking like he didn't care about anything, but when he got serious, he was definitely not a waste.

All three types of permissions are in a stable state of fusion.

Destiny, life, and technology advance hand in hand, and they have all reached the pinnacle of eighth-level authority.

Such people are among the very few in the entire time and space corridor.

To be more clear, Xuanyuan Wushang's level of strength is at the top of the Duke level in the entire space-time corridor.

And among the emerging interstellar forces such as the Human Palace of the God of War Realm, his strength is even barely qualified to be crowned king.

In the end, the development of various authority will not be a matter of one person, but will be related to the rise and fall of countless lives.

Xuanyuan Wushang controls destiny.

Destiny authority level eight: prophet.

This is an authority that requires mastering logic and establishing a logical model to exert combat effectiveness.

At the prophet level, it is completely integrated with its own logical model. Its own existence is logic, and its own logic can replace the will of the world, whether it is reasonable or not.

Prophets do not need to weave stories, their own existence is the truth, the process and the result.

A prophet at his peak can extend his logical lines to the entire star field and even cover countless large galaxies. Every move he makes can affect the life and death of countless civilizations.

Life authority level eight: Saint.

The saint's life domain expands in the starry sky. Within its own domain, the saint can modify and formulate new life rules. Within the saint's life domain, the saint can also affect life and death, and reverse life and death. Strictly speaking, saints can The disciple's life domain covers a larger area than the prophet.

Technology authority level eight: apostle.

The apostle is also called the apostle of destruction.

The so-called destruction, where does the power come from?

Just simple gunfire? That's something only those with low technical authority can play.

At the level of destroying the apostles, the apostles themselves can already create mechanical civilization.

Each apostle has a large number of mechanical legions that are exaggerated to the point of being unreal.

Use technology to build dimensional channels, scientific research factories hidden in various spaces, and a large number of mechanical assistants, detectors, and super brains.

It is no exaggeration to say that when the resources at hand are sufficient, an apostle of destruction will be in a state of constantly exploding troops almost all the time.

A large number of mechanical beings equivalent to level 5, level 6, level 7, or even close to level 8 are increasing every moment. They form their own system, establish legions in the name of apostles, capture, plunder, and transform each planet. Become a mechanical civilization under the control of the apostles, multiply and reproduce from generation to generation, and while the number explodes, more and more mechanical life will be created, creating more civilizations.


The reason why energy is very scarce in the City of Miracles is just because the energy utilization rate of the City of Miracles is too low. Leaving here, the void, stars, neutron stars, black holes, and all celestial bodies can provide huge energy to the apostles all the time. Count resources.

The real resources are some materials that are extremely rare in the universe, and some research and development capabilities that are eliminated through continuous testing and then re-established. In other words, they are money, which is constantly burned.

Xuanyuan Wushang is a prince, and the most important thing is money. He has consumed a lot of resources to become a peak apostle. His background is definitely more exaggerated than most of his peers.

Standing in the late stage of technological authority, with his family background, he can even be able to physically pull up one after another billions of mechanical armies in different corners of the starry sky at any time while drinking Coke at home. , fighting against ten or dozens of other masters with eighth-level authority at the same time.

The opponents don't even know where he is. They are always facing the vast mechanical legion, group fights, group fights, group fights, endless.

The eighth-level peak apostle, the eighth-level peak saint, the eighth-level peak prophet.

By combining the three types of authority, Xuanyuan Wushang is actually qualified to guard a small star field.

Therefore, with his ability to defeat weaker princes alone, he has countless talents under his command and countless civilizations in his hands.

But even so, he still felt that Li Huacheng was a rare talent. This alone was enough to illustrate the importance of Li Huacheng in his heart.

The second level of spiritual authority is called the guide.

A level of authority that has little frontal combat power and can only guide the situation.

But Li Huacheng took advantage of this ability to the extreme.

At least from Xuanyuan Wushang's perspective, there were only a few people who could utilize this ability to such an extent.

It's hard to describe how high his vision is, but at least within the scope of what can be seen, his vision can see Xi Bai, Xi Bai at his peak, or, it is called dominance.

In terms of his ability as a leader, Li Huacheng's performance was almost as good as Xi Bai's.

The situation in Central Continent is actually more complicated than many places in Starry Sky.

In an atmosphere where collective power is greater than individual power, without a supreme will, the clique will dominate all situations.

If you want to gain a foothold or even control the overall situation in this situation, the hard work you put in, the caution and walking on thin ice in every step are simply unimaginable to ordinary people.

Li Huacheng came from an ordinary background, but he was able to stand out in the academy, and the academy was not a strong group. Without much support for Li Huacheng, it was extremely rare for Li Huacheng to sit in this position.

What's even more rare is that Li Huacheng can take this position and still control the situation quietly. At the same time, even though he is already in control of the situation, he gives people the impression that he is not strong and even does not have a strong sense of presence in many cases. Feel.

To be able to do this is quite an exaggeration.

From the time he first came to power to the present, he has never seemed to forcefully suppress a certain group, and has almost never had a conflict with others. He is in control of the situation, and the situation is changing. One thing after another pushes each other forward, often Before anyone could react, what Li Huacheng wanted to do was already done.

Among the former giants, Chen Fangqing was concurrent, Guo Wentian was strong, Dongcheng was invincible and iron-blooded, Ji Wenwen was calm, Wan Qingyun was domineering, and Hua Zhengyang was calm.

Who does Li Huacheng look most like?

He occupies the most eye-catching position, but his posture is like Zhou Yunhai and Zou Mulin, who have the lowest presence among the giants.

He always looks calm, and often even has little sense of presence, but he is such a character, but he affects everyone silently, seemingly immobile, and yet firmly in control. situation.

Before the news of the doomsday was confirmed, the entire situation in Central Continent was undoubtedly in Li Huacheng's hands.

No matter how aggressive the new group is, Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai will still call Li Huacheng their teacher.

No matter how ups and downs the Wang family in Beihai is, the Southeast Group has always remained stable. No matter Ji Wenwen or Wan Qingyun, they have said a lot of fierce words, but there are no real actions at all.

Without Chen Fangqing, Guo Wentian, who is under increasing pressure and even behaves a little crazy sometimes, also depends on Li Huacheng's face at critical moments.

Hua Zhengyang obeyed his advice.

Even without Chen Fangqing, Dongcheng Invincible, whose status is second only to Li Huacheng, has been weakened a lot.

Li Huacheng spent most of his time in Youzhou. He did not have the wrath of thunder that broke out at every turn, nor was there the mystery of clouds and fog. But the entire Central Continent, no matter what happened, could become calm under his will. In this way Wrist, to describe it as terrifying is not an exaggeration at all.

Xuanyuan Wushang has also carefully studied everything related to Li Huacheng, even some things before Li Huacheng entered the parliament. It is clear to onlookers that Xuanyuan Wushang can understand Li Huacheng's intentions at that time in most things. Occasionally, he does not understand something. He will analyze it based on the results. It's understandable, but there are still a few things that Xuanyuan Wushang still hasn't figured out yet.

He has an extremely long life, but his personal thoughts and plans cannot be measured by the length of his life.

Combining everything about Li Huacheng, Xuanyuan Wushang is very sure that Li Huacheng is the most suitable sage for Li Tianlan and Donghuang Palace. No matter how he looks for this position, it is difficult to find a more suitable candidate than Li Huacheng, at least for now.

Li Tianlan will always leave the real environment. Regardless of whether the name of the East Palace is changed or not, the power of the East Palace will come out of here and expand rapidly in the starry sky.

The existence of Li Huacheng can not only ensure internal stability, but may also bring some inspiration to all the forces in the starry sky.

The super gene contained in Li Huacheng's body is quite average in Xuanyuan Wushang's opinion. If he pays a certain price, he can probably reach the eighth level of authority, otherwise he will only appear to be the seventh level, but this strength is enough.

At the seventh level of authority, the life level has been ascended and the physical form has been released, which means endless life.

Within Li Tianlan's sphere of influence, as long as Li Tianlan supports him, Li Huacheng's strength is not important at all.

There is a saying that has been circulating in the time and space corridor.

The emperor suppresses everything, while the sage oversees the overall situation.

As an emperor, what Li Tianlan will have to do in the future is to deter both internal and external affairs. He can do internal affairs, and he can also leave them to the sages. In this way, the sages seem to have the greatest power, but as long as Li Tianlan has enough deterrence, No matter how powerful the sages are, they will bow before the emperor.

The living environment in the starry sky has already made all intelligent life accustomed to such a system.

As a leader, you can be cruel, indifferent, and have various shortcomings, but you must be the strongest within your sphere of influence.

When authority magnifies personal power without limit, strong people are far more scarce and rare than managerial talents.

Li Tianlan, Li Huacheng...

The former can be said to be the absolute strong one.

The latter's ability only requires absolute control.

Then such a combination is enough to make anyone look forward to it.

But before that, he still needed to make Li Huacheng truly understand his position and responsibilities.

The so-called sages are the sages beside the emperor. In other words, only when he stands beside the emperor is he a sage.

Insight, Divine Edge, Apocalypse...

This is true regardless of location.

The Corridor of Time and Space, the God of War Realm, and the Human Palace are all in this mode now.

The emperor is truly superior and possesses absolute dominance.

When the emperor's will is silent, the four headed by the sages can do whatever they want, but under the emperor's will, no one can resist.

Anyone who tries to resist will only have one end.

"My words may sound cruel, but this is the reality. We all need to understand one truth. The world is not Middle-earth. In this world, the living environment for intelligent life will be crueler than you can imagine.

From the perspective of the entire camp, to put it most bluntly, to... no, the emperor is everything.

Their will must flow unimpeded, even if... they are wrong. "

Li Huacheng took a deep breath.

His mood seemed to calm down: "In a short period of time, it will be difficult for me to accept such a concept."

"That's just because you don't see the truth."

Xuanyuan Wushang said softly: "After all, it is too peaceful here. This is what I am most worried about. I believe in your abilities, but the too peaceful environment also completely stereotypes your decision-making and thinking methods many times. If you don't make changes, you may be in a lot of trouble in the future..."

"What kind of trouble?"

Li Huacheng frowned.

"Suppose, after the end of the world, if suddenly one day, my eldest brother wants to give up the entire Central Continent and everyone in Central Continent, what will you do?"

Xuanyuan Wushang suddenly asked.

"I'll ask for the reason, if..."

"No ifs."

Xuanyuan Wushang directly interrupted Li Huacheng: "If there is really a reason and he can let you know, he will tell you. If he doesn't say it, you don't need to ask. When he said he wanted to give up Zhongzhou, you The first thing to do is to execute.

Reasons, reasons, truth, right and wrong, these are not things you should consider. "

Li Huacheng fell silent immediately. He knew what this meant, but he couldn't accept it for a while.

"Look, these are two ways of thinking. We will always leave. If one day, we take control of this planet, and then continue to expand outwards and occupy a galaxy or even a star field, there will be thousands of them by then. Ten thousand or more civilizations are under your influence...

Do you dare to imagine the surprise and trouble caused by these two ways of thinking? "

"I got you."

Li Huacheng said solemnly: "But even an emperor makes mistakes sometimes. He is absolutely independent..."

"have a look."

Xuanyuan Wushang said expressionlessly: "This is still the way of thinking...

You think the emperor wants to discuss important matters with you, but you have never thought about why the emperor wants to discuss it with you.

When there is discussion, there will be arguments, wrangling, games, and even exchanges of interests. The situation becomes more and more complicated, messy, and a mess... This is the result of discussion. Why discuss? "

He looked at Li Huacheng's stern expression and suddenly sighed: "No one will do this, no one, do you understand?"

Li Huacheng obviously didn't understand. He looked at Xuanyuan Wushang and said nothing.

"If this happens, if the Eastern Palace expands in the future, Big Brother suddenly one day says that he will abandon a galaxy, all the civilizations in that galaxy, hundreds of billions, or even more lives... He did not give a reason.

As a sage, you disagree because there is no suitable reason...

Then what? "

Xuanyuan Wushang smiled strangely: "Do you know what the consequences will be?"

"Will I be revoked from my position as a sage? Or, more seriously, will I die?"

Li Huacheng smiled mockingly.

Xuanyuan Wushang's smile became even weirder: "So, the environment here is still too good, so good that you can only think of this kind of consequences, how naive and kind..."

Li Huacheng raised his eyebrows: "Then what are the consequences?"

"The consequences...if something like this really happens, if you disagree with the emperor's decision, and really make the emperor feel that his will is being thwarted..."

He was silent for a while and said calmly: "The emperor will destroy everything without hesitation, not just you, understand? All the civilization you want to preserve, and even everything in the Eastern Palace, will be completely destroyed, and the last remaining ones will be destroyed." , there will only be people who are sincerely willing to stand by his side. In addition, everyone who opposes, does not express his position, hesitates, is uninformed, and innocent, everyone, and all civilizations will be completely destroyed..."

Li Huacheng's heart sank to the bottom for a moment, and his whole body became cold.

"This is not just the choice of eldest brother, but the choice of all emperors. Everyone who encounters such a situation will do so without any hesitation."

Li Huacheng suddenly thought of what Xuanyuan Wushang had just said.

Every supreme being is a tyrant!

"Such a thing has happened before, right?"

Li Huacheng said in a difficult voice.

“It happened more than once, I watched, and I even carried out the act more than once.

There are always some people who feel that they are great, that their efforts and sacrifices are worth it, that they are for the so-called overall situation, but they cannot understand that under the entire starry sky, there is actually only one overall situation, and that is the supreme, or in other words, the overall situation. emperor.

Apart from them, everything else is not the overall situation.

This is the biggest truth.

Believe me, no supreme being will allow people who disobey his own will to exist.

They won't care.

They can destroy countless civilizations, and they can also be worshiped by another group of civilizations at any time. We gain the right to survive under the protection of the Supreme, like a group of ants. Why should the Supreme and the emperor discuss their decisions with the ants? "

Li Huacheng's expression hesitated for a moment, and asked a little strangely: "Are you familiar with every supreme being?"

Xuanyuan Wushang's level is very high, but obviously not the highest. If the Supreme is the highest level, Xuanyuan Wushang has not even reached the level below the Supreme, but between the lines of his words, there is a meaning of knowing all the Supremes. .

Xuanyuan Wushang was stunned for a moment, and his expression seemed to become a little strange.

"At present..."

He thought for a while: "Counting the eldest brother and two sisters-in-law, there are seven supremes in the entire camp.

One is my eldest brother, and two are my sisters-in-law, so that’s three.

The other four...

One of them is my father, and the other two are also good friends. They have only been around for a short time, and they have interacted with each other for a long time.

There is also one of the youngest..."

He clicked his tongue in pain: "This relationship is more complicated. The youngest and I are each other's uncle and nephew, right?"

"Both uncle and nephew?"

Li Huacheng's expression became a little confused.

"This means that I am his uncle and he is also my uncle. He is my nephew and I am also his nephew."

Xuanyuan Wushang was a little embarrassed: "The seniority is a bit confusing..."

He and Taihao really have this kind of relationship.

Counting from the earliest Huang Xi era, his father Xuanyuan was Huang Xi's student.

Taihao and Xuanyuan are equals. As Xuanyuan's son, Xuanyuan Wushang wants to call Taihao uncle.

During this process, Huang Xi and Xi Bai experienced a small return. It was not a formal return and did not last long. Xuanyuan Wushang became involved with Huang Xi during this process and even became brothers.

As a result, Xuanyuan Wushang was a generation older than his biological father, and it was Taihao's turn to call Xuanyuan Wushang uncle.

At that time, every time Taihao called him uncle, Xuanyuan Wushang would be beaten severely, and it was a past that he could not bear to look back on.

Li Huacheng still didn't understand what kind of relationship Xuanyuan Wushang was talking about, but at least he understood one thing.

That was Fatty Xuanyuan, and his relationship was very tough.

"It's hard for me to explain this to you. In short, as you live for a long time, some things will become chaotic. This is true for people and the same is true for the world."

Xuanyuan Wushang coughed: "What I mentioned today are hidden dangers that may occur in the future. No, they are phenomena that will inevitably occur if you continue to develop according to your way of thinking...

The eldest brother's current state is incomplete, but there is some tacit understanding. In fact, the training has already begun. If the future of the East Palace does not have you, I will also feel it is a pity. Your way of thinking must be fundamentally changed. "

"The universe is not Middle-earth. Here, for power, interest, or belief, no matter what it is for, we have to look from the top down. When collective power overwhelms everything, ordinary people are the most important foundation.

But looking at the entire neutral camp..."

Xuanyuan Wushang smiled self-deprecatingly: "The entire camp is for survival, very simple, very pure, just for survival. Under such circumstances, we have to look from the bottom up. The supreme person standing at the top is The foundation for our survival and continuation, their existence, is the only overall situation.

As long as you can figure out why, it's not difficult to change your thinking. "

"I'll think about it carefully."

Li Huacheng was silent for a moment and nodded.

Xuanyuan Wushang nodded and suddenly asked, "By the way, why did you come to see me today?"

Li Huacheng was silent again, shook his head and said, "I forgot."


Xuanyuan Wushang nodded in understanding, but before he could speak, Li Tianlan's figure appeared silently in the room.


Xuanyuan Wushang was stunned subconsciously.

Li Huacheng's eyes also lit up and he looked at Li Tianlan.

A prompt popped up in his system immediately.

"A special target has been found. Do you want to detect it?"

Li Huacheng chose yes without hesitation.

Li Tianlan is an incomplete supreme being. He wants to see what is different about life at this level.


? ? :? ?

? ? :? ?

In the system's field of vision, Li Tianlan's color was also an extremely gloomy and depressing dead gray.

But there is no information.

All information is a question mark.

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