The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 889: :Stars and sea

Xi Dynasty...

Xuanyuan Wushang's eyes lit up.

The name itself is an entry point with a big message.

In less than a month, the names of East Imperial Palace and Zhongzhou will become a thing of the past. From now on, the destination of more than one billion people will be the Xi Dynasty.

The two words "dynasty" itself convey some information.

Every dynasty has its emperors.

When others accepted this name, it was basically equivalent to accepting Li Tianlan and the new system of the Xi Dynasty to a certain extent.

It will be much easier for Li Huacheng and the others to do things next.

The end is approaching, panic and chaos are spreading uncontrollably. At this point, turning Central Continent into the Xi Dynasty, some people may ponder the meaning, but there are definitely not many such people. From bottom to top, there is no resistance. Even though it is smaller, it is still very maneuverable.

"Let's call it Xi Dynasty. Xi can be my code name. It doesn't matter whether it's Huang Xi or Wang Xi."

Li Tianlan said calmly.

The memory of Huang Xi in his mind is still reviving, and the real environment is too small now. In the foreseeable future, the area covered by the real environment will be even smaller. Li Tianlan himself is a little embarrassed when such a small territory calls himself Huang Xi. Wang Xi doesn't even deserve it. The codename he gave himself is also a single character Xi. It doesn't matter how other people call him.

He named his force the Xi Dynasty with expectations for the future.

He must integrate with the real environment, completely integrate the three authorities, become real, return to the peak or even surpass the peak.

This is the basis for his return this time.

The Time and Space Corridor is not his, and perhaps it once belonged to him, but after experiencing the end time and time again, that so-called past has now been named the original era by the people in the stars. There is no need for him to get back the Time and Space Corridor. There is no such great interest in dominance.

Different from the City of Miracles, the starry sky universe seems to be endless. The resources have limits in theory, but they are limits that cannot be touched in reality. Li Tianlan himself is the supreme, and the two wives around him are also supreme. This kind of top-notch lineup is going to The time and space corridor takes back what it once had. Facing a few old faces and most new faces, this choice is too stupid.

He plans to use the City of Miracles as the center, restore his strength while expanding outwards, and continue to add foundation and resources to the neutral camp. The future journey of the Xi Dynasty will undoubtedly be among the stars and the sea, rather than a struggle for power.

When we can leave the City of Miracles and spread the banner of the Xi Dynasty across a large area of ​​​​the star field, the so-called dynasty will be worthy of its name.

The current Xi Dynasty is still too immature.

"Directly promote the Xi Dynasty?"

Li Huacheng said: "How about some preliminary preparation? We are not well prepared now. If we go straight to the topic, it will be too abrupt..."

"Leave this matter to Fatty. In the next few days, guide Zhongzhou's emotions. Isenbul's disappearance is a good entry point for Zhongzhou. We must use this matter to make Zhongzhou feel a deeper sense of crisis. A week or at most a week later, the official promotion of the Xi Dynasty will begin, and I will also provide cooperation at that time."

Li Huacheng gave a bitter smile. Isenbul's disappearance has now made Zhongzhou feel a sense of crisis. If he continues to guide, how will people panic?

"Isen Bull's disappearance is indeed strange. Does Tianlan know what happened to this matter?"

Li Huacheng asked.

Li Tianlan hesitated for a moment, nodded and said: "I took it away from Yisenbul, and it is now in Tiannan."



The air suddenly became extremely quiet.

Li Huacheng was stunned for a second, looked at Li Tianlan, and said with some uncertainty: "What did you just say?"

"I took it from Isenbul."

Li Tianlan repeated: "Now in Tiannan."

Li Huacheng was stunned.

Did you take Isenbul?

Why do you take it? How do you get it? What the **** does it mean to be in Tiannan now? That's a city, you, this... why is it in Tiannan?

At this moment, Li Huacheng clearly heard some kind of shattering sound. It was his fixed cognition being shattered. It was shattered all over the ground. He didn't understand how he could take the city away.

He recalled the white field beyond Isenbul.

a city...

Just took it away?

How was it taken?

"I collected it."

Li Tianlan explained.


Li Huacheng's eyes flashed. As a spiritual lord affected by domination, he was not a high-level person, but he still had relevant knowledge. He also knew that the third-level collector with authority to lie was called a collector.

But is this collection different from what he understands? Is it that exaggerated?

Normal collectors can only collect other people's attacks, but there are restrictions. What do you mean by collecting cities?

"Big brother is a supreme being who is in an incomplete state, so it may be different from what you understand."

Xuanyuan Wushang smiled.

Collection is only the ability of the third level of lie authority. As you continue to advance to the supreme level, all abilities will continue to be strengthened with each promotion, even by leaps and bounds.

There is basically nothing that cannot be collected at the supreme level. In his heyday, Li Tianlan could even collect other people's permissions in an instant when facing people whose levels were lower than his own. This was a complete horror story.

The ability to collect others, even direct collection permissions, collection space, collection time, collection concept, standing on this path, if you are able to play, at the same level, it can really make others sick to vomit, but for low-level people To me, it was a pure nightmare with no solution at all.

According to Xuanyuan Wushang's understanding, Taihao still has a small mechanical legion in his hands. The number of that mechanical legion is very small, probably less than 50 million people, but it is a top-notch mechanical legion in the original era. The most elite group of forces in Doomsday's hands.

And that Doomsday met Huang Xi at the beginning, and was traced back by Huang Xi along the two levels of time and space, and finally found his true body. He could kill with one strike, that small but absolutely elite mechanical army, tens of millions. All high-level mechanical beings were collected by Huang Xi in a single thought. Finally, when Taihao entered the ninth level and became the master, these mechanical legions were given to his son by Huang Xi as a gift.

As for this gift, Taihao has never taken it out and used it. It is completely regarded as a collection to miss his parents.


Li Huacheng couldn't accept this fact, but he had to accept it, so he looked extremely troubled: "Why Isenbul? Why are you collecting Isenbul?"


Li Tianlan shook his head: "If I hadn't collected Isenbul at that time, the entire European continent would have been almost completely destroyed by now. I cleared up Isenbul's internal problems and brought it to Tiannan."

"In other words, now that Isenbul has appeared in Tiannan, the reaction from the European side..."

Li Huacheng frowned.

"Their reaction is beyond my consideration, and for a period of time, they will not be able to find Isenbul. The current Isenbul is under Xuanyuan City. Xiaobai also expanded Isenbul. It was the first The underground super main city can now accommodate at least more than 50 million people living in it."

Li Tianlan looked at Li Huacheng. He no longer needed to consider whether Li Huacheng could accept it in a short time. If not, he could only rely on time to digest it slowly, but things must be done: "In the next period of time, , I will build super main cities underground in different areas of Central Continent, which teachers can understand as doomsday shelters.

There are six main cities that have been determined so far, including Youzhou, Luojing in the Central Plains, Shenhai in Nanyue, Chang'an in Qin, Tianfu or Southwest, and the six super main cities in Xuanyuan City...

There are no problems with the main city on the Xuanyuan City side. The next main city is Youzhou Underground. With the construction of the main city, the promotion of the Xi Dynasty will be smoother. Teacher, your current task is to be responsible for the promotion. , while allowing people to accept the Xi Dynasty, gathered everyone in Central Continent into the underground city. "

Li Tianlan said calmly: "Next, we must do our best to shrink the scope of survival and abandon the surface environment. This is the only way to ensure the continuation of Central Continent's civilization."


Xuanyuan Wushang strongly agreed with Li Tianlan: "Although we are struggling now, um, although we are shrinking, our future is the stars and the sea... we will come back."

Li Tianlan glared at him fiercely.

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