The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 856: : Li Huacheng’s mission

Xuanyuan Wushang looked at the calm-looking Li Huacheng, hesitated for a moment, and his fingers shimmered.

"Don't do anything else."

Li Huacheng said in a calm voice: "What I mean is that I want the same system as everyone else. There are more than a billion people. I will use whatever they use."

Xuanyuan Wushang lowered his head slightly and looked at the chip in front of him.

At this moment, he could roughly understand Li Huacheng's mood, so he nodded and said, "That's fine."

The chip suspended in front of him seemed to fluctuate, but its overall appearance did not change.

In Xuanyuan Wushang's sight, a tiny spot of light that could not be noticed by normal people slowly fell on Li Huacheng's forehead and between his eyebrows. The spot shone for a moment and then disappeared without a trace.

It felt like an electric shock, but the current was extremely subtle. The touch that wasn't even numbness passed by in a flash on his forehead. Strictly speaking, this feeling was just a little itchy.

Li Huacheng subconsciously touched his eyebrows, feeling the feeling.

He is a spiritual lord who possesses the characteristics of level five authority. He who is the most sensitive mentally can only feel this little, which means that other ordinary people would not even be able to feel it when the system is implanted.

Li Huacheng closed his eyes and used his mental power to check his body. After searching for a long time, he still couldn't find where the system was.

He frowned and opened his eyes again.

In an instant, the whole room seemed to be very different from before.

The dense density of information assaulted his mind.

The first is the composition of the air in the room, the number of Coke bottles, the size of the Coke bottles, and then the weight, area, and materials of the test bench, as well as the distance between where he is standing and anything in the room, the degree of threat, the direction of travel, and Back path.

The mess of information seemed to form a virtual screen in Li Huacheng's sight, and a large amount of information was constantly being refreshed.

"You can choose to block some information that you don't need, which will make it much cleaner."

Xuanyuan Wushang's voice rang out.

Li Huacheng's heart moved, and he subconsciously wanted to block the large amount of information in front of him. As his mind moved, the countless messy information in front of him suddenly disappeared.

His vision became normal again, but he seemed to see things more clearly than before. Other than that, there was nothing unusual about him.

"Look at me."

Xuanyuan Wushang continued.

Li Huacheng turned his eyes and landed on Xuanyuan Wushang.

The fat man is still the same fat man, no different from before.

But as his eyes fell, a line of characters immediately appeared in front of Li Huacheng's eyes.

"A special target has been found. Do you want to detect it?"

Special target...

Li Huacheng's mind was a little confused. His mind kept wandering between the two options of yes and no, and finally chose yes.

The information about Xuanyuan Wushang immediately appeared in front of Li Huacheng in the form of words and data.

These data do not occupy his field of vision, allowing him to easily observe the surrounding environment and receive this information at the same time.

All the information about Xuanyuan Wushang in his sight was a gloomy color mixed with black and white. Strictly speaking, it should be an extremely depressing, somewhat vague, and indescribable dead gray.

Name:? ? No sorrow.


Creature type: Ancient human race-? ? The fusion state has ascended.

Position: Friendly.

Level of danger: Fatal.

? ? Wushang: Combat power:? ? ? life value:? ? ? 99? ? Fusion attributes:? ? ?

strength:? ? ? intelligence:? ? ? Spirit:? ? ? agile:? ? ?

Aura: Advanced neutral aura.

This is all the information Li Huacheng got from Xuanyuan Wushang.

The screen full of question marks made countless question marks appear in his mind.

There is a lot of information, but it seems lonely.

Why do the two words Xuanyuan Wushang and Xuanyuan become question marks?

And... is there any difference between the ancient human race and the current human race?

The current Xuanyuan Wushang's biological type seems to be not the ancient human race, but changed from the ancient human race to:? ?

What is this?

What is a fusion state? What is the concept of ascended?

And what is that advanced neutral aura?

Li Huacheng smiled bitterly: "This thing... seems to provide a lot of information, but also seems to be very little..."

"Whatever you see is what you see, and I can't explain it."

Xuanyuan Wushang smiled: "At least, this thing is much better than nothing, right? Although there are a lot of question marks, at least everyone should know that I am not easy to mess with when they see me like this. They also know that I am not easy to deal with when they see other things. It is enough to have a rough judgment."

Under the starry sky, almost everyone has this so-called system, which means that everyone has the ability to detect other people's information, and having this ability also means that other people have the ability to counter-detect and hide their own information. ability.

Detection and counter-detection mainly depend on the skills of the people running the system.

In addition, there is another situation where there is a huge gap in life levels.

Xuanyuan Wushang did not hide any information about himself, but Li Huacheng still couldn't see it. This was not only a system problem, but also a life level problem.

Most of the question marks that Li Huacheng saw were not actually question marks, but contained information. It might not be comprehensive, but it definitely contained information. But at his level of life, he could not understand the information, so in his life Everything in his eyes turned into question marks.

Li Huacheng was silent for a while. Just when he was about to ask something, a clear voice rang in his mind: "You have a new mission."

Strings of characters unfolded automatically in front of Li Huacheng.

"The end is approaching. As a sage beside Donghuang, please clarify your position, help Donghuang stabilize the situation in Central Continent, and assist him in achieving his ultimate goal.

The current task is in its initial state.

Mission Difficulty: S.

Mission reward: 1: Life level nirvana. 2:? ? ? 3: Spiritual guide? ? ? 4: The authority of sages. 5:? ? ? "

Li Huacheng narrowed his eyes and looked at Xuanyuan Wushang.

He seemed to realize something from this task, but when he spoke, he still took a roundabout way and asked another question: "Nirvana at the life level?"

"There are also different stages of life."

Xuanyuan Wushang said: "This goes hand in hand with the levels of authority. Nirvana at the fifth level, ascension at the seventh level. After the seventh level, each small level will be a brand new level of life. You will have the opportunity to come into contact with this in the future."

Li Huacheng remained silent.

The fifth level of nirvana, the seventh level of ascension...

He is now at the peak of level four authority.

"So my mission reward..."

"That's right, after completing your mission, you can 100% enter a new level of life, that is, the nirvana level, and break through to the fifth level of authority..."

Xuanyuan Wushang smiled and said: "You may not know what this means. From the perspective of all intelligent life in the entire starry sky, the fourth-level authority to the fifth-level authority seems to be only one level of difference, but in fact, it is a human The boundary between being and non-human beings, at this level, requires experiencing the nirvana of life. Strictly speaking, reaching the fifth level of authority can already be regarded as a new species.

The path of authority, four to five, is also one of the most dangerous levels. It is not an exaggeration to say that you will survive a narrow escape. But now, as long as you complete the task, your task reward is a 100% probability of promotion. You will take all the risks There is no need to worry about it. Once you reach the fifth level of authority, it will be a new world. "

"Very tempting..."

Li Huacheng was silent for a while before speaking softly.


Xuanyuan Wushang looked at Li Huacheng's expression and said meaningfully: "So, this task is very important to you. Perhaps, this is also a very critical test... It is not a test given by big brother, but You have to be clear about what is going on here, there are many people watching..."

Li Huacheng remained silent.

"You are a very good speaker..."

Xuanyuan Wushang said calmly: "I don't know how to say polite words, so what I say is true. From the perspective of Zhongzhou, everything you have done is worthy of admiration, but I want to before The situation is not what I or we want to see. That situation is indeed good, but it is just something derived from a fragile environment.

People have to face the world, and after knowing the truth of the world, they always have to live in a different way.

Where I come from, there are many strong men, such as my father, for example, my elder brother from a long time ago, for example, the God of War you have seen, and people who are one level below them...

They are the ones who can truly represent neutrality, and they are also the ones who stand at the forefront of all intelligent life.

I can tell you with certainty that none of these people are like you... Do you understand what I mean?

For example, eldest brother, in my impression, he is not like this.

As the ruling class of the neutral camp, as the supreme being who stands at the highest level, among all the supreme beings now, none of them are benevolent. They, I mean all of them...

Including my eldest brother.

All are tyrants.

A tyrant in the true sense of the word.

What they do sometimes can be very cruel.

But this does not erase their contribution to the human race at all.

The so-called tyrants are just some practices understood from the perspective of ordinary people. In fact, they are meaningless at all. When we face a real world, we must have a new way of survival. "

"So, the mission you gave me stated that I am the sage of Donghuang..."

Li Huacheng smiled bitterly: "Rather than the sages of Central Continent, right?"

"I just hope that we can all put ourselves in the right position."

Xuanyuan Wushang said in a calm voice: "You are my eldest brother's sage. In any matter, your first reaction should be to put your eldest brother's interests first, not Zhongzhou...

Zhongzhou is bound to have a lot of sacrifices in the future, and there is no way to avoid this. I just hope that you will not have too many conflicts with Big Brother in the future..."

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