The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 561: :trade

It wasn't a simmering negotiation in the break room.

Li Tianlan who was invited in sat awkwardly, not even knowing where to look.

The air is filled with an extremely complex atmosphere, which is a mixture of women's perfume, body fragrance, and sweat. It smells like heather flowers, like rancid disinfectant, and contains an extremely strong and ambiguous atmosphere.

Li Tianlan didn't come in by himself.

Pulled in together by Delato, there were four or five ladies who looked the most beautiful, and that's not all, this Lucifer Delato Li Shuai even expressed that he would marry some of the patriarch's wives who still have charm Have a nice chat.

So he was outside for a few minutes, drawing in more than a dozen women under the complicated gazes of countless people.

Li Tianlan was more like a spectator. </p>

He could only silently watch Li Shuai, who was said to be the most powerful in the world, show off his strength to his heart's content, using his savagery to conquer and even ravage the softness of a room.

The faint but seductive cries in the room had been going on for a long time.

There is no difference between ladies and wives.

In the tyranny of De La Tu, they were thrown in every corner like toys one by one. All the traces on their bodies seemed to show the strength and viciousness of that Li Shuai.

Li Tianlan lowered his head subconsciously.

He saw a woman lying on the carpet trembling slightly. When he noticed Li Tianlan's gaze, her somewhat blurred eyes were immediately filled with endless shame.

Li Tianlan remembered her, the other party was the wife of the patriarch of a big family in Annan, she was younger than him, but if he saw her in public, he should call her sister-in-law.

He subconsciously turned his head, only to see Alan curled up on the sofa beside him.

This little niece, who usually calls her Uncle Pan every time she sees her, is staring at the ceiling stupidly, with a completely spoiled smile on her face.

On the sofa opposite Li Tianlan, Chen Shaoqing's already somewhat hoarse screams finally stopped under Delato's roar.

All is at peace.

The burly and inhuman Delato took a breath, pushed Chen Shaoqing aside, leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes.

After venting, he finally calmed down his inner feelings.

Then he opened his eyes, looked at Li Tianlan who was a little embarrassed, and grinned: "Dear Pan, why don't you join? Such a game is very interesting, isn't it?"

He pointed to the toys in the room: "You can enjoy each of these, and you can now, it helps us relax, and the conversation will be pleasant, if you don't like these... I can call in all the outsiders, and you can choose each of them...

You can have it all if you want, yes all! "


Li Tianlan smiled wryly: "I don't want to be like this. In fact, I want my family to survive more than women..."

Delatu looked at Li Tianlan expressionlessly, his eyes flickering.

Li Tianlan looked at him with some trepidation.

I don't know how long it took, Delato said slowly: " Choose one, I promise, they will do their best to serve you and make you the most comfortable relax."

Li Tianlan was still smiling wryly. He shook his head and looked at De La Tu: "I'm sorry, Li Shuai, I'm really not in the mood to think about this right now."


The corners of Delatu's mouth twitched and his eyes stood up, but he really didn't dare to force Li Tianlan to do anything.

At the moment when he wanted to kill Li Tianlan just now, he really felt the threat of death.

It is death in the true sense, ignoring the so-called chaos.

Dela Tu had no idea what that golden light was.

He originally thought that these seeds could not handle Li Tianlan for a long time because these seeds were too bad.

But it wasn't until he himself was hurt that he was sure that there was something wrong with Li Tianlan.

If he couldn't get rid of Li Tianlan simply and neatly, then he could only change his strategy.

So he invited Li Tianlan in, and then there was the scene just now.

Besides him and Li Tianlan, there were twelve other ladies in this room.

There are ladies who look young and pure.

A reserved young woman.

There are also mature and charming ladies.

Different styles, different temperaments, basically can take into account everyone's taste.

Annan was indeed poor.

But this does not mean that the women here are poor. In fact, due to some historical reasons, the quality of young women in Annan is not bad at all, especially the ladies and noble ladies raised by these big families, which are quite in line with the aesthetics of the Asian people. . The tyranny of De La Tour is both a catharsis and a temptation.

If Li Tianlan hadn't endured the temptation and joined in just now, as long as he touched any woman, Delato would be sure to completely dismantle Li Tianlan.

The decomposition process is also very simple.

As long as he is willing to support and complete the initial process, it doesn't even need to be the end, Delatu can make the women here conceive at the same time, and even before Li Tianlan ends, Delatu can make everyone give birth to their children .

The children born at that time were not Li Tianlan's children at all, but Li Tianlan one by one.

His emotions, thinking, and soul were all broken down by each child.

Together with the golden light that made Dratu's hair stand on end, the deterrent effect will also be greatly reduced due to this decomposition.

The disassembled golden light is still dangerous, but at least Dratu can take risks.

As long as he is willing to pay a heavy price to eat Li Tianlan one by one, he can get everything about Li Tianlan, and the golden light that protects Li Tianlan will also be completely inherited by Delato.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

But unfortunately, Li Tianlan was not moved at all.

Li Tianlan was unwilling.

Delatu didn't dare to force it.

So these women are useless.

Their existence only allowed Delatu to thoroughly confirm the fact that even in this non-existent space, there is still an inexplicable force protecting Li Tianlan.

Moreover, this kind of protection is similar to instinct, and it is all-round, allowing him to avoid deadly traps again and again without knowing it.

Any action directed against him would be crushed by this force.

Any indirect calculation has no effect in front of this kind of power.

It just so happened that Dratu didn't know what this power was.

The only way now seems to be to crucify Li Tianlan's identity.

He is Pantheon now.

He is the patriarch of the Pan family.

Delatu can only amplify his sense of responsibility as the patriarch, and then trade with Li Tianlan.

Let Li Tianlan give him what he owns willingly without any danger.

Delatu rubbed his forehead, and suddenly said calmly: "I can keep your family alive, but, Pan, what can you give me?"

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