The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 560: : golden light

Li Tianlan frowned obviously.

I'm Shuai Li.

This sentence was extremely awkward in his ears.

He didn't know what was wrong, but it just felt wrong.

Subconsciously, I feel that the word Li Shuai may be a title, but it is definitely not a self-proclaimed title.

But now he doesn't have a clear logical thinking, so he just simply feels that something is wrong.

But the people around seem to think that all this is extremely reasonable.

There was warm applause in the banquet hall.

A group of celebrities approached that 'Shuai Li' excitedly and happily. '

Several of the most powerful Annan bosses in the banquet hall also joined Li Shuai, talking cautiously. The crowd was surging, but there was no sound other than the applause.

Li Tianlan turned his head silently.

He saw clear excitement from everyone's face, as well as deep fear, with an almost humble flattery. Under the expressions, everyone contained obviously different but roughly the same messages.

It is the obedience to absolute power and absolute strength, and the desire to attach to a powerful force.

Li Tianlan was suddenly in awe.

That kind of awe completely overwhelmed some of his doubts about the current situation???????????????

He thought of his own family, his Pan family.

The Pan family is not considered a world-class wealthy family, but it is definitely one of the top wealthy families in Annan. He is Pan Sen, the patriarch of the Pan family, and can be said to be the most important figure in the banquet hall.

But as the patriarch of the Pan family, he has been unable to control the fate of the family.

The future of the family, life and death, all depend on the thought of Li Shuai in front of him.

He had hatred and anger, but when this Li Shuai walked up to him and stretched out his hand to him, standing in Pan Sen's position, Li Tianlan still felt a sense of surprise as if he had seized the opportunity.

This kind of surprise and awe rose and fell together in his heart, roaring endlessly.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand, grasped the dark palm in front of him, and bent slightly: "Hello, Li Shuai, I'm Pan Sen, I'm honored, I mean...I'm honored to meet you."

Li Shuai laughed.

His tall stature made it a matter of course for him to look down on everyone present, and as his smile bloomed, the poisonous snake tattoo on his face began to squirm slowly.

He experienced a kind of extreme pleasure.

The current Li Tianlan is Pan Sen.

All his actions are dominated by Pan Sen's thinking logic.

But now Pan Sen, in his eyes, is still Li Tianlan.

He is very satisfied with Li Tianlan's current posture.

The two shook hands vigorously.

In a calm manner, the strength of Li Shuai's palm continued to increase.

His dark palm almost completely wrapped Li Tianlan's palm, and the huge force brutally oppressed Li Tianlan's hand bones, making a slight clicking sound.

Li Tianlan's face was pale. Under the severe pain, his body began to tremble instinctively, and a trace of fear appeared in his eyes.

But he didn't dare to beg for mercy, or even raise his head.

Li Shuai just watched him quietly, his strength constantly increasing.

There was an undisguised fierceness in his eyes, cold and brutal.

The current situation is actually very clear.

Apart from Li Tianlan and Lucifer De La Tu Li Shuai, there was no one else in the banquet hall.

The couple of the patriarch of the Chen family are Dela Tu himself.

And the rest of the people in the banquet hall are all seeds.

The space in the entire banquet hall is abnormal, or in other words, it shouldn't exist at all.

If I had to explain the process, it would be:

Taking himself as the main body, Dratu turned the Annan Chen clan's patriarch and his wife into his avatars and participated in the banquet.

During this banquet, he drove his avatar and began to continuously produce seeds.

The process of making seeds is the process of controlling everyone's emotions.

Everyone's inner emotions, anticipation, rage, hatred, excitement...

Everyone's emotions were pulled out like toys, and then Dela Tour blended everyone's emotions into a whole.

He began to use the overall mood to invade everyone's soul.

And so the seed appeared.

This also means that everyone's soul is completely suppressed.

Suppression, not replacement, because they are now just seeds.

De La Tour then used this emotional ensemble to re-create the current ballroom.

The existence of the banquet hall today is based on emotion. From a physical point of view, it does not exist at all.

So in the non-existent space, everything becomes a concept.

Li Tianlan became a concept.

Everyone in the banquet hall has also become a concept.

When people become concepts in this space, Delato can rewrite their cognition at will, expel their souls, their thinking, identity , everything is locked.

So everyone is changing identities, but everyone feels that they are themselves.

Dela Tu doesn't have the ability to create countless clones in a short period of time, but he can turn many people into seeds in a short period of time, and then in this space, each seed is temporarily equivalent to his clone.

When Li Tianlan walked out of the lounge and went to the real banquet hall, the first thing he suffered was the emotional impact of all the seeds.

There was something wrong with his state.

High levels of fatigue, serious injuries, and chaotic memory, these are Li Tianlan's weaknesses.

And the most important thing is that Li Tianlan has always been in a state of self-doubt.

Dongcheng Huangtu, Gu Xianyan, Li Tianlan, Qin Weibai...

This series of events completely broke some of his cognitions, so he lost his place in this world.

This is a fatal flaw under the violent emotional shock.

So his spirit and even his body were completely pulled into this non-existent space in an instant.

But this is also the most incomprehensible part of Dela Tour.

Because... this space simply doesn't exist.

It carries the emotional spirit and soul that are inherently nihilistic.

So how the **** did Li Tianlan's body get in? !

This is the case now.

Li Tianlan himself became a concept, his martial arts, his fighting power, all became concepts.

Li Tianlan's spiritual emotions have been integrated with the overall mood of the banquet hall. In other words, Li Tianlan's spirit has become a seed, because he has lost his positioning of himself and his place in this world. Latu provided him with everything, so the fusion was extremely smooth, and Li Tianlan didn't even resist instinctively.

But Li Tianlan's body was still maintaining its vigilance.

And his body pulled his spirit, avoiding the deadly traps again and again.

Delatu was speechless.

So he did it himself.

He had already seen that something was wrong with Li Tianlan, but he didn't understand what was going on with him. Since the seeds couldn't do anything to him, he could only do it himself.

In fact, the so-called ignorance is not a problem for him at all, because ignorance is also reasonable in his opinion, and because of this, he is so decisive, and he will do what he says. Now he is pinching Li Tianlan's palm.

Crushing his palms wasn't fatal.

But as long as De La Tu is willing, he can turn Li Tianlan's palm into Li Tianlan's heart.

For example... the position of the palm, in fact, has never been a hand, it is the heart.

As long as this concept is implanted, Li Tianlan's palm will become his heart, and Delato can completely crush Li Tianlan's heart with just a little force.

Difficult to understand? Not logical? baffling?

Those three words seem to be used everywhere throughout the process.

For example, how could Delato master the so-called emotions that cannot be seen or felt at all?

How to form an emotional whole, and even create a space that does not exist, whether this space really exists.

Why can he become Li Shuai while maintaining a black face.

Why can many inexplicable but extremely deadly traps be set.

Why can identities change constantly, why can palms be turned into hearts...

There is no logic at all.

But that's the state of chaos.

It's completely different from any other road.

This is the most common perception in the stars.

Other roads????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

And looking at the entire starry sky, all the...

Anything incomprehensible, inexplicable, unprecedented, or illogical has a collective term.

That's... messy.

Or rather, shadows.

It is illogical in itself.

There was a fierce light in De La Tu's eyes. As the strength of his palm continued to increase, Li Tianlan's palm had become completely deformed and began to slowly shatter.

Delatu began to implant concepts into Li Tianlan.

Just tell Li Tianlan that his hand is his heart, and Li Tianlan will die completely.

But this kind of death, it was Pan Sen who died.

At that time, the concepts belonging to Li Tianlan will be completely exposed in the two states of existence and non-existence.

Delato can sacrifice all the seeds to complete the invasion of Li Tianlan's concept.

Li Tianlan will become the most special seed.

The seeds began to germinate and became his clone.

The core of Li Tianlan in that state is still him, but countless messy things will be added.

He will use this avatar to conquer the world and let the shadows cover the whole world.

Dratu laughed.

He began to mobilize the emotions around him, trying to implant the concept that the heart is the palm into Li Tianlan.

It was just that a second before the implantation started, the golden light on Li Tianlan's body suddenly flickered.


Without any warning, half of Dratu's body was directly blown to pieces.

Black blood spilled out.

Delatu roared crazily, and stumbled against the edge of the lounge door.

With his only remaining arm, he pulled a certain celebrity who was attending the banquet beside him, and used her body to repair the wound on his body. At the same time, he stared at Li Tianlan with ferocious and resentful eyes.

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Li Tianlan had already straightened up.

He was also looking at Li Shuai in front of him.

His eyes were not calm, but full of doubts.

"It seems..."

Delato, who had repaired the wound, took a heavy breath and said hoarsely, "We should have a good talk."

Li Tianlan showed that humble, ingratiating smile again: "Thank you, Li Shuai, thank you for giving the Pan family a chance."

Delato took a deep look at him, stretched out his hand to the lounge, and said solemnly, "Please."

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