The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 562: : the new invincible

Li Tianlan looked at Dela Tu and was silent for a long time.

At this moment, he was really speechless.

Pan Sen is definitely considered a big shot in Annan. Before the Tiannan Treaty was signed, how high was his status?

Li Songping was born in the Li family and is the speaker of Annan, but he is only the speaker and not the patriarch.

And Pan Sen's cousin ranks second only to Li Songping in Annan, controls the National Assembly, and is second only to Li Songping, both in fact and in name.

The big family controls Annan, and this kind of control can be said to be everywhere. If Pan Sen wants to communicate with Li Songping about something, he doesn't need to see Li Songping at all. On the contrary, Li Songping should take the initiative to come to see him He is right.

A wealthy family like the Pan family is naturally deeply rooted in Annan, but strictly speaking, there is really not much he can offer Li Shuai.

The so-called high-end industries of the Pan family are not enough in the eyes of Shengshi Fund, and they are snacks that can be swallowed casually.

The overall situation in Annan is like this. How many high-end industries can be divided into several big families, leaving some soup for other families. On average, it is really pitiful.

The current pillar industries of the Pan family are low-end manufacturing and the import and export of agricultural products.

More than one-third of Xingguo's footwear and more than one-fifth of its clothing are manufactured in Annan, of which the Pan family accounts for nearly half of the share.

It's just that after the signing of the Tiannan Treaty, Xingguo's attitude will naturally change, and the Pan family's business can be said to be abolished.

As for produce...

The seeds of all kinds of crops have to be purchased from major grain merchants other than Annan, after signing agreements, paying patent fees, and giving up all kinds of profits, the Pan family's income is not much.

Manufacturing and agricultural products, these are the most profitable profit points of the Pan family, but to put it bluntly, these things are compiled into materials and presented to the Shengshi Fund...

Not to mention Li Shuai and that female palace lord, they probably don't even have the qualifications to go to the desk of Han Donglou.

So Pan Sen really didn't know what to give Li Shuai.

However, Li Tianlan was not in a panic. The fact was obvious that he must have other value in front of Li Shuai, otherwise he would not be able to sit in this lounge.

He took a deep breath, raised his head, looked at Li Shuai's dark face with tattoos, and said in a deep voice, "Anything is fine."

After a pause, his tone became more determined: "As long as you need it, as long as the Pan family has... I am willing to give it away. I only have one request. I hope you can raise your hand and leave a way for my family to survive."

Dratu stretched out his finger and touched his chin, and smiled playfully.

When Li Tianlan said this from Pan Sen's standpoint, he couldn't be more sincere.

It's just that he has no interest in the Pan family's property.

Annan is an ally of Star Country. There is no need to emphasize too much about the nature of this so-called ally.

This is the reason why Annan does not have world-class giants.

Some industries that can really make money and can develop for a long time, Annan's local family is not even qualified to eat soup, and has long been divided up by the capital of the so-called allies. No one is interested in the rest, and it is Annan's turn The local families, the so-called local big families under this kind of suppression, are nothing more than pitiful creatures in the eyes of Delato.

He is only interested in Li Tianlan now.

That is the real strength and real benefit, and it can satisfy his real desire.

"Is it something from the Pan family?"

Delato smiled, looking very relaxed, but his eyes unknowingly became dignified and cautious: "There is really nothing I need."

Li Tianlan opened his mouth, but did not speak.

"But, what I want, maybe you have... only you have."

Delatu stared into Li Tianlan's eyes, his body tensed up, he was always on guard against the golden light, ready to run away.

The highly nervous Li Tianlan didn't realize that this time, Shuai Li didn't call him by his name.

He's talking about you.

And put emphasis on the word.

"I have got?"

Li Tianlan said softly: "What do you want? Including my life, I can give it to you."

De La Tour was not ecstatic.

This is the first time Li Tianlan is willing to sacrifice his life, but it doesn't make any sense.

Because he didn't face the leading trap.

Now, if Delato agrees to his so-called dedicating his life, it will be Pan Sen, not Li Tianlan, who will die.

Delatu decided to put Li Tianlan's life on hold.

The situation is obvious, he has no ability to hurt the current Li Tianlan, so it is better to take away his most important support.

He still doesn't know what the golden light on Li Tianlan's body is, but the only explanation can only be from Li Tianlan's martial arts.

"I want your martial arts strength..."

Delatu stared deeply into Li Tianlan's eyes: "Your! Your strength in martial arts! All your understanding of martial arts, all your knowledge of martial arts. Your martial arts. Everything about martial arts... Yours! Yours! Yours!!"

Delatu's breathing was a little short, he stuck out his tongue and licked his fat lips, only the hottest greed remained in his eyes: "Do you understand what I mean? I want your martial arts strength and martial arts philosophy... If ...

If these things can be traded... would you give them to me? "

Li Tianlan was stunned.

Because now he is Pan Sen.

His martial arts strength and understanding of martial arts?

Martial arts strength...

Pan Sen... Martial arts strength at the Burning Fire Realm, not even at the peak of the Burning Fire Realm?

And let's not talk about how wasteful this thing is, if you want it, how can I give it to you?

"This can also be traded?"

He hesitated for a moment and asked.

"I'm just asking if you want to!"

Delatu couldn't wait even more: "If you agree, I can leave a way for your family to survive, and I can even make your family the most powerful family in Annan. How about it? Do you want to think about it?

I only want your martial arts strength and philosophy! "

He stood up suddenly, panting: "This is a deal, understand? You and me, this is a deal, give me what I want, and I will give you what you want."

"Great deal."

He stared into Li Tianlan's eyes: "Tell me your answer, tell me, are you willing to give me your martial arts?"

At this moment Li Tianlan relaxed.

He didn't feel anything wrong.

Nor was there any sense of uneasiness.

So without any hesitation, he nodded: "I am willing."

Delatu's greedy eyes suddenly lit up, filled with unparalleled ecstasy, and his voice even trembled a little: "What...what do you want?!"

"I am willing to give you my martial arts strength, my martial arts philosophy, and everything I have in martial arts."

Li Tianlan's voice was very calm.

As soon as the voice fell, he suddenly felt that his body became weak and weak.

And Dratu's body began to tremble continuously.

In the most illogical way, what he got was the most invincible martial arts power in the world.

Countless concepts, top inheritance, ultimate sword intent, pure sword energy...

There seems to be a transparent bridge between the two.

Standing at one end of the bridge, Li Tianlan poured everything he knew about martial arts into Dela Tu.

That is Sword Twenty-Four.

It is the seal of immortality.

It is his own way of swordsmanship.

All, everything.

Li Tianlan is losing everything in martial arts.

And Dratu, is unscrupulously absorbing all the power that can make him invincible.

This kind of power is far beyond Pan Sen's Burning Fire Realm, and it is also far beyond the injured Li Tianlan.

An invincible martial artist in Li Tianlan's peak period, with Li Tianlan's generous indoctrination, directly appeared in front of Li Tianlan.

Dratu laughed wildly.

He obtained all of Li Tianlan's strength in martial arts, just by relying on the simplest transaction this time, relying on a single sentence.

While getting these, he finally discovered the illusory concept about Li Tianlan in this space, between existence and non-existence.

"I found you..."

Muttering to himself, Dratu suddenly stretched out his hand.

The sword energy exploded violently in front of him.

The violent sword energy tore through the entire lounge in an instant.

Sword 21: Broken Mountains and Rivers!

He got Li Tianlan's strength, and also got all his ideas.

In this state, Dela Tu, this style of Shattering Mountains and Rivers is completely the same as Li Tianlan's own shot.

Amidst the extremely distorted wild laughter, Delato's figure rushed out of the lounge and rushed directly into the darkness somewhere on the edge of the banquet hall.

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