The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 127: :new beginning

In the days when he was with Qin Weibai, Li Tianlan often woke up very early but very late.

Don't think about it, too lazy to move, reluctant.

I was thinking of Gentle Township Hero Tomb, but I just didn't want to lift the quilt.

He likes to lie quietly on the soft big bed, resting his arm, squinting his eyes slightly, opening the window, blowing the refreshing wind of the Eastern Palace in the morning, quietly enjoying an undisturbed morning.

The snow-white thinness was bulged high.

Qin Weibai's body hidden in the quilt moved, subconsciously let out a whimper.

Li Tianlan's arm reached in and touched Qin Weibai's head, and smiled: "Tired?"

The beauty did not answer, but reached out and held Li Tianlan's palm with her fingers clasped tightly.


In the slight voice, Li Tianlan's body suddenly tightened. He closed his eyes and his brain was blank. The soul seemed to leave the body with all his thoughts, rising continuously, flying unscrupulously into the blue sky and white clouds, and then slowly falling back. .

His body gradually relaxed and the corners of his mouth rose.


Qin Weibai coughed quickly.

Li Tianlan subconsciously wanted to lift the quilt, but Qin Weibai firmly grasped the palm of his hand: "No...cough...don't look."

Her body moved, she crawled out of the quilt and looked at Li Tianlan condescendingly.

Li Tianlan chuckled and played with her somewhat messy hair.

Qin Weibai's face was ruddy, his eyes were misty, and there was also a husky voice in his voice, and the whole person was indescribable: "Satisfied?"

"What do you say?"

Li Tianlan stretched out his hand and wiped the corners of Qin Weibai's mouth, and rubbed the contents of his hands on her hair.

Qin Weibai glared at him, weak and amorous, and said softly, "Abnormal."

"Human nature."

Li Tianlan didn't change his face.

"Do men like to let women wash them clean and then soil them with their hands?"

Qin Weibai asked with his head tilted.

Li Tianlan gave a dry cough: "That's uncontrollable."

"It's strange if I believe you."

Qin Weibai chuckled and pulled Li Tianlan's face: "You are disrespecting me more and more, and you don't feel sorry for me anymore. You know all day long to bully me, don't you want me to give you a baby? Ah? You How I did it, I’ll talk smartly and I won’t believe you anymore."

Li Tianlan hugged her in his arms and smiled: "I speak for words and dare to question my sincerity. It seems that I have not given you enough punishment, then..."


Qin Weibai shook his head abruptly: "I want to take a bath, it's so dirty...I want to sleep, I'm so tired..."

Li Tianlan lightly nodded her nose: "I haven't eaten yet."


Qin Weibai glared at him a little aggrievedly, his voice hoarse: "I'm, I'm not hungry..."

Li Tianlan raised the corner of his mouth, before he laughed out, Qin Weibai had already pinched **** his waist, struggling to get out of bed, put on loose nightgown, and walked towards the bathroom with some erratic steps.

"Don't eat anymore?"

Li Tianlan sat up from the bed.

Qin Weibai, who was walking in a weird posture, opened the bathroom door and hummed: "If you have lunch, you go quickly. I want to take a nap."

"It's like you love to clean, and I want to wash it too."

Li Tianlan lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and approached Qin Weibai with a smile.

Qin Weibai yelled and rushed into the bathroom to close the door. The door was held by Li Tianlan before the door was closed. His figure squeezed in. The aloft goddess Chu Chu pleaded for something, and immediately followed.

A short scream.

In the scream, the bathroom door closed.


It was already 10:15 in the morning when Han Xinyan called.

Qin Weibai curled up under the quilt in a daze, blinking and blinking beautiful eyes, staring at Li Tianlan hard.

It was sunny outside the window, and the breeze came in, and the bedroom lingering in Youxiang smelled of sunshine.

Li Tianlan diligently cleaned up the battlefield. The mess was put together and broken down into countless pieces under the sword aura. He took the phone and learned the news that the think tank of Tiandu Purgatory had requested to join the Eastern Palace.

"I see."

Li Tianlan was silent for a long time before speaking softly.

Without giving a definite reply, he hung up the phone, sat next to Qin Weibai again, and touched her hair.

Qin Weibai was still looking at him, faintly resentful, she seemed to be too sleepy to open her eyes, but she just didn't sleep.

"Not convinced yet?"

Li Tianlan flicked Qin Weibai's forehead.

Qin Weibai snorted, but he didn't dare to provoke any more, and his body curled up subconsciously.

"Go to sleep, I call you during dinner."

Li Tianlan's voice became softer.

Qin Weibai gave a hum, tried to open his eyes wide, and whispered, "What happened?"

"Good thing."

Li Tianlan smiled and said, "My brother-in-law has come to the Eastern Palace with the think tank of Heavenly Purgatory."

A light flashed across Qin Weibai's eyes.

She tried to keep her eyes open, but the current energy was really not enough to support her to plan any more, her thinking was chaotic, and she didn't bother to think about anything.

"Heaven Purgatory..."

Qin Weibai said softly.

"There is no day for purgatory."

Li Tianlan's eyes flickered slightly: "The news that my little uncle brought, Li Kuangtu officially disbanded the Fanatic Purgatory and admitted my identity as the patriarch of the Li clan, and he himself officially withdrew from the Li clan from today. All of Tiandu Purgatory. Industries, armaments, intelligence, resources, and contacts were all unconditionally handed over to the Eastern Palace. Li Kuangtu took away only Dawn Breaking Dawn and Phoenix, as well as some of the elites of the Three Palaces of the Immortal Senluo, which totaled less than 600 people. In addition, most of the Li's veterans are currently on the way to the East Palace, and a small number of them are guarding the supplies, and at the same time waiting for me to send someone over to take over the property of Tiandu Purgatory.

These are the news brought by my little uncle, but he came earlier and didn't see Kuangju Li make the decision with his own eyes. The news came from Heavenly Purgatory, but I don't think it is fake. "

Such news has no meaning at all, and Li Huacheng is currently at the headquarters of Tiandu Purgatory. If it is false news, it is impossible for Li Huacheng not to say it.

Moreover, the cost of the news, Li Kuangpu didn't get much, at most, some elite Li Tianlan sent in the past to be buried in Tiandu Purgatory, and then Li Tianlan rushed over, and the other party didn't even want to live.

He stepped back and said that even if Li Kuangtu wanted to make arrangements for Li Tianlan, he no longer had that ability. At least the veterans of Tiandu Purgatory, because his cooperation with Gu Xingyun is no longer possible completely. Obey the orders of Li Fanyi.

In the near future, some elites in Tiandu Purgatory will join the Eastern Palace. This is something Li Tianlan had expected.

He just didn't expect Tiandu Purgatory, or Li Kuangtu would do it so thoroughly.

The arrival of the think tank is already a surprise.

Kuangtu Li's decision is equivalent to giving a large piece of cake to the Eastern Palace completely free of charge.

Therefore, Han Xinyan's interview with the think tanks naturally can't go on.

Now she is also waiting for Li Tianlan to go there personally to give Tiandu Purgatory and give these think tanks an explanation.

Qin Weibai

He chuckled lightly, rubbed Li Tianlan's palm with his face, and said softly, "Li Kuangzu has given up."

"But he didn't beg for mercy."

Li Tianlan's tone was calm.

This is what Li Kuangtu thought of, a relatively best approach.

He does have feelings for the Li family, and he also recognizes that the current Eastern Imperial Palace is far more than Tiandu Purgatory, and he also admits that he has no chance of winning against Li Tianlan.

He gave up.

But he still refused.

His choice was not to use everything he had in his hands to fight Li Tianlan to the end.

He disbanded Tiandu Purgatory and gave all the assets of Tiandu Purgatory to the Eastern Palace, so as to preserve the Li family to the greatest extent.

And he officially withdrew from the Li clan, which meant that Li Kuangtu would never have any relationship with the Li clan in the future, nor would he have any old relationships with Li Tianlan or the Eastern Palace.

He gave Li Tianlan to Li Tianlan, conceding defeat, but he didn't join the Eastern Palace, so he refused.

He still has the idea of ​​competing with Li Tianlan for the dominance of the Li family.

But it is not relying on the heavens to purgatory.

There is no retreat for such a fanatic Li.

From the moment he decided to dissolve Tiandu Purgatory, he had already given up the foundation that had supported him until now for the past two decades.

Next, he will seek refuge in the Central Continent Council, and will completely unite with Jiang Shangyu and Gu Xingyun, and will eliminate himself at all costs and once again master a complete Li family.

These Li Tianlan are very clear.

"Isn't this just right?"

Qin Weibai said softly: "What we need is his surrender. If he begs for mercy, it will be boring."

Her eyes were a bit tired, but she was full of smiles: "Since he has separated from Li, then we don’t have to talk about love. Under such circumstances, everyone in Li will understand. He Since he still refuses to accept it, he still has to join the council and cooperate with Gu Xingyun, then no matter what his ending will be in the future, he will ask for it himself, and it has nothing to do with us."


Li Tianlan whispered: "He asked for it."

"I want to go to bed first. Only when I wake up, I will have the energy to think about the next situation."

Qin Weibai whispered: "The resources left by the Li family are still very rich, especially some hidden resources. They don't have the ability to quickly use these hidden resources, but the Shengshi Fund has this strength, I have to think about it. "

"Go to sleep first."

Li Tianlan whispered: "I'll go see them first."

He gently pinched Qin Weibai’s ears with his fingers: “After talking to the academic school, both the teacher and I can breathe a sigh of relief. The situation we are facing next will stabilize, and the military can return. How to integrate all purgatory industries? In this regard, military teachers are professional..."

His voice is getting smaller and smaller.

Qin Weibai tried to open his beautiful eyes silently, accusing him of the brutality last night, and fell asleep very sweetly.

Li Tianlan leaned over and kissed her face lightly, got up and left the bedroom.

At this moment, Li's think tank was still waiting for his appearance in the meeting room.

Farther away, most of the Li's veterans who belonged to Tiandu Purgatory were moving towards Xuanyuan City.

Tiandu Purgatory has been disbanded.

The core of the purgatory legion should have set off at this time, withdrawing from Tiannan one by one.

The power belonging to the Li family officially gathered towards the Eastern Palace.

Li Tianlan walked quietly in the corridor of the Eastern Palace Castle.

Scenes of the past flashed in his mind, from small to large, very clear.

Since the collapse of the Li family, today, more than 20 years later, a brand-new and overall Li family will usher in a new starting point.

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