The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 126: :interview

go home...

Xiao Mohai carefully savored the word, his eyes lightened slightly, and his formulaic smile seemed to be much more natural.

His Majesty went to Tiandu Purgatory. Xiao Mohai knew about it. He also knew that Li Tianlan gave Tiandu Purgatory for three days. The situation of Li Tianlan has been more than 20 years since his collapse. With the rise of Li Tianlan, It was divided into Tiandu Purgatory and the Eastern Palace. Now the Eastern Emperor is already invincible in the world. He is also the patriarch of the Li clan appointed by Lao Li before his death. With the strength and righteousness, Li Tianlan has no patience to slowly integrate the two sides.

He defeated Li Kuang’s combination of Jiang Shangyu and Gu Xingyun and showed his strength. He went to Tiandu Purgatory for a trip. It explained that the future heir of the Li clan and he settled the concerns of many people in Tiandu Purgatory. He did everything he should do. It has been done, and three days' time is enough for the Tiandu Purgatory Elite, who is really willing to stand by the East Palace, to make a decision.

As for what happens after three days, everyone is very clear.

Li Tianlan is the patriarch of the Li clan, and he has done his best to the Tiandu Purgatory. Within three days, those who came to the Eastern Palace from Tiandu Purgatory were his own people, and those who did not come were their enemies.

Without the fetters of the past, the Eastern Emperor's edge is invincible in today's dark world.

Xiao Mohai is fully prepared for this. He has enough reasons to believe that more and more elite and even high-level Tiandu Purgatory will join the Eastern Palace in the past few days. Today, the Eastern Palace cannot control the entire Tiannan, but for Xuanyuan The city is 100% in full control. The two cars with the Tiandu Purgatory mark have just entered the outer city of Xuanyuan City. Xiao Mohai, the manager, has already received the news. He allows the other party to come to the gate of the Eastern Palace. Be wary, but ready to welcome his own person.

But these two off-road vehicles gave him a great surprise.

Of course he knows Li Huazhang.

The chief executive of the Li family’s heyday was called by Master Wuwei many years ago as a talent for Wolong. Although he was not the Wolong in the romance, his housekeeping skills were absolutely top-notch. It is said that if the Li family had not collapsed too suddenly In case, Li Honghe intends to let Li Huazhang enter the official career. If all goes well, today, Li Huazhang is at least a gangster at the parliamentary level.

Not only Li Huazhang, but Xiao Mohai knew everyone on and off the two off-road vehicles.

One-eyed, unicorn, amber, these are the characters that His Majesty Li Tianlan personally mentioned, even in today’s His Majesty’s mouth, they are used

The title is still the three uncles, and their future status in the Eastern Palace is evident.

Qianji, Baihu, Wumingzi, Qianzhong...

These four Xiao Mohai are also familiar. Among the four, Wumingzi was a Taoist priest many years ago. After joining the Li family, he still does not change his dao name. In terms of strength, he may be the only one among the ten who can be compared with Li Huazhang. Pinnacle is also the youngest think tank.

Thousand Chance is the pinnacle of the Burning Fire Realm. Qianzhong and Baihu are just ordinary people. From a standpoint, these four people are biased towards Li Kuangtu, at least before Li Kuangtu was captured. Tiandu Purgatory developed this In the past few years, especially after they came to Tiannan, they played secretly with the East Palace in the past few years, these four can be said to be the most active figures.

Monkey, stone heart, moon worship...

These three are relatively neutral in Tiandu Purgatory. They can be seen in a series of external decisions made by Tiandu Purgatory, but they have never participated in any plan against the Eastern Palace in the matter of Li's internal fighting. , They are the most buddhist, it doesn't matter who wins or loses, they care about the Li family.

Ten people.

Ten top think tanks.

They are not well-known in the dark world, after all, the highest strength is only the peak of the thundering state, but their role behind the scenes, no one dares to ignore.

Each of them is eligible to appear in the confidential information of the Eastern Palace. After serving as the chief administrator of the Eastern Palace, Xiao Mohai has also studied the information of these people.

In fact, if they do not come to the Eastern Palace within a few days to express their position, then the first goal of the Eastern Palace's attack on Tiandu Purgatory is to target these people.

When the Eastern Palace and Tiandu Purgatory were both bound by the rules of the Central Continent, the threats of these think tanks were even far greater than the dawn of the Invincible Realm and the dawn of the top half-step Invincible Realm.

Xiao Mohai just didn't expect that in such a short period of time, not less than ten of them would have come.

This is the inside story of Li's family.

They appeared here at the same time, Xiao Mohai could fully imagine how shaken the hearts of the people in Tiandu Purgatory.

For the Eastern Palace, this is definitely a good thing.

Xiao Mohai's eyes narrowed slightly with a deep smile. He looked at the ten think tanks in front of him, and smiled: "Your Majesty has been waiting for this day for a long time. Come with me. I have notified Secretary Han. , She is in the reception room

Waiting for you. "

Secretary Han...

Li Huazhang was taken aback.

He knows who Xiao Mohai is talking about. Li Tianlan’s current personal secretary Han Xinyan is also the eldest lady of the Shengshi Fund and the daughter of a military strategist. Li Tianlan is undoubtedly trained as the next chief executive officer of the Eastern Palace. In the case of Han Xinyan, since serving as a personal secretary, his performance has not been amazing, but he has made no mistakes. Although he is young, he is very stable in doing things. It looks quite normal, but in combination with her position, is this not another good one?

Li Huazhang hesitated, and whispered: "Tianlan...hmm...what about your majesty?"

Xiao Mohai led the way. Hearing that he raised his hand and looked at his watch, he smiled and said, "Your Majesty shouldn't get up yet."

Li Huazhang, they may not understand.

But Xiao Mohai, as the general manager, knew very well that as long as Qin Weibai was there, no matter how early his majesty and Qin Weibai were to rest, they would wake up very late.

This was already evident when Li Tianlan was in the desert prison.

Li Huazhang paused slightly, and exchanged a look with Qian Ji who was walking beside him.

Qianji's expression was calm.

But there was a sense of tension in his eyes.

Li Tianlan hasn't gotten up yet.

The next thing they want to see is Donghuang's personal secretary Han Xinyan.

In the situation where Donghuang is too lazy to take care of things now, the people around him who hold the power and are very close to him are the most troublesome.

For example, Xiao Mohai in front of him.

For example, Han Xinyan.

To some extent, Han Xinyan, a personal secretary trained as the next chief executive officer of the Eastern Palace, can completely represent Li Tianlan's will at some point.

And when they came to the Eastern Palace from the Purgatory of Heaven, the first thing they saw was Xiao Mohai, but from a business perspective, the first thing they came into contact with was the soon-to-be-seen Han Xinyan.

Both Xiao Mohai and Han Xinyan are people who have nothing to do with the Li family. They are the high-level members of the Eastern Palace, not the Li family.

Whether Li Tianlan really didn't get up or not, it was a fact that he didn't show up.

Is this going to use the most normal way to contact them? Or, in other words, intending to temporarily put Li's emotions aside and observe their abilities from the most objective point of view?

There is no doubt that this is an interview.

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