The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 128: : Talent

The atmosphere in the living room was quiet and solemn.

As Donghuang's personal secretary, Han Xinyan sat on the sofa with his legs close together, unconsciously pinched a piece of dried fruit, and put it into his ruddy little mouth.

Her eyes flickered slightly, obviously thinking about some sensitive issue.

She is Li Tianlan's personal secretary.

But in fact, everyone knows that Han Xinyan is very likely to succeed her father, Han Donglou, as the next chief executive officer of the East Palace.

Therefore, Han Xinyan's actual scope of rights is somewhat outrageous.

Most of the secrets of the Eastern Palace today are not secrets to her. All the plans made by the Eastern Palace in various fields will be exposed to Han Xinyan before Li Tianlan sees it.

There is nothing to do as a secretary, but nothing to do as a secretary.

Li Tianlan didn't do the second half sentence, but she used the first half sentence to the fullest.

Therefore, whether it is in terms of position or practical work, it is enough for the think tank of Tiandu Purgatory to join the Eastern Palace and Han Xinyan to come forward.

When Li Tianlan saw them, it was his past affection. He showed up and went through the scene. That's it. Those who really have friendship with Li Tianlan, such as Qilin, Amber, and One-eyed, would not reminisce with Li Tianlan on such occasions.

All of the ten think tanks have real talents, but they have different positions, but now that they have joined the Eastern Palace, at least on the surface, Li Tianlan can't really separate them from close relatives, and even he will deliberately To snub the three uncles of Qilin Amber One-Eyed, no one can control what they will do in private in the future, but on the first day when the think tank joined the Eastern Palace, Li Tianlan would never make them feel like an outsider.

So simply showing up and eating at most is a gesture.

How do they integrate into the Eastern Palace, what role should they play, what job, and what position are arranged...

These are Han Xinyan and their own business.

That’s why Han Xinyan met them here, arranged a so-called interview, and when things were resolved, it was almost time for lunch. At this time, Li Tianlan came to show up, and after dinner, they would be regarded as officially joining the East. The palace is out.

But this process was completely interrupted by the news brought by Li Huazhang.

Neither party intends to give each other a predicament.

It's just that this news is really incredible.

Not long ago, Li Kuangtu, who was dead and alive with the Eastern Palace, did the first thing after leaving his life as a prisoner. He turned out to be withdrawing from the Li family, disbanding Tiandu Purgatory, and at the same time giving all the properties of Tiandu Purgatory to the Eastern Palace. .

This feeling is an indescribable shock and absurdity.

What is Heaven Purgatory?

This is a behemoth with a superpower foundation, but without its own foundation.

It can't be regarded as a superpower in the strict sense, but its own strength is not inferior to a superpower, it just lacks a foundation.

Tiandu Purgatory, it's not just the headquarters that curled up in Tiandu City, which was a little pitiful compared to the Eastern Palace.

How big is Tiandu Purgatory as a whole?

Even Li Huazhang couldn't tell this point.

But what he said was enough to entangle Han Xinyan's mind.

There are nearly forty secret bases around the world, including star countries, Germans, France, England, Italy, Los Angeles, Dessac, Annan, East Island, Snow Country, Austria and other countries, and tens of thousands of talents across various fields. Seven high-tech laboratories including weapons research and development, genetic medicine research and development, large and small company groups with total assets of nearly 200 billion, and intelligence networks in major countries around the world...


Kuangju Li didn't stay at all, and handed it all over.

There is no doubt that this is a great gift, a big gift that the Eastern Palace cannot refuse.

At present, the think tanks of the Eastern Palace, and even the other elites of Tiandu Purgatory who will join the Eastern Palace in the future, most of them, Han Xinyan are qualified to arrange it, but when the entire Tianpu Purgatory is placed in front of her, such a big thing, She must inform Li Tianlan to let him come out in person.

Time passed quietly.

Han Xinyan kept eating melon seeds, and the light in her eyes became brighter and brighter.

The heavy door of the meeting room opened silently.

Han Xinyan, who had been thinking about how to accept this gift, immediately stood up.

Li Tianlan walked in from outside the door.

Han Xinyan walked towards him.

The think tanks also stood up at the same time, Li Huazhang hesitated and stood there without moving.

The others did not move either.

Next to Qilin, the nameless man who was once a Taoist but is no longer a Taoist but still wears a clean robe squinted slightly, looking at Han Xinyan's graceful back, his eyes fell on the upturned buttocks under the close secretary's skirt, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Do you dare to take another look. Believe it or not, someone will goug your eyes out?"

Qilin said calmly: "This is the Eastern Palace. If you don't change your stinky problem, you won't know how to die."

"She is not your majesty's woman."

Wumingzi chuckled lightly: "As your majesty's personal secretary, she didn't climb into your majesty's bed. She hasn't succeeded for so long, and the chance of success in the future is not high. It's not based on the mistress, is this also wrong?"

"Your Majesty is too lazy to care about you, do you think the military division is too lazy to care about you?"

Qilin sneered.

Wumingzi is a think tank, and he is the youngest among the ten of them, and he is also a master at the peak of the thundering realm. Such a person will not be too much for any power, but any power is destined to not be too much. This is also cultivated. He has some presumptuous character.

Before Li Kuangtu cooperated with Gu Xingyun, he was partial to Li Kuangtu, and the personal relationship between the two was also returned.

Yes, the most complacent thing about Wumingzi is that he once touched Phoenix’s **** but was still alive. Although the Phoenix was not the mistress of Tiandu Purgatory at that time, the Wumingzi’s ability to live until now has proved itself. His value and ability.


Wumingzi wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

He knows his value, but he will not overestimate his value. Obviously, compared with a military division, even if he is crazy, he will not think that he is more important than a military division.

In sight, Han Xinyan walked up to Li Tianlan and whispered something to him.

Li Tianlan nodded, and the two walked up to them one after another.

"His Majesty."

Headed by Li Huazhang, ten think tanks bowed slightly at the same time.

A smile appeared on Li Tianlan's calm face: "It's been a long time, uncles."

His eyes fell on the only woman in the think tank: "And Aunt Bai Fox."

The generally fat white fox smiled, his eyes a little disturbed.

"Welcome everyone home."

Li Tianlan said softly.

The white fox's eyes relaxed slightly, and the others seemed to be relieved: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Li Tianlan stood in front of them without moving.

His eyes swept across the think tanks in front of him, squinting slightly.

"Uncle I am very familiar."

He suddenly smiled: "There are also three uncles, Qilin, Amber, and One-eyed. The year they left the camp, I was seventeen and I grew up watching me. The year Aunt White Fox left, I was 12, I also remember the three uncles of the monkey, the moon worshipping, and Shi Xin. Ha, such as

If I remember correctly, my first wooden sword when I was a child seemed to be made by Uncle Ling Monkey for me. At that time, I thought that wooden sword was ugly. "

The monkey standing in the corner smiled. He is the oldest of the people, his hair is already gray, and even some old spots appear on his face.

Li Tianlan looked at him and nodded, then looked at a few strange figures: "These few are?"

Li Huazhang took a step forward and whispered softly, "You are not familiar with these few people. These two are Qianji and Qianzhong. You should have heard of them."

Thousands of opportunities.

This is a pair of brothers. They followed Li Kuangtu to the East Island at the very beginning. Li Tianlan hadn't even seen them before today.

Li Tianlan nodded and said calmly: "Welcome home."

Qianji Qianzhong bowed at the same time, silent.

"This is a nameless man, too..."


Li Tianlan suddenly interrupted Li Huazhang's introduction.

The smiling Wumingzi's eyelids twitched slightly.

Li Huazhang was also slightly taken aback.

Li Tianlan laughed.

Unexpectedly, he took the initiative to stretch out his palm: "I've been admiring the name for a long time."

The Wumingzi stayed for about two seconds, and then reflexively stretched out his palm to hold Li Tianlan together, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is serious, your words are serious..."

"Nothing serious."

Li Tianlan's tone was very sincere: "You may not know, I have heard of you a few years ago, and your impression on me is very deep."

"At that time... well, it should be before the snow country chaos broke out, no, even before the final exercise of the two houses..."

Wumingzi seemed to have thought of something suddenly, his eyes suddenly changed and his face became a little pale.

Without warning, he suddenly thought of the point in time Li Tianlan said.

To be precise, it was that point of time that passed a period of time forward. At that time, no one knew that Li Tianlan had rebuilt the foundation in the polar regions, and no one even knew where Li Tianlan was.

He suddenly thought of what he had done at that time.

"A talent like you, come to the Eastern Palace, and come to the East Palace."

Li Tianlan patted Wumingzi with the other hand in the depths.

Wumingzi reluctantly squeezed out a smiling face: "Your are polite..."

"What I said is the truth."

Li Tianlan whispered: "I dare not delay the talents of my husband. The East Palace is small and cannot accommodate my husband. Therefore, I intend to send my husband to a place where you can give full play to your talents. You are welcome."

His hand slapped Wumingzi's palm.


In the very small but extremely shocking voice, Wu Mingzi's entire arm burst completely without warning.

The blood and muscles burst out like fireworks under the stimulation of sword qi, breaking through the skin.

Wumingzi's eyes instantly became extremely frightened.

Li Tianlan still held his palm and pulled it lightly.


The extremely dense sound erupted completely in Wumingzi's body.

His body in front of Li Tianlan seemed to have lost all its support in an instant, and his whole person was directly paralyzed on the ground like a mass of rotten meat.

Li Tianlan looked calm.

This time it looked like a simple pull, but the huge force had completely shattered all the bones and muscles in Wumingzi's body in an instant.

Li Huazhang opened his mouth.

Before he could react...

No, when everyone, including Wumingzi, did not react...

The nameless man is dead.

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