The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 8: :give up

When the accurate news passed through various departments to Yinlonghai, Li Huacheng was discussing with Hua Zhengyang about the layout of the academic school for the next five years.

This is the most important thing for academics at the moment.

Li Huacheng has long been re-elected, and his position has stabilized to the point where any change is impossible.

In the past ten years, due to the lack of academic background, although Li Huacheng was in the position, but his style of behavior was relatively moderate. The entire academic group appeared to be struggling in the game with other groups, so that they did not get it in ten years. Expected influence.

If Li Huacheng retreats next year under normal circumstances, it is definitely an unprecedented failure for the academics. They may still be in the ranks of the six major groups, but they will be overwhelmed by the Southeast Group Prince Group in all aspects. , It is even hard to compare with the giant group after the shuffle.

This is too far from their expectations. In their expectation, during the ten years when Li Huacheng was in power, even if the academics could not surpass the Southeast Prince to become the first group in Central Continent, they should at least keep abreast of the two ancient groups. If in the end they still have to survive in the shadows of other groups, they cannot accept this result at all.

Fortunately, the incident of the King of Beihai and the rise of the Eastern Palace disrupted the rhythm of the major groups.

Li Huacheng has another five years of precious time.

In the past few months, the backbone of the academy have come to Youzhou consciously or unconsciously. With the opportunity of reporting work, they calmly admonished Li Huacheng, hoping that Li Huacheng would pay more attention to the future of the team.

The two remaining old people in the academy also came to Youzhou to talk to Li Huacheng about this issue.

They didn't say anything clearly, but the meaning was very clear.

I hope Li Huacheng can unite the forces that should be united most.

This is undoubtedly telling Li Huacheng that he should take advantage of these five years to grasp the future of the academics.

As a leader, Li Huacheng clearly felt the pressure from within.

This pressure has existed as early as two years ago.

Dissatisfaction with the status quo within the academics will turn into dissatisfaction with him over time.

It's just that this kind of dissatisfaction has not reached its peak, and the news that he can be re-elected has spread, temporarily suppressing the undercurrent within the academic school.

But the problem is always there.

And it must be a problem worth looking at.

Li Huacheng's position seems to be supreme, but no matter how he cares about his family and country, he must also stabilize internally. If there is no one inside to support him, he can't do anything.

The arrangement with Hua Zhengyang is the clearest signal.

Li Huacheng's attitude is extremely determined, that is, to push Hua Zhengyang to the position of head of the cabinet.

This is also the biggest aspiration of the academy in this general election.

If it can be successful, the academy can be guaranteed to become the strongest group in the next five years.

After the promotion of Hua Zhengyang's goal, there are still many internal positions that need to be adjusted.

Some people are up and down. In less than a year before the general election, all major groups are optimizing and adjusting their structures in order to form the most combative group.

"There is not a big problem on the military side."

In the deep night, the office was brightly lit.

Li Huacheng drank a sip of tea, looked at Hua Zhengyang, and smiled slightly: "Minister Dongcheng is still more cooperative. We have studied carefully. I know the candidates you recommend and they have good abilities. The official appointment is probably this. Two months, you make them pay more attention."

It seems that he has made up his mind to adjust his thinking, and again in a private occasion, Li Huacheng's words are very thorough.

Hua Zhengyang nodded, frowning and said, "The Forbidden Army over there?"

"I haven't talked about it yet. This issue is more sensitive. Let's find the right opportunity."

Li Huacheng was a little helpless.

Hua Zhengyang snorted coldly, with some dissatisfaction, of course it was aimed at Dongcheng Invincible.

The academy's influence on the military has not been very large. At the most dangerous time, their control of the military is even far inferior to that of the prince group and the wealthy group.

Qi Beicang is the leader of the special warfare group but has very close ties with the Prince Group.

Military veteran Wei Tianhang.

Shen Ye Dongsheng of the Central Continent Army.

One of them counts as one, and they are all super heavyweights whose influence in the Central Continent Army exceeds their duties too much.

At that time, the academies had no hope of breaking the game, so in the first five years after Li Huacheng had a firm foothold, the academies joined forces with the wealthy group.

Dongcheng Wudi became the director of Zhongzhou, officially controlling the military department, and clearly ranked third among the directors. After the general election, he became the second person in Zhongzhou.

The academic faction undoubtedly hopes to unite the Prince Group to check and balance the powerful influence of the Southeast and Prince Group in the military.

So far, this move is pretty good.

In the past five years, most of the attention of the two major groups in the military has been affected by Dongcheng Invincible. Zhongzhou Killing God Dongcheng Invincible, and his 20-year career as a marshal in power, both internally and externally, his toughness and domineering have been revealed. Undoubtedly, the prince and the Southeast Group were miserable.

The academics also took advantage of this opportunity to expand their influence in the military.

But all this is obviously not enough.

The academics hope to use Li Huacheng's re-election to further strengthen its influence on the military.

This is a very reasonable request.

But it was not a request that Dongcheng Invincible was willing to accept.

The focus of this is the Frontier Forbidden Army Corps.

As the super-large integrated corps with the strongest combat effectiveness in the Central Continent, the Frontier Infantry Regiment can be said to be the unique banner of the Central Continent Army, and its importance is far greater than that of several major war zones.

If it can get the dominance of the Border Army Corps, the academy will undoubtedly be considered a strong rise in the military.

But Dongcheng Invincible didn't mean to let go.

A few years ago, the position of the commander of the Frontier Forbidden Legion finally fell on the head of the Emperor of the North Sea Wang's, and quite a lot of transactions were secretly made. After the resignation of Emperor Jiang, the commander of the Frontier Forbidden Legion continued to be held concurrently by Dongcheng Invincible.

The word concurrently is destined to not last long.

After this general election, Dongcheng Wudi is still the standing minister of the military department, but he has no reason to hold on to the position of the Border Army Corps, otherwise the whole world will think that there is no one in the Central Continent Army.

And this position is currently the focus of the wealthy group, the Southeast Group, and the academy.

This is not as simple as a member of a congressman and a marshal with real power, and its meaning cannot be overemphasized.

"He still wants the Eagle King of the Li family to control the Border Army?"

Hua Zhengyang's voice was a little gloomy.

"That's not it."

Li Huacheng shook his head: "The Tianying matter was mentioned once. Since he did not agree at the time, it is unlikely that it will be him in the future. But in terms of candidates, Minister Dongcheng has too many candidates in his hands. Long, strength is not the most important thing. The main thing is prestige and combat acumen. Thunder flying horse, **** yellow sand, and several armies of the Border Army, any commander is barely qualified to compete for that position. They are all Dongcheng. An invincible direct power. And Beihai also hopes that Ye Dongsheng can concurrently serve as a deputy minister as the commander of the Border Army Corps and become a council member. Not to mention, this matter has been fighting over and under for several years, and it has been difficult to give birth until now. Let's look at it step by step, I'm afraid it will be until the eve of the general election to really decide who is going to be."

"We still have a chance, right?"

Hua Zhengyang's voice was a little eager.

"of course."

Li Huacheng smiled. Just as he wanted to continue talking, the confidential phone on his desk suddenly rang.

Li Huacheng raised his brows slightly, connected the phone, and gave a feed.

Hua Zhengyang didn't hear the voice on the other end of the phone clearly, but could hear the other party's voice hurriedly.

Li Huacheng's face changed, and he continued to listen intently, humming from time to time.

A phone call takes about five minutes.

Li Huacheng silently put down the phone and pondered for a long time.

Hua Zhengyang wanted to speak but stopped, and finally resisted curiosity and said nothing.

Li Huacheng glanced at him and said in a low voice: "It's about Tianlan, and also about Gu Xingyun and Jiang Shangyu. Hey, I'm afraid it's really difficult this time."

"what's happenin?"

Hua Zhengyang's heart tightened slightly.

In the current Central Continent, anything about Li Tianlan and the East Palace needs to be treated with caution.

Just like the previous Wang Clan of Beihai.

Anything about Wang Tianzong needs to be treated with caution.

What Li Tianlan said more than two years ago has really become reality today.

For Zhongzhou, he is the overall situation of Zhongzhou.

Li Huachang took a breath, reached out and took the cigarette, took out one to light it, and inhaled.

After smoking nearly half of a cigarette, he swept away the smoke in front of him and said in a low voice: "After Li Tianlan left Youzhou, he went to Tiannan and was besieged by Jiang Shangyu, Gu Xingyun and Li Kuangtu. The battle is now over. Now, Jiang Shangyu and Gu Xingyun were seriously injured, and Li Kuangtu was captured and fell into Li Tianlan's hands. According to the time, Li Kuangtu should already be in the Eastern Palace."

Hua Zhengyang was stunned, his face changed drastically.

"Kuangju Li? Gu Xingyun?"

His mood was agitated, his voice was high and low, his face was incredible.

"It's incredible, right?"

Li Huacheng smiled bitterly and rubbed his forehead: "But this is the truth. Three fights one, not only did not win, but also lost terribly. Even Li Kuangzu was taken prisoner. Fortunately, Jiang Shangyu ran fast. All of them are in Li Tianlan's hands, and things are even more difficult to handle."

Hua Zhengyang is obviously still immersed in the names of Li Kuangtu and Gu Xingyun: "How can the two of them join forces?"

"It doesn't matter anymore."

Li Huacheng said indifferently: "If you really want to investigate the cause, it's probably because of pressure. We all attended the funeral of Lao Li. The relationship between Li Kuangtu and Li Tianlan was a bit strained. The former doesn't approve of the current Eastern Palace, but nothing. There is no doubt that both of them want Li's dominance. Judging from the current situation, what opportunity is there in Tiandu Purgatory?"

"The strength of Tiandu Purgatory is still there."

Hua Zhengyang said subconsciously, then shook his head: "But they seem to have left a lot of people in the past two years and joined the Eastern Palace."

"That’s how things are, and you really think that those who stay in Tiandu Purgatory now are willing to die for Li Kuangtu? Impossible. Not counting those who have left, those who are still in Tiandu Purgatory now , Must also be swaying between Li Kuangtu and Li Tianlan. These people have nothing to say about their attitude towards the outside. But to the Eastern Palace, in their hearts they are equal to the inside, and they can’t do anything. In this case, if The Eastern Palace is really at war with Tiandu Purgatory. If you are willing to fight for Tiandu Purgatory, one-third of it is not bad."

Li Huacheng shook his head.

Hua Zhengyang didn't speak for a while, but he didn't have the slightest doubt about Li Huacheng's speculation.

Or in other words, this is not a speculation at all, but a fact.

If the Eastern Palace had just started and it was still called the Eastern Palace, there might be more people standing in Purgatory in Heaven.

But the East Palace has become the East Palace.

What is the Eastern Palace like now?

A truly invincible palace owner.

Three Vice Palace Masters of Invincible Realm.

Half a step invincible, there are nearly twenty peak masters in the thundering state.

Dozens of thundering masters.

At the moment, such a lineup can no longer be said to be inferior to other forces.

This lineup is unique in the entire dark world.

The current Eastern Palace is the strongest.

If it is just considered the high-end combat power of the Thundering Realm, the current Eastern Palace is not inferior to the North Sea Wang Clan who was at its peak a few years ago.

The only thing that is not certain is whether the current Li Tianlan or Wang Tianzong of Moormans is more powerful.

But in any case, this kind of Eastern Imperial Palace has already crushed Heaven and Purgatory in all aspects. No matter from which point of view, the Eastern Imperial Palace is superior in strength. In this way, even the elderly Li's are still very big. Some of them stay in Purgatory of Heaven, but it is hard to say which side of the heart is biased.

"Li Tianlan..."

Hua Zhengyang was silent for a while, and said softly: "I suddenly agree with the Prime Minister's point of view."

The prime minister he was talking about was naturally Chen Fangqing whose funeral was over.


Li Huacheng sighed slightly.

He also has this sentiment now.

This sentiment is not directed at Li Tianlan.

It's the instinctive fear of a behemoth that is almost out of control from its own standpoint.

Don't say that Li Tianlan has developed to this level.

From the standpoint of Li Huacheng, even when his biological son has developed to this level, he will also be worried.

"How should it be now?"

Hua Zhengyang asked.

"Prepare a car."

Li Huacheng's voice is low: "Some of them are busy tonight."

He paused: "You go to the Interstellar Institute to see how the meeting is going."

Hua Zhengyang nodded silently.

The Interstellar Research Institute is a branch of the Zhongzhou Academy of Sciences, which gathers all the most famous astrophysicists in Zhongzhou. It can be said that it is the authoritative organization of Zhongzhou for astrophysics.

The blue moon a few hours ago had already shocked the world.

As soon as the blue moon disappeared, the Star Country, Snow Country, England, France, Germania, East Island, Bansi, Italy and Los Angeles have already contacted Central Continent for the first time.

As the most comprehensive country in the world, Zhongzhou has surpassed the star country and the snow country in the development of astronomy in the past 100 years. The seeker 1 interstellar probe launched by Zhongzhou 50 years ago is also about to leave the Kuiper belt of the solar system. Several explorations on the moon have also yielded a lot of results.

After the Blue Moon incident, various countries began to communicate with Central Continent. In the Interstellar Research Institute today, astrophysics experts from Central Continent have held video conferences with elites from all over the world for several hours, proposing various theories to discuss. There may be some truth behind the blue moon.

In fact, ordinary people may be scornful of extraterrestrial civilization, or they may be suspicious, or they may be convinced, but no matter what attitude they hold, there are very few who have really seen extraterrestrial civilization, or they do not exist at all. The bragging.

Can be specific to the country, any country will have some confidential information.

They have never really seen an extraterrestrial civilization.

But in the interstellar, um...

To be precise, in the exploration of the solar system, every superpower has some piecemeal information.

Headed by Zhongzhou and Xingguo, their research on the moon is quite in-depth.

During several explorations on the moon, they found some mysterious metal remains and saw ruins near the Moon Pyramid.

At the same time, a large amount of information has proved a fact.

That is the moon, which shouldn't exist.

There are also many ancient

There is a record in the literature that long, long ago, there was no moon in the sky above the earth.

These ancient documents do not refer to Central Continent.

But there are similar records in ancient documents found all over the world.

For example, the mysterious and ancient Maya civilization did exist.

In the Mayan chronicles, there is a description of Mars and Venus, but there is no record of the moon.

The first description of the moon in Zhongzhou’s Shanhaijing was after Emperor Xuanyuan.

Too many documents have similar records.

All signs seem to indicate that the moon seemed to suddenly appear out of thin air one day before the ancient and long time.

No one knows how long this period of time is. It is just speculation based on various signs that if the moon suddenly appeared out of thin air, this time should probably be more than 10,000 years ago.

There is no accurate statement about the origin of the moon in the scientific community, and there are only various hypotheses.

But the time of the blue moon this time once again aroused the enthusiasm of various countries for the moon, or it was uneasy. After the blue moon, the most powerful countries in the world almost gathered together to start discussions.

"Let’s take a look at the results of their discussions. If necessary, you can share some confidential information. Of course, other countries need to exchange confidential information. Since it’s a discussion, you must be honest, especially the star country. You can focus on this. Stare."

Li Huacheng continued.

Hua Zhengyang gave a hum and looked at Li Huacheng: "How about you?"

"I will go to Guo Wentian, and then I will see Dongcheng Invincible."

Li Huacheng shook his head: "The natural disasters that may occur are never as terrible as possible man-made disasters. I want Zhongzhou to be stable. Zhongzhou must also be stable."

Hua Zhengyang was silent, nodded and said: "Understood."

He knew what Li Huacheng meant.

Li Huacheng wants stability.

The Eastern Palace is now the source of instability.

But from the standpoint of the Eastern Palace, they didn't do anything wrong at all. The so-called source of instability was just a certain situation based on the parliament's fear of the Eastern Palace.

Li Huacheng wanted to balance the power of the Eastern Palace.

This also means that he needs to build an opponent for the Eastern Palace.

Such an opponent can be weaker than the Eastern Palace, but it must exist.

Gu Xingyun component is not enough, but an option.

Jiangshangyu's weight is not enough, which is also an option.

Li Kuangtu and Tiandu Purgatory didn't have enough weight, but they were also a choice.

When the three people unite, this choice seems very reliable.

So Li Huacheng intends to find Li Tianlan dignitaries.

But where is Li Tianlan now or Li Tianlan a few years ago?

As the most powerful superpower in the dark world today, the young Eastern Emperor sitting in Xuanyuan City really meant to swallow thousands of miles of invincibility.

If you want someone from him, even if it is Li Huacheng, it doesn't mean you can come over if you want.

Especially at the meeting yesterday, the relationship between Li Huacheng and Li Tianlan was not very pleasant.

The sudden exposure of the Phoenix Pavilion has caused an uproar within the parliament. Everyone’s heart is a little complicated. Facts have proved that during the more than 20 years of Gu Xingyun's tenure as the War God of Central Continent, he did secretly do a lot of outrageous things. Things, certain things even hurt the interests of many people to a certain extent.

For example, Lee is the biggest victim.

The case of Li’s treason more than 20 years ago was probably a conspiracy initiated by the Gu family, or it was a naked planting and framing.

If this matter is announced, how much disturbance will it cause in Central Continent?

Perhaps Li Tianlan entered the WTO for this day.

Gu Xianyan had enough evidence in her hand, as long as she was willing to say, every word she said could be a huge wave for Zhongzhou.

It is precisely because of this that Li Huacheng felt incredible about the cooperation between Gu Xingyun and Li Kuangtu.

He did not ask Gu Xianyan to give more evidence at the meeting. This has caused Li Tianlan's great dissatisfaction. Perhaps his approach was for the good of Zhongzhou, but from another perspective, this is equivalent to Li Huacheng's statement. The attitude towards the treason case.

The treason case has always been an unsolved case in Zhongzhou, and it is confusing and no one has really said anything about it.

But Li Huacheng's attitude is very obvious.

Regardless of whether the treason case is true or not, he does not want anyone to bring it up again.

This also means that Li's experience for more than 20 years, he does not allow anyone to mention it.

It is completely conceivable how strong Li Tianlan's dissatisfaction is.

Under such circumstances, Li Tianlan arrested Li Kuangpu.

Li Huacheng also decided to go to VIP Li Tianlan.

Although Hua Zhengyang is from an academic standpoint, he can compare his heart to heart. If he were Li Tianlan, he would think that Li Huacheng deceived people too much.

This is really kneading him like a temperless dough, what do you want?

Li Tianlan was young and energetic, and he really wanted to be impulsive. If he turned his face completely, there would be a situation that both he and Zhongzhou regretted.

It is impossible for Li Huacheng not to think of this.

So he was going to visit Guo Wentian and Dongcheng Invincible overnight.

Reached a consensus with Guo Wentian to put pressure on the Eastern Palace.

It is also necessary to reach a consensus with Dongcheng Invincible and give the Eastern Palace a huge compensation.

This time the compensation is likely to be heavy bleeding.

Rescue Li fanatics and make up for Li's many years of experience. Such compensation is completely unimaginable.

At the very least, the Frontier Forbidden Army, which several major groups have been fighting for, should be gone.

Hua Zhengyang sighed, shook his head, and walked out of the office.

Li Huacheng sat in the office, smoked a cigarette silently, and opened the door of the office.

Outside the office, the secretary Ma Si, who was sorting out the information, stood up for the first time.

"Get off work."

Before he could speak, Li Huacheng waved his hand: "It's late today. I'll go to Wentian and sit there. You don't need to follow me."

Ma Si smiled and nodded.


Li Huacheng suddenly said, "Is Minister Dongcheng in Yinlonghai tonight?"

As one of the directors of Zhongzhou, Dongcheng Wudi naturally has his own residence in Yinlonghai, but he occasionally lives in Baijia Manor.

"I'm here."

Ma Si nodded: "Something went wrong in Liaodong, Speaker Bai rushed back to deal with it, and Minister Dongcheng returned here in the evening."

Li Huacheng nodded and gave a hum, went out, and walked slowly towards Guo Wentian's residence.

It was already late at night.

But the world does not know how many people stay up all night at this time.

The three masters besieged Li Tianlan and failed miserably.

Is this a thing?

These are totally two things.

The first is the collaboration between Gu Xingyun and Li Kuangtu.

The second thing is Li Tianlan's unparalleled strength.

All those who know what this event means, are afraid that it will be difficult to rest at this time.

This must include Guo Wentian.


Guo Wentian is meeting guests.

To be precise, it is video with people.

When the secretary opened the door of the office respectfully, Li Huacheng saw at first glance that Guo Wentian, with a serious and iron face, was pacing back and forth in the office.

A familiar voice rang in the office with a faint electric noise.

"Probably that's it. Fortunately, things can still be controlled. We can conduct a thorough review of the Parliament and dissolve the Phoenix Pavilion. It's just..."

The voice paused, and it was obvious that he had seen Li Huacheng walking in.

Guo Wentian nodded to Li Huacheng, took a deep breath, and forced himself to calm down.

Li Huacheng looked at the office.

There is a huge screen temporarily erected in the office.

On the screen, the pale-faced Jiang Shangyu and Gu Xingyun were together. Before Li Huacheng came in, they were discussing the Phoenix Pavilion.

Li Huacheng's expression was flat and his voice had no emotion: "Where are you?"

"We are safe now."

Jiang Shangyu said softly.

The picture on the screen flickered from time to time, and the current sound was very obvious. Obviously, the signal on the other side was extremely poor, and the communication might be interrupted at any time. Li Huacheng did not talk nonsense. He looked at Gu Xingyun, squinted his eyes, and his voice was cold. Said: "What are you going to do with the Phoenix Pavilion?"

Gu Xingyun's face was obviously distorted.

Obviously, he couldn't bear the sudden exposure of the secret organization that he had carefully cultivated for decades.

Thinking of Gu Xianyan, the disciple he had cultivated so hard, Gu Xingyun clenched his fists tightly.

"I can provide a list of the owners of the Phoenix Pavilion, but it doesn't make much sense."

Gu Xingyun said hoarsely.

"This point, wait until you come back. You know your current situation, we now..."

The picture on the screen flickered suddenly, and then it went completely black.

Li Huacheng's voice stagnated.

"The signal over there is too bad."

Guo Wentian let out a long sigh: "This is the third time."

Li Huacheng was silent for a while and asked, "What do they think?"

Guo Wentian sighed and rubbed his face with a wry smile. This period of time was really troublesome. Every day he was exhausted: "Jiang Shangyu's meaning is obvious. I hope that we will come forward to put pressure on the Eastern Palace and return to Li Fantu. "

"Before you came, we had already talked a lot. Tiandu Purgatory, Kunlun City, and Jiang Shangyu are planning to merge into a new force to fight against the Eastern Palace. Seriously, I agree with this proposal, no matter what From any point of view, the East Palace has now reached the point where it must be contained. As it continues to develop, he is even more threatening than the Wang Clan of the North Sea. Li Tianlan is too young. He is at least in his early twenties. It took decades to develop. During this time, if the Eastern Palace were not contained, their development would be unimaginable. I think it's time to put some pressure on Li Tianlan."

"Just giving pressure is not enough."

Li Huacheng shook his head: "Zhongzhou is not incapable of the East Palace. After all, from our standpoint, we just don't want an absolutely invincible force to appear. What I want has always been clear, balanced, not extinct. As long as it is clear, balanced, not extinct. The development of the Eastern Palace within a controllable range has great benefits and benefits for Zhongzhou. Because of the existence of Li Tianlan, Zhongzhou may even completely unify the dark world in the next few decades. The significance of this is without me. Say, you know very well."

"and so?"

Guo Wentian asked blankly.

"Proper compensation is necessary."

Li Huacheng said.

Guo Wentian sneered: "Is compensation really appropriate?"

Li Huacheng sat on the sofa, lit a cigarette, and said silently: "Actually, I am not afraid of the lion of the Eastern Palace opening loudly now, I am afraid that he will not speak."

"Zhongzhou is indeed very strong, but both you and the Prime Minister had some misunderstandings during your lifetime. First, you seem to be very firm in your belief that as long as Zhongzhou can make up your mind to do something, you can kill the East Imperial Palace and the North Sea Wang Clan. Second, you seem to think that Without Zhongzhou, the Eastern Palace would not survive."

"Similarly, you have never thought about who will replace them without the Eastern Palace and the North Sea Wang Clan."

"Zhongzhou has the strength to eliminate the Eastern Palace and the North Sea Wangs. What will happen after that? Any force, as long as it has enough strength, development is inevitable. We eliminate the current Li Tianlan, and sooner or later there will be a second Li Tianlan. If he fails to develop this To such a degree, it only shows that he is not as potential as the current Li Tianlan. We want a super strong man who can unify the dark world, but require him to be absolutely loyal to us. This is impossible."

"When the individual is strong enough, how can it be possible to have absolute loyalty to the group?"

"You have always wanted to forcibly suppress the Eastern Palace, suppress the Wang Clan of the North Sea, and put pressure and constant restrictions, but does it really make sense? If you really push them to a desperate situation, you have seen Wang Shengxiao's previous counterattack. What do you think of the Northern Navy regiment, which has expanded to 500,000 people and is still enlisting?"

Guo Wentian frowned: "We are talking about the Eastern Palace."

"It's nothing different."

Li Huacheng said indifferently: "The Eastern Palace does not have an army of hundreds of thousands of people, but they do not have a base area that has been operating for hundreds of years. Therefore, Li Tianlan is more likely to go to extremes, and it really made him anxious to completely turn his face with us."

"Believe it or not, the big congresses of Star Country and Snow Country are crying and begging Li Tianlan to join them? As long as Li Tianlan is willing, let those people kneel down to meet Li Tianlan and those people are willing, and without the slightest hesitation. Zhongzhou can give it. For Li Tianlan, Star Country can also give, or even more."

"That's treason!"

Guo Wentian looked angry.

"Li Tianlan once said a word in the chaos of the Snow Country."

Li Huacheng said softly: "Zhongzhou is not worthy of me, I am not worthy of Zhongzhou."

"Nothing is taken for granted. You can ask Li Tianlan what to do, but Li Tianlan can also ask Zhongzhou what to do. This is the rule, it is a matter of principle. You stare at the overall situation and unrestrictedly oppress a person, telling the other party that the overall situation is important. This is outside the principle. We might as well imagine that if things really develop to this point and Li Tianlan turns his face with us, what will happen?"

Guo Wentian's face was green and he said nothing.

If Li Tianlan is really treasonous and takes the core team of the Eastern Palace to other countries...

"There are still a lot of people he cares about here. Some people he can't take away, such as Dongcheng Invincible... As long as he dares to go, the end of Dongcheng Invincible is completely imaginable."

Guo Wentian gritted his teeth.

"Coincidentally, as long as he drives away, you, me, and everyone in Zhongzhou will end up, we can also imagine. If Li Tianlan insists on killing you, look at the whole world, who can stop it?"

Li Huacheng seemed to be angry.

Guo Wentian shook his whole body, and after a long while, he snorted coldly.

"I am here today, not to grudge you."

Li Huacheng waved his hand: "It's not to listen to your complaints. It has already happened. Now we really need to establish an opponent for the Eastern Palace, so as to better prevent them from taking the wrong path, so pressure is necessary. It is necessary to return to Li Kuangtu. But compensation is also necessary. We first reach an agreement before I can communicate with Dongcheng Invincible, and talk to Li Tianlan through Dongcheng Invincible. It is more tactful and easier for the other party to accept."

"It sounds like begging him."

Guo Wentian gritted his teeth.

"We can order him, but we have to divide the matter. From this matter alone, this is regarded as Li's internal affair, and our request, in his opinion, is a bit excessive."

Li Huachengxin


Guo Wentian stared at him in a daze. After a long while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Then what do you want to give him?"

"You shouldn't think so."

Li Huacheng looked up at him: "It should be said that he can let him go willingly by giving him something. Or maybe there is something we can exchange with him."


The night of Ulan Country shrouded in the polar night seemed to be deep and deep.

Snowflakes were flying in the air, fluttering, and falling on the interlaced lights in the Snow Dance Corps resident.

Thousands of elites from the Snow Dance Legion are still stabilizing the situation in the Dark Knights.

And here, there are still nearly 10,000 elites who stick to it silently.

When the fire man came outside the deputy commander's office, the secretary was walking from the corner of the stairs carrying a large lunch box. The edge of the lunch box was steamed with warmth, which made people feel very kind and warm.

Seeing Huo Man, the secretary was stunned and subconsciously raised his hand in salute.

"What's delicious? The Eagle has an extra meal tonight?"

Huo Nan smiled and asked casually.

"A few small stir-fries, two catties of rice, the general has been busy from morning until now, just a little free."

The secretary smiled.

"give it to me."

Fire Man took the lunch box casually and waved his hand: "Go busy with you."

The secretary hesitated, nodded, and returned to his seat. He was originally just a grassroots officer of the Thunder Corps. After he came to the Xuewu Corps, he formed Li Tianying's secretary by chance. For many things about Li, he I don’t know it very well, but Huo Man had a very good relationship with his head last time, but he knew that. Both of them were born in the Li family. Sometimes in their free time, they would often sit together and reminisce about the past, but it’s a pity that the corps is based. Not being able to drink, Li Tianying has always felt a bit regretful.

Huo Man knocked on the door of the deputy commander's office, before he waited for a response from the inside, he opened the door and walked in.

Li Tianying was sitting on the sofa in his office watching the news of Ulan State. He looked rigorous and serious. When he saw Huo Man, he was taken aback for a while, and then he laughed: "My deputy commander’s salary is a bit high. The combat staff is a secretary, this specification, good guy..."

"I can be regarded as flattering the leader in advance, save your old boy and put on my little shoes in the future."

Huo Nan let out a cold snort and opened the lunch box on the table. There was only one bowl and chopsticks inside. He was too lazy to say, picking up his rice bowl and taking a bite of food.

"Just your virtue, I will give you a lot of little shoes from now on."

Li Tianying laughed, and brought a pair of tableware over to enjoy dinner.

Regarding the affairs of the Central Continent in the Continental Army, the parliament fully respected Dongcheng Invincible’s opinions. They all know that this is Li Tianlan’s site. Therefore, from the beginning to the end, the other major groups, including the Prince Group, have not expressed anything about the personnel here. view.

Cheng Huining, the highest officer of the European Army Corps, has been here for several years. It is time to move. Dongcheng Invincible is extremely dependent on him, and his transfer will be proposed in the near future, taking advantage of the turbulence of the special operations group. During this period of time, Dongcheng Wudi very much hopes to completely eliminate the influence left by his predecessor Qi Beicang, so Cheng Huining should be transferred back to Youzhou, and his military rank will be upgraded to one level to replace the current position of the Bai Qing Dynasty, or to replace Ye. The position left by Dongsheng.

Li Tianying served as the highest officer of the European Army Corps.

As one of the strongest veterans left by the Li family, Li Tianying is undoubtedly half-step invincible, and it is a very top one. Without sufficient strength, Zhongzhou would not use his name as a few decades ago. The designation of a special force.

He was originally the candidate for Dongcheng Invincible to compete for the commander of the Border Army Corps. Now the conditions are immature, and it is not a bad thing to overtake in Europe.

Although Huo Man is in the Fire Realm, his strength is not worse than Li Tianying. After Li Tianying takes control of the European Garrison, Huo Man will become the new commander of the Snow Dance Army. Of course, it is also possible that Li Tianying also serves as the commander of the Snow Dance Army. The position, the fire man became the deputy commander of the army, just like the relationship between Cheng Huining and Li Tianying today, but no matter what the position, the fire man will be the leader of the Xuewu army in the future.

And this place will gradually become a gathering place for the Li's veterans of the Eastern Palace.

"You look in a good mood?"

Fire Man was eating, looking at the old man with a smile on his mouth, and asked thoughtfully.


Li Tianying was inexplicable: "I've always been in a good mood, there is something in your words?"

Huo Man did not speak for a while.

"Just know that you're fine and won't find me, let's talk, what's the matter?"

Li Tianying took a chopsticks to stir-fry meat with chili, and sweat came out from the tip of his nose.

"You should have received the news?"

Huo Man asked calmly.

Li Tianying's movements stopped for a while, and then slowly said, "About the young master?"

"Which young master?"

Huo Man asked directly, his tone was very direct.

Little Lord.

This is a very interesting title.

Both Li Tianying and Huo Nan are over sixty years old, older than Li Kuangtu and Li Tianlan. Both of them used to follow Li Honghe’s direct line, especially Huo Nan, and one of the sacred guards around Li Honghe at the time. After Li Kuangtu broke through and entered the invincible state, Huo Nan followed Li Kuangtu and became the sacred guard beside Li Kuangtu.

From the perspective of the two of them, starting from Li Honghe, Li Tianlan is undoubtedly the young master, and Li Kuangtu can also be regarded as the original young master.

Li Tianying put down the bowls and chopsticks and looked at Huo Man silently. After several minutes, he said lightly: "What do you mean?"

Huo Nan smiled and asked the same question again: "You should have received the news, right?"

Li Tianying frowned, a little impatient: "What do you want to say?"

"do not know."

Huo Man shook his head, "I'm a little at a loss, I don't know what I want to say, I always feel uncomfortable in my heart."

Li Tianying smiled suddenly and picked up the tableware again: "You see, I am in a good mood now."

"Yeah, I am very envious of seeing you like this."

The fire man said softly.

"Because I never think about that much. I know one thing very well. I am a member of the Li family. More than 30 years ago, when I was on a mission in Hengguo, if it weren't for Mr. Li to give me a hand, I I have long been buried in a foreign country. From that day on, I told myself that I belonged to the Li family. The Li family is very good, and it is good at any time. I have experienced the peak of the Li family's response to the cloud and rain. During that period, I also stayed at the border for many years with Li Lao's name, ups and downs, and I have experienced all the experiences, no matter what kind of Li, Li is very good."

"I like to stay in Li's family. I never thought about leaving, so why do I think so much?"

Li Tianying said casually.

Huo Man frowned, and said solemnly: "Thinking a lot, doesn't mean I just want to leave Li's family."

"Don't want to leave, why do you think so much?"

Li Tianying’s voice was a bit cold: "Lao Li said clearly before his death that Tianlan is the heir of the Li family. This is Lao Li’s will. I don’t care about the others. But anyone who doesn’t recognize Li’s will, regardless of him Whoever it is is my enemy, the kind that never ends."

"So you are indifferent to Tianlan's capture of the madman?"

Fireman's voice is a bit complicated.

Li Tianying was silent for a while, and said indifferently: "I have never liked fanatics very much. It was like this back then, everything was carried too extreme, such a person, maybe everything can succeed, but once it fails, it is very It’s hard to turn around. Facts have proved that my opinion is correct. He has today, a large part of the reason is because of his character."

"I don't like him, and I don't recognize him. Li's true heir is not him, so why should I care?"

"Even if Tianlan killed him?"

Huo Man asked abruptly.

Li Tianying was taken aback, holding the chopsticks and stopped in place, frowning without saying a word.

"in case..."

He put down his bowl and chopsticks: "If Tianlan really wants to kill him, he won't be captured and returned to the Eastern Palace. You should be very clear about this."


The fire man nodded: "But just in case. Now he is indeed not dead, but who can predict the next development?"

"If Tianlan is impulsive..."

"Then kill it. If you die, you'll die, clean and dry."

Li Tianying said suddenly.


Fire Man looked up and looked at Li Tianying in amazement.

Li Tianying smiled, that smile was a bit cold.

He asked a question exactly like Huo Nan.

"You should have received the news?"

The fire man frowned slightly.

"Don't you find this news interesting?"

Li Tianying asked.

"The news should be released by Jiang Shangyu."

The fire man frowned and said solemnly: "This news, huh, the first is to tell the Central Continent Council. After the Council knows about this, it must take action. Tianlan is now too strong in Central Continent. They need a can Candidates to check and balance Tianlan. Secondly, they are telling us that these old people of Li's hope that we can put pressure on Tianlan. Third..."

Huo Man's mouth twitched: "It should be the purpose of stimulating Tianlan. If Tianlan kills the fanatics on impulse, not only Zhongzhou will be disappointed, but we will also be disappointed. There may be many stories. ."

"I'm not disappointed at all."

Li Tianying suddenly spoke.


Fire man frowned.

"I mean..."

Li Tianying looked at Huo Man: "Don't you think this news is interesting?"

"Jiang Shangyu, Li Kuangpu, and Gu Xingyun joined forces."

He stared into Huo Man's eyes: "Li Kuangtu, Gu Xingyun join forces!!"

Fire man:! !

"Haha, join hands..."

Li Tianying laughed, but his eyes were extremely cold: "After the treason case that year, Lao Li gathered all the forces that could be concentrated in a short time and took us to the border. Do you know the exact number of people at that time? "

"I know."

Li Tianying nodded **** his chest: "One thousand nine hundred and eighty-three."

"Twenty years! In twenty years, there were 133 natural deaths in Li's family. The natural deaths I said were due to illnesses, old injuries, dark wounds, and natural deaths without treatment. At that time, There was not even a bottle of penicillin in our camp."

Fire Man: "..."

"In twenty years, there have been more than 800 brothers who have gone to Purgatory in Heaven."

"And when the young master left the border for Huating a few years ago, there were more than a hundred brothers in the border camp."

Fire man:! !

Li Tianying's voice was very calm.

Calm to the extreme, itself is a kind of hysterical madness.

"You tell me, where are the others?"

The fire man has nothing to say.

"Do you think that Kunlun City will let us go when we get to the border? Those brothers who really died are the best answer."

"For more than 20 years, the ups and downs, the so-called bitter life we ​​have, I like it, and I am willing! I think such a life is very good. But apart from myself, except for the brothers who share the honor and disgrace with me, no one is there. Qualification tells me: this kind of day is very good."

"All this is because of Gu Xingyun, because of Kunlun City, because of Li Kuangtu himself."

"I haven't complained about him, none of us have complained about Li Fantu. Until today."

"And now, what did I hear?"

"Kuangtu Li and Gu Xingyun have joined forces!"

"Tianlan left the border to restore Li's glory, to avenge Li Kuangju, to destroy Kunlun City, and to return all the not bad things that Li's endured for more than 20 years."

"And now, Li Kuangtu, the initiator of everything, has joined forces with Gu Xingyun."

"He is targeting Li's people, the heir appointed by Mr. Li, the person who wants to avenge him, and the person who wants to get back all the honor he lost!"

"Go **** team up!"

"Bang! Wow..."

Li Tianying directly overturned the table in front of him.

Vegetables, rice, meat, tableware, and lunch boxes all hit the wall, making a clamor.

"What is everything that we have suffered for more than 20 years?"

"What are those brothers who are really buried in the border?"

"What is your so many years in the desert prison?"

"He and Gu Xingyun joined forces, hehe, hehe, haha, what exactly is this?"

"When he and Gu Xingyun joined forces, did he ever think about the brothers standing behind him and still in Purgatory in Heaven?"

"Have you ever thought about what happened to us at the border?"

"Have you ever thought about his Lao Tzu and his family, who once stood on the top of Central Continent, fell to the border because of him?"

"Oh, maybe I thought about it. I think I thought about it, and then he represented the Li family, on behalf of Li Lao, on behalf of each of us, the dead, the alive, and all that represented the Li family told Gu Xingyun: On behalf of the Li family, I forgive you, forgive you for what you did, let’s deal with Li Tianlan."

"He deserves too?!"

"Unfaithful and unfilial, I will be disappointed if Tianlan kills him? I am not disappointed, I will celebrate it!"

Amid the rapid knock on the door, the secretary who heard the movement directly pushed open the office door.

Li Tianying waved his hand: "It's okay. I'm calling for a meal. I will celebrate."

The corners of Huo Man's mouth twitched awkwardly.

The embarrassment manifested in his whole person.

He couldn't say that he could understand Li Tianying's feelings.

Because there is no real empathy.

What he remembered was all the good things he had with Li Kuangtu back then, the friendship.

What Li Tianying remembered was everything he endured when he was at the border.


The moment he heard Li Kuangtu and Gu Xingyun join forces, this so-called love and meaning seemed to have completely disappeared.

Seeing Li Tianying's excited expression, Huo Nan sighed deeply.

He had every reason to believe that after learning that Li Kuangtu had joined forces with Gu Xingyun, Li Tianying was definitely not alone in giving up Li Kuangtu from the heart.

There are more Li's veterans who will have this idea.

give up?

Or it's not quit at all.

Because the moment Li Kuangtu joined forces with Gu Xingyun, he seemed to have given up the identity of the Li family and the grievances between the Li family and Kunlun City.

And this is exactly what Li has insisted on for many years and up to now.

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