The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 7: : The era of expansion

Li Tianlan looked at the list in front of him again, shook his head, not talking.

If every leader of the superpower has to work hard day and night, then the current Li Tianlan is undoubtedly unqualified.

The previous reincarnation palace lord was also unqualified.

A series of things in the previous reincarnation palace, how to develop, intelligence, various industries, and all kinds of contacts were all controlled by military officers.

Now, as the chief administrative officer of the Eastern Palace, the position of the military division in the Eastern Palace is inferior to that in the Reincarnation Palace. The authority is even more powerful than the three deputy masters of the Eastern Palace whose division of labor is not clear.

Outside of martial arts, Li Tianlan has always been a relatively lazy person, and also an ambitious but not ambitious person.

Entering Huating from the border of Central Continent a few years ago, his ambitions and desires are increasing every minute.

But in essence, what he longs for is not the power in the hands, nor the wealth of the enemy's country. What he longs for is to return the Li family to the top of the Central Continent.

that power?

He now has enough power.

The rise of the new group is always impacting the situation in Central Continent. Ten months later, the general election ends. Under the new Central Continent situation, Li Tianlan can definitely be regarded as one of the most powerful people in Central Continent.


The wealth of Shengshi Fund is trillions, and it is the most terrifying cash flow. Other industries hidden under the water are countless.

To a certain extent, the industry of Shengshi Fund is the wealth miracle created by Qin Weibai using GUG of time and space.

From the moment Qin Weibai came into this world, it was no longer a question of whether she was able to grasp the future. She could see the future that no one could see through, and she knew completely about the future that no one knew. In this case, she wants to accumulate wealth, as easily as trying to get something from her pocket.

In the past two decades, all emerging profiteering industries all over the world have the footprint of Shengshi Fund. The financial crises have been used to the extreme. Shengshi Fund has grown rapidly and has begun to annex physical industries during the financial crisis and become a shareholder of various multinational groups. , Wealth is increasing.

The military division once gave Li Tianlan a piece of information, which wrote in detail the industries that Shengshi Fund now really controls and the cash that can be mobilized in the fastest time.

How many industries does Shengshi Fund actually control?

The dark world is still not completely clear.

However, the form is extremely clear, listing the current assets of the Shengshi Fund in detail. For example, the Offfield Petroleum Group, which has conducted in-depth cooperation with Zhongzhou six years ago, signed a two-year agreement with Zhongzhou six years ago. The international giant of the 10-year oil agreement will provide Zhongzhou with 60 million tons of oil every year. This two-year agreement will have a transaction volume of up to one trillion Zhongzhou dollars.

Saatchi & Saatchi Fund started its strategy against Offfit Petroleum Group ten years ago, and now it has quietly occupied 23% of Offfit Petroleum Group's shares.

Of course, on the surface, these 23% of the shares are in the hands of nearly forty minority shareholders. The status of these minority shareholders has changed from seven to eight. But if we go back to the source, the source of these minority shareholders is in the prosperous age. fund.

There are many similar examples, involving various industries.

The detailed information that the military division gave to Li Tianlan contains nearly a thousand pages and millions of words. The information is still in the drawer by Li Tianlan. Let alone see how many companies the Shengshi Fund controls, he even even the information. On the first page, there are a few zeros in the series of numbers on how much cash the Shengshi Fund can mobilize.

He only knew that it was an astronomical figure that was enough for him to squander at will, but not in for a few lifetimes.

When wealth reaches that level, it really becomes a mere number.

Li Tianlan never cared about these things.

In his more than 20 years of life, his only obsession was to make Li once again stand on the highest stage in Central Continent.

But which Lee family is the so-called Lee family?

Is Hell of Heaven?

Or is it the Eastern Palace today?

With the fall of Li Honghe, Li Tianlan and Li Kuangtu each represented a part of the former Li family. Both were so-called orthodoxy, but neither was orthodox.

He was pushed to the current position by Shengsheng, and he was qualified to look at the world's heroes, but looking back on his life of more than 20 years to the present, Li Tianlan's heart is full of confusion.

He couldn't find the meaning of life.

The world's invincible power is in the hands of the enemy and the rich and the enemy.

All this looks beautiful.

It just looks beautiful.

What's the point of all this?

He lazily intervened in the decision-making of the East Palace high-level, too lazy to intervene in the future development of the East Palace, the world changed, one after another opportunity appeared in front of him, at his fingertips, seems to have reached the top, looking at the world, there are opportunities everywhere.

He just quietly watched the East Palace continue to develop and grow stronger.

He didn't have the slightest ambition in his heart, and he was satisfied and vigorous. The occasional flashes were a trace of dazedness and loneliness.


Li Tianlan knocked on the list in front of him again: "Pay attention to the method and method."

Xiao Mohai nodded silently.

"What's the matter with my room?"

Li Tianlan asked suddenly.

This is the purpose of his coming to Xiao Mohai.

After returning here, Li Tianlan has not had time to go to his room to rest, but now the entire Eastern Palace is within his perception. In other words, as long as he wants, no matter where he is, in the area covered by his sword, Any corner can be his eyes, he can see every corner, and can also appear in any place.

Under such circumstances, he can say that he can see clearly the situation in his room.

"Hope your majesty will like it."

Xiao Mohai smiled.

Li Tianlan's eyes were a little weird, and her voice was a little weird: "Do you really think Xiaobai has a good temper. Are you afraid that she will clean you up?"

"I just do things according to your majesty's will."

Xiao Mohai said righteously: "Moreover, as your Majesty is now, it is normal to have a servant who is half-step invincible."

The corner of Li Tianlan's mouth twitched.

The servant of half-step invincibility is really rare.

Servants who are close to the top half-step invincibility are even more rare.

And a servant whose body, temperament and appearance are all close to the top, and whose strength is close to the top Half-Step Invincible Realm, is simply a treasure.

For example, the one in Li Tianlan's room.

The superb is a bit outrageous.

The small white sling fully exposed the slender neck and snowy shoulders, the snowy pride on the chest is clearly outlined, and the looming deep gully looks mysterious and seductive. The sling is very short, and the slender white waist is completely. Exposed to Li Tianlan's perception.

She wore a white miniskirt on her lower body, her black stockings showed very soft curves, and the shiny silver-white high heels had high heels. Therefore, every time she bends, the amplitude is higher than normal. As for Li Tianlan's perception, the translucent veil can even be clearly seen.

She is not tall at a height of one meter and six, but she is extremely uniform and slender, with long hair reaching the waist, her face is cold and arrogant and enchanting, it is a kind of sexuality that exudes from her bones.

At this moment, she was standing quietly in front of the mirror, practicing her expression in the mirror, coquettish, shy, pitiful, stubborn, proud, still wanting to talk, pure, coquettish, cold and frosty. of...

Different expressions, different temperaments, each of which she controls is just right.

Li Tianlan couldn't describe this feeling for a while.

The various transformations of the other party are natural and real, if you have to describe it...

Just two words.


No matter how to provoke and seduce the opposite sex, every move of the other party seems to have a kind of professionalism that has received strict professional training.

And this conclusion is drawn during Li Tianlan's observation.

If the other person is not standing in front of the mirror and constantly switching her state frequently, then every state she exhibits is absolutely true.

"This servant is very professional."

Li Tianlan glanced at Xiao Mohai.

Xiao Mohai's expression tightened slightly, but he would be wrong, and promised to say: "Your Majesty, I have already asked carefully, so far, she is still pure. There is no man, in her previous identity, No one dared to force her. It is said that a prince has been pursuing her, but she did not give him a chance."

The current palace lord of Liuhuo Palace is also the only one in the East Island mainland who can handle the half-step invincible master.

Mai Shiranui.

When the East Palace swept across the entire East Island on the night of the Beihai decisive battle, Shiranuiwu detained Li Baitian and wanted to be Li Tianlan's woman.

Li Tianlan said that he needed a maid.

Without knowing what the other party thought, she couldn't help but agreed to Li Tianlan's request, and she came so soon.

Li Tianlan, who was a maid, didn't mind.

But with such exaggerated dressing, the other party just wanted to take it off and live in his room.

"You arranged those clothes?"

Li Tianlan looked at Xiao Mohai silently.

Shiranui Wu has changed several sets of clothes in the room, without exception, all of them are extremely **** and revealing costumes. Even Li Tianlan also found several sets of uniforms, flight attendants, nurses, teachers, and a set of Dongdao. Standard military uniforms, search officers and student uniforms that have made countless otakus unable to extricate themselves, also have their own sets, full of tricks.

Li Tianlan looked at Xiao Mohai with pity in his eyes.

If this was really arranged by Xiao Mohai, it would be strange if Qin Weibai came back and didn't take his skin off. Qin Weibai's generosity is one thing, and others' generosity for her is another.

"what clothes?"

Xiao Mohai was stunned: "I haven't had time to prepare the clothes."

He showed a knowing smile that every man understands: "If your Majesty has any special needs, I will arrange it right away."

As she felt it, Shiranhuo Wu licked the corners of Yingrun's mouth lightly, her brows raised slightly, her eyes stubborn and proud, and a touch of indescribable flattery rippled on him a little bit.

Li Tianlan was stunned, and said with a smile: "Fuck off, if Xiaobai hears this, you will feel better in the future."

Xiao Mohai scratched his head: "Madam said that she will stay in Youzhou for a few days. Shiranuiwu will not stay in the Eastern Palace for too long. This time she came back to show her attitude.

. She has not completely dealt with the internal affairs of Liuhuo Palace. It is said that she has planned to take action against Shifeng Yujianliu and Wuji Palace, so she hopes to report the situation to you separately. If possible, I hope your majesty can send some people to do it. assist. "

Xiao Mohai's voice paused, hesitated for a second, and then continued: "Your Majesty, this woman is very ambitious and seems willing to give. If we help her, Liuhuo Palace will sooner or later become the number one on the East Island. power."

"There is no Liuhuo Palace."

Li Tianlan said lightly: "In the future, Liuhuo Palace will become the branch of the Eastern Palace on the East Island."

Xiao Mohai nodded thoughtfully, and seemed to have begun to consider the level of support for Liuhuo Palace.

The internal problems of the Eastern Palace are very complicated, and the most urgent problem is to clarify the division of labor among the core personnel.

Xiao Mohai is now the general manager of the Eastern Palace.

Before he came to the Eastern Palace, the person in charge of all the internal affairs of the Eastern Palace was an outstanding graduate of the two institutes named Fairy Tale.

Fairy Tales and Li Tianlan and Li Baitian were students of the Sky Academy in the same class. They were not well-known when they graduated. The strength of the peak of the Fire Realm can be said to be good, but it is not too outstanding. It started to explode after joining the Eastern Palace. Has vaguely touched the threshold of the thundering realm peak.

Because of Xiao Mohai’s relationship, Li Tianlan did not specify the position of the fairy tale after returning to the Eastern Palace. Until now, almost all the positions of the fairy tale overlap with Xiao Mohai, and Xiao Mohai has absolute dominance, so that the fairy tale The former core personnel of the Eastern Palace now looks like Xiao Mohai's deputy.

The fairy tale is very stable, delicate in mind, and has a strong sense of belonging to the Eastern Palace, so he didn't say much in the face of all this, and he was very cooperative with Xiao Mohai's work.

But no problem does not mean that there is no problem.

There are more and more things like this, and it has become the most important thing to solve.

The most obvious overlap of work between fairy tales and Xiao Mohai.

Not to mention the two of them.

Li Baitian, Bai Youming, Xu Chu, Du Hanyin, and Yu Qingyan who were the first to follow Li Tianlan did not have any clear positions in the Eastern Palace.

There are one and a half legions that truly belong to the Eastern Palace.

That half is the Snow Dance Corps that has been stationed in the eastern part of Europe for several years.

One is the Nightmare Legion that has always been in Tiannan.

The Nightmare Legion of less than two thousand people has always been vague. The interior is divided into four battalions. The four captains are all in the thunder-thunder state, and the two deputy captains are also in the thunder-thunder state.

There are three more squadrons in each brigade.

Each squadron was divided into several teams.

Then it is specific to the teams of each group.

The leadership change rate within the Nightmare Legion is relatively frequent, but at least it has a relatively clear structure.

The commander of the legion is Lin Youxian, the heir of the Lin clan.

What is not clear is the high-level.

Strictly speaking, Li Baitian and others are all senior members of the Nightmare Corps, but they have never had any specific positions.

They are very familiar with each other and have a very good relationship. In just two years, there was no problem.

But as the Eastern Palace merged with the City of Sighs, and after the Saints and Military Division joined the Eastern Palace, everything began to be different.

There is currently only one Nightmare Legion inside the Eastern Palace.

In other words, the Nightmare Legion is responsible for all combat and guard tasks in the Eastern Palace.

You need to go out to fight, you need to be on duty inside, and you need to transport supplies, but all tasks related to combatants are all presented by the Nightmare Corps.

Therefore, those who newly join the Eastern Palace must also enter the Nightmare Legion.

It is worth noting that Situ Cangyue is different from Saint Wei Kunlun.

Situ Cangyue entered the Eastern Palace with the entire city of sighs.

But the saint Wei Kunlun represents not Shushan.

From the moment he joined the Eastern Palace, he took the initiative to abandon the identity of the master of Shushan and the identity of the Sword Master of Nirvana.

He left Shushan's Nirvana Sword, handed the rights of Shushan to Han Chongyang, the second senior brother of Yin and Yang sword master, and only joined the Eastern Palace with a part of his confidant.

But even so, the saints brought four thunder-thundering masters and hundreds of swordsmen to the Eastern Palace, and one of them was the thunder-thundering pinnacle.

The power of Shushan in the Eastern Palace can be said to be full of confidence.

First of all, Li Baitian, the master of the Shushan Taixu sword, was originally a brother who grew up with Li Tianlan.

Wei Kunlun is the deputy palace master again.

All this is enough to make everyone in Shushan feel confident in the Eastern Palace.

In addition to the power of Shushan, another core power comes from Yaochi.

There are no invincible masters in Yaochi.

But Bai Youming, Xu Chu, and Dongcheng all came from Yaochi, and even Ning Qiancheng was one of the Yaochi disciples. In the past two years, at least a hundred young disciples from Yaochi joined the Donghuang Palace under the influence of a few people. The core component of the Eastern Palace.

The desert blood battle ruined most of the elite forces of the Nightmare Legion, but the survivors were promoted to a more important position. The squad leader, the detachment leader, and even the squadron leader. These graduates from the two houses were not from Yaochi and Shushan has nothing to do with the City of Sighs. As graduates of the same period, most of them are familiar with each other, and grouping is completely spontaneous, so now the Eastern Palace, there are also academies formed by graduates from the two colleges.

Followed by the elders of the Li family with the least number but the oldest qualifications.

In more than two years, the Tianluo Temple in Tiandu Purgatory has gradually moved to the Eastern Palace. This organization that used to be responsible for all intelligence work in Tiandu Purgatory has made up for the lack of intelligence in the Eastern Palace to a considerable extent. After merging with the Shengshi Fund Become more pervasive.

In Tiandu Purgatory, some of Li's old men returned to the Eastern Palace after Li Honghe's fall.

Li Tianlan is the Li's heir appointed by Li Honghe himself, not Li Kuang's disciple.

This alone is enough to make some Li's elderly choose to join the Eastern Palace.

This group of people are the quietest. Most of them don’t have any specific positions. They are relatively aloof. After joining the Eastern Palace, these people also gradually leave Tiannan one by one. It is not a betrayal, but to the ones that are more suitable for them. local.

This group of Li's veterans now has two ordinary figures in the outside world, and they are also recognized as the backbone of the new group.

Aoba, Minister of Central Continent Security Department.

Tianying, deputy commander of the Snow Dance Corps.

Aoba’s leadership was a compromise made by the academics during the internal reshuffle of the Southeast Group and the giant group. Of course, this department that has been firmly controlled by the Southeast Group has given Aoba to the top, which also means to instigate discord, but anyway, for two years. Aoba completely gained a firm foothold in the Ministry of Security, and then began to absorb Lee's former veterans one by one.

The Tianying was originally expected to be a giant group launched to compete for the position of the commander of the Border Army Corps, but after many trials, eventually due to too much resistance, Dongcheng Invincible transferred Tianying to the Xuewu Army.

Now the commander of the Snow Dance Corps is concurrently served by Cheng Huining, the commander of the Central Continental Army Corps in Europe.

After the general election, Cheng Huining is likely to be transferred back to Central Continent, and Tianying will become the commander of Central Continent's European Army Corps. It is almost a foregone conclusion.

The candidate for the commander of the Snow Dance Legion is now the senior combat staff Huo Nan of the Snow Dance Legion.

This is another Li's old man.

Decades ago, he was the strongest fire-burning master in the dark world.

Today, decades later, he is still the strongest fire-burning master in the dark world.

He and Tianying respectively control the Snow Dance Army and the European Garrison, which is equivalent to the Eastern Palace completely controlling the five Eastern European countries that Li Tianlan once acquired in the Snow Country chaos.

There are also new generations among Li's veterans.

Xuanwu Li Wangsheng, one of the four spirits of the Central Continent, is said to have taken a new position in the rise of the new group. The most ideal right now seems to be to directly control a legion of the Frontier Forbidden Army. If his transfer goes smoothly, Li's old people have a new place to go.

At present, Li's old people are worthy of being veterans. They joined the East Palace spontaneously, but the overall structure is not chaotic, organized, framed, and clear. What is more commendable is that there is a clear follow-up plan and division of labor. It was clear that Li Tianlan didn't make any embarrassment at all, they made their own arrangements clearly.

In addition to the Li's elderly team, the remaining Sigh City power, Shushan power, Yaochi power, and the Academy team seem to be a little messy. As more and more powers join the Eastern Palace, the dissatisfaction caused by the unknown dividends. And dissatisfaction is gradually brewing. Xiao Mohai has not been in the Eastern Palace for a long time, but he can obviously perceive that the relationship between Li Baitian and Qingfeng Liuyun has become more subtle.

Although the few people are still not guilty of crimes, this sign is already worthy of making Xiao Mohai highly vigilant.

Any whole is composed of different forces. There are factions in factions. This is something that no force can avoid. Under such circumstances, how to make the internal framework clear is for each ruler. Things that must be considered.

Various forces from the Yaochi of Shushan Mountain, the city of sighs, formed the current Eastern Palace and the new group.

The new group and the East Palace plus several other major groups formed Zhongzhou.

Conversely, the same is true, this is a normal phenomenon.

Layer by layer, from the individual to the whole, clearly distinct.

Xiao Mohai also wanted to build a clear framework for the Eastern Palace.

Specific to each person’s duties and responsibilities.

Just like the six major groups in Zhongzhou.

The Central Plains and Youzhou of the giant group.

Beihai and Wuyue of Southeast Group.

The Southwest and Tianfu of the Prince Group.

The Northern City of the Northern Group.

The academic northeast and northwest.

The major special warfare organizations of the special warfare group.

Every group knows where its foundation is, every group knows what it should do, and knows its own position. Under such a structure, they will fight, but as long as they realize their position, Zhongzhou will always be there. It won't be messy.

The main reason why the Eastern Palace is in this situation is because the development speed is too fast, and it can even be said that it is a step up to the sky.

The dark world was caught off guard by this situation.

The Eastern Palace itself was not mentally prepared for this situation.

The development is too fast, the foundation is too small, and there are too many talents.

A Xuanyuan City is too small, this stage is simply installed

There are not too many talents who can be alone.

The self-regulation of Li's veterans relieved the pressure on the Eastern Palace to a certain extent.

But all this is not enough.

Far from enough.

So Xiao Mohai was very anxious.

Anxious to expand.

This is the best way to deal with the current situation.

Expand to the East Island, expand to the Americas, further strengthen the rule of Tiannan, expand to Europe, expand into Central Continent, and expand into Snow Country.

Xiao Mohai could fully imagine the main theme of the Eastern Palace in the next few years.

The edge of the Eastern Palace will truly radiate the entire dark world.

Two-line combat, three-line combat, and multi-line combat.

The Eastern Palace now has this strength, so it is natural to do it.

This will be an era of extremely crazy expansion.

According to Xiao Mohai and others' speculations, if there is no action inside the Eastern Palace, the chaos within them will probably change in stages in February next year.

In February next year.

The new graduates of the two institutes are about to graduate.

The East Palace has been eyeing the students of this class since the day it was established.

This is the most important fresh blood of the Eastern Palace.

When this fresh blood flows into the Eastern Palace, and the Eastern Palace still does not move much, as time goes by, sooner or later, the internal network of the Eastern Palace will get out of control.

So expansion is imperative.

Only by constantly expanding and expanding their bases can the various talents of the Eastern Palace play their roles and find their own positions.

New corps, new organizational structure, new leaders...

Xiao Mohai fell silent completely.

His brain is almost completely occupied by various storms.

Originally, he had planned to take a break from get off work, have dinner, take a walk in the Eastern Palace, and relax.

But with more and more ideas in his mind, he returned to his desk again and began to sort out the expected list after another, as well as the future military plan of the Eastern Palace.

As a former general of Central Continent, Xiao Mohai not only had a down-to-earth time managing a desert prison, but also had a moment of vigorous leadership of an army. His downfall was only because of his origin, not his ability.

If he were a mediocre person, he would not have been favored by the giants, and even planned to pull him into the camp of the giants.

Such Xiao Mohai may not understand professional economic development and lack some overall view, but in terms of pure management and planning, he is definitely not worse than anyone else.

The rotating sound of the helicopter's rotor outside the window faintly sounded.

Li Tianlan looked at Xiao Mohai who was already sitting behind his desk with a focused expression, smiled, and turned slightly.

In the next second, his figure appeared on the tarmac a kilometer away from the castle.

The helicopter landed slowly from the air.

Li Tianlan raised his head slightly, his incomparably gorgeous black windbreaker was constantly fluttering in the airflow in the howling wind.

The helicopter landed not far from Li Tianlan.

The hatch opened, and the chubby Xuanyuan Wushang and the huge Xing Tian walked out.

Xuanyuan Wushang's face was a little ugly, pale in the iron blue.

He looked at Li Tianlan, as if he wanted to force a smile, but the corner of his mouth just moved, and it suddenly turned into retching.

Li Tianlan felt helpless for a while.

Xuanyuan Wushang, the so-called doctor, can be called unfathomable even in Li Tianlan's heart. This has nothing to do with specific force. His treatment of patients has completely exceeded the understanding of everyone in this era.

That is a subversion of ideas, a unique means that science or even metaphysics can't explain.

And it was such a person who was severely motion sickness, seasickness, and motion sickness.

It's better if the journey is short.

A relatively spacious private jet is also better.

But Xuanyuan Wushang obviously couldn't adapt to things like helicopters. From Youzhou to Xuanyuan City, the distance of thousands of kilometers, Xuanyuan Wushang was completely forbearing. After getting off the plane, he couldn't bear it anymore. He squatted aside and started to vomit.

Li Tianlan didn't want to go over and appreciate his brother's loyalty. He waited until he was almost vomiting, and after filling a large bottle of pure water, Li Tianlan shook his head slightly: "Look at you for this."

Xuanyuan Wushang chuckled, his voice a little hoarse.

He likes it very much, but he really can’t adapt to the transportation here. The slight bumps on the car and the constant shaking on the plane make him extremely irritable and even anxious. The enclosed narrow space makes him feel more irritable and even anxious. He hurts.

With the technical level of the Space-Time Corridor, even the single-soldier mechas or small spacecrafts that have eliminated dozens of generations are the worst equipped with fake holographic projections and an absolute static state of sight. After arriving here, all vehicles I really feel uncomfortable no matter how I experience it.

"I think I should find an apostle to tailor a bicycle for me. An electric car is also good. A motorcycle is also good. It doesn't need to be fueled. That kind of transportation may be the most suitable for me."

Xuanyuan Wushang muttered to himself.

Li Tianlan didn't know who the apostle was, and repeated one more sentence: "Look at you for what you are doing."


Xuanyuan Wushang suddenly smiled.

He is indeed unpromising, but compared to Lin 11, he also has the capital to gloat.

The blockade of the real environment has become a foregone conclusion, which means that Lin Shi is still in America now.

Virtual shuttle?

Under this level of suppression, it is completely nonsense.

The nine princes in the hall of time and space are now studying how to buy air tickets in the Americas with their copycat phones. He doesn’t know whether his broken phone has an internet connection, let alone whether the nine princes who are alone in a foreign country can communicate with the locals.

When they set out to Tiannan, the saints were already preparing to return to the North Sea, and the apostles planned to travel to the Americas with a virtual shuttle and returned.

Under the suppression of the real environment, even the Pinnacle Apostle, the virtual shuttle distance is less than one kilometer each time. He travels all the way from Youzhou, even if he can keep up with his physical strength, he is afraid that he will be tired and become a dog. It's hard to force.

"I heard that my eldest brother showed off his mighty power today, with one enemy three, but still captured one alive?"

Xuanyuan Wushang said with a smile.

"how do you know?"

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows.

"A few minutes ago, the news came out from a certain channel, and now the entire Middle Continent is going crazy, Li Kuangtu, Jiang Shangyu, and Gu Xingyun. Three-on-one is not your opponent. Everyone dare not. I believe Li Kuangtu and Gu Xingyun will join forces. I can't believe that none of them are your opponents. From now on, you will be truly invincible."

Xuanyuan Wushang gave a thumbs up.

Li Tianlan frowned slightly and touched the phone subconsciously, only to find that the phone was not on his body at all.

It can be expected that now I must have many missed calls.

He squinted his eyes, vaguely aware of an unusual breath.

He was besieged by Jiang Shangyu and did not watch.

News from a special channel?

What kind of special channel?

"It should be the news from Jiang Shangyu."

Xuanyuan Wushang touched his chin: "Although the news of the defeat is not glorious, but the facts are here, even if they don’t say it, they can’t keep it from hiding. Moreover, your invincible image, eldest brother, has probably been deeply rooted in people’s hearts. 3. Although it sounds incredible, it is not unacceptable. That's why Jiang Shangyu rushed to release the news. To some extent, this was a warning."


Li Tianlan sneered coldly.

"Nakasu has scruples about you."

Xuanyuan Wushang said softly: "Jiang Shangyu is in the middle, letting Li Kuangtu and Gu Xingyun join forces. The whole dark world is very surprised, but for the current senior leaders in Zhongzhou, this can be regarded as good news."

Li Tianlan was expressionless.

"Li Huacheng's practice of safeguarding the ancient Xingyun is very obvious."

"He wants to protect one Gu Xingyun, let alone three. He knows that Gu Xingyun alone can't control the Eastern Palace, but even so, he has to protect him. Now that he has three, it is even more important for him. It's a surprise."

"Jiang Shangyu's release of the news is undoubtedly telling Zhongzhou that Kuangtu Li is in your hands now."

Xuanyuan Wushang smiled: "If there is no accident, maybe Zhongzhou will ask you for someone soon."

"They have no proper reason."

Li Tianlan said lightly.

"The important person is the most important. Reasons can be found at any time, and can be found at any time."

Xuanyuan Wushang shook his head: "These are not important. The important thing is, if Zhongzhou really speaks, will you give me or not?"

Xuanyuan Wushang asked this question very cautiously.

Because the meaning behind it is very profound.

If Zhongzhou wants Li Kuangtu from the East Palace.

Give or not?

This is definitely a problem.

The current situation is too sensitive. It is easy for Li Tianlan to make a decision, but he has to pay the price for the decision he made.

There is no doubt that if given, Li Tianlan and even the Eastern Palace will be uncomfortable in the future.

The combination of Jiang Shangyu, Li Kuangtu, and Gu Xingyun is indeed not Li Tianlan's opponent.

But if it is specific to Zhongzhou, many things can not be solved by force alone.

There may be few swords and shadows, but in many cases, intrigue is the most deadly.

But if you don’t?

If you don't give it, there may be many results, but no matter what kind of result, the Eastern Palace will also not feel good.

"Let's go."

Li Tianlan turned around slowly.

His figure flickered slightly in the night, and disappeared from time to time, and the ethereal sword aura gently fluctuated with his flickering in an undetectable range.

Xuanyuan Wushang was stunned for a moment, trying to feel the sword aura surrounding Ruowu, his eyes gleaming.

"How is Kuangju Li's state now?"

Xuanyuan Wushang asked.

"I was seriously injured and in a coma."

Li Tianlan said casually: "Wake him up first, there are a lot of things to talk about between us."

"Over there in Central Continent?"

Xuanyuan Wushang asked tentatively.

"Talking after talking."

Li Tianlan said calmly.

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