The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 9: :Yup

When Li Huacheng arrived in front of the General Hall, he happened to see Lin Guoqiang, the secretary of Dongcheng Invincible, trotting over from another direction in a hurry, carrying a slightly greasy paper bag in his hand.

The two met in front of the General Hall, Lin Guoqiang was stunned, and saluted subconsciously. Before he had time to speak, Li Huacheng had already laughed.

He pointed to the paper bag in the opponent's hand, and smiled: "What precious thing?"

Lin Guoqiang grinned, and he smiled: "General Hanbing came to Youzhou for a meeting and brought the Minister some sauced beef from his hometown. The Minister was happy tonight and said he wanted to drink."

Shi Hanbing, commander of the Pegasus Legion of the Border Legion.

Li Huacheng nodded slightly, his eyes flickering.

Five years ago, Dongcheng Invincible entered the military headquarters, and the status of the Border Legion naturally rose. The Thor of the Bloody Legion has not moved for the time being, but Pegasus, Huangsha, and the new Thunder Army commander level have all been upgraded by one level.

After Dongcheng Invincible left, Shi Hanbing can be said to be the most murderous general in the Border Army and a well-known wise general in the world. Together with Cheng Huining, he was regarded as the brain and military division of the Border Army.

After Li Tianying's recommendation for the post of commander of the Border Army Corps was rejected by the parliament, Shi Hanbing was undoubtedly a powerful figure competing for this position.

Li Huacheng shook his head subconsciously.

The problem of the coach of the Border Legion has been hanging up, and the biggest problem is that Dongcheng Invincible has too many chips in his hands.

For more than 20 years of his career as the commander of the Border Army, the prestige of Dongcheng Invincible in the entire army is in the sky. For more than 20 years, Li Huacheng can't even count the number of high-level commanders who have walked out of the Border Army. .

This is the well-deserved number one giant of the military, and its influence is still higher than that of the Southeast Group and the Prince Group.

It is simply as difficult for other groups to compete for the position of commander of the Border Army Corps.

Li Tianying can be vetoed.

Dongcheng Wudi can also veto candidates proposed by other groups.

The result of such a mutual veto is almost predictable, so there is no suitable opportunity, no one will ask for this position for the time being, so Dongcheng Invincible can only continue to serve.

Dongcheng Wudi also didn't mention Shi Hanbing these people for the time being.

And Li Huacheng knew even more that even if Dongcheng Invincible's recommendation to Shi Hanbing was rejected again, he still had other candidates with sufficient qualifications to go to this position.

In the veto, he still had someone choose to continue to recommend.

This is the biggest bargaining chip and confidence of Dongcheng Invincible based in Central Continent.

Other people can only be envious or jealous, there is no way.

The best way now is to stand still and wait for the opportunity in silence.

The college, Southeast, and even the Prince Group are all waiting silently.

The rise of the new group is impacting the situation in Central Continent. The general election is approaching, and the compromise and competition between the open and the dark have reached a feverish level. There are swords and shadows everywhere, and they are all waiting.

The new group made mistakes.

Even if it makes no mistakes, I hope to see that the new group encounters certain difficult situations, and then uses an exchange of benefits to change the position of commander of the Border Army into his own hands.

Li Huacheng thought silently for a while, and was suddenly startled. The moment his eyes condensed, he saw that Lin Guoqiang was also observing himself, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Li Huacheng narrowed his eyes for a moment, and his smile became more obvious: "I am also a little hungry. I just happen to have something to communicate with Invincible. Let's go together."

Lin Guoqiang, who showed no abnormality, respectfully led Li Huacheng into the General Hall.

This is the place where Dongcheng Wudi usually works and lives in Yinlonghai. It was named Jie Xue during the Qi Beicang period. After Dongcheng Wudi came, it was renamed General. The front and back houses, the front yard, and the back yard lived.

It's just because of birth, this is also the most deserted building in Yinlonghai on weekdays.

For office work, Dongcheng Wudi prefers to go to the military building, and in terms of residence, Dongcheng Wudi is often taken to Baijia Manor by the Bai Qing Dynasty, so that the giants walking in the Yinlong Sea in their leisure time occasionally see Dongcheng Wudi. Jokingly, it is not easy to meet him here.

The tone in the office area of ​​the General Hall was solemn and somewhat gloomy pure black, which contrasted sharply with the red light on Dongcheng Invincible's face.

"What's so happy?"

Li Huacheng asked with a smile.

"You know."

Dongcheng Invincible smiled.


Li Huacheng didn't speak for half a minute.

He and Dongcheng Invincible have known each other for many years, and it's true that he didn't find that the dignified Killing God had such a playful time.

The corner of Li Huacheng's mouth twitched awkwardly, looking at Dongcheng Invincible who opened the sauced beef paper bag, and said casually: "What happened to Tianlan?"

Dongcheng Wudi paused with a somewhat forgetful smile, then whispered: "Yes."

There was a moment of trance in his eyes, and there was emotion in his voice that Li Huacheng could not hear: "I'm waiting for this day, and the Dongcheng family has been waiting for this day. It has been so many years."

He has a very strong desire to talk, and he doesn't even care who the audience is, or he has decided to reveal something to Li Huacheng: "It's finally time."


Li Huacheng's voice is also somewhat complicated.

There are comforts and worries.

It is gratifying that a strong man who is absolutely invincible in the dark world has finally appeared in Central Continent, but what is worried is the risk of the Eastern Palace being about to lose control.

Absolutely invincible.

How easy is it to talk about these four words?

Throughout the centuries of history since the founding of the Central Continent, few people can afford the words “Absolutely Invincible”.

The first is a name that has been somewhat vague in the history books but is famous in the North Sea province.

Wang Canglan.

The predecessor of the Beihai Wang family is the most

He laid a considerable part of the early leader, the original foundation of the Beihai Wang family.

The second is naturally the Tianjiao who established the Beihai Wang Family at the beginning.

The third place is Lin Xuanyuan, the first guardian war **** in Zhongzhou, the ancestor of the Lin clan.

Zhongzhou has been truly transformed from the guardian of his homeland to the **** of war to protect the country since he started. The legend of him and Beihai's Tianjiao is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people hundreds of years later.

The fourth place is Li Xiuxin, the ancestor of the Li family in his later years.

It is precisely because of him that the Li family now exists.

Since Li Xiuxin, Li Xiuxin, hundreds of years, even the nine generations of God of War, although he rarely did anything in his later years, he can already be regarded as absolutely invincible.

The fifth place is Wang Tianzong.

Wang Tianzong can't even be counted as one, only half.

The Sword Emperor has also been invincible in the world, ranking first in the gods list.

But he still has opponents.

Li Kuangtu, Lin Fengting, may not be his opponent, but he can still pose a threat.

The period when Wang Tianzong was absolutely invincible was that night in Mormans.

That night was long for the dark world, but it was too short for the real environment.

Wang Tianzong in that state, in terms of combat power alone, can almost be said to be the true peak of Zhongzhou since the founding of the People’s Republic of China until now. Even if Li Tianlan is insurmountable now, everything is too short and he is directly under the almost eternal sword. End.

In the era that Wang Tian couldn't let go, Li Tianlan was absolutely invincible in this era.


The battle that has spread throughout the entire dark world is enough to explain everything.

Gu Xingyun.

Rain on the river.

Li fanatic.

Both the new and the old, the three super masters who are now standing at the top of the dark world, all have become the background board under Li Tianlan's glory.

This battle meant the complete rise of the Eastern Palace.

It also means that this era will eventually become the era belonging to the Eastern Emperor and the dark world belonging to Li Tianlan.

Li Huacheng sighed softly and suddenly asked, "Li Tianlan, is this your son?"

If placed in the past, this is definitely an extremely abrupt problem, and it can even be said to be a shocking problem.

The giants have their own guesses and inferences in their hearts.

But Li Huacheng was the first to ask in front of Dongcheng Invincible.

Li Huacheng stared at Dongcheng Invincible for a moment.

Facing this problem that has been hidden for more than 20 years, and facing the tremendous pressure brought by Li Huacheng, Dongcheng Wudi just raised his eyebrows slightly, and nodded in a very natural but natural way.


The corners of his mouth were raised, and under the soft light, his clear smile was as clear as the moment when the leader gave an order every time before an expedition.

Wild and wanton, fangs and claws.

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