The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 6: : List

The office on the fifth floor of the castle is brightly lit.

Xiao Mohai wrote the last name on the document in front of him, and then quietly looked at the handwriting on the document, frowning in thought.

As the director of the Eastern Palace appointed by Li Tianlan and the warden of a desert prison at the level of General Zhongzhou, he was seriously injured and dying in a **** battle in the desert. Almost all of his martial arts were abolished by Gu Qianchuan.

But like Wangyue Xiange, because of the existence of Xuanyuan Wushang, Xiao Mohai's injury recovered very quickly, not only the recovery of his injury, his body also recovered to a certain degree of vitality during the treatment, close to the peak of thunder. Not to mention the restoration of the strength, there is even hope to set foot in the field of half-step invincibility in the rest of his life, which is definitely a blessing in disguise.

For this general who had served him for two years under tremendous pressure and countless ridicules, Li Tianlan gave him almost absolute trust.

Xiao Mohai expressed his attitude towards Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan also expressed his attitude towards Xiao Mohai.

The first time Xiao Mohai's family was received in Xuanyuan City, Li Tianlan had already arranged his position.

General Manager of the Eastern Palace, concurrently serving as the second administrative officer of the Eastern Palace.

If the power of the chief executive is limited to the internal affairs of the Eastern Palace, the power of the second administrative officer is sufficient to radiate all the industries of the Eastern Palace. This can be said to be the absolute core high-level figure of the Eastern Palace.

Today the first chief administrative officer of the Eastern Palace is a military division.

There are two second administrative officers, one of them is Xiao Mohai, and the other is the chief administrative officer of Xuanyuan City, who is also the first candidate to succeed Ning Qiancheng as the mayor of Xuanyuan City in the future.

The other party was just named in the East Palace, and its more role was to establish the status of the East Palace in Tiannan in the future. Strictly speaking, the only second administrative officer in the true sense was Li Tianlan.

The development time of the Eastern Palace is very short. During the development period, it is not obvious that the internal strata are common problems. This can improve the cohesion of the Eastern Palace to a certain extent, but it is also easy to cause confusion.

Li Tianlan is the lord of the palace.

Chief administrative officer military division.

The saints, the hidden gods, and the three deputy palace masters of Li Xi.

This is the already defined class.

Further down, the positions of Li Baitian and others appear a little fuzzy.

As the mayor of Xuanyuan City, Ning Qiancheng's position in the East Palace is also very delicate.

This kind of thing that takes time to slowly clarify Li Tianlan has nothing to do with this. After he returned to the Eastern Palace, he intentionally or unintentionally avoided the main personnel framework of the Eastern Palace at this stage, except for the appointment of several deputy palace owners and military divisions. In addition, the most important personnel appointment is the acknowledgment of Xiao Mohai's fate.

No matter what Li Tianlan's reuse of Xiao Mohai meant to the outside world, at least the importance he attached to the chief executive was obvious.

Therefore, Xiao Mohai, who began to adapt to his new position as soon as he recovered from his injury, adapted well. The internal affairs of the Eastern Palace were handled in an orderly manner, and he was also doing well in assisting military divisions with external affairs.

While the entire Eastern Palace was discussing today's series of abnormal celestial phenomena, Xiao Mohai was the only one who shut himself in his office and handled his own work.

The blue moon?

He hadn't seen this thing at all from start to finish.

What made him really concentrate was the list of tables, page by page, and a list that was constantly being drawn up, deleted and added.

The list has been gradually improved after constant deletion and modification.

Xiao Mohai stretched his waist and walked to the drinking fountain to pour a glass of water, intending to finish today's work.

Li Tianlan's figure appeared in his sight the moment he turned around.

Xiao Mohai's palm shook slightly, and he was relieved after seeing who it was, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, good evening."

Li Tianlan gave a careless hum, leaning his body, and pressing his fingers on the forms and lists that Xiao Mohai put on the table.

"What is this?"

"Some aid supplies."

Xiao Mohai was busy making tea for Li Tianlan and handing him a cigarette, and diligently lit him. Compared with the dog-legged faces when the two first met, Mr. Xiao and Li Tianlan now get along a lot more naturally, but they are more sincere.

Li Tianlan nodded, as if he didn't think about it at all: "Aid supplies."

On the list form is a series of densely packed materials.

Food, clothing, tents, various instruments, mechanical equipment, etc., etc., there are a lot of materials, and each quantity is also a lot, which is very valuable. There is also a batch of monetary assistance. The long list of numbers can be seen under the light. It looks beautiful.

Six billion.

Li Tianlan blinked.

"Some things that were only drafted today may be added. Tomorrow I need to discuss with the chief administrative officer."

Xiao Mohai said softly.

"Who is it for?"

Li Tianlan asked, and then gave himself the answer: "South America?"

"Your Majesty is wise."

Xiao Mohai smiled and nodded: "The natural disaster in South America was very sudden. It is said that there was another large-scale aftershock not long ago. The matter was very troublesome. According to experts, this super earthquake in South America can even count the number of earthquakes in the future. It has affected the global terrestrial sector in ten years. South America is now full of grief. As a superpower in the dark world, it is our responsibility to assist South America. Right now it is only the first batch of aid materials. Depending on the situation, we may have to follow up. Invest more human, financial and material resources to help South America carry out post-disaster reconstruction work."

"Tucked a good egg."

Li Tianlan laughed.

The dark world superpower that Xiao Mohai talks about is like a charity organization, but in fact, if there is no purpose, this so-called disaster relief and assistance has nothing to do with the dark world.

The East Palace, a force closely linked to the superpowers, may contribute, but that is in response to the call. Now Zhongzhou has not passed this matter with the East Palace at all, but the East Palace has already come up with an aid plan, which is very clear. Problem.

The aid is of course real.

These aid materials will only be a lot more.

But the main reason is not aid at all.

"You want to take this opportunity

Will enter South America? "

Li Tianlan asked.

Xiao Mohai nodded: "I had a brief communication with the military division and reached a consensus on this point. Your Majesty, South America is very weak now, and this weakness is in all aspects. In the international justice, their sense of existence has always been Not too strong, but in the dark world, South America has always been an area that everyone attaches great importance to."

"The situation there is complicated, and all aspects are relatively chaotic. It has always been the ideal base camp for many superpowers. Not only because it is relatively easy to take root there, but also because using the chaotic and subtle situation there can make you more profitable. ."

"Hero Club, the Jiang family of South America has always been a giant in the dark world of South America. After the chaos of the Snow Country, the leader of the fantasy world has fallen, and the fantasy world of dragons without a leader has also begun to try to develop in South America. In addition, there are a lot of visions. The small forces that are influential in the entire dark world but are very influential locally. They are rooted there. For them, every chaos there is equivalent to a feast."

"Arms, drugs, smuggling."

"Gold, jewelry, antiques."

"As long as there is strength, there are benefits everywhere."

"Your Majesty, we can use this opportunity to enter the Americas in the name of aid and expand abroad with Gothenburg as the center."

"This super earthquake is an unimaginable disaster for Gothenburg, but it is an unimaginable opportunity for us."

"And it's not just a super earthquake. I have confirmed all aspects of intelligence. After the decisive battle in the North Sea, although the dark world still has extremely powerful power, such power is too scattered, and there is no clear focus point. All can be called. There are not many second-level forces left, and a considerable part of them are buried in the decisive battle in the North Sea. Now it is not only the Americas, but the dark world of the whole world is almost in an unprecedented state of emptiness."

Xiao Mohai's eyes were a little fiery: "Your Majesty, you know what this means. America is just a starting point. We are qualified to fight for more."

Of course Li Tianlan can understand what this means.

In the next few years, the entire Eastern Palace will enter a stage of unimaginable crazy expansion.

It is definitely not an exaggeration to describe it as unimaginable and crazy.

The development path of the Eastern Palace is just as explosive as Li Tianlan's growth rate.

Li Tianlan's foundation is now in Zhongzhou, and he has absorbed the reincarnation palace.

Before the Samsara Palace, why hasn't it been considered a super power in the dark world?

Even if they have the pinnacle invincibility, there are fierce soldiers, and the famous twelve heavenly kings, but they are always a first-degree force.

The most important reason is that there is no stable foundation for the reincarnation palace.

Their strength is undeniable, but without a foundation for free development, they inevitably give people a sense of instability.

Now that the Eastern Palace is combined with the Samsara Palace, what is missing?

The reincarnation palace owner of the peak and invincible state is missing.

But there was Li Tianlan.

Without the invincible realm of burning fire.

But there are three more invincible deputy palace masters.

A few heavenly kings at the peak of the thundering realm are missing.

But there are more young masters such as Li Baitian, Bai Youming, Xu Chu, Du Hanyin, and Qingfeng Liuyun and other top assassins in the city of sighs.

What else is missing?

Maybe something is missing.

But now the Eastern Palace.

There is a new foundation that can be developed freely and can be supported by a new group and a large amount of wealth!

What kind of Eastern Palace is this?

The invincible Eastern Emperor.

Li Xi, the deputy palace master of the pinnacle invincible state.

The deputy palace lord close to the peak of invincibility, the hidden **** Situ Cangyue of Central Continent.

The saint of the deputy palace lord of the invincible state.

In the field of wealth, it can be said that the chief administrative officer and military division are overwhelming.

Half a step in the invincible state of Bai Youming.

The fighting power is no less than the top half-step invincible Lin Youxian and Li Baitian.

Qingfengliuyun, the top assassin of the dark world.

There are too many people who can be named.

The core power of the Eastern Palace, in today's dark world, is strong enough to make most people desperate.

The rise of the new group has become unstoppable.

Outside of Zhongzhou, the current patriarch of the Lin clan is Li Tianlan's woman.

The Dark Knights are also allies of the Eastern Palace.

Shengshi Fund also provided the East Palace with a wealth of wealth and various contacts.

The Eastern Palace in this state doesn't have to think about anything else.

Have strength, money, and talent.

The only thing that the current Eastern Palace needs to do is to expand.

It can even be said to be brainless expansion.

Because there is no need to worry about anything.

The only task of the Eastern Palace was to spread the influence of the Eastern Palace to the entire dark world in the name of Li Tianlan.

But now they are facing a fragmented dark world.

America, Europe, Snow Country, East Island, Tiannan.

Opportunities are everywhere.

All have great opportunities.

Then do it.

There is nothing to worry about.

"Your Majesty, about a few hours ago, I received a call from Lin Buzheng."

Xiao Mohai thought for a while and continued to speak.

"Lin Buzheng?"

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows.

He is not familiar with this name, but it is definitely not unfamiliar.

Qin Weibai mentioned this name to him.

And everyone who knows the Lin clan also knows this name.

This is the patriarch of the largest branch of the Lin Clan in South America, and can be regarded as a top figure in the entire Americas.

The name Lin Buzheng can almost be regarded as a world-class giant. He has been rooted in America for nearly two hundred years.

Jewelry, minerals, energy, tobacco, football, munitions, gold, rubber, aerospace, banking...

In all fields of South America

Lin Buzheng's shadow, even in the entire Lin clan, is a super heavyweight branch patriarch.

"He is one of the core figures of the Lin family and a friend of Mr. Lin Fengting."

Xiao Mohai chuckled softly: "In fact, on the day of the decisive battle in the North Sea, Lin Buzheng contacted the men in black, the fantasy world, the hero society and other elites. They rushed into the headquarters of the Jiang family in South America and destroyed them in one day. The six secret bases of the Jiang family in South America have been destroyed, and more than 80% of the core members of the Jiang family in South America have been wiped out. Now South America is not only a natural disaster, but also a man-made disaster, which is very lively."

"Lin Buzheng hopes to cooperate with the Eastern Palace. He sincerely invites us to enter South America. He also hopes that His Majesty can visit South America when he has time."

"Now they have parted ways with the heroes and other forces, but as agreed in advance, Lin Buzheng will not infringe on the interests of the heroes in black and other forces..."

Xiao Mohai's voice is somewhat meaningful.

Li Tianlan moved in his heart and whispered softly: "He hopes that we can help him solve the hero meeting and the man in black?"

"We have no reason to refuse."

Xiao Mohai smiled and said.

"Old fox!"

Li Tianlan laughed and cursed: "Said it is cooperation, but actually let us clean up the mess for him?"

"If you can clean it up, it's not a mess."

Xiao Mohai smiled and looked down at the list on the table.

Li Tianlan also looked down at the list.

His eyes fell on the name at the top of the list, and he squinted his eyes.

There are probably more than a dozen names on the list, but they have been deleted, altered, and daubed, almost covering a whole piece of paper.

But all the changes are focused on the name of the middle area.

The name at the top and the names at the bottom have not been moved from beginning to end.

The name listed separately at the top is undoubtedly the best candidate in Xiao Mohai's mind to represent the Eastern Palace to develop foundations in South America.

For the first time the Eastern Palace was expanding into the distance, this person could undoubtedly be the commander-in-chief of this expansion.

If you can gain a firm foothold in South America, from the perspective of the Eastern Palace, the other party can be described as a prince of the Eastern Palace and a great official in frontiers.

The East Palace is currently ranked third, but it is the strongest deputy palace lord.

Li Xi.

This is Xiao Mohai's choice.

He hoped that Li Xi could lead the team to the Americas and become the Dinghai Shenzhen for the expansion of the Eastern Palace in America.

"She just came to the East Palace not long ago."

Li Tianlan knocked on the table.

"I know."

Xiao Mohai smiled and nodded.

"Why is she?"

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"You know."

Xiao Mohai smiled implicitly.

Li Tianlan also smiled, and said calmly, "What are you worried about?"

"This is not worry, your majesty."

Xiao Mohai whispered: "I just avoid accidents to the greatest extent. In any form, any accident that may be bad for the Eastern Palace is my job. The strength of Li Xi's deputy palace lord is undoubted, and the situation in the Americas is complicated. The hero meeting, the fantasy world, and even the remnants of the Jiang family in South America. Although these forces have no leader, the background of the super powers cannot be underestimated. Lin Buzheng's initiative to request cooperation with us is also a good start. Under such circumstances, We should have a meticulous and powerful person over there who can withstand all the forces. Combining various conditions, it is suitable to be away from the deputy palace lord. He is in America, for America, and for here, to avoid accidents, the most Responsible practice."

Li Tianlan did not speak.

Xiao Mohai gritted his teeth and simply continued: "It's not even Li Xi's deputy palace lord. If necessary, Situ's deputy palace lord is also a good choice to go to Europe. Your Majesty, we have a good relationship with the Dark Knights. It is much more lively than America. As we expand to Europe, Deputy Palace Master Situ will certainly contribute a lot of energy."

"Why not leave Xi to go to Europe, and the hidden **** to America?"

Li Tianlan seemed to smile but not.

"The strength of Vice Palace Master Li Xi is stronger."

Xiao Mohai’s voice softened: “Although the situation in Europe is more complicated, we have natural allies there. The Dark Knights will help us a lot. In South America, Mr. Lin Fengting will not always be in South America. Although their strength is very strong, they currently do not have an invincible master."

"Good reason."

Li Tianlan said flatly.

Xiao Mohai fell silent, just staring at the list on the table in front of him.

This list can be said to be quite interesting.

Xiao Mohai was already considering Situ Cangyue, but after all he hadn't implemented it yet.

And he has already begun to draw up a list of his travels to America. As a leader, Xiao Mohai's deputy is Qingfengliuyun.

Sigh the breeze and flowing clouds of the city.

Li Tianlan shook his head slightly: "Too deliberate."

"The list will continue to be changed, it's up to your majesty."

Xiao Mohai's smile was meticulous.

In fact, both of them are very clear about the real intention of arranging Li Xi to America, and even Situ Cangyue to Europe.

Although Li Tianlan felt that it was unnecessary, he would not completely deny the suggestion of his housekeeper.

He picked up the list and put it aside, and said flatly: "Kuangtu Li will not stay here for too long."

Li Fantu has become his captive.

As a prisoner, after being taken by Li Tianlan from Nan Yun to Xuanyuan City, he had fallen into a deep coma due to serious injuries.

Li Tianlan stayed Li Kuangpu, and he himself stayed.

After Xuanyuan Wushang came back, Li Tianlan was ready to seriously solve the problem between him and Tiandu Purgatory.

When Li Kuangtu was still in the Eastern Palace, he sent Li Xi and Situ Cangyue to other places. From Xiao Mohai's standpoint, it was to prevent accidents.

From the standpoint of Li Tianlan, this incident is actually not a bad thing.

Xiao Mohai smiled and said softly: "Your Majesty is wise."

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