The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 5: :answer

Wangyue Xiange lowered her head, her face was a little pale from an angle that Li Tianlan could not see.

Li Tianlan asked a question she couldn't answer at all.

She is the reincarnation palace lord that Li Tianlan once knew.

Who is the real reincarnation palace lord?

Why could she give up everything for Li Tianlan, and even give everything in the Samsara Palace to the Eastern Palace?

The eternal sword above Mormans was so gorgeous and rushing, what kind of feeling did that light shining like a shooting star when it pierced Wang Tianzong's chest?

Li Tianlan had never thought about this issue before.

His thinking is very clear many times, but only when dealing with this problem, his thinking will always unconsciously shift.

This question is like a blind spot hidden in the deepest part of his thinking. It is seldom touched. Even if it is touched occasionally, it will pass by quietly.

Until the decisive battle in Beihai, when Wangyue Xiange stood in front of him as Burning Fire and the Queen of Darkness, Li Tianlan did not think about this issue.

It wasn't until tonight that the sword aura swept through the world, he clearly felt the world is changing, his thinking suddenly became completely clear, and the problems that he hadn't thought about in the previous two years became incomparable. Clear, and brought great doubts.

Who is the fallen Lord of Samsara Palace?

Just how important this issue is, Li Tianlan himself will not be able to explain completely for a while.

He was very sure that if he left the border and went to Huating, did not see Qin Weibai, and did not touch the Samsara Palace, his life would be different.

His growth may still be fast.

He can get the support of a small part of Li's strength.

But it is bound to be unable to fight against Li Kuangtu's Tiandu Purgatory.

Without the Samsara Palace, there are only two directions left in his life.

The first one is to take refuge in the Wang Clan of Beihai and marry Wang Yuetong.

The second type is to return to the wealthy group and marry Dongcheng.

From Li Tianlan's personal point of view, neither of these options are good choices. They are directions for reluctance to compromise, and they are also directions outside of Li Honghe's plan.

Li Honghe's plan is to let him take over the Purgatory of Heaven a little bit as he grows up.

But the old man obviously underestimated Li Kuangtu's ability to control Tiandu Purgatory.

So if there is no Samsara Palace, everything Li Tianlan faces will be very embarrassing.

Samsara Palace gave him a third choice.

This force, which appeared to be particularly mysterious today even after its destruction, gave Li Tianlan immense help from the very beginning.

The man Qin Weibai chose.

With just this identity, he began to contact the various forces in Central Continent with a relatively detached identity, and he had the qualifications to negotiate with Southeast, the wealthy group, and even Tiandu Purgatory.

He doesn't need to join the North Sea Wang Clan, he doesn't need to return to the wealthy group, and he doesn't need to start his own start hard under the rules of these two major forces.

He didn't join any forces, but Samsara Palace was his help from beginning to end.

His growth rate is perfectly synchronized with the plan promoted by Samsara Palace.

The eve of the Snow Country’s decisive battle was an extremely sensitive time point.

At that time, Li Tianlan had grown to a strong enough point.

He defeated Wang Shengxiao, Gu Hanshan, Jiang Shangyu and others in a joint exercise between Sky Academy and Deep Sea Academy.

Almost one person suppressed all the young masters in Zhongzhou and completely became the first person in Zhongzhou's younger generation.

His strength at that time completely surpassed his own age. Although he was young at that time, his invincible combat strength could already stand on the heights of the dark world and look down on most people.

At that time, Li was ready to move, and Li Honghe left the border.

Li's strongest base camp, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, began to return.

The connection between Li Tianlan and the wealthy group has deepened.

Donghuangdian also has the most basic framework.

As the youngest invincible combat power in the dark world, Li Tianlan was nominated by Wang Tianzong and became the youngest marshal in Central Continent and the commander of the Xuewu Army.

One step to the sky, brilliant.

At that time, everyone knew Li Tianlan's future

Unlimited, but for Donghuangdian, there are not many big people who are really optimistic.

To some extent, it was because of Li Tianlan's position.

Speaking more clearly, it is because of the existence of the reincarnation palace.

The Samsara Palace brought a huge boost to Li Tianlan's early personal development, and it also brought a lot of resistance to the Donghuang Palace at that time.

Li Tianlan could become the youngest marshal in Central Continent at that time, but if the East Palace wanted the opportunity for rapid development, it would depend on the choice of Samsara Palace.

This is naked Zhengzhi, not influenced by personal feelings, even Li Tianlan's Dongcheng Invincible, even Li Honghe at the time, can see it and tacitly admit it.

Zhongzhou is waiting for the choice of Samsara Palace.

Waiting for the reincarnation palace and Zhongzhou to further deepen their cooperation.

At that time, Li Tianlan was too tender, and he couldn't even count it as an afterthought.

The Samsara Palace, which has become an obstacle to the development of the East Palace, has no choice.

The chaos in the Snow Country was vigorous.

Mormans' eternal sword is unforgettable.

The Samsara Palace has completely become history, ending at the same time with all the shadows of that era.

In the brilliance of the new era, Li Tianlan, who already had the strength to stand high in the dark world, went straight to the top.

Donghuangdian began to develop rapidly in Tiannan.

Just as Li Tianlan once said.

After the chaos in the Snow Country, no one has the right to make him focus on the overall situation.

Because he is the big picture!

Two years in the desert is a crucial accumulation and precipitation of his personal martial arts and strength, and it is also a precipitation of his personal heart.

His thinking is changing.

His kendo is improving all the time.

After more than two years, he left the desert prison. Although he hadn't really entered the invincible state, he was already truly invincible.

Situ Cangyue, known as the hidden **** of the Central Continent, joined the East Palace with the City of Sighs.

The saint who was once known as the first king of the Samsara Palace also joined the East Palace.

The East Palace became the East Palace.

It was not these two Vice Palace Masters in the Invincible Realm that brought the greatest shock to the outside world.

But the Shengshi Fund has also been incorporated into the Eastern Palace!

The only true top neutral giant in Zhongzhou.

The total scale is comparable to the Shengshi Fund of any super consortium in the world.

Han Donglou is like a fabulous in the financial world.

Military division of the reincarnation palace.

In a sense, his joining was even more shocking than the joining of Saints and Situ Cangyue in the Eastern Palace.

The military division is not invincible, and in terms of combat power, it is naturally incomparable to the two invincible deputy palace masters.

But the joining of the Shengshi Fund made up for the shortcomings of the Eastern Palace.

It's all the shortcomings.

Money, network resources, intelligence channels, and even talent echelon...

What should and should not be, Shengshi Fund has it.

What is the Eastern Palace without Shengshi Fund?

It is a regional force with absolutely powerful combat effectiveness, placed in the entire dark world, it is probably a first-level force, and it is also regional.

But what is the Eastern Palace with the Prosperity Fund?

With the Prosperity Fund, the East Palace instantly became a super wealthy comparable to Rothschild in terms of wealth, comparable to the six major groups of Central Continent in terms of contacts, comparable to the Wangs of North Sea in the masters, and to the Jiangs of South America in terms of intelligence. power.

In the current Eastern Palace, everyone can say that the foundation of the Eastern Palace is still slightly inadequate, but no one dares to say that the foundation of the Eastern Palace is not strong enough, and no one dares to say that the Eastern Palace is not strong enough.

Such an Eastern Palace, in today's dark world, no, even in the last era, is a real super giant.

As long as Li Tianlan is given time, he can establish a unique dynasty in the dark world.

The foundation of the Eastern Palace dynasty was built on the bones of the Samsara Palace.

How could such a reincarnation palace, such a reincarnation palace owner, be unimportant to Li Tianlan?

Li Tianlan doesn't even know who she is now.

He can be sure that there is a huge secret hidden in this matter that he doesn't know, but he doesn't know what it is.

But Mochizuki Xiange knows.

"You have been avoiding something."

Li Tianlan's voice is calm: "Since I brought you back, you rarely even leave your room, and even have three meals a day to be delivered to you. Maybe most of the people here are not familiar to you, but you are always there. Familiar, even very familiar."

"The Deputy Palace Master Saint is now sitting in Xuanyuan City."

"The chief administrative officer military division was also here before going to Youzhou."

"The knight is here."

"You are all the heavenly kings before the Samsara Palace, but your performance is as if you don't know them at all, why?"

"Are you running away from me? Or are you running away from them?"

"I don't like them."

Mochizuki Xiange finally spoke, his voice low and hoarse.

Li Tianlan smiled casually: "This can be used as a reason."

"What about Xiaobai?"

Li Tianlan squinted his eyes and looked at Mochizuki Xiange: "You have been with Xiaobai for seven years, and you are almost inseparable. Xiaobai also told me before that in her heart, you are not only a bodyguard, but also a friend, even It can be said to be a best friend. Before Xiaobai went to Youzhou, you didn't meet each other. Why is that?"

Wangyue Xiange suddenly raised his head and stared at Li Tianlan.

There were countless emotions in her eyes.

Some anger, some mockery, some trance, and even a trace of hatred, eventually turned into a very sad grievance.

Li Tianlan was stunned.

Mochizuki Xiange lowered his head again and said nothing.

"tell me."

The extremely complicated eyes reappeared crazily in Li Tianlan's mind. Li Tianlan narrowed his eyes: "Who is the Lord of the Samsara Palace?"

"Why don't you ask her?"

Mochizuki Xiange gritted his teeth: "Ask my previous boss?"

Li Tianlan paused, did not speak, just looked at Wangyue Xiange and narrowed his eyes.


Mochizuki Xiange sneered: "Reluctant to embarrass her, will you bully me?"

"I really didn't expect this to come out of your mouth, throwing the pot? It seems that the relationship between you is not so good."

Li Tianlan spoke slowly.

Mochizuki Xiange gritted his teeth and looked up at Li Tianlan: "You idiot!"


"I want an answer."

Li Tianlan said quietly.

"I'm free. That's what my boss told me at the time. I didn't join the Eastern Palace and I was not obliged to answer your questions. I'm free."

Wangyue Xiange gritted his teeth and said coldly.

"is it?"

Li Tianlan asked indifferently.

Mochizuki Xiange stagnated slightly, and said in a low voice, "I want to return to Europe."


There is no ups and downs in Li Tianlan's voice: "Stay for a while, or tell me the answer."

"Your Majesty seems to be determined to imprison me?"

Wangyue Xiange sneered.

"Whatever you think."

Li Tianlan didn't care.

"What if I must go?"

Wangyue Xiange stared at Li Tianlan and suddenly spoke seriously.

"You can't go."

Li Tianlan shook his head: "And where can you go?"

"It's just a simple question. All I need is an answer. For this answer, don't you even want the Dark Knight Order?"

Mochizuki Xiange looked at Li Tianlan coldly, his eyes getting more aggrieved.

"Think about it, and tell me at any time. At that time, you are truly free."

Li Tianlan's figure slowly disappeared in the night.

Wangyue Xiange stood there, looking at the position where Li Tianlan's figure disappeared, and was silent for a long time.


Of course she knows the answer very well.

But she couldn't imagine what would happen after Li Tianlan knew the so-called answer.

I don't know if Li Tianlan can withstand that kind of blow.

The night wind blew past her.

Mochizuki Xiange subconsciously tightened his clothes tightly, silently.

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