The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 414: : Invincible

Li Tianlan stood quietly in the fiery morning light, closed his eyes, his expression was calmer than ever.

Ruthlessly carrying a storm of sword energy like a dragon, he completely left his range of perception under the witness of Youzhou in the early morning.

Everyone watched this scene dumbfounded.


Everyone tried to understand it this way, but not many people could convince themselves.

Everything I just saw is not just as simple as martial arts.

The dense and inexhaustible phantom of Jian Qi completely enveloped the sky of the entire Youzhou City, which was already a real celestial phenomenon.

The celestial phenomenon is triggered by the power of an individual. If this is martial art, will martial art have an end?

The ruthless figure has completely disappeared.

The morning light shines all over the sky.

In people's sight, the mighty sword-qi dragon still hasn't disappeared. It continued to roll forward in the extreme distance of the sight.

Youzhou witnessed this scene in the early morning.

what's next?

Before he arrived at his destination, maybe all the places he passed, everyone would witness this miraculous scene.

Budo is no secret among the people.

But the vast majority of people's understanding of martial arts only ends in the thundering realm.

How much trouble will this sword-qi dragon cause in Central Continent now?

Li Huacheng was the first to think of this question.

He had a headache.

Staying up late and hunger seemed to have made him feel weak. He rubbed his forehead, smiled bitterly, and said in a low voice, "What the **** is going on?"

"I am not sure."

Li Tianlan said softly.

He still closed his eyes and stood in place, the figure surrounded by sunlight seemed to exude an extremely illusory light.

Compared to the ups and downs of other people's hearts, Li Tianlan, who really felt all this, and vaguely knew what was going on, did not fluctuate at all in his heart.

He was not surprised at the state of ruthlessness at this time.

Don't be surprised by the ruthless behavior now.

No excitement, no joy, no loss, no anger, no doubts.

So his answer to Li Huacheng was truly calm.

Even if it was a minute ago, he forced himself to leave the meeting room, and he was already very dissatisfied with Li Huacheng in his heart.

But now all this is gone.

All emotions, all murders, all hostility...

It seemed that everything was completely taken away by the ruthless and the sword-qi mad dragon.

He knows that all of this is related to ruthlessness, but

It's not clear what is going on.

And now he...

do not wanna know.

No emotions, no desires.

What kind of peace is this?

No desire, no desire, this is a kind of ethereal state unprecedented for him.

Ruthlessly disappeared.

Finally, the sword mad dragon also disappeared in perception.

Li Tianlan closed his eyes, but saw the world truly.

Everyone around, every house, every plant, every leaf, even every piece of air...

The world is quiet.

Quiet, soft, tough, but extremely fragile.

Li Tianlan didn't think about anything.

But some things he didn't understand before suddenly got extremely clear answers.

At this moment, he seemed to have come into contact with something that he had been wandering outside the door before but was still unable to enter.

This kind of thing seems to be...

It seems it should be called...


To explain the so-called rules from a scientific point of view is physics.

The rules Li Tianlan came into contact with were not general.

It is precisely because it is not general that this part of the rules he touched is extremely small in the entire physics.

It's like a water molecule in the ocean.

The current level of science in the City of Miracles can already observe the faint outline of the sea in the physical ocean, but they have not seen the truly endless ocean, let alone observe the details of a water molecule.

Li Tianlan did not see the endless ocean either.

But at this moment, he is like being in the sea, completely surrounded by a water molecule. This distance is too close. He is even inside the water molecule now, so he can see all this very transparently.

This is a physical detail that has never been discovered in the City of Miracles.

Because it is too small, it is not noticed, and because it is too small, it is extremely detailed in Li Tianlan's eyes.

This is physics.

It is also a rule.

It's about power, it's about martial arts.

This seems to have little to do with physics, but if you zoom in, martial arts and power are also part of the physical world.

At this time, what was shown in front of Li Tianlan was a small part of martial arts and power rules.

The exclamations, discussions, and inquiries of everyone around him fell in his ears, but they didn't bother him in the slightest.

The rules in front of him seemed to have given up all his reservations and appeared in front of him little by little.

This structure is extremely clear and detailed.

Li Tianlan finally understood something.

All emotions and desires seem to suddenly return from a distance.

Li Tianlan opened his eyes.

His heart is still calm.

The emotion that was taken away ruthlessly returned completely.

But his hostility and murderous intent still formed the sword-qi mad dragon, which was surging in the air.

Therefore, Li Tianlan's mood still has no ups and downs.

He opened his eyes and looked at the giants around him.

The giant in the conference room.

Giants and parliamentarians in the interrogation room.

And the secretaries of the leaders.

Even the members of the Chen family were all around him at this time.

They have all determined that it is ruthless to leave here.

And the weird celestial phenomenon just now also has a great relationship with the ruthlessness.

Everyone wants an explanation.

Only Li Tianlan can give this explanation.

Li Tianlan looked at them silently.

In an extremely clear perspective, he clearly saw everyone's expressions.

Dongcheng Invincible, Bai Zhanfang, Zou Mulin and others were very excited, and the smiles on their faces couldn't even hide.

The giants and lawmakers of the Prince Group looked gloomy and even worried.

Ruthless is Li Tianlan's weapon.

Now a weapon has created such a sight.

No one knows why, but there is no doubt that all of this can be counted as part of Li Tianlan's combat effectiveness.

And the more powerful Li Tianlan is now, the more dangerous the Prince Group is.

Based on this, the expressions of Li Huacheng and Hua Zhengyang are also somewhat worried.

Only Zhou Yunhai, the giant of the Northern Group, silently lowered his head, thoughtfully.

"I can't give any explanation."

A very light smile appeared at the corner of Li Tianlan's mouth.

He scanned his gaze, and finally saw Qin Weibai at the outermost edge of the crowd.

Gu Xianyan also appeared beside Qin Weibai, both of them were looking at him, their eyes shining.

"If you really want to explain..."

Li Tianlan smiled lightly: "Everyone, I can definitely announce a piece of news here."

His voice was calm and calm: "I am already truly invincible in the world."

When he said this, he stared directly at the two giants of the Beihai Wang family.

"No one is my opponent."

His voice became calmer: "Anyone."

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