The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 415: :Nature

What does this mean?

Li Tianlan's voice was abrupt, and everyone was stunned subconsciously.

People were still waiting for Li Tianlan's explanation of the astronomical phenomenon just now with different moods. No one thought he would announce such a news.


Many people vomit in their hearts.

Do you still use your own **** announcement?

Even if you don't say it yourself, don't we know that you are already invincible?

But after that, people saw the direction Li Tianlan was facing.

Li Tianlan is looking at Ji Wenwen and Wan Qingyun.

The two giants in Beihai who first felt Li Tianlan's gaze were not inexplicable. They stood quietly at the forefront of the crowd and stared at Li Tianlan. Their expressions were already unprecedentedly solemn and serious.

Li Tianlan's eyes did not have a strong sense of oppression, but they were extremely deep.

It was an indescribable confidence and peace.

There was no war intent in such eyes at all, and there was even a trace of loneliness.

They had seen similar eyes before the chaos in the Snow Country.

I saw it in Wang Tianzong's eyes.


Everyone gradually understood what this so-called invincible meant.

In the era after Wang Tianzong, Li Tianlan was indeed invincible.

And now, Li Tianlan was clearly saying that even if Wang Tianzong recovered from his injuries.

He is also invincible!

But just a few days after Li Tianlan broke through the invincible state?

how can that be?


Ji Wenwen narrowed his eyes and suddenly asked in a low voice.

The crowd suddenly fell silent.

Tianjiao has never been in a certain state.

It's a name for the absolutely invincible.

When there is no Invincible Realm, the first person to step into the Thunder Realm realm is equivalent to the genius of that era.

And when there was no realm above the invincible realm, Wang Tianzong who was the first to walk out of the invincible realm could also be called Tianjiao.

This means an absolute, thorough, and powerful ruling power that cannot be resisted in the current era.


The previous Li Tianlan was indeed invincible, but he was far from being called a Tianjiao.

Because he still has opponents.

Wang Shengxiao, Jiang Shangyu, and Li Kuangjie are all qualified to be his opponents. They may not be able to beat Li Tianlan, or may be slightly worse, but Li Tianlan can't talk about absolute dominance when facing them.

Just like Wang Tianzong before.

Before the breakthrough, he was also invincible.

But no one called him Tianjiao.

In that era, in addition to Wang Tianzong, Li Kuangtu and Lin Youxian were able to represent the limit of combat power.

This is the same situation encountered by Li Tianlan.

What is true supremacy and absolute dominance?

By the standards of this era.

In the most extreme case, if Jiang Shangyu, Wang Shengxiao, Li Kuangtu, Gu Xingyun and all the Invincible Realm and Half-Step Invincible Realm masters all join forces to besiege Li Tianlan.

If Li Tianlan can settle them all easily.

He can be called Tianjiao.

This is true supremacy.

As for the thunder-thundering peak under the half-step invincible state, it is impossible to cause any harm to Li Tianlan.

Just like Wang Tianzong who was in Mormans back then.

Although not many people besieged him, but with his state and strength at that time, if he didn't have that eternal sword, if he wanted to, he could completely wipe out all the masters in the entire dark world by himself.

Is all masters.

Li Tianlan, has he already set foot on this level?

Thinking of this possibility, everyone's eyes became a little complicated.

Such complexity regardless of position.

Even Guo Wentian, who wanted to target Li Tianlan most, was a little excited when he thought of this possibility, but his excitement was mixed with a touch of fear and worry.

This is a question that does not need to be said.

If Li Tianlan can reach this level, the Middle Continent he will guard in the future will also become supreme in the entire dark world.

The so-called superpowers, the so-called Invincible Realm, are all ants from the perspective of Zhongzhou.

The dark world is not a place name, not a certain area.

To explain in the simplest way, the dark world is the dark side of the international community.

All the series of transactions, conflicts, compromises, and negotiations that have not been announced are part of the dark world.

Internationally, the dark world is the most important part of each superpower.

The sanctions that countries shout all day may be equally effective, but where everyone can't see it, the secret fights are the most important thing.

In the era of nuclear deterrence, the possibility of a full-scale war between the major powers is infinitely close to zero.

In this state, the repeated fights in the dark world have represented the strength of the country to a certain extent.

Zhongzhou has an army of nearly four million, the world's largest military strength, advanced technology, developed economy, and strong national strength.

But these are defenses to one's own country and a shock to the outside world.

And the individuals in the darkness that represent the limits of the fighting power of each country are the invisible swords that each powerful country hides and kills.

Not to mention the four million army, even more army, it is difficult for Zhongzhou to cross the ocean to kill the high-level officials of other countries at will.

But Li Tianlan can.

He can do things that millions of troops can't do.

Then his existence is more valuable than an army of millions.

This is the simplest logic.

If Li Tianlan really becomes the arrogant of this world.

While he is supreme in the personal realm, the country he guards will also be truly supreme at his peak.

Li Huacheng looked at Li Tianlan silently.

Everyone is watching him.

Everyone's eyes were filled with excitement and fire.

And the other emotions under the excitement and fire are different for everyone.

Guo Wentian's excitement was mixed with a trace of fear.

Li Huacheng's eyes were equally excited, but with a touch of hesitation and thought.

Zhou Yunhai was filled with excitement with a touch of excitement.

There was comfort in the excitement of Dongcheng Invincible.

Ji Wenwen and Wan Qingyun were also excited, but there was still a touch of unwillingness in their excited eyes.

At the outermost part of the crowd, Qin Weibai's eyes were shining brightly, full of affection and pride.

Li Tianlan smiled, and answered Ji Wen's question: "It's not that much. But it's not important anymore."

It's not a arrogant man, but it doesn't matter...

Silently meditating on this sentence, most people subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief while feeling a little puzzled.

Li Tianlan didn't explain too much.

He is indeed not a arrogant man now.

At least relative to the realm, Wang Tianzong's realm is higher than him.

His foundation is absolutely stable, so the moment he breaks into the invincible state, his realm has stabilized.

At present, Li Tianlan's own real state is only close to the peak invincible state, this so-called closeness, in fact, there is still some distance.

But his real combat power far exceeds his realm.

In terms of true combat effectiveness, he should be a bit worse than Wang Tianzong in his strongest state.

But Li Tianlan still believed that he was invincible.

His combat effectiveness is indeed not as good as Wang Tianzong, but even if Wang Tianzong is now at his peak, it is already difficult to kill him.

The battle between the two might be that Li Tianlan was suppressed, and perhaps a little embarrassed, but the only possibility was a long and protracted battle.

And Li Tianlan now has a second heart.

He is not very clear about what this means, but he is extremely certain that his physical strength is completely endless under the support of the second heart.

In other words, he can accompany Wang Tianzong to fight for a day in a suppressed state.

No problem even for a week.

"What state are you now?"

After a little hesitation, Li Huacheng asked in a deep voice.

"The realm is not the essence."

Li Tianlan replied in response to what was not asked.

His voice was erratic.

The realm is not the essence.

He realized this a long time ago, but it was not very clear.

The original robbery can go straight from the imperial Qi state to the invincible state, and even one foot can catch up with Wang Tianzong after the breakthrough.

The fire man at the peak of the Li family had also used the strength of the Burning Fire Realm to kill the half-step Invincible Realm.

And he can already kill the invincible realm in seconds without entering the invincible realm himself.

All this seems to prove a problem.

Although the four realms of martial arts that have been circulating in the dark world for hundreds of years are not wrong, the realm is not the essence of martial arts.

The essence of martial arts is eternal.

That is the eternal strength and speed.

This belongs to physics, and it extends to a higher level, which is the rule.

Budo is also part of physics.

If physics is a starry sky.

Then the martial arts rules in physics are vast.

And Li Tianlan just stood in the vast ocean, completely grasping a water molecule in the vast ocean.

Very small thing.

But this is also the most essential thing.

With this water molecule, Li Tianlan vaguely had the idea of ​​analyzing the entire ocean.

He can do it.

But it takes time.

Judging from this small part of the rules he now masters, even if he now retreats from the invincible realm to the imperial qi realm, or even enters the martial arts realm, he can still be said to be invincible.

"Because of the confidence Xuanyuanfeng gave you, do you think you are invincible?"

Ji Wenwen asked suddenly.

As the magic soldier who once cut off the cold of Kyushu, Xuanyuan

Feng is now the well-deserved number one sword in the dark world, and there is more and more information about Xuanyuanfeng. Many people already know that Xuanyuanfeng is the state of combining several fierce soldiers, and in the dispersed state, they are again It is equivalent to a set of invincible sword formations.

Although they didn't know what was going on with the celestial phenomenon just now, they were at least certain that Xuanyuanfeng had recovered some energy to some extent.

Although I don't know what these so-called ones are, the energetic Xuanyuanfeng is called Ruqing.

Many people thought of the shocking sword outside the desert prison.

That kind of energy plus Li Tianlan's own strength, Li Tianlan can indeed already say that he is invincible.

"I'm talking about myself."

Li Tianlan smiled casually, too lazy to say something.

He is now in an unusually calm and peaceful mood, and his hostility and killing intent have been taken away. Now he can say that it is the best time to speak.

Ji Wenwen and Wan Qingyun looked at each other, they understood each other's thoughts, but they didn't speak.

The Southeast Group began to fall into a state of contradiction.

Enemies and friends have very vague identities in Zhengzhi, because there are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies.

With the help of this scandal between Murongxiu and Yuanlin, Southeast Group supports Li Tianlan's actions.

Among the six major groups in the Central Continent, although the academic group stands tallest today, there are only two strongest groups in terms of background, development time, hidden cards, cohesion, scale, and in terms of strength.

That is the Southeast Group and the Prince Group.

Both groups have produced several presidents and prime ministers.

Li Huacheng's predecessor was born in the Prince Group, the elder predecessor was also born in the Prince Group, and the more predecessor was the leader of the Southeast Group. This advantage cannot be compensated by other groups in a short period of time.

The scale of the giant group is also very large, even larger than the Prince Group and the Southeast Group in its heyday. Although the past two years have been clear, the remaining scale is no smaller than the Southeast and the Prince Group.

But the situation in which they exist is to a certain extent equal to a loose alliance composed of many giants in Central Continent. It looks magnificent, but in fact the core strength is extremely small. Many giants first consider their own interests, and basically they have not issued any. Unified voice.

Their core strength is only the Central Plains Province, Youzhou, and some positions in the military headquarters.

For other groups, the wealthy group should not be underestimated, but at the same time it does not need to be too scrupulous.

The special warfare group has the shortest time to rise, and its background is also the worst. They are even more than the wealthy group. Most of the power is concentrated in the special warfare system, and there is no need to worry too much.

The current situation of the Northern Group originated from a decision-making error by the group's senior management decades ago.

They lost miserably in that game, and the influence continues to this day. They have been unable to recover their strength, and even become more and more salty.

The strength of the academic school cannot be underestimated, but it will take time to surpass the Southeast Group.

As for Li Huacheng, he has less than six years.

In other words, as long as it can deal a heavy blow to the Prince Group.

Southeast Group is almost a dominant presence in the future Zhengzhi situation of Zhongzhou.

After the top combat power of the Dark World was transferred to the Eastern Palace, Wang Clan of Beihai obviously adjusted his strategy, intending to make himself stronger in the field of Zhengzhi in the Central Continent.

Almost all their main opponents are now concentrated in Central Continent.

Being intellectually strong, even if they lose their strongest combat effectiveness, they can cope with various problems with ease.

Li Tianlan sounded the clarion call for counterattack, and the Southeast Group naturally didn't mind cooperating. While hitting the Prince Group, he could tear off a piece of flesh from the opponent to supplement himself.

It's just that things are developing too fast.

From the moment Mao Song said the Phoenix Pavilion until now, the two leaders of the Southeast Group have not really made up their minds, which also made their performance seem a bit contradictory.

They sometimes support Li Tianlan and sometimes support Li Huacheng, swinging around, obviously unable to make up their minds.

Li Tianlan's strength is not good news for them.

But if you just give up, it is tantamount to giving up the opportunity to cut meat from the prince group.

How to contain Li Tianlan to a certain extent and gain benefits for himself is the primary problem facing Southeast Group now.

The situation in Central Continent is now at a critical moment in the multi-party game, chaotic and sensitive.

The Prince Group must protect itself, the new group must rise, the academic group must balance, the Southeast Group wants to make a profit, the wealthy group is considering transformation, the Northern Group is testing, and the crumbling special operations group is also struggling.

No one knows what the situation in Central Continent will be after the storm ends.


In such a situation, balance is easier said than done?

Intentionally or unintentionally, Ji Wenyi glanced at Li Huacheng.

At this moment, it seems that only Li Huacheng can get a chance.

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