The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 413: : Go south

In all fairness, during the years when Li Huacheng was in charge of Zhongzhou, he could not be regarded as a strong president.

This has something to do with the lack of academies' background, which has been constrained by the Prince Group and the Southeast Group, and it has something to do with Li Huacheng's life.

Li Huacheng does not advocate hegemony, and a leader who advocates hegemony is not destined to sit in his position.

He pays attention to the overall situation, balance, and stability. Zhengzhi has never been a life-and-death struggle in his hands, but more like a kind of art of compromise.

So in most of the time, his performance has always been a bit warm, and even sometimes it can be said to be weak.

But even so, with a weak group controlling Central Continent, facing several eye-catching opponents, he can always ensure that the situation in Central Continent is in his own hands. Such a method can even be said to be wise.

Precisely because of this, Li Huacheng at this time looked a little strange in everyone's eyes.

At this moment, he announced the end of the meeting, his attitude and momentum turned out to be unexpectedly tough.

He stood up and picked up the tea cup smoothly, looking at Li Tianlan in the shadow, majestic and irresistible.

The meeting room became silent again.

Li Tianlan narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Huacheng quietly, without speaking for a long time.

The atmosphere was suddenly depressing and suffocating.

Li Huacheng said the meeting was over.

Li Tianlan didn't move.

The others didn't even move.

What does this mean?

The muscles of Li Huacheng's eyes twitched fiercely.

"President, what should I do with Gu Xingyun?"

A peaceful voice suddenly rang.

Among the giants present, Zou Mulin, who should have supported Li Tianlan the most, stood up, packed up the documents, and seemed to be responding to Li Huacheng's order to dismiss the meeting.

Li Tianlan said the meeting was over.

Li Tianlan made no statement.

The others won't move.

Is it because Li Tianlan didn't make a statement, so the others didn't dare to leave?

This is nonsense.

At least Zou Mulin doesn't think so.

Such a scene may happen, but it shouldn't happen to Li Tianlan.

If today’s Li Tianlan is replaced by Wang Tianzong at his peak, such a scene is likely to happen.

Li Tianlan?

Today's Eastern Emperor, compared to the Sword Emperor at his peak, still lacks too many things.

His combat effectiveness may have surpassed Wang Tianzong before the breakthrough, but there are some things that can be demonstrated not simply by combat effectiveness.

Prestige, qualifications, resources, power and background are all indispensable.

If Li Tianlan wants to reach this level, it will take a long time to settle.

The only possibility that caused this situation now is that the other giants on the scene have no good intentions.

They may be afraid of Li Tianlan, but it is definitely not fear.

Li Tianlan wanted to thoroughly discuss Li's problem and Gu Xingyun's problem, but he was unwilling to adjourn the meeting, and they were also willing to cooperate.

Even the Prince Group, which wants to protect Kunlun City, is willing to cooperate.

Because this will only further anger Li Huacheng, and may even turn the anger in his heart into murderous intent.

Regardless of the killing intent, as the president, in order to ensure his majesty, he must be able to let his commands and will flow unimpeded in such a situation.

So the meeting will still fall apart.

And further, the academy will pay more attention to protecting Kunlun City.

This is not only a question of stability, but also a question of Li Hua's prestige.

Li Tianlan stood firm in this situation, and the final outcome was really unpredictable.

At least on this matter, the Southeast Group's attitude will be very ambiguous. They have expressed a certain degree of support for the Kunlun City matter, but if Li Tianlan and Li Huacheng are in a tit-for-tat confrontation, they will remain neutral 100%.

The Northern Group will provide support, but it will not be too much.

In this way, it is equivalent to the wealthy group as a whole to stand behind Li Tianlan to fight against the academy and the prince group.

This is not impossible, but just for this matter, it is actually meaningless.

Li Huacheng wants to keep Gu Xingyun, not that he wants to completely suppress Li's treason case. He has made it clear just now that he will give Li Tianlan a satisfactory explanation. In that case, why bother to provoke the entire academy at this time Hostility?

The development of things to this point involves Li Huacheng's dignity, which is more than just official business.

So the best choice right now is to follow Li Huacheng's will.

Concession, compromise, this is the theme of Zhengzhi.

Zou Mulin winked at Li Tianlan's direction.

Li Tianlan was silent for a while, and suddenly beckoned to the ancient fairy face in the center of the meeting room.

Gu Xianyan was stunned, as if he couldn't believe it, he hesitated and walked to Li Tianlan.

"Xiaobai's sister?"

Li Tianlan smiled and touched Gu Xianyan's little head.


Gu Xianyan nodded vigorously, her face flushed.

"Let's go, please have breakfast."

Li Tianlan said quietly, and turned and walked towards the door.

When he was leaving, he looked back at Li Huacheng.

Li Huacheng still stood there, feeling Li Tianlan's gaze, he nodded: "Come to my office in the afternoon."

Li Tianlan twitched the corner of his mouth, turned and walked out.

The giants also slowly stood up, stood up with their tired bodies, and walked out of the meeting room one by one.

Li Tianlan stood quietly in the courtyard outside the conference room, squinting his eyes, quietly looking at the morning sun gradually shining on the horizon, as if waiting for the morning sun.

Li Huacheng hesitated, approached Li Tianlan, chuckled and said, "What are you looking at?"


Li Tianlan said subconsciously, then shook his head again: "It's energy."

Perceived, the entire Youzhou's heaven and earth space seemed to be becoming thick and solid.

Seemingly faint

But the extremely majestic energy is pouring into the Chen family compound with extremely excited emotions.

This energy is familiar and unfamiliar.

That seems to be...

The direction of the interrogation room?

Li Tianlan suddenly turned his head.

at the same time.

In the small lounge of the interrogation room, the palms were tightly held ruthlessly.


The buzzing reputation suddenly sounded without warning.

The entire Chen Family Courtyard went from dawn to daylight in an instant.

Countless sword qi directly flooded the world without any warning.

Light and shadow danced wildly.

By Li Tianlan's side, everyone's side, and every corner of the entire Chen family compound, sword qi shadows in the shape of long swords flew into the air.

Light, sharp, determined and heavy.

Each sword is a different shape.

Straight, curved, broken, connected...

All the sword qi phantoms are constantly flying.


A small sound suddenly rang in the phantom of flying.

Gu Xianyan lowered her head slightly and touched her waist subconsciously.

Hanging from her waist was a short sword that was only slightly longer than a normal dagger.

At this time, the short sword was trembling violently, and it broke into two pieces directly.

There are more and more sword qi phantoms flooding the world.

The ceiling of the interrogation room has long been broken.

More sword energy rushed from all directions on the ground, and began to surge towards the sky again.


The second buzzing sounded suddenly, resounding throughout the city.

At this moment, everyone saw the sudden storm over Youzhou City.

Sword Qi Storm!

There are phantoms of sword qi everywhere, dense and endless.

They converged in the same direction and rushed to the high altitude at the core, and the storm swept everything in the sky.

There is no morning light, no darkness, no clouds.

At this moment, there were swords all over Youzhou.

Swords of various shapes are densely packed.

Li Tianlan watched silently.

At this moment, his emotions carried a kind of peace that he himself could not understand.

The relentless aura of perception grew crazily, surpassing the peak of his cognition almost in an instant.

He didn't have any excitement, only peace in his heart.


The third buzzing sounded again.

The sword energy that flew in the sky from above and below, as if receiving guidance, rushed straight into the sky.

The dense sword auras gathered in one place, like a huge sword aura dragon.

The ruthless body was like a meteor, carrying a sword energy storm that swept the city all the way up, leaving Li Tianlan's range of perception almost in the blink of an eye.

All the way south!

The sword qi storm disappeared.

The sky in Youzhou completely lit up.

The morning sun is rising.

The morning light is like fire.

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