: Digging a Pit to Bury Jon Bai

Rather, it was because of the resonance generated by his Qinglian sword intent. Simply put, it was caused by the incompatibility of the two sword intents.

So he can’t use the king power sword at all, and if he doesn’t have someone with the king power sword intent, he can’t exert its power at all.

This royal sword was born only for royal power.

Putting it back intact, Wang Yu walked towards the fourth floor without the slightest bit of nostalgia.

There was a gleam in Bai Qiuen’s eyes, and he admired in his heart: “This silly boy has good self-control, he can resist the temptation of Wang Quan Sword.”

How did he know that Wang Yu wanted Wang Quan sword very much. It’s a pity that Wang Yu knew that the Wang Quan Sword did not belong to him.

After all, he has inherited the inheritance of the sword fairy Li Bai, and Wang Yu is more concerned about Li Bai’s exclusive sword. Qinglian Sword, that is the most suitable magic weapon for Qinglian Sword Intent.

Disappointed, Wang Yu never got it.

The treasure chest was not opened several times.

The system store may beSwipe it, but Wang Yu is now focusing on Sharingan, at least he will not refresh the product before buying Sharingan.

The three returned to the fourth floor. Qingtong followed him silently all the way down.

But Bai Qiuen looked greedy for money, drooling constantly looking at the magic weapons around him.

Looking at at least twenty top-quality magic weapons on the shelf, Wang Yu secretly sighed that the Dao League is indeed the strongest alliance that has been around for thousands of years.

At a glance, there are mirror-shaped magic weapons, bow-shaped magic weapons, and jade pendant-shaped magic weapons, all of which dazzled the three of them.

When they came up, some were in a hurry and didn’t pay much attention to it. It is only after looking at it now that I realize that every magic weapon here is full of aura.

“Garga…all of them are high-quality goods. If they are sold out, I will sell them!” Bai Qiuen’s eyes lit up, and he greedily looked at these magic weapons.

I dreamed of the day when I would become rich and become a rich man.

Wang Yu glanced at him, and he knew what he was thinking. He had already analyzed Bai Qiuen very closely.

She secretly despised her in her heart, and began to calculate in her mind.

She also secretly guessed why Bai Qiuen pretended to be the head of the Wang family and came to the Magic Treasure Pavilion. It’s not quite like stealing a magic weapon.

You must know that when they came, Bai Qiuen was about to come out, and it was obvious that what he was going to do had already ended.

Along the way, Wang Yu also paid attention to the magic weapons on the shelves, and found that there were no missing magic weapons in every position.

This made him curious about Bai Qiuen’s purpose.

Because in the past few days, Wang Yu didn’t let people pay attention to Bai Qiuen’s affairs. So I don’t know that Bai Qiuen was cheated by Tu Shan, even the magic weapon was sold by Tu Shan to Yiqi Daomeng.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t think so.

Wang Yu was walking slowly in front of the shelf, and suddenly saw something on the shelf, his eyes lit up slightly.

It’s a white jade ruyi, about the size of a palm, and it should be refined from some kind of jade.

Wang Yu looked at Bai Qiuen and said, “What’s the use of this thing?”

“This…that jade ruyi?”

Bai Qiuen’s eyes moved, and he shook his head: “No, that Yu Ruyi should not be here, and it should be a magic weapon of the same level as the King Quan Sword. This should be its imitation.”

“Is there any other reason for this jade Ruyi?” Wang Yu asked curiously.

Qingtong also looked at Bai Qiuen curiously.

Bai Qiuen chuckled twice, picked his nostrils with his middle finger, and said proudly, “I don’t know much, this should be a copy of the magic treasure Yu Ruyi of the Miaoyu Fairy Qing Muyuan more than five hundred years ago.”

“Could it be that!” Qingtong suddenly exclaimed.

Wang Yu: “You know?”

“I know.” Qingtong said excitedly: “It is rumored that Fairy Miaoyu is a legend, and the most powerful thing in her is a jade ruyi in her hand. It is rumored that with a mouthful of jade ruyi, Taoism is as I like, people come and fall, Treasure comes and treasure falls.”

“So powerful?” Wang Yu looked at Yu Ruyi, but he didn’t expect to have such a powerful function.

It suddenly occurred to me that there seemed to be a similar magic weapon in the mythology of the previous life, called Landing Money.

The only function is to drop treasure, as long as it is a magic weapon, it can be shot down. Temporarily seal the magic weapon’s ability and cut off the connection with the master.

It’s just that falling money can only drop treasures, and this Yu Ruyi can also fall into people. It sounds like it’s more powerful than falling money.

Bai Qiuen studied this jade ruyi for a while, asked him to return it to Wang Yu, and said, “It’s a good high-quality imitation, and it can fall into a treasure within three meters. Of course, this is not absolute, and it depends on the user.” strength.”

“That’s not bad.” Wang Yu studied it for a while, then handed it to the cute Qingtong: “I gave it to you. You don’t have any magic weapon yet, so you’re welcome.”

Qingtong looked bewildered, holding Yu Ruyi at a loss.

His face was tangled for a while, and he whispered: “Master, this should be very expensive, so let’s put it back. I have spider silk, so I don’t need this.”

Wang Yu refused without even thinking about it, and said righteously: “Needless to say, I’ve made up my mind. That’s it. I’m not short of money anyway.”

“But…” Qingtong wanted to say something, but was stopped by Wang Yu.

Wang Yuxie laughed and said pointedly: “Take it, maybe we don’t have to pay.”

“How is it possible?” Qing Tong pouted, her small eyes rolled upwards. In the end, she still clenched Yu Ruyi obediently, she had already thought about it.

You must not spend the young master’s money. She has saved a lot of money over the years, and it should be enough to buy this magic weapon.

Wang Yu didn’t know what Qingtong was thinking. If he knew, he would definitely be amazed.

“Boy, what else do you want to pick? Don’t worry about it. We can leave after we finish picking.”

It turned out that Bai Qiuen was a little impatient in his heart, and reminded him angrily.

“Don’t worry! Don’t you want a hundred dollars?” Wang Yu still looked proud, and he didn’t look anxious at all.

Looking at this posture, it’s hard to say even if it takes another half an hour.

This made Bai Qiuen very anxious. If it wasn’t for the one hundred yuan promised by Wang Yu, he would have slipped away long ago.

As time passed, it became more and more difficult for Bai Qiuen to calm down. He always felt that something bad would happen if he didn’t leave.

Shaking his head irritably, Bai Qiuen looked at Wang Yu who was taking his time to choose the magic weapon, and became anxious for a while:

“Hey, you’ve picked three and you’re not satisfied? Every magic weapon here is priced sky-high. Can you afford to buy so many?”

“Well, that’s right, that’s all.” Wang Yu felt that it was almost done, and brought Qingtong down to the first floor.

Before he could go out, he feltSomeone slapped him on the shoulder.

Bai Qiuen faced Patriarch Wang’s face and said with a smirk, “Little brother, do you think it’s time to give me the one hundred yuan you promised me?”

Wang Yu looked blank: “What one hundred yuan, when did I promise to give it to you?”

Hearing the news, Bai Qiuen froze while grabbing Wang Yu’s hand, and finally said flatteringly: “Haha, nephew, don’t joke with me. It’s only been less than half an hour and you shouldn’t forget it.”

“Well, do you have evidence?” Wang Yu said seriously: “If there is no evidence, I may sue you for defamation. Then you will still have to pay me, Daoist Bai.”

Wang Yu paused every word, and looked at Bai Qiuen with a half-smile.

There was shock in Bai Qiuen’s eyes, with a gloomy face: “When did you find out? I think I’m perfect.”

“Your transformation technique is indeed perfect.” Wang Yu couldn’t help but admire: “I didn’t find anything wrong at first, after all, I didn’t know the person you played.”

“Then how did you guess it was me?” Bai Qiuen said.

Wang Yu paused and said, “To be honest, it’s because of your smile. When we first met, your smile gave me the urge to beat you up.”

“Just because of this? Are you kidding me?” Bai Qiuen didn’t believe it, only a fool would believe this kind of reason.

“It’s because of money!” Qingtong suddenly understood.

“What?” Bai Qiuen was startled.

Holding the magic weapon in his arms, Wang Yu took two steps back before replying, “That’s right, it’s money. Patriarch Wang is the leader of the Qi Dao League, and he can be said to be as rich as an enemy.”

“So that’s what happened. I was negligent.” Bai Qiuen said frankly, but he didn’t change back to his own appearance.

With an uneasy expression, he took out two sacks and muttered, “Since you already know my real identity, you can only tie it back first.”

“Don’t hurt my young master!”

Qingtong used her frail body to stand in front of Wang Yu.

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