Bai Aotian

Qingtong’s eyes were firm, and the aura of the Great Demon King emanated from her body.

A touch of emotion flashed in Wang Yu’s eyes, and he patted Qingtong on the shoulder, with a confident smile on his face: “Qingtong, don’t be nervous, I believe Daoist Bai will not do that.”

Bai Qiuen held the sack in his hand, and sure enough he didn’t move forward.

“Did you notice it?” Wang Yu raised his head and said to Bai Qiuen: “The entire Yiqi Dao League has been enveloped by a large formation. You may be able to escape by yourself, but it may not be certain to bring us.”

Bai Qiuen’s face was calm, without the slightest panic: “It’s up to you to worry about it. I have my own way. Let me obediently get into my sack.”

Bai Qiuen raised the sack in his hand, jumped up, and was about to cover Wang Yu and the other two.

“Thief, dare you!”

With a burst of rage, a yellow shadow quickly attacked from outside the door.

Bai Qiuen’s face was shocked, it turned out to be that old guy, didn’t he say that the old guy is not in the Daomeng today?

Without giving him time to think, Bai Qiuen turned to face the person coming. Since Wang Yu had already recognized him, he didn’t intend to hide it, so he held up the sack and shouted, “Use the law of heaven and earth! Take it!”

I saw that the sack swelled rapidly and immediately covered the visitor.

Putting the real Patriarch Wang into the sack, before it was finished, Bai Qiuen grabbed the mouth of the sack with both hands, and his body began to spin rapidly.

“Invincible Hot Wheels!”

With a strange cry, Bai Qiuen used all his strength to throw it over his head.


There was a big hole in the ceiling.

Bai Qiuen touched his nose, and said embarrassedly: “Sorry, I didn’t control the direction well.”

Looking at Wang Yu and the two of them, Wang Yu’s heart skipped a beat. He really didn’t expect Bai Qiuen to be so powerful.

Fortunately, at this time, Hongzhong led a group of people and ran over aggressively from a distance.

Seeing this, Bai Qiuen understood that there was no time left.

Just as he was about to catch Wang Yu, he suddenly felt a sense of death coming from above his head.

In desperation, Bai Qiuen rolled on the ground regardless of his image.

A golden sword energy descended from the sky, and landed on Bai Qiuen’s original position.

The head of the Wang family, wearing a Taoist robe, descended from the sky with the royal sword in hand, squatting with his legs slightly, and landed firmly on the ground.

His expression was never serious. Seeing the mysterious person pretending to be him, Patriarch Wang was 200% vigilant.

Constantly guessing about this person’s origin, the art of transformation that he can’t even see, in his memory, only Tu Shan and Aolaiguo can possess it.

After a short while, Hongzhong rushed in with a group of black-clothed men.

When they saw the two lords in front of them, they lost their minds instantly.

“This… which one is the leader?”

Bai Qiuen had an idea in an instant, pointed at the real Patriarch Wang and said, “What are you waiting for, that thief wants to steal the King Quan sword, surround him, and don’t let him escape.”

Everyone’s eyes turned to the real Patriarch Wang. Seeing that the other party was holding the King Quan sword, they believed Bai Qiuen’s words for a moment.

Hongzhong yelled: “Formation!”


More than a dozen Taoist masters jumped up instantly and surrounded Patriarch Wang.

They pulled out the swords on their backs one after another, pointing at Patriarch Wang, with the attitude of forming a formation as soon as they get an order.

“Hey, I’m the real leader, and that’s the counterfeit.” Patriarch Wang was in a hurry, and was so angry that he almost breathed out.

Angrily, he said, “That thief, who are you? How dare you report your name?”

“You think I’m stupid!”

Bai Qiuen’s expression of caring for mentally handicapped childrenThe love completely angered Patriarch Wang.

Thinking that he is the leader of the Qi Dao League, the head of the Wang family, when did he meet this kind of look.

Wang Yu felt that the time was almost up, so he immediately said, “I said, did you forget about me?”

With that said, she raised her eyebrows at Bai Qiuen.

Bai Qiuen couldn’t help but groan, and forgot about this kid.

“What should I do? This kid already knows my identity. If this is revealed, won’t I, Bai Qiuen, be on the run for the rest of my life?”

“No, we must find a way.” Bai Qiuen’s mind was spinning rapidly in an instant, and sweat broke out on his forehead.

“Yes, I didn’t show my real body in front of this kid.” Bai Qiuen made up his mind and refused to admit it.

“Hmph! What do you want to say, you little scumbag?” Bai Qiuen looked at Wang Yu with disdain.

Wang Yu secretly said: “It’s strange, I want to reveal his true identity, why is he so calm?”

Wang Yu, who couldn’t figure it out, decided not to think about it. Or follow his own plan, pointing at Bai Qiuen with a horrified expression: “Could it be, are you a fake alliance leader?”

“Pfft! Cough cough cough cough…”

Bai Qiuen never expected that Wang Yu would come here. He had already thought about how he should deal with Wang Yu exposing him.

But I just didn’t expect that Wang Yu would pretend not to know him.

This made Bai Qiuen vigilant, there was a conspiracy, there was definitely a conspiracy.

But no matter how he thought about it, he couldn’t figure out Wang Yu’s purpose for doing this.

“It doesn’t matter, thirty-six strategies, the best strategy is to walk!” Bai Qiuen secretly decided that no matter what schemes he had, it was important to slip away first.

Bai Qiuen raised a middle finger to everyone, and said arrogantly: “I don’t look down on any of you, but everyone here is hot chicken.”

“What, you little thief, you are too arrogant.”

“I’ve never seen such a brazen person.”

“Leader, order him to be destroyed!”

“Yes, the lord gives the order.”

The Yiqi Daomeng was furious, thinking that as members of the Yiqi Daomeng, which one of them would not be proud.

Today, someone actually said that they are hot chickens, absolutely unbearable.

Wang Yu looked at Bai Qiuen, who was summoning fire everywhere, and didn’t know why he did this.

Pulling Qingtong back to the side, he waited quietly. But that’s good too, now it seems that his plan is only one step away.

“You little scumbags, sir, I won’t change my name when I go, and I won’t change my surname when I sit down, that’s true for Bai Aotian!” Bai Qiuen laughed loudly, then stood up, clasped his hands together, and raised them above his head.

“Not good, the opponent wants to use more moves to protect the leader.”

Hong Zhong was the first to block in front of Patriarch Wang, holding a sword in his hand, staring at Bai Qiuen vigilantly.

“No, this thief wants to run away!” Patriarch Wang said suddenly.

“Goodbye, scumbags! Wahahahaha…”

Bai Qiuen jumped up like a big fish and plunged into the ground.

leaving a circular deep pit.

“Leader, what… what should we do?” Hong Zhong was a little undecided.

“Okay, what a thief!” Patriarch Wang’s eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth: “Bai Aotian, I remember you. Go, see how many magic weapons have been lost, and I’ll go after that thief.”

After finishing speaking, he took the King Quan sword and jumped down.

“Bai Aotian? This guy is still real…” Wang Yu didn’t know what else to say, since he already knew his identity, this guy even said a fake name before he left.

“I really don’t know what he thinks.”

Shaking his head, Wang Yu left Yiqi Daomeng with Qingtong.

Looking at the slowly closing door of Yiqi Daomeng, Wang Yu knew that it would be difficult to stop this matter in a short time.

Holding the magic weapons that Wang Yu had chosen, Qing Tong felt very uneasy and said, “Master, why don’t we bully that Bai Qiuen like this?”

Wang Yu was taken aback for a moment: “What’s wrong, he tricked me hard at the beginning, and asked him to pay me for a few magic weapons. I still think it’s too little.”

Thinking of this, Wang Yu seemed to have returned to the scene dominated by the express blade at that time.

Bai Qiuen dared to auction his home address online, Wang Yu felt that it was kind of him to pay for a few magic weapons for him.

That’s right, Wang Yu finally confessed to Bai Qiuen. And because he became the head of the Wang family, Wang Yu told Hongzhong that the money for these magic weapons had been handed over to Bai Qiuen.

This is his ultimate goal.

I learned from Hongzhong that these magic weapons totaled more than one billion. Thinking about Bai Qiuen’s expression after knowing it, it must be very exciting.

Thinking of this, Wang Yu secretly laughed.

This time, I cheated Bai Qiuen hard, and I feel very happy.

This made Qingtong very confused. She didn’t know why the young master suddenly laughed.

“Qingtong, the young master wants to eat fish today.”

“No problem, Qingtong will do it for the young master after she returns.”

Apart from the trace of guilt in Qingtong’s heart, she was actually quite happy. After all, she is in charge of Wang Yu’s money now, and Qingtong is naturally very happy to save a lot of money suddenly.

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